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April 17, 1995 The Nation since 1865.


CONTENTS. Volume 260, Number 15

510 George Kountouris 517 Politics for Profit:
Michelangelo Signorile, Greg Scott The Rich Rise of Lamar Alexander Doug Ireland
Gabriel Rotello, Lawrence D. Mass, M.D. 522 Mrs. Contemplacion's Sisters:
Jay Blotcher, David L. Kirp The Philippines' Shameful Export Ninotchka Rosca
527 The World Turns Away:
EDITORIALS Who Cares Who's Killing Chechnya? Anna Cataldi
509 Rallying to Education
511 C.I.A. Death Squad Allan Nairn BOOKS & THE ARTS
513 Silent Racism Valerie Burgher 531 The Sound and the Furet Daniel Singer
514 Clinton & Co.: Calls of the Wild David Corn 534 Black Dance: Revelations Lynn Garqjola
539 Music Note Gene Santoro
COLUMNS. 540 First Formal (poem) Sharon Olds
514 The Bigs Calvin Trillin
515 Beat the Devil Alexander Cockburn Illustrations by Paul Marcus
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armed and equipped by U.S. undercover agents. Working out
C.I.A. Death Squad of the U.S. Embassy and living in safehouses and hotels, these
agents work through an elite group of Guatemalan officers
he U.S. government has systematic links to Guate- who are secretly paid by the C.I.A. and who have been implicat-
malan Army death squad operations that go far ed personally in numerous political crimes and assassinations.
beyond the disclosures that have recently shaken of- This secret G-2/C.I.A. collaboration has been described by
ficial Washington. The news that the C.I.A. em- Guatemalan and U.S. operatives and confirmed, in various
loyed a Guatemalan colonel who reportedly ordered two aspects, by three former Guatemalan heads of state. These
iurders has been greeted with professions of shock and out- accounts also mesh with that given in a March 28 interview
age. But in fact the story goes much deeper, as U.S. officials by Col. Julio Roberto Alpirez, the C.I.A.-paid Guatemalan
/ell know. G-2 officer who has been implicated in the murders of Gua-
North American C.I.A. operatives work inside a Guatema- temalan guerrilla leader Efrain Bdmaca Veldsquez and a U.S.
in Army unit that maintains a network of torture centers and citizen, Michael DeVine.
as killed thousands of Guatemalan civilians. The G-2, head- One of the American agents who works with the G-2, a thin
tuartered on the fourth floor of the Guatemalan National blond man in his 40s who goes by the name of Randy Capister,
'Mace, has, since at least the 1960s, been advised, trained, has been involved in similar operations with the army of
512 The Nation. Apr,

neighboring El Salvador. Another, a weapons expert known nical assistance:' He described attending C.I.A. s
as Joe Jacarino, has operated throughout the Caribbean, and G-2 bases on "contra-subversion" tactics and "ho'
has accompanied G-2 units on missions into rural zones. age the factors of power" to "fortify democracy." F
Jacarino's presence in the embassy was confirmed by David C.I.A. men were on call to respond to G-2 questions
Wright, a former embassy intelligence employee who called the G-2 often consulted the agency on how to deal
Jacarino a "military liaison." Col. George Hooker, the U.S. litical problems." Alpirez said he was not authoriz
Defense Intelligence Agency chief in Guatemala from 1985 specifics on the technical assistance, nor would he
to 1989, says he also knew Jacarino, though he says Jacarino North Americans the G-2 worked with, though he
was not with the D.I.A. When asked whether Jacarino was were "very good friends."
with the C.I.A. he replied, "I'm not at liberty to say." Other officials, though, say that at least during
Celerino Castillo, a former agent for the Drug Enforcement 1980s G-2 officers were paid by Jack McCavitt, th
Administration who dealt with the G-2 and the C.I.A. in Gua- station chief, and that the "technical assistance'
temala, says he worked with Capister as well as with Jacarino. communications gear, computers and special fir-earl
He showed photographs of himself and Capister at embassy as collaborative use of C.I.A.-owned helicopter
events and in the field. Guatemalan sources say Capister meets flown out of the Piper hangar at the La Aurora ci
regularly with Guatemalan Army chiefs. He has been seen in port and from a separate U.S. air facility.
meetings in Guatemala City as recently as the spring of 1994. Through what Amnesty International has calk
When I reached Colonel Alpirez at the La Aurora base in ernment program of political murder," the Guateml
Guatemala, he denied all involvement in the deaths of Barna- has, since 1978, killed more than 110,000 civilians
ca and DeVine and said he was never paid by the C.I.A. But and a smaller, affiliated unit called the Archivo have
he discussed at length how the agency advises and helps run openly known in Guatemala as the brain of the to
the G-2. He praised the C.I.A. for "professionalism" and With a contingent of more than 2,000 agents and
close rapport with Guatemalan officers. He said that agency units in the local army bases, the G-2under orc
operatives often come to Guatemala on temporary duty, dur- army high commandcoordinates the torture, ass
ing which they train G-2 men and provide "advice and tech- and disappearance of dissidents.
"If the G-2 wants to kill you, they kill you," fa
NM Chief of Staff Gen. Benedicto Lucas Garcia once si
STRONGMAN ON CAMPUS send one of their trucks with a hit squad and that'
rent and former G-2 agents describe a program of si
redit Democratic Representative Robert Torricelli
C for disclosing the latest C.I.A. horror story: An
American hotelier and a Guatemalan rebel leader mar-
backed by a web of torture centers and Glandes
dumps. In 1986, then-army Chief of Staff Gen. H
majo Morales, a U.S. protg, said that the 0-2 mai
ried to an American were executed on the orders of a
on and watches "anyone who 'is an opponent of I
paid asset of the agency. Yet in his letter to the White
malan state in any realm." A eormer G-2 agent sa
House decrying the C.I.A., Torricelli overlooked a key
base he worked at in Huehuetenango maintained i
aspect of the episodethe murderous colonel, Julio Ro-
matorium and "processed" abductees by chopping
berto Alpirez, was twice a student at the U.S. Army's
singeing flesh and administering electric shocks.
School of the Americas. There is good reason for the
At least three of the recent G-2 chiefs have been I
Congressman to be forgetful on this point. In Septem-
C.I.A., according to U.S. and Guatemalan intelligen
ber 1993, when Representative Joseph Kennedy 2d pro-
posed an amendment to defund the S.O.A., Torricelli, One of them, Gen. Edgar Godoy Caftan, a former ;
then chairman of the Western Hemisphere subcommit of Staff, has been accused in court by the victim':
tee, was a prime opponent of the measure. Kennedy being one of the prime "intellectual authors" o
argued that the school too often had trained thugs, in- murder of the noted Guatemalan anthropologist M
cluding the head of an Argentine junta, an organizer Chang [see Victor Perera, "Where Is Justice in Gu
of Salvadoran death squads and Manuel Noriega. But May 24, 1993]. Another, Col. Otto Perez Molina
Torricelli hailed the institution and actually proferred runs the Presidential General Staff and oversees tt
a Guatemalan officer as a good example: This promi- was in charge in 1994, when, according to the Ar
nent alumnus of the school had declined to join a coup human rights office, there was evidence of Gener
in Guatemala earlier in the year. Torricelli did not men- volvement in the assassination of Judge Edgar RI
tion that the three officers most identified with that Ogaldez. The third, Gen. Francisco Ortega Mer
coup had also prepped at the School of the Americas. now works in Washington as general staff director
Consider this, Congressman: Six months after Alpirez tagon-backed Inter-American Defense Board, wa
finished his second stint at the schoolwhich includ- in the late 1980s during a series of assassinations o
ed several hours of training in human rightsthis peasants and human rights activists. Reached at h
C.I.A. and S.O.A. man in Guatemala reportedly had an Florida, Jack McCavitt said he does not talk to j4
American killed. DAVID CORN When asked whether Ortega Menaldo was on the C
roll, he shouted "Enough!" and slammed down t
95 April 17, 1995 The Nation. 513
at These crimes are merely examples of a vast, systematic pat- actions. It is why, with overt and covert aid, it has helped
a- tern; likewise, these men are only cogs in a large U.S. govern- commit the army's murders. ALLAN NAIRN
fe ment apparatus. Colonel Hooker, the former D.I.A. chief for
at Guatemala, says, "It would be an embarrassing situation if Allan Nairn has written extensively on Guatemala and its
o- you ever had a roll call of everybody in the Guatemalan Army military since 1980. Last fall in The Nation he broke the story
re who ever collected a C.I.A. paycheck:' Hooker says the agency of U.S. intelligence collaboration with Haiti's FRAPH.
ie payroll is so large that it encompasses most of the army's top
decision-makers. When I told him that his friend, Gen. Mario
Enriquez Morales, the current Defense Minister, had reacted
to the Alpirez scandal by saying publicly that it was "disloyal"
and "shameful" for officers to take C.I.A. money, Hooker
Silent Racism
n February student activists at Rutgers University gave
burst out laughing and exclaimed: "Good! Good answer,
Mario! I'd hate to think how many guys were on that payroll.
It's a perfectly normal thing."
Other top commanders paid by the C.I.A. include Gen. Ro-
berto Matta Galvez, former army Chief of Staff, head of the
I America their own version of a comparative history
lesson: Racism Then and Now. In protesting a racist
statement by university president Francis Lawrence, the
United Students Coalition at Rutgers brought the difficulties
of civil rights activism in the 1990s to the national stage.
Presidential General Staff and commander of massacres in Rutgers students were seriously lacking in iconography: They
the El Quiche department; and General Gramajo, Defense had no visual representation of their oppressionno fire
2 Minister during the armed forces' abduction, rape and torture hoses, police dogs or billy clubsfor the front pages and
of Dianna Ortiz, an American nun. (Sister Ortiz has testified nightly news. The Rutgers coalition had only Lawrence's in-
that a man she believes to be North American seemed to be flammatory wordshe called African-Americans a disadvan-
the supervisor of the agents who abducted her. Gramajo said taged population because of their genetic and hereditary
she had sustained her 11l burn wounds during a "lesbian love background. Since institutional racism is not easily photo-
tryst:') Gramajo also managed the early 1980s highland mas- graphed, the difficulty for activists whose causes are race-
sacres. Colonel Hooker says he once brought Gramajo on a based becomes how to combat the "misspoken" word.
ten-day tour of the United States to speak at U.S. military Otis Rolley, one of the heads of the student coalition's pub-
bases and confer with the U.S. Army Chief of Staff. lic relations committee, used the images of protests past to
Three recent Guatemalan heads of state confirm that the guide the coalition, although he was fully aware that times
C.I.A. works closely with the G-2. Last year, when I asked have changed. Before embarking on the campaign against
Gen. Oscar Humberto Mejia Victores (military dictator from Lawrence, Rolley and other students referred to Richard Mc-
1983 to 1986) how the country's death squads had originated, Cormick's The Black Student Protest Movement at Rutgers,
he said they had been started "in the 1960s by the C.I.A." Gen. an account of campus activism a generation ago. The stu-
Efrain Rios Montt (dictator from 1982 to 1983 and the current dents' knowledge of this history and their understanding of
Congress President), who ordered the main highland massa- past tactics helped them turn whit could have been a passing
cres (662 villages destroyed, by the army's own count), said murmur into a full-scale movement. But the comparison re-
the C.I.A. did have agents inside the G-2. When I asked Rios vealed the differences between the activism of yesterday and
Montta firm believer in the death penaltyif he thought today. "Back then there was such blatant racism: 'You're black
he should be executed for his role in the slaughter, he leapt and I don't want you at school, " Rolley reflects. "Now every-
to his feet and shouted "Yes! Try me! Put me against the thing is so much more covert that when you cry out, people
wall!" but he said he should be tried only if Americans were say, 'What are you talking about? It's a great school, kid.' "
tried too. Specifically, he cited President Reagan, who, in the But at universities like Rutgers, young people of color con-
midst of the massacres, embraced Rios Montt and said he was tinue to face shrouded but significant racismthe suspicious
getting "a bum rap" on human rights. Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo, glance, the continual requests for identification not made of
civilian President from 1986 to 1991 (under whom the rate of white students, the assumptions of favoritism due to quotas.
killing actually increased), said "the C.I.A. often contracts Only rarely do words surface as a blunt reminder that the play-
with our military and G-2 people," and that from what he ing field is still slanted. Around the Rutgers campus, Rolley
says, "some people yell 'nigga' from a car but they don't stick
, knew they "very probably" had people inside "who have par-
around. The attacks are always cowardly."
ticipated with our G-2 in technical assistance and advice."
As cowardly, perhaps, as Lawrence's attempts to hide be-
These C.I.A. operations are, of course, part of the larger
hind his "good" record on race relations. In the 1980s Rut-
U.S. policy. The Bush and Clinton State Departments, for
gers failed to meet the most basic affirmative action goals for
example, in the midst of a much-touted "cutoff" of military
the enrollment of minority students. In response, the Rutgers
aid to Guatemala after 1990, authorizedaccording to
Board of Governors created a Minority Community Leaders
classified State Department recordsmore than 114 separate
Advisory Board. Lawrence disbanded the board as soon as
sales of U.S. pistols and rifles.
minimum minority enrollment levels were met. And despite
The killing of defenseless people has been state policy in the media's focus on Lawrence, the students' demands go far
Guatemala for thirty years. The question is not whether the beyond removing him as presidentto nothing less than a de-
U.S. government has knownit is obviously aware of its own mand for full equal opportunity, including minority tenure

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