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MSc International Festival and Event

Masters Dissertation

SESSION 2012/2013

Events in hotels, planning and role: The case of Athens
Luxury Hotels


Stamatina Kanta
Supervisor: Eleni Theodoraki

I declare that the work undertaken for MSc Dissertation has been undertaken by myself
and the final Dissertation produced by me. The work has not been submitted in part or in
whole in regard to any other academic qualification.
Title of Dissertation: Events in hotels, planning and role: The case of Athens Luxury

Name (Print): Stamatina Kanta



Many people have supported me with this graduate paper. I was
fortunate to choose this interesting and dynamic subject and I am

grateful for the opportunity to meet all the people who gave me
inspiration and invaluable knowledge.

First of all, I want to express my special appreciation and

acknowledgements to my supervisor Eleni for her enthusiasm and
encouragement for my research topic and for her interest and feedback
throughout the research process.

There were some days, when everything seemed just impossible. I

should admit that the progress, especially at the beginning of the
project was challenging. However, I always felt the presence of my
supervisor who inspired and supported me.

Secondly, Id like to thank my research participants .It has been a great

pleasure to have these short but informative interviews.

After talking to all participants, I left with a feeling that hotel and
events environment is full of knowledgeable, passionate, kind-hearted
and open minded people.

Finally I want to say a big thank to my parents for their constant

support and believing in me.

A very special thank to my best friend Kely.I would not have been able
to complete this dissertation without her love and support!

The dissertation examines the case of events on major hotels of
Athens. From the literature review it is understood that Athens has
managed to upgrade most of its hotels during the era of the Olympic
Games 2004. Despite having some world-class hotels, Athens as a city
has managed to capitalize the fame of neither the Olympic Games nor
its cultural value. Tourists prefer to go on the Greek islands and Athens
is rather a stopover than a destination. This means that an event is the
only profitable tourist operations that the hotels can expect to generate

The dissertation has produced a primary research using in-depth

interviews along with secondary data. From the findings we can claim
that indeed, events are the epicenter of the financial survival of many
hotels found in Athens. Whether this is going to be a business,
entrainment or social event, still it is the heart of the economic
development of this industry. This means that in the future the hotel
managers in Athens should focus more on events since there is no
other alternative.

1.1 Rationale Aim Objectives 8
1.2 Methodology and Structure 9
2.1 The case of Athens
2.1a.Greece as a destination

2.1b.Athens as a destination

2.1c.Hotels in Athens with events infrastructure


2.2 Analysis of events on tourism 15

2.2a.Events definition and role

2.2b.Events as an element of hotel product


2.2c.Traditional types of Events organized in hotels


2.2.d.Innovative events organized in hotels to attract more customers 17

2.3 Event planning process 19
2.4 The value of events for hotels
2.4a.Events as marketing tools

2.4b.Economic Benefits

2.4c.Hospitality product differentiation from competitors and events


2.5The future of event planning in hotels



3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research questions
3.3 Philosophy of research 25
3.4 Inductive and deductive research 26
3.5 The methodological framework for primary data collection 26
3.6 The instrument of this research study
3.7 Interview guide design 29
3.8 Secondary data 30
3.9 Sampling 30
3.10 Preparation and implementation of interviews 34
3.11 Selecting Participants 34
3.12 Data analysis 35
3.13 Research limitations 35
3.14 Validity, Reliability
3.15 Ethical considerations

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Infrastructure for events in Athens 5 stars hotels


4.3 Events as a hotel product:types of events organized in hotels


4.4 Event planning process in a hotel


4.5 The role of events for hotel companies


4.6 The future of event planning in hotels




1.Athens luxury hotels -events infrastructures
2.Websites-Venues and Events Photos
3.5 Stars hotel organizational chart

4.Organizational chart of Astir Palace Hotel


5.Catering Sales Event Agreement

6.Research questionnaire
7.Athens Brochure
8.Event menu
9.Interview transcript sample


Figure 1: Greek tourism basic figures, 2012


Figure 2: International Tourist Arrivals, International Tourism Receipts and Average

per Capita Tourism Expenditure, 2012

Figure 3: Greece and Competitors-Position in the World Ranking, 2012


Figure 4: International Tourist Arrivals in Greece and Competitors, 2012


Figure 5: Market share of the Top 5 Origin Markets in International Tourist

Arrivals,2000&2012 137

Figure 6: Top 10 Origin Markets by Market share in International Tourist Arrivals, 2012

Figure 7: International tourist arrivals by Country of Origin, 2012


Figure 8: Seasonality of International Tourist Arrivals, 2012


Figure 9: Top 10 Greek Airports in International Tourist Arrivals, 2012


Figure 10: International Tourism Receipts from Independent Travelers and Package Tours,
2012 139

Figure 11: Percentage of Hotel Beds of Countrys Total per category, per prefecture, 2012

Figure 12: Total receipts by purpose of visit 142

Figure 13: Average Occupancy Rate in Hotels by stars category (%) 143

Figure 14: Hotel capacity by category and prefecture, 2012 144

Figure 15.ICCA Country and City Rankings, 2012 145


Event, as a word is derived from eventus, which is a Latin word with a meaning
of big happenings out of the ordinary (Event, 2009).The role of events in modern
human society is vital (Shone and Parry, 2011). Some authors such as Goldblatt
(2005) emphasizes in the celebratory elements of events: An event recognizes a
unique moment in time with ceremony and ritual to satisfy specific needs. On the
other hand Getz (2005) defines events as experiences of participants: To the
customer or guest a special event is an opportunity for leisure, social or cultural
experience outside the normal range of choices or beyond everyday experience.

Over the recent past, there is a magnificent growth in different types of events all
over the world. As a result, a separate industry around events has evolved. The
concept of events revolves around different types of social gatherings, meetings,
sports, shows, music concerts, seminars and performances(Tsatova,2012).As the
industry is growing, a range of events holding venues such as hotels, conference
centers, restaurants, cultural institutions has developed(cvent,2013).
For the purpose of this study, the hotel will be considered as an event supplier.

Nowadays, in the context of globalized tourism industry, hotel environment has

gradually evolved from its traditional role of offering hospitality in a dynamic and
complex combination of benefits services and high-quality comfort (Hoteljobs,

Events in hotels are experiences for the clients as it is mentioned above and the
organization of them is an essential part of the intangible services included in the
hospitality product(Robinson, Wale, Dickson,2010) .Moreover, events play a key
role in the strategic positioning and profitability of hotel

As a result, most of hotels have a specialized department which is responsible for
the event planning and delivery process as an individual part of hotel operations
and requires the coordination of different hotel departments, such as sales and
marketing and banquet (Hitiris ,1996).

As the latest years, hotels increasingly invested in specially designed premises,

infrastructures and facilities for all the types of events (Kapiki, 2012), the economic
and marketing value of events for hotels is becoming a challenging area for further

Furthermore, hotels are described as organizations that provide a combination

of tangible and intangible goods and services intended both to offer customer
experience and to meet their needs (Kasavana and Smith, 1982).

The author chose Athens as a destination its hotels for the purpose of this study for
the following reasons. First of all, tourism in Greece is currently the most
dynamically growing sector of the Greek economy as tourisms contribution to the
GDP is steadily over 15% and, occasionally, has exceeded 18%. Secondly, Greece
ranks in the top 10 of tourist destinations according to WTO (2011).Moreover, after
the Olympic Games in 2004 in Athens, hotels have been renovated and equipped
with modernized venues for holding different types of events, with emphasizing
more in business events. Apart from the renovation in hotel infrastructures for
holding events, the types and content of hotel events has been enriched to provide
customers with high level of leisure, social and cultural experiences.

For the conduct of this study, three luxury hotel companies in Athens equipped
with world-class facilities for organizing events have been analyzed by the author
as far as the types of events organized, the planning and evaluation process.

1.1 Rationale Aim Objectives

The rationale of this dissertation is to explore the event sector in the hotel
environment of Athens. The topic was selected from the author due to personal
interest combined with working experience in hotel event sector.

Moreover, this research area seems to be innovative as there is a lack of similar in
the past and might also be useful for people involved in the event planning process
in hotels to better understand the role of events for hospitality sector and also a
motivation to improve their contribution to the success of event organization.

The primary aim of this study is:

First of all to Investigate the infrastructure and the types of events organized
in luxury hotels of Athens and secondly which is the planning and evaluation
procedure as well as to identify what kind of benefits hotel companies could
reap from the organization of events.

To achieve this aim a number of objectives can be identified:

Exploring the infrastructure for holding events in luxury hotels of Athens

Identifying the meaning and the types of events organized in hotel industry.
Discovering the event planning and evaluation process stages as well as the
staff and hotel operations involved in this process.
Based on the primary research outcomes, drawing conclusions and present
recommendations for the role of event organization for hotels as well as the
future of hotel events sector. To be more precise, in this direction the author
aims to understand which is the value of different types of events from
economic and marketing perspective as well as which is the relation between
events and hotel product.

1.2 Methodology and Structure

A combination of secondary and primary research will be used within this

dissertation in order to achieve the main objective. First of all, secondary sources
will be analyzed to present which types of events are organized in hotels and which
is the infrastructure of hotels in Athens for holding events. Secondly, the steps in
the process of event planning and delivery from the responsible department will be
investigated. Afterwards, interviews with people involved in hotel events
management process will be conducted for the purposes of primary research in
order to draw conclusions and filling the research gap for the benefits of events for

hotel companies. Those people represent three hotel companies with world class
infrastructure for holding events and also high reputation within hotel industry in
Athens. These companies will be presented in chapter 3 in the section sampling
selection. Chapter 4 will focus on the analysis of interviews results in order to
identify the types of events organized and the planning steps from practitioners
point of view as well as to complete the research gap. This research gap includes
determining if the organization of events has a value for the companies from
economic and marketing perspectives.

In the next chapter the author will discuss the research within the context of the
literature and provides a link between the research results and conclusions arising
out of the research.

Finally, the researcher will present some conclusions and recommendations from
the previous analysis related to research objectives and questions.

2. Literature review

2.1 The case of Athens

a.Greece as a destination

Greek economy relies its development and growth into two sectors; tourism
and shipping, while during the past years due of the economic crisis a significant
part of the revenues of Greek economy derives from exports. According to the
World Travel and Tourism Council (2011), the tourist industry is making the 15 per
cent of the Greek GDP, making it an important factor of development. Despite of a
mass recession in the Greek tourist industry in 2011 and 2012, it is expected to
fully recover in 2013 due of the decrease in the prices of hotel units and on the
stabilization of the political climate, though there is a still a huge fall on internal
tourism (GNTO, 2013).

Greece as a destination has managed to attract the interest of tourists who are
coming to visit its summer destinations. Actually Greece, like Spain and other

summer destinations, has been well known as a mass tourism destination for many
years. The outcome of this policy was that many attractions of Greece were
ignored, including parts of the mainland and winter destinations which are making
most of Greeces mainland. At the same time, the destinations that welcomed
mass tourism activities matured and on some cases they showed signals of decline
(Boniface and Cooper, 2005). For this reason, GNTO and in general the Greek
tourist industry has made a shift towards quality tourism and sustainable tourism
during the past years. The new tourist agenda has focused on the development of
less developed tourist areas based on the principles of sustainable tourism, by
taking into consideration the local needs, their resources and the views of the local
communities and authorities (Priporas and Kamenidou, 2003). An example has
been the development of mountain tourism, which allows Greece to take
advantage of its alpine climate on parts of the mainland but also to offer year-
round tourist services (Andronikidis et al, 2006). Of course, this change on the
structure of Greek tourism is something new and there is a lack of studies which
focus on the development of sustainable tourism in Greece (Priporas et al, 2009).

What is important to note at this stage, is that Greece has been portrayed as a
summer destination of mass tourism activities. However, there is a turn into quality
driven tourism and on sustainable tourism, so to take advantage of the tourist
resources and opportunities that Greece has to offer. According to the recent
statements of Minister of Tourism in the newspaper express (2012), the upgrading
of hotel capacity and the gradual shift of about 50% of hotels in the country in the
category of four or five star are the main goals of the ministry of Tourism.

As she said, the main objective of the tourism policy of our country is the
transition from a massive, single-issue and low economic efficiency tourism in a
quality, diverse and multidisciplinary tourism, which is cost-effective and targeted
at audiences with higher requirements, not merely established tourist standard
sun-sea. As a result it is advisable to reduce the seasonality of tourism and
increase the average spending per guest, said the tourism minister at a press
conference, announcing the completion of the first composite tourist
accommodation under the new law.

The challenge is new units to be created and existing be upgraded to include
luxury tourism products that will redefine the tourism identity of Greece on the
world map. Specifically, the hotels should be supported by convention-exhibition
centers, tourist ports, spas, golf courses and tourist residences.

More facts and figures about Greek tourism could be found on the list of Figures of
this study paper.

b. Athens as a destination

Athens is the capital of Greece and it is well known for some of the most important
milestones of Greece, such as been the host city of the Olympic Games of 2004,
while it is well known as having some of the most important monuments of the
world such as Acropolis. However, Athens has not managed to capitalize those
unique resources. Unlike other major European cities, such as Milan, Rome, Paris
and London, Athens has not managed to become a city break destination or a
major tourist destination. Despite of the glory and the brand awareness of the
Olympic Games, Athens still remains as the city where tourists will come to change
transports so to visit a destination in Greece, mostly the Greek islands. On most of
the cases, tourists in Athens do not stay for more than couple of days (Chalkiti and
Sigala, 2010).

On the other hand, Athens as a city has the resources to become a major
destination. Besides of the Acropolis, Athens has to present one of the best
museums in the world, which is the New Museum of Acropolis along with tens of
other museums but also of cultural centers and other interesting points which can
keep the tourist in the town for more than two days (Kavoura and Bitsani, 2013).
Nonetheless, Athens has to face the fact that all tourist operators but also the

GNTOs policy focus not in Athens as tourist destination but on summer

destinations and more recently on the winter destinations of Greece (Chalkiti and
Sigala, 2010).

After the Olympic Games, especially after 2009, the city authorities of Athens have
started working on making Athens an attractive business tourism destination. Even
when it comes to business trips (a conference, a meeting or an exhibition) Athens
is a city that not only ensures the success of the professional organization but also
the pleasant stay of its travelers (All-hotels, 2013).Athens is now a conspicuously
wealthier, more sophisticated cosmopolitan city. It has transport infrastructures of a
new era, green parks, world class hotels with conference facilities, Olympic venues;
unique museums, archaeological sites, shopping and nightlife (Event makers,
2013).However there are some issues which make thing hard. This includes a
number of riots which broke up in 2008 and more recently. Despite the fact that no
tourist was hurt and that the riots took place to a small portion of the city, foreign
media took their opportunity to spoil the name of Athens (Floros, 2010). An
example is the crime rate of Athens. Despite having the lower crime rates among
European capitals, some foreign media tries to create the perception that Athens
was a city where a terrorist or a criminal would stand on each corner. Furthermore,
Athens has not managed to invest into some potential attractions. For example,
there are 40 kilometers of a sea front which has been abandoned or used for low-
quality cultural events, unlike the case of Barcelona where the sea-front has
become a hot spot of the town. However, it is widely believed that the new
museum of Acropolis will reboost the image of Athens as a destination and it will
change the view that many tourist specialists and tourists have over Athens as
destination (Kavoura and Bitsani, 2013).

Please see the appendix 7 for a relative brochure of Athens modern characteristics
and competitive advantages as business tourism destination as well as ICCA
Country and City Rankings of 2012 in order to see the position of Greece and
Athens as a business travel destination.

c. Hotels in Athens with infrastructure for events

According to the GNTO (2013) report, Athens luxurious hotels faced several
difficulties during the past years. Between 2008 and 2011 demand for luxurious big
hotels of Athens dropped up to 40%. At the meantime the economic crisis along
with the political instability in Greece led on the cancelation of many events,
mostly conferences, which would attract thousands tourists. The outcome was that
many 4 star hotels had to close down. On the other hand, as Kavoura and Bitsani
(2013) have noted, while the luxury hotels of Athens were declining, a new wave of
luxurious boutique hotels and resorts appeared in the region of Attica. Many
abandoned buildings and old hotels have been turned into boutique hotels which
offering a unique set of services as well as world class infrastructure for holding

An example is Semiramis Hotel found in the north Suburb of Kifisia. The hotel was
found 70 years ago but in 2004 it was renovated into a high quality boutique hotel.
This is a 52 room Popsicle hotel which was designed from Rashid, a well-known
British designer. The hotels concept relies in a combination of pop colors with
design that refer on ancient Egypt. Karim Rashids influence is on every corner of
this hotel. The outcome was that the Condi Nast Traveler has included this hotel as
on the list of the 10 Best New Hotels in the World. Besides its unique design, the
hotel is also a collection of modern art which have been donated from the owner of
the hotel, Mr. Joannou, who is an eminent collector of pop-art items. The hotel has
also a conference room and a multi-purpose hall for events, including parties and
weddings (Barret, 2012). Another interesting example of luxury hotel in Athens
which has developed its infrastructures in order to host a variety of unique events
due to its prime location is Grand Resort Lagonissi which is nestled on the so-called
Athenian Riviera, a 72-acre peninsula south of the Greek capital. The resort has
several rooms for conferences, weddings and other events in an idyllic
environment with the view of the sea(Grandresort,2013).Moreover, due to its

location and facilities provides the opportunity for recreational and sports activities,
and ability to use its venues for catering events since it has ten different bars and
restaurants. It must be taken into consideration that this type of hotels namely
Resorts enjoy an international reputation due to its sensational location and
especially in Greece and Athens forms a comparative advantage relative to other
countries lacking climatologist and geophysicist(Sotiropoulos,2003). Especially with
regard to the events, they are ideal places for hosting business events as the
delegates have the opportunity to combine their business with pleasure. It is
remarkable that many different types of events are organized in resorts exclusively
for the delegates recreation.

According to GNTO (2013) all 4 and 5 star hotels and resorts of Athens include halls
and high-class facilities for events. Some of them, such as Semiramis, are able to
combine a close hall with open spaces, such as the swimming pool, so to offer a
unique setting for an event. Actually, the majority of luxurious hotels of Athens rely
on traditional types of events such as business or social events, speeches which
occur during the weekdays but mostly on conferences which bring prestige tourists
from all over the world, such as medical conferences. The fact that business
tourism is growing with a percentage that exceeds 5%(INVESTINGREECE, 2013)
annually and Athens currently ranked according to the International Congress and
Convention Association (ICCA,2012) in 15th position provides significant
opportunities for investment in conference infrastructures from the hotel industry
side .As a result, luxury hotels of Athens have started to invest in event
infrastructures. Excellently equipped for conferences, meetings and parties,
Athens hotels leading in quality difference after specialization in high requirements
of an organized event (All-Athenshotels, 2013)

On the appendices 1 and 2 more material about Athens luxury hotels events
infrastructure, venues, and events brochures could be found.

2.2 Analysis of events on tourism

a. Events definition and role

It is not easy to define what an event is. This is due of the fact that there are
various types and categories of events in the tourist industry. Allen et al (2002)

have named events as something that happens in one-time and it is outside of the
normal program or activities that a hotel has created or sponsors. From the side of
the guest, an event provides the opportunity to have a social, cultural or leisure
experience which is outside of the normal practices and choices offered from the
hotel(Getz,1997). From this definition, it is understood that event is a happening
which occurs within the premises of a hotel and it does not belong to the routine
programs of the hotel.

It is important to understand the role of events from a tourist perspective. Collins

and Minnis (2007) have mentioned that event tourism is defined as the systematic
planning, development and marketing of festivals and special events as tourist
attractions, image makers, catalysts for infrastructure and economic growth and
animators of attraction. According to Getz (2007) events constitute a significant
portion of the tourist industry, especially on city tourism activities. On many cases,
the development of destinations, such as Paris, London, Melbourne and other cities
have been linked with the hosting of major events, where the local hotels have an
active role not only for the accommodation of the guest, but also to keep them
satisfied. On many occasions, hotels are organizing their own events, such as
conference and parties which can boost not only their own revenue but in general
the citys revenues. An example is Las Vegas, where the casino-hotels and their
events are the key source of income and of jobs for this city (Getz, 2007).

b. Events as an element of hotel product

The hotel product is a composition of tangible and intangible goods and services.
The organization of events on site are components of hotel products, which
combines the provision of material goods (location, conference facilities , catering,
rooms) with the chance for guests to work, amuse and relax(Hoteljobs,2013).The
experiences, emotions and lifestyle changes that events offer are elements of
added value to the traditional hotel product which is the accommodation and thus
are promoted by hoteliers(Sotiropoulos,2003).

c. Traditional Types of Events Organized In Hotels

According to Ritchie (1984) events are categorized based on their tourist value,
their impact and their demand. There are the so-called mega events, such as the

Olympic Games, which attract millions of tourist and of course they create huge
revenues for hotels. There are also the Hallmark events which are major one-time
or recurring events which have a limited duration and they aim on leveraging the
awareness over a destination. Two other types of events are the local and the
major events which are smaller events.

Regarding the events taking place exclusively within the premises of a hotel, those
can be short-duration events such as meetings, weddings, special celebrations like
parties and one day conferences. However, most of the luxurious hotels focus on
events which take longer and can take place on the weekdays so to increase
demand during a low-peak period of time. Those are mostly conferences which can
last for 3 or 4 days (Getz, 2007). A popular case of such events are the medical
conferences which are combined with other activities such as tours and parties.
For example, Kavoura and Bitsani (2013) noted that many global medical
conferences which took place in Athens included a tour or even a party to the new
museum of Acropolis. Those events are ideal not only for the hotel but for the
whole local economy. All of the above types of events organized in hotels enclosing
the term of banquet. A banquet is a large meal or feast which usually serves a
purpose. The purpose may be a business or social event, a party or a celebration
generally. Because of the fact that each event includes a banquet, the term is often
used in hotels and as will be discussed below, the traditional events department of
a hotel is known as the events and banquet department.

Maroudas et al (2008) have made a survey among luxury hotels of Athens, in

relation of the HRM. The paper includes some examples of events which take place
on luxury hotels. Most of the events are related with social and professional events.
In the category of social events we have mostly weddings and few parties. On the
other hand, most of the revenues derive from professional events which are
professional conferences and seminars. They last from one day till four days and
they have the advantage that the hotels, on most of the cases, are fully booked on
weekdays which gives them a significant advantage. The reason is that weekdays
are considered as days with low demand and in this way the hotels are able to
produce revenues from periods with low demand.

Floros (2010) has also remarked that Athens, besides of the Olympic gamers, has
hosted numerous sport events, including Paralympics and Special Olympics of
2012. On those mega events, the hotels are served not only to accommodate the
athletes and their friends along with officials and spectators. Several luxury hotels
served as media centers and as team headquarters, which provided added value to
the event but also to the hotels.

Getz (2007) claims that the most common events are wedding parties and
conferences. However, from place to place there can be changes based on the local
traditions and habits. For example, he recalls on dinners made on hotels found on
Islamic countries so to celebrate the end of the ramazan feast. Although in many
countries , it is very common making the whole wedding inside the hotel, in Greece
the wedding is taking place in the church or in the offices of the city-major and the
hotel is used only for the party. However, as in the region of Attica have been
developed a number of resorts which have world class infrastructure for events,
there is a trend to make the whole wedding event, from the ceremony to the party
inside the resort. A remarkable example of resort which is famous as a wedding
destination due to its magnificent location not only in Greece but also
internationally, is Grand Resort Lagonissi. Apart from Its great variety of indoor
and outdoor seaside venues, the most innovative thing in weddings organization is
the fact that in the hotel wedding package are included 3 or 4 days events before
and after the wedding celebration such as bachelor parties, private romantic
dinners and parties with music especially for the couple (GRANDRESORT, 2013).
Undoubtedly, it is a unique and unusual idea which differentiates the hotel event
product from others. It is no coincidence that Grand Resort is selected by other
nationalities people to carry out their marriage inside the resort.

d. Innovative events organized in hotels to attract more customers

Among the usual types of events ,some hotel chains have been invested in special
or even quirky events to attract and retain business travelers as well as to offer a
different event experience in area residence and hotel guests (Weed,2010).For
example, the Liberty Hotel in Boston started offering special events every night
,including cooking demonstrations by its executive chef, art exhibitions featuring

local artists and fashion shows where models strutted though the lobby and up the
escalators. Additionally, Sunday afternoon Jazz music & Cocktails and Friday night
Football & Beer are famous unique regular events organized by hotel chains such
as President Hotel in Athens and always catch the hotel residents or the outside

It is noticeable that in the latest years hotels in Greece organize food and
beverage events or festivals more often than in the past, as it is internationally
known that traditional Greek kitchen and wine have unique characteristics. Thus, a
shining example of such event is the 3 day wine festival named as Dionysia 2013,
hosted in Margi Luxury hotel of Athens. Lovers of good wine will have the
opportunity to visit the festival and indulge in wine tasting from 120 wineries
across Greece. During the festival, the public will be able to see presentations of
new wines, try as many wines as they can handle and talk directly to the
producers. Moreover ,the three most known schools of wine tasting in the county of
Attica (Athens) will offer free lessons of wine tasting.

Moreover, traditional culinary experiences are often organized in Greek hotels. For
example this summer, the Titania Hotel in Athens city center will once again offer
original menu choices based on traditional Greek local products, within the
framework of the second Made in Greece food tasting festival (GTP,2013).

Another popular category of innovative events organized in hotels are the theme
themed events and celebrations. Especially in hotels of Athens too many themed
events are organized .The theme usually derived from destinations traditional
history ,or culture with the purpose of promoting them but may also be selected
from hoteliers in order to entertain hotel residents and guests( Goldblatt,2002).For
example, traditional music celebrations like greek feasts which are organized
in many hotels in famous locations of Athens such as Royal Olympic hotel in Plaka
, the oldest and nicest section of Athens. Those types of events are more often
organized during summer high tourist season. Other theme events such as cinema
nights on the beach organized from Astir Palace hotel in Vouliagmeni are also
unique themed event

Finally, many hotels have a tendency in organizing cultural events such as music
concerts or art exhibitions and workshops.

Another interesting example of those kind of events are the Engaging Art
exhibition in Navarino Dunes. The main point of this visual experience is the fact
that artists Dimitris Antonitsis, Jeffrey Apoian, Constantine Ladianos and Dionysis
Christofilogiannis create the next project during the contemporary art exhibition,
along with hotel guests, who are actively involved through workshops. This year's
theme "60 passes per minute" focuses on connecting two very different practices,
crafts and folklore, contemporary art.

Furthermore, according to Maroudas et al (2008) Sani Resort in Chalkidiki is the

hotel which invests more in special and unique festivals and events. The Sani
Music Festival and Sani Gourmet , a culinary experience offer a chance to
celebrate the passion for music and taste excellence and gather together some of
the finest musicians and chefs from Greece and around the world, as the owners
said( Sani Resort website).

2.4 Event planning process

According to Getz (2008) an important aspect of event management is its planning.
The event planning is a process which involved the planning of an event including
issues of budget, the dates, the accommodation of the guest, setting alternative
dates and costs, selecting the site and the setting / decoration / design of the event
and dealing with a number of issues such as the permits, transportation issues, etc.

The content of an event planning depends on the nature of the event. For some
events, such as the ones having politicians or members of the showbiz there is a
need to have extra security. Also the event manager would have to take into
consideration other factors such as the parking, toilets, emergency planning, aid
stations, and other issues (Getz, 2007).

From the description made on the previous paragraphs, the case of event planning
is a complicated issue. The event manager would have to understand the nature of
the event and to prepare his plan according to the needs of the event.

The event department and the planning process in a hotel

Planning an event in a hotel is a complex process. For this reason it is necessary to

draw a plan which will include the variables and the processes needed to
accomplish such as task.

The first task is to create an event department on the hotel which will coordinate
the efforts made in order to have successful events. Rosenbauym and Wong (201)
argue that such a department will not have to be a big one or to have a
complicated structure. On this case, the department can operate with someone
who will have a sound knowledge on organizing event. An event manager along
with an assistant can be more than enough so to run the department. There is no
need for having extra personel or to have complex structure. The whole structure
and operations can be made from one person who will coordinate the resources.
Surely on the implementation stages of the event there will be a need for further
contribution from other departments, such as from the reception, housekeeping
and catering while on some cases of events with a large number of invited people,
the department will need to recruit some extra staff so to help. However, the whole
management can be made from one person or even a small team if we have a
larger hotel with runs many events at the same time.

On the other hand, Laloumis (2002) claimed that, there is not a separate hotel
Event Department. The event planning and delivery is carried from both the Sales
department and the Banquet department. The Banquet department pots under the
Food and Beverage of a hotel and offers a service at a given price and in certain
places with certain menus agreed in advance .This type of service may be the
organization of a conference ,social event etc. To organize and implement an event
the sales department initially takes the responsibility by using marketing and
promotion tools is trying to sell the hotel venues for events organization as
products. After wise, staff from sales department communicates with customer to
understand the expectations and requirements depending on the purpose of the
event. After all, the sales department designs the particular event product
according to customer's needs, and in accordance with the availability of hotel
rooms and potential event venues. In the design process the choice of a suitable
location to conduct the specific event is included. Subsequently, the sales

department prepares a list of necessary steps for event implementation and gives
a checklist to the Banquet department manager in order to start the delivery
process. The Banquet department as well as the Banquet Manager is responsible
for the implementation of the above steps related with the menu and the design of
the venue, and the communication with external partners to provide additional

Regarding the staff involved, in hotels there are qualified staff and committed to
working with communities who organize the event, is the link between those and
the remaining part of the hotel and take care of the needs of the organizers and
participants (Rogers, 2008).Allen et al (2008) have remarked that in order to have
an event where the guests and the organized will be satisfied there is no need to
have many people working as full timers nor managers. What it really has to do is
to have few people who can coordinate the whole project. Breiet and Milman
(2006) have written that most of the event department of hotels are made from
one or two managers and their clerks and a number of personnel working full time
for the hotel along with a short-list of part-timers who can work only when there is
high demand or because of their skills, such as photographer, a light technician
etc. For this reason, the event manager must have a short list of persons who can
come at any time and work but also to ensure that those persons fit for the
purpose of the event.

On event planning process, especially in hotels an interesting part is that the

design and executing are conducted with the contribution of both sales and
banquet department as it is said before. Authors like Getz (2007) have suggested
that this can be with the following stages:

Event designing stage: This is the stage where the sales manager will
communicate with the client to understand his requirements for event
execution and an event contract between the client and the hotel is signed
(Zampakli,2010).The contract consists of crucial details related to the
effective design of the event such as the character of the menu, the number
of guests, the cost per person, the start date, the suitable hall which will host

the event , decoration and light and sound equipment, music, etc. As a result
the contact is an illustration of requirements and obligations between the
hotel and the customer as far as the smooth conduct of the event.
Event Programming stage: At this stage the sales department staff informs
the interest parties, and first of all the Banquet manager, as the nature of the
event and the clients needs have been understandable and it will make the
first preparations such as the dates, the budget and other issues important
for the event. If both parties agree on the details, then the Banquet manager
will proceed with the rest of the process. He will go deep into the
arrangements needed for the successful planning of the event such as to
allocate the resources that he has on his disposal and coordinate the involved
departments and the personnel associated with the project. He will also have
to decide on how many people to use for the event, their duties and their
salary level.
Event Implementation stage: This is a stage where the event takes place.
Regarding to the research of Zampakli (2010) about event planning
procedure in hotels, it is very important that during this phase all of the hotel
operation departments are taking part. Everyone is on his position and the
event manage will have to coordinate the efforts. It is the most crucial point
since there is not point of return or the event team. Everything must be done
according to the plan, without hesitation.
Event Evaluation stage: After the end of the event the Banquet manager
makes sure to get a feedback from client via a questionnaire of satisfaction
in order to evaluate the success of the event and he will try to find out what
has been wrong so to improve it on the next event.

Related researches indicate that there are several issues needed to be taken into
consideration. For example, Yulan (2013) has remarked that there is a pressure
from many clients for having events which do not damage the environment and to
include activities such as recycling on the event. In addition to this, Ruyi and Pegg
(2007) have remarked that it is important for the side of the event manager to
have a program of continuous improvements on his mind, so to keep providing
events that satisfy his customers.

Finally, it is important to have a connection between the event department and the
sales department as far as the budgeting process concerned. During the early
stages of the event, the event/banquet manager must provide to the sales
department with the details of the event in order to produce the budget (Laloumis,
2002). This is an important part since there shall not be any overruns on the cost.

2.5 The value of events for hotels

Each hotel or hotel chain, places emphasis on where the key business is focused,
but almost all have good revenue streams from meetings and weddings (Ferdinand,

a. Events as marketing tools

Tourism today has many applications and types of operations. Regarding the
hotel industry, when we have to do with hotels found in cities, event
management is a key source of income. According to Floros (2010) hotels in
the center of Athens and of other major Greek cities rely on two source of
income. The first one are organized groups coming for the maximum of two
days, since they prefer going to major destinations such as the Islands
instead of cities and the second one are the events.

Middleton et al (2009) claim that for many hotels the events are a key marketing
tool. The reason why lies on the fact that the hotel is able to host a large volume of
visitors and guest who will use its facilities and book rooms with the minimum cost
since the organizer of the event will be responsible for the promotion of the event.
Furthermore, on the promotion material, such as adverts, posters, banners and
other means of promotion the name of the hotel is given which is also a very
effective and free of cost promotion campaign. So, indeed, an event is an effective
marketing tool.

Furthermore, the fact that a visitor will come to the hotel, means that the hotel can
find ways to bring him back, through its marketing services or offering some kind of
loyalty schemes or any other offer so to keep him close to the hotel.

b. Economic benefits

It is not easy to measure the benefits of events since they change from one hotel
to another. Kavoura Bitsani (2013) has examined the case of Athens where many
hotels organized events, such as conferences, which included trips on the new
Museum of Athens. He claims that for many hotels of Athens, there are cases
where there are hotels that produce over the 60% of their income from events.

Surely an event has a number of benefits, since the organized will book rooms, will
use the refectory, the clients will ask for more things such as meals, etc. but also
the charge of booking the halls used for the events. Furthermore, an event helps
not only the hotel , but it also creates new jobs, including photographers, sound
technicians and other jobs which are very rare and they rely on this.

c. Hospitality product differentiation from competitors and events

Middleton et al (2009) has assumed that it is not easy to have a product

differentiation when we refer on event management. The reason is because most
of the events are pretty standardized; customers asking for certain items
depending on the type of the event. However, there can be some level of
differentiation when it comes on the peripheral services.

Those can include trips, the free use of spa facilities, room upgrades, the use of
other facilities without charge etc. Of course, we cannot forget some traditional
means of differentiation such as invest in the personnel, the cleanness of rooms
and generally improve the quality of those services. Finally, from the guests
perspective, through the organization of special events in hotels such as cultural,
music or art exhibitions, could add extra value in terms of unique experiences in
the hotel product apart from the room sales and in this way the hospitality product
could be differentiated from competitors.

As Getz (2004) pointed out, even if events are not a major part of the hotels and
resorts services portfolio, they can still be significant as animators of them. Added
value comes from packaging events within tours, as well as adding events to
meetings and conventions. This strategy might incidentally generate events with
tourist appeal and lead to greater recognition of the event sector. While it might
happen through individual initiatives at hotels and resorts, it would be more
effective to encourage the process through education, advice and financial

assistance. Small amounts of investment could go a long way to get the event
sector mobilized.

2.6 The future of events and event planning

From one hand, Goldblatt (2005) in his recent research with the title Certified
special events professional supports that events industry has increased greatly
during the last decade. According to Goldblatt, the costs for events around the
world is 500$ billion annually.

Its enough to say that the market is big enough. If you work in a dedicated for
events area, there are many avenues from which you can expand. If you have
entered recently in the profession of events there is a lucrative market that awaits
you in many sections .Moreover, profitability in this area continues to grow. Just a
few years ago, the average profit margin for planning a business event has been
about 15%.

From another point of view, regarding to the research paper with the title Labour
Market Review of the Events Industry written by BVEP (2010), although the events
industry has experienced growth over the last ten years, the current negative
economic climate has impacted it variously as events are down by more than 20%
in February 2009 comparing with this time in 2008.

Three of the major sectors generating business events, namely finance, automotive
and construction are going through economic problems. Especially expensive
business event venues such as 5 star hotels probably feel the pinch more.

Furthermore, the recession has had some unfavorable effects on the event industry.
Many companies are cutting back and therefore do not want to be seen as
spending money on putting on events. Companies are especially cutting back on
incentive travel as they do not want to be seen as spending money on what can be
perceived as a jolly whilst they are making redundancies.

The diversity of the events industry means these changes will inevitably have had
repercussions on other sectors namely hotels with a decrease in overnight stays

from delegates and contract catering, with some companies opting out of the
provision of lunch.

Finally, the economic downturn has increased the competition between event
venues as the prices are tending to be lower as customers are expecting more
value for their money.


3.1 Introduction
For the main purpose of this research study which is the exploration of the role of
events in the hotel industry, the researcher will present the most suitable research
methods and approaches. The researcher can use different methods for data
collection. As stated by Bryman and Bell (2008) the main distinction that can be
made is between qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting primary data.
Hammersley (1999) states that "research can take many forms. For this purpose a
description of the methodology and related arguments as to the selections made
are necessary to be done in order to clarify the methods used.

3.2 Research questions

Which is the infrastructure of luxury hotels in Athens in order to hold any kind
of event?

What types of events are organized in a luxury hotel in terms of nature and
size and how event is defined from hotel practitioners?

Which is the process of event planning and evaluation? Which departments

and staff of the hotel are involved in the event planning and delivery process?

Which are the benefits generated from events organization? Why organizing
events? From which type of events have the greatest benefits?

Which is the future of event planning in hotel sector?

3.3 Philosophy of research

The investigation can rely on one of two different philosophical approaches.

The first is the phenomenology. In this case, the objective is capturing an objective
reality through their perceptions and experiences of the people involved with it.
People give meaning to that on their experience and the investigator must record
them and decode. This means, however, that an investigation is influenced from
the critical reflection of the researcher while likely be seen as biased, i.e. that it is
biased in favor of one or the other view (Bryman and Bell, 2007).

On the other hand there is positivism. Its main goal is the researcher to approach
the true research by examining the effects and causes of an operation. For this
reason, positivism relies heavily on the use of scientific data, such as statistics; so
that there are conclusions that cannot be denied but will be objective (Gomm,
2004). This study actually refers to identifying issues related with the experiences
that managers had from the managing of events on the hotel industry. This means
that researcher will rely on phenomenology.

3.4 Inductive and deductive research

The rational of a survey, relies on whether it is a deductive or inductive one.
Indeed, the deductive approach of the study relies on theory. The aim is to produce
cases and through research to come to confirm or not these cases. The inductive
research aims to produce a new theory. Relying on relevant theory and research
findings, the researcher proceeds to process for the production of a new theory
(Gomm, 2004).

In the present case, will follow the inductive approach. The researcher need to build
some new theory based on the experiences of the participants of the research.

3.5 The methodological framework for primary data collection

In a survey, it is necessary for the researcher to determine the method of data

collection and to put forward arguments about the choices made. The
methodological framework can be divided into two main methods of data

collection, qualitative and quantitative.

Quantitative research is based on the use of statistical methods for inference. As

the Gomm (2004) claims, quantitative research relies on statistical measurement of
the variables. The researcher using the questionnaire and then statistical analyzes
will do, will be able to reach a conclusion based on hard evidence based on
statistical measurements will do.

In terms of qualitative research emphasizes not on numbers and statistical

analyzes but in return will give the researcher the experiences you gain with the
active involvement of the subject matter of the problem to consider. This implies
that you must process a series of raw data and to interpret them in terms of
knowledge and experiences (Bryman and Bell, 2008).Furthermore, the qualitative
research is an element of the phenomenological paradigm. It aims to describe
certain aspects of phenomena with a view to explain the subject of study (Damm,
2012).The main advantages of qualitative research approach are that the research
is more interpretive and flexible and it provides in-depth and rich information
related to the problem or population under study. The researchers use purposeful
samples and have close contact with investigated people (Bryman, 2004).

Saunders et al.(2003) analyzes the differences between the two approaches.

Regarding the qualitative analysis, the researcher will analyze "in depth" the object
of the problem, making it possible to produce new knowledge, which cannot do
much of the quantitative research, but also in many cases the researcher becomes
part of the problem resulting in the observations and conclusions drawn face
problems in terms of objectivity and there is the fear of producing biased results. In
contrast, during the quantitative research, the researcher will focus on the use of
result which will be extracted from the primary research and they represent the
reality but without any in-depth analysis of the causes which produced the result.
Furthermore, quantitative research may provide answers within a large sample of
respondents opposed to qualitative research has several limitations as to the scope
of the sample. Nonetheless, the key limitation of such an approach is that it cannot

occur when the sample is small and when we are seeking to extract something out
of the experiences of the respondents (Saunders et al, 2003).

At this case, we need to use qualitative research. he choice of qualitative

research approach is explained by the need of deep exploring a new previously
unknown research field. The researcher would have to go deep into the event
management of the hotels which means that there is a need to use qualitative
methods so to extract information deriving from the experiences of the
participants. Moreover, the qualitative approach is appropriate because the sample
of the study is composed of hotel staff involved in event management and the
researcher is seeking to understand the key stages of event planning procedure,
and the value of events organization. Therefore, the responses of the
Banquet/Event Managers as well as Sales and Hotel managers are of great
importance in the study ,as they are the key players behind hotel event
organization and for better understanding of the result ,interviewing is the most
suitable mean of data collection.

3.6 The instrument of this research study

According to Saunders et al (2003) a qualitative research can rely in a number of
instruments used to gather data, the key instrument of research and data
gathering methods are:

In depth interviews are a key source of qualitative data. Using semi-

structured interviews the researcher has the chance to retrieve a unique set
of data. The fact that often the interviews are a face-to-face discussion of
issues. A key advantage is that the participant can discuss issues which are
out of the discussion list but also if there is a trust between the parts and
anonymity as far as it concerns the private data of the participant, then there
is the case that the participant will reveal many details concerning the way
that the firm operates and its strategies, something that cannot happen in an
open-dialogue, such as the focus group. On the other hand, the key limitation

of this method is that it is not easy to approach the participants. The
researcher will have to be very cautious on his approach to the sample.
Focus group is also another popular instrument of research. A key advantage
is that the participants, making a homogenous group, are discussing things
related with the research. On many cases the discussion can help the
participants to reveal data which has not be discussed on earlier researches
or it has not been identified from the author on his research. They
disadvantage is that some participants may fear to express their views in
front of their colleagues. The fear that they criticize the firm or others in front
of third persons may change their mind and they will decide not to say
anything in front of others (Saunders et al, 2003).

In-depth interviews as a mean of data collection

Between those two methods, the researcher has chosen to use in-depth interviews.
The reason for this is that the research will contain issues regarding the event
planning and implementation strategy and that the hotels are using for managing
their events. Hence since this is important information that the participants would
not like to share with others, it is better to have in-depth interviews. Furthermore,
the researcher would like to ensure the participants with the anonymity so to
encourage them to talk free without any hesitation about the strategies used on
the event management.

So, the research will rely on semi-structured in-depth Interviews with hotel
managers, sales managers and event managers. The advantage of this instrument
is that it has open-ended questions. Surely this may make difficult the data editing
(Bryman and Bell, 2007), but on the other hand, it allows the participant to share
his experiences without any hesitation or obstacle. Furthermore, the participant is
free to talk even on issues which are related with the thesis but have not been
mentioned from the questions. This will help the author to gain a better
understanding of the issues related with her thesis. During the interview the
interviewer needs to man-age not to lead the respondent, but let him or her speak
as freely as possible around the topics; keeping up a friendly conversation
atmosphere but not influencing the subject at the same time, by agreeing or
disagreeing for instance, will be the challenge for the interviewer. Commonly, in-

depth interview lasts at least half an hour up to several hours, and there might be
several interview occasions. (Veal, 2006). The disadvantages of this type of
interview can be the reduced comparability, and the fact that the quality of data
depends on the inter-viewers communicating and listening skills. (Finn et al. 2000.

3.7 Interview guide design

When designing the questionnaire for a qualitative research, and particularly for a
semi-structured in-depth interview, the challenge is to create a checklist of themes
or topics to let the respondent speak around. More specifically, the themes should
not be further elaborated, but be a list of key words for reminding the interviewer
of which topics to bring up and stick to. Purposely formulated questions should be
avoided, as the intention is to let the interviewees freely speak their minds around
the topics.

The questionnaire for this study will be a checklist of topics, containing the themes
that can be derived specifically from the literature review section and correspond
consistently with the sub-themes revealed in the theory.

The first theme of the interview checklist is the hotel infrastructure required for
events, which are broken up into the venues and facilities for events and
competition among hotel event venues in Athens luxury hotels. The types of events
organized in a hotel environment are the second theme. The event planning
process in a hotel is the next sub-topic and is split up into the subtopics of main
steps of designing and implementing an event, the staff involved in the process
and their roles. The fourth theme is the value of events for hotels and it is broken
up into the topics of economic benefits, marketing and other event organization
importance for hotel as companies. The last theme of the interview questionnaire is
the future trends in hotel event planning and how the hotels correspond to these

The questionnaire design is based on standardized open-ended questions. That

means that participants are always asked identical questions ,but the questions are
worded so that responses are open-ended(Gall&Borg,2003).This open-endedness
allows participants to contribute as much detailed information as they desire and it

also allows the researcher to ask probing questions as a means of follow-up.
Moreover standardized open-ended interviews are likely the most popular form of
interviewing utilized in research studies because of the nature of the open-ended
questions, allowing the participants to fully express their viewpoints and
experiences (Creswell, 2007).

The interview questionnaire is presented on the appendix 6

3.8 Secondary data

According to Bryman and Bell (2007) any kind of research must not ignore the
existence of secondary data. Of course, the key aim of any researcher is to produce
a genuine research which will add new knowledge and data. However, in order to
reach this, the researcher must provide his audience with the necessary literature
background. Furthermore, since the research examines the hotel sector, surely
there is a need to include some data related with the hotel industry and the events
taking place on hotels in Athens. In this research, the secondary data was pretty
useful so to understand the existing situation in the sector.

3.9 Sampling
A sample is a sub-set of the population selected for conducting research
(Finn,2000).Sampling is simply a process of selecting participants for a piece of
research. The primary purpose of sampling is to obtain a representative selection of
the sampling units within the population. The size and the quality of the sample are
key determinants of the accuracy and validity of the final results (Smith, 2010).

According to Bryman (2004), qualitative research is usually conducted by using

purposive sampling .This kind of sampling is strategic and tends to give a good
correspondence between research questions and the sample (Bryman, 2004).

As far as this study concerned, the researcher will use purposeful sampling, in
order to investigate the events industry in a hotel environment. The main goal of
purposive sampling is to focus on particular characteristics of a population that are
of interest, which will best enable you to answer your research questions. The
sample being studied is not representative of the population, but for researchers
pursuing qualitative or mixed methods research designs, this is not considered to
be a weakness.

Regarding the criteria of choosing the sample, we have chosen to study luxury
hotels in Athens with special reference to competitive advantage of Athens and its
hotel infrastructure on the aspect of organizing events

To carry out the investigation the researcher after previously gathered information
related to luxury hotels in Athens which focus on events, considered desirable to
screen a sample of 3 luxury hotels in Athens under the following characteristics:

a) 5* hotels, which means that have invested in multiple purpose infrastructures for
the organization of events,

c) Large contribution of events sales in profit generation.

d) Greek-owned company and so the researcher could draw conclusions for hotel
events strategy in Greek hotel companies.

E) The hotels have the necessary staff requirements for organizing events.

The hotels which filled the above requirements are the Divani Appolon, the
Grecotel Cape Sounion and Grand Resort Lagonissi. Furthemore, the author has
worked for the organization of events at Grand Resort Lagonissi so it was easier to
get in touch with the executives for interviews.

A brief presentation of the above mentioned hotels is followed .Information on

these hotels, infrastructure for conferences, weddings, various examples of events
that have been made available from the participants. All three hotels have similar
infrastructure for events and are located about 30km away from city center .It
Another fact worths noticing is that the above hotels have been chosen from the
researcher because they are preferred as venues for events more than luxury
hotels in the city center due to high crime levels in the center of Athens. As a
result the reputation and the demand for events among the chosen luxury hotels
have increased.


Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso in Athens is a proud member of the Leading
hotels of the world. This is a luxury beach resort in Athens situated in the exclusive
are of Vouliagmeni, just 18km from the city center. Guests enjoy, the pleasure of
our private beach and our award winning Spa, the only one offering
Thalassotherapy in the whole Attica region.

Divani Apollon Palace & Thalasso is an excellent hotel for both leisure and business
needs offering quiet luxury at the prestigious Athenian Riviera.

To assist with the organization of meetings, banquets or conferences, the hotel

offers 2,500 m conference venues in 16 rooms of various capacities (from 10 to
1,200 delegates), 330 rooms, a private beach, swimming pools ideal for events,
unique and award-winning thalassotherapy center Attica and experienced staff
specialized in organizing and demanding large conferences and incentive travel.
The highly qualified and experienced staff is always available to help with the finer


The hotel belongs to the HELIOS S.A. which was established in 1968 by Pantelis
Mantonanakis and wholly owned subsidiary MANTONANAKI one of the largest hotel
group in GREECE.HELIOS S.A. According to RSS nationwide research from it has
been proved the second most profitable hotel business of the country consists of
7 hotels in tourist spots in Greece and attracts tourists worldwide while has
recently invested in refurbishing of hotels to meet the need for high levels events.
Furthermore, has invested in recruiting skilled personnel for organizing social
events and especially marriages as wedding planners are cooperating with the
hotels as freelancers in order to provide high quality event management services.

The Grand Resort Lagonissi sets a benchmark in first-class service and facilities for
business and leisure travelers.

It is a unique hotel located on a peninsula, 40 km from the heart of the city and
only 25 kilometers from the new airport.

The main building and a cluster of bungalows and suites, spread over an area of
240 acres that embraces the water creating three major beaches and small sandy
coves, creating an independent small state holiday, the island of Athens.

As far as its infrastructure and facilities for events, Grand Resorts recently
constructed the state -of-the art conference center "Grand Hall", adds a whole new
dimension to the Grand Resort conference experience and it is designed to delight
any guest with its contemporary style & design.

Dedicated to hosting any kind of corporate meetings, conventions, exhibitions,

press conferences & product events, Grand Hall is considered to be the leading
venue in Athens city for the organization and execution of business events.

A separate convention area, merged softly in the deluxe resort, provides more than
2.500 sq. meters of indoor meeting space featuring the latest in A/V & DATA and
equipped with advanced technology.

The 10 multi-functional rooms with natural day lit, are ideal for inspiring
conferences, featuring splendid sea views and two spacious waterfront terraces for
outdoor events.

More information for Grand Resort event venues and services could be found on
the appendices 1&2.


The GRECOTEL founded in 1981 by N. Daskalantonaki and international tourism

giant TUI GROUP and identified with the concept of luxury hotels and tourist
complexes has 4 and 5 star hotels.

Cape Sounio is easily the premier Business & Meeting resort in the Athens area
offering a range of well-equipped venues for intimate business meetings and
incentive groups. Set against the backdrop of the Temple of Poseidon and
surrounded by unspoilt nature, this conducive environment makes our corporate
retreat a truly inspiring experience.

The conference and meeting rooms are allocated in the main building. They are
equipped with the latest technology. The outstanding banqueting selection includes

coffee breaks, business lunches and gourmet dinners. For special events and
celebrations, the hotel offers luxury buffet or gala dinners, barbecues and parties
by the pool, beside the beach or on the outside terraces.

The professional yet friendly service combined with superb catering, entertainment
and sports facilities assure the most memorable events in Attica. Ample car parking
is available for the guests.


Technical Assistance | Podium / lectern | Overhead projectors | Video projector | Flip

charts | Video TV/screen | Slide projectors | Microphones (normal & cordless) | PC |
Printers | Wi-Fi internet connection in the conference rooms

Business Center Facilities:

24 hours fax service, and photocopies | Courier on call | Mail and postage | Airline
ticket confirmation | PC hire | AV equipment hire | Internet corners | Wi-Fi internet
connection in most bungalows & villas

3.10 Preparation and implementation of interviews

Probably the most helpful tip with the interview process is that of interview
preparation. McNamara (2009) suggests the importance of the preparation stage in
order to maintain an unambiguous focus as to how the interviews will be erected in
order to provide maximum benefit to the proposed research study. Taking into
consideration, McNamaras list of principles for the preparation stage of
interviewing the author decided to be prepared in advance and follow the next

As far as this research study, the interviews were planned in advance through
phone calls and emails to introduce ourselves, the aim of the thesis and to express
our interest in their hotel company. The questions were not handed out prior to the
interview, but we chose to give an explanation of our purpose and which hotels will
be included in our investigation. We assume this made the interview process easier.

Before the interview we informed the respondents that everything they said would
be recorded and could be used only for the purpose of our research study.

They had the choice to decide what information was confidential and we use all of
their comments. We also gave them the choice of the dates for the interviews, as
we understand they have a febrile schedule due to summer high-season period.

After each interview we listened the recorded tapes and took notes to make sure all
information was well documented. On some occasions we had to contact the
respondents to clarify their answers and make sure they stated was relevant and

3.11 Selecting Participants

A convenient interviewing sample will be drawn from a number of potential
respondents who are involved in hotel events sector. The target was to interview
people who are either responsible for the events planning and implementation
process in hotels in order to receive as precise answers as possible. Nevertheless, it
was imperative to find hotel staff from various fields to examine the role of event
sector in the hospitality environment.

As a result, the interviewees have been selected from the researcher regarding to
their job positions, responsibilities and roles as far as the planning and organization
of events in the hotels. As a result, the first category of interviewees was the sales
managers of hotels which are responsible for the promotion of hotel as an event
venue and also for event design according to clients needs. Secondly, general
managers of the hotels were chosen for conducting interviews as they are the most
appropriate persons to answer about the infrastructure, they decide about the
nature of events and are also well aware of the value of events for the companies
as well as the future trends in the hotel events industry.

Ultimately, Banquet and events managers were the last group of interviews
participants as they are responsible for the successful event organization and
delivery process.

3.12 Data analysis

After conducting interviews, the researcher has transcripted the data carefully,
read and examined them by dividing the results into particular themes, namely as

thematic data analysis. Roulston (2010) supports that qualitative researchers use
thematic analysis more frequently. The results from transcribed interviews with
sales and hotel managers are divided into the following categories:

-Infrastructure required for events in luxury hotels of Athens

-Different types of events in hotels
-Event planning and evaluation process
-Benefits from event organization for hotels
-Future of event planning in hotels

The researcher will present the finding by interpretation based on the evidence
achieved by interviews. This method of data analysis will enable the researcher to
make a discussion of the results against the theory framework and also the
research aim and objectives.

3.13 Research limitations

A key limitation was the limited time that the researcher had on her disposal.

Other limitation was the sample, which was made only from three hotel companies
as selected cases to examine. Surely this is a small sample and it may not make
easy the generalization of results. However, it must be taken into consideration
that this is a time where the hotels are in full operation and it was not easy to find
more people to take part in this research.

3.14 Validity, Reliability

Data validation is the process of determining ,to the largest possible extent, if
surveys, interviews or observations were conducted correctly and are free of fraud
or bias(Hair,1998).The information from the in-person interviews has been recorded
to make sure we express the same meaning in writing as what the respondent
meant during the interview. We understand the answers are based on their
personal perception of the subject. We aim to gather information about their
roles ,responsibilities and tasks as far as the event organization and make a linkage
to the theory founded in the literature review section as well as to investigate
their viewpoints about the benefits from organizing events in the hotel sector and
in this way to fill a research gap previously unexplored.

According to Saunders et al (2003) validity and reliability is an issue. While on
quantitative research the researcher can ensure the validity with the use of a
questionnaire which has been used again and it is linked with the hypothesis, in
qualitative research this is often not an easy task to accomplish.

However, the author has managed to create an instrument of research which has
questions that derive straight from the findings of the literature review. Despite of
not using a set of questions which have been used in previous questions, the
researcher has focused on creating a set of questions that are directly linked with
the scope of this research and what has been found on the literature review. In this
way, she ensures the validity and reliability of the research.

3.15 Ethical considerations

Ethics is an important part of a research. Especially on qualitative research, it is

essential to ensure the confidentially of what will be said. It understood that when
someone who works for a firm, provides the researcher with inside information, it is
expected that the researcher will ensure the anonymity of the participants (Bell
and Bryman, 2007).Ethical concerns must be part of the fundamental design of any
research project to ensure that the research does not refute the published ethical

Indeed, the researcher has ensure the anonymity of the participants and she
avoided asking more personal questions so to not to have on her disposal any
other information. Furthermore, the transcripts were recorded and they were used
exclusively for the purpose of this research and not for another reason.



The purpose of this section is to present the key findings of the conducted
interviews. The nature of the in-depth interviews is that the interviewing process is

not as strict and the discussion flows freely. The interviewees are invited to
present their own personal responses to questions regarding to their experience
and expertise in hotel event planning.

Below you will find an illustration of their responses giving in this way the idea of
how they think and act in their job and some overall observations from the
researchers point of view as far as the similarities and the differences of their
responses concerned.

As it is said in the research methodology section, data were analyzed on a thematic

basis and the presentation of results will be divided into the following parts :

a) Infrastructure required for events in luxury hotels of Athens

b) Different types of events in hotels

c) Event planning and evaluation process

d) Benefits from event organization for hotels

e) Future of event planning in hotels

The researcher chose to categorize the results into the above parts in order to give
a clear picture about how the findings from primary research are linked with
research questions and objectives of the study and in this way to pass with
cohesion in the following part of discussion with the literature review section.

4.2 Infrastructure for events in Athens 5* hotels

During the first part of interviews, two significant questions concerning the
infrastructure for events are submitted to the participants. The first question was
related to what type of infrastructure needs to have a hotel to deliver successfully
an event and in which ones the particular hotel has invested and why.

A hotel should have been designed to provide the requisite special venues and
appropriate equipment and facilities to hold conferences and other events.
Technical infrastructures such as secure access, power from generators in case of

blackout, are the basic requirements to be covered in the events venues. There
should also have a variety of settings (indoors and outdoors), to face the
unpredictable factor of whether conditions.

All of the respondents mentioned that the hotel which they are representing has
from the construction of specific designed venues for multi-purpose events with
more and more modern premises especially for meetings, conferences and
weddings. However, the last years because of the impressive growth of business
tourism in Athens have been made renovations to the hotel sites with the view to
serve exclusively different types of events. One of the respondents declares:

The determinant factor for business tourism development in one place

constitutes the availability of infrastructure and services combined with the
excellent climate of the country, its gastronomy its renowned hospitality and
entertainment, there is an urgent need for investment in modernization of hotel
conference facilities with a view to respond to the rise of this kind of tourism and
the higher customers expectations regarding the luxury hotel products.

The types of sites, facilities and services of examined hotels have been provided
from interviewees to the researcher who presents all of this information on the
appendix 2.

Moreover, some of the interviewees underlined that their hotel has focused on
events infrastructure investment-especially for weddings- in order to combine the
competitive advantage of their location(for example seaside view)with high quality
of facilities and offer a more attractive hotel wedding product than the

The second question related to hotel events infrastructure has the purpose to find
out if there is a strong competition in luxury hotels of Athens in terms of event
sites, quality of facilities and services.

From the responses of interviewees the next facts could be highlighted.

There is a fierce competition in hotel event venues as every property sells a

unique event product said one the sales manager of Grecotel Cape Sounio Hotel.

The general view among the respondents is that there are high quality products
with similar characteristics in terms of venues, capacities and facilities for events in
luxury hotels of Athens and if they are combined with an affordable price, usually
drives to the higher competition. It is noticeable that one of the respondents said
that it is the demand which determines the competition. The greater the demand is
for events in hotels, those are looking for ways to invest, develop and diversify
their product, and as a result competition will increase.

Especially in times of economic crisis, the participants quite agree that the
competition is strong not only in terms of event product characteristics provided by
hotel companies but also in terms of low prices combined with high standard
event facilities.

4.3 Events as a hotel product: types of events organized in hotels

During the second phase of interviews, three specific questions were presented to
the participants. The first question was related to the definition of an event from
hotel practitioners point of view and the second was about the relation between
the hotel product and events and what differentiates the organization of an event
in a hotel from another venue.

Ultimately, the researcher asked which types of events the particular hotels are
organizing and for what purpose. The responses of hotel and sales managers will
be useful in order to clearly understand their similarities and differencies in
perception of the event definition and meaning, and do comparisons in respect of
the definitions which have been presented in previous section of literature review.
Additionally, it is interesting to have an idea about the types of event are
organized from the selected hotels sample.

Taking into consideration the responses of the interviewees regarding to the event
definition, it is remarkable that several of them concede to the following: event is
any planned event organized by particular persons in specific hotel sites with a
specific purpose. The purpose is usually determined in accordance to the customer
needs. Those purposes could be the education, if the event is a meeting or

conference, the entertainment, the organization of a social or other kind of event.
One of them describes the event as a way of communicating and interacting
with other people exchanging ideas ,point of views and take decisions .From
another participants view the event is understood as a unique happening which
occurs only one time and has the elements of no ordinary and unforgettable
for its attendants.

Generally, it could be highlighted from the researcher as the most interesting

outcome of this question, that all the interviewees were trying to describe an
event bearing on their mind their clients perspective about event meaning and
purpose and all the actions related to the execution of an event in the context of
hotel environment tend to be customer-centered ,taking into consideration the
and customer needs and expectations

Consequently, the interviewees were requested to share their opinions as far as the
relation between event organization and hotel product and also to explain what is
the difference between an event organized in a hotel venue and another venue.

The opinions of the interviewees regarding the above issues were quite varied.

Some of the respondents believe that the organization of an event from the hotel is
a complimentary and value added component in basic hotel product which is the
accommodation while they have mentioned that some types of events such as jazz
music evening concerts or themed nights work like elements of added value from
the customers perspective who are already residents in the hotel. Furthermore,
since these kind of events are particularly designed to attract visitors to experience
the hotel they constitute a part of hotel product marketing strategy.

On the other hand, the rest of the respondents, declares that events like weddings
and conferences and more precisely event venues, facilities and services are
themselves a distinct hotel product which the hoteliers are trying to achieve event
sales in the same way as room sales.

Regarding to the characteristics of events in hotels which differentiate them from

events organized in other venues, some of the respondents have the clearly stated
vision that an event which is hosted by the hotel tends to be more successful as

its design and implementation has contained unique intangible features which
exclusively offered by the hotel. Those features could be as the interviewees
mentioned , the sense of hospitality which is by definition inextricably connected
to all of the hotel products ,the creation of the appropriate ambience for the
event or finally the high-quality of services provided.

However the majority of the respondents referred to the intangible elements of

hotel event product which makes a hotel event different, a number of participants
bring up the fact that it is the costing of the event (price) for the client, which
determines this difference. Usually the costs of event organization in a hotel and
especially in 5 star category hotels are higher due to the fact that the hotel
undertakes a variety of activities and services for event execution such as
facilities, equipment ,venue decoration , food and beverage services, apart from
venues provided exclusively for the event. Instead of this, the organization of an
event in another venue does not presuppose taking responsibility of other
activities necessary for the organization and implementation of the event from the
venues owner .

As far as the types of events which are organized by the hotels selected as our
sample, it must be clarified that participants were asked to make a categorization
in relation to the purpose of their organization. It is very difficult to separate and
classify the different events in one category. As it is said by one interviewee'' The
event itself cannot be assigned to a category. What gives an event its character is
the purpose of its organization and who becomes and the person or entity to
which organizes.

As a result, through a particular effort was made possible to categorize events

according to the purpose as it is perceived by the responsible for their organization.
The result was their categorization into three major categories:


Business events are the events that made for the account of a company, for the
purpose of creating positive reputation. More precisely, are all those events for

public relations firm organized either by the company itself or by another entity.
Business events are distinguished in:


Meetings: are common business events in large companies, perfect to discuss

operational and financial strategies

Seminars are educational events for the training of managers and employees.
Most seminars are not comparable with boring lectures. Interactivity is core!

Business dinners: a long-standing corporate tradition to conclude fiscal years,

celebrate new milestones or to get in contact with key customers

Team building events: a key to develop and motivate teams in companies and
divisions. Everything about the planning of professional team building events

Incentive travels: are perfect to reward and to motivate employees or to increase

customer loyalty and retention. Everything about incentive travel:

Product launches: are critical for the successful market introduction of some
products. A perfect product presentation might also increase the media coverage

Exhibitions: are a great opportunity to present your latest products to customers

and business partners.


Social events are the nature of a social and meet the needs of social obligations.
In this category are included:

Weddings: should be the most important days in the life of brides, grooms and
their families. Professional event managers help to plan the events

Cocktail parties

Birthdays: require seldom a professional event manager, but there are
exceptions. Find out how event managers can help you to make your party a

Family events: are great opportunities to assemble whole families. We offer hints
and ideas to plan perfect family events like birthdays, weddings, etc.

Bachelor parties



Entertainment and leisure events are the events that have as primary aim to
meet the entertainment needs of hotel guests. Entertainment events include:

Culinary events

Festivals, like wine festivals

Fashion shows

Sport events

Themed nights

Music concerts

Seasonal events

4.4 Event planning process in a hotel

In this chapter the researcher will present through a thoroughly analysis the
answers of the interviewees concerning the procedures required to achieve event,
from planning to implementation.

In the first phase asked interviewees to describe the stages of the process of
organizing and implementing an event. The aim of the researcher within the
submission of this question was to collect detailed information for the whole

procedure .An interesting observation related to this question is the fact that each
respondent described the process from the position he held. As a result the
researcher achieved the above objectives, namely to investigate in details the
procedure of event organization in the hotel environment.

Secondly, a question about the staff involved and their roles and responsibilities in
the whole event planning process was submitted and ultimately which departments
of the hotel should coordinate for event implementation.

As far as the stages of event planning process in the hotel environment the
greatest number of the interviewees claimed that the procedures required for
organization and event implementation can be divided into those made before the
signature of event cooperation contracts between client and hotel ,and those that

The stages of the procedure will be presented below in detailed way just as the
majority of respondents described them to us.

Step 1 :Customers solicitation

As far as the interviewees words, there are several ways to find their customers.
The most important is the word of mouth method as a very satisfied client from
an event in the hotel would have a positive image and disseminate it to its social
environment. Another noticeable method in attracting customers is the personal
contact or phone contact as a way to launch the hotel event product.

Also, advertising mainly through hospitality partners and tourism industrys

players websites, tourism magazines, TV spots, social media tools are effective
methods to attract customers.

At this point it is worth mentioning that the sales department is responsible for the
customers solicitation.

One of the hotel managers told us that through the successful event management
in his company they establish a good reputation and customers firstly contact them
in order to organize an event.

On the whole, customers approaching is an interactive process. Not only
companies are trying to find them but this process happens vice versa.

Step 2: Customer needs exploration and contract signature

The first step mentioned by interviewees and should be followed by Sales

Department, is the exploration of customers needs and expectations for the basic
details of the event execution. The sales manager invite the customer to visit the
hotel in order to provide with different proposals with the form of scenarios (for
example photos of previous events, decoration, hotel available venues for the
actual day in order to choose which is the most suitable.

After agreeing in one of the proposals with the client, the sales manager asked him
to sing a contract which is an agreement between him and the hotel and includes
details for event implementation (see appendix for contract example) such as the
number of guests, cost per person and the rights and obligations from both sides

After signing the agreement, the last activity of the sales department is to make a
list of the basic details of the event (venues, date, guests number) as have been
portrayed in the contract and give them to the Banquet Manager. From this
moment and then the Banquet/F&B Section is responsible for the organization and
implementation of the event and the Banquet Manager is in a constant contact with
customer to keep him updated for the progress of event design and get feedback if
there is a change in his needs.

Step 3:Event design process-Budgeting process

The head of the Events/Banquet department will evaluate the event details paper
and start a brainstorming with the customer in order to better understand his
requirements. As far as the event budgeting process, it is provided to the Customer
an itemized statement of required costs .The costing of all the necessary
activities is under the responsibility of Banquet manager and should be based on
the clients financial requirements. The budgeting process requires proper
monitoring and attention in order to avoid mistakes and deviations at the end of
the final costing and misunderstandings with the customer, something that will
propel the formation of a negative image of the hotel operations.

The budget of an event organized in a hotel depends on customers financial
limitations as well as the nature of the event. All of the respondents said that the
budget of business events is higher than other types of events budgets. As an
event manger supports, the budget planning should be done carefully both to
avoid any cost overruns and endanger the financial position of the hotel as well as
to be in compliance with the maximum of customers financial capability
framework. It is noticeable that Sales managers underlined that during budgeting
process, Banquet Manager should consult Sales manager in order to provide him
important features of the overall annual budget of the hotel and estimate them in
order to cost the event

The main components of events budget are the costs for staff, staff materials, food
and beverage , equipment, freelancers or outsourcing suppliers for lighting, sound
systems , musicians etc.

Step 4: Event Organization from anquet department

First of all during this phase the role of Banquet department and Banquet manager
is crucial. The venue where the event will take place is determined depending of
the hotel capacity and availability, designed and decorated in accordance with
each event spatial requirements, as well as a timeline is created for different tasks
in planning process. It is important that a responsible person is selected who will
oversee and guide the work of the staff.

Also, the menu is specified with the contribution of Maitre and other also services
considered essential for the smooth running of an event. An example of an event
menu can be found on the appendix 8.

Moreover during this stage the Banquet Manager select carefully the outside
partners which are companies supplying the event with live music, sound-lighting
or venue decoration services and arrange with them the necessary details.

Step 5: Coordination of all the involved in planning process hotel departments for
event execution.

The fifth stage is the effective coordination of all the involved in planning
departments .At this point it is considered appropriate for all parts to be tuned on

a complete cooperation between them and especially the F & B department
which is responsible for the event delivery.

The excellent cooperation between the Banquet Department and the other hotel
operations are what drives an event in success.

The role of the Banquet department resembles that of a maestro of an orchestra.

It has the responsibility of joining the function of different hotel operations and
departments for the successful implementation of the event.

The Banquet Department shall endeavor to inform the other parts fortnight
before an issuing a departmental document called event checklist .The form
contains all the essential data, all the event details, date, time person, the
equipment required, the menu etc. This paper is distributed to all the hotel
departments and each one takes the role to undertake the appropriate activities.

For example, the sales department is responsible for rooms reservations if it has to
deal with a conference or a wedding with required accommodation.

The employees of the reception department are the first who have the first contact
with guests and give them the first impression about the hotel. Thus they must be
willing to offer guidance by showing them the sense of hospitality.

Additionally, the coordination of the kitchen and the housekeeping staff with Events
Department for the preparation of catering and the cleaning of event venues
,before ,during and after the end of the event is equally important for the smooth
implementation of the event.

It is important for Banquet Manager to have continuous control over the

compliance of the event checklist, so as to avoid any unexpected situations or
inconsistency with customer needs. Also, it is appropriate to recheck the timeline
and the command bulletin for any last minute changes or cancellations of some
works. All of these procedures should and be done quickly and correctly within the
divisions taking part in the events achievement. As far as the staff concerned, it is
imperative for everyone to be aware of its responsibility and role in the whole
process in order to avoid conflicts or confusion of roles.

In summary, the effective coordination of all the involved departments of the hotel.
Moreover, as some of the participants suggested, it is advisable for the above
departments to make a plan based on ongoing information for possible changes in
customers requirements. Ultimately, the constant control during the event design,
organization and implementation process is a significant element of success.

Step 7: Event success evaluation

The evaluation would better take place within a short period, for example one or
two days after the end of the event with the use of questionnaires the interviewees
have told .Ta questionnaires completed by participants to express their feelings,
comments or their complaints through a series of questions concerning the event
implementation. According to the majority of the responses from interviewees the
success of an event is defined from the satisfaction of customers. The satisfied by
the outcome of an event customer will be the ones who will prefer the hotel in the
future as he would have created a very positive image for this place.

One of the hotel sales manager pointed out that event evaluation takes place also
during the event in order to get feedback for customer satisfaction explore
possible issues or complaints.


Regarding the question of how many people are employed to conduct an event,
respondents said that depends both on the type of event (if it is a wedding or
conference), the number of guests and the size of the event. Moreover, it depends
on whether the event will take place simultaneously in one or more venues in hotel.

The majority of luxury hotels apart from the standard and personalized staff,
usually have back-up staff which supports mainly the big size events with
high requirements from the client side.

One of the interviewees declares The Sales and Event Department of our hotel
consists of experienced people ,highly trained in order to equipped with expertise

and skills in order to approach the client and knowledge to carry out an event and
achieve the desired result which is a unique and special event for customers who
trusted the hotel.

Concerning the individuals who are responsible for making an event first of all is
the Sales manager whose role is to sell the hotel event product to potential
customers. As he is the person who has the first contact with a prospective
customer, is likely to be a person who has strong communication skills, flexibility in
his words, and also detailed knowledge about the service he sells to give reliable
information to the client and avoid negative unexpected comments. Moreover, it
must be equipped with innovative ideas and diplomacy.

The next key person for the event delivery process is the Banquet Manager who is
responsible for managing the operation and service of Banquet department. This
person contributes to the completion of event delivery tasks such as designing and
decorating of the venue, the menu, contacting with outside partners for the
provision of light-sound equipment or music for the event and finally human
resources planning for the event day .It is important to have well-organized skills
and must be familiar with all the above details in order to address with accuracy
and success to customer requirements. It is also important to be insightful and
have experience to select the appropriate outside partners for venue decoration,
audiovisual equipment, music etc.

As one of the Banquet Managers said each event has its own characteristics and
requirements that must in part be edited in any way so as to come out an
impressive and satisfying result that will please not only until customers but also
employees who worked for .The Banquet department undertakes a difficult task as
it has to deal not only with the particular characteristics of each event and the fact
that it should always be directed to the customer requirements.

Last but equally most important person involved in the event conduct is the Matre
who is responsible for the menu schedule, organize tableware and the related
catering services but also the venue layout, depending on each event requirements
and venue capacity.

It is worth mentioning that one of the respondents underlined the significance of
effective collaboration between the Banquet Manager and Matre and the
requirement from both sides to pay attention in customer needs not only for a
successful event delivery but also for the provision of unexpected issues.

Within the progress of the interviews the researcher realized that the third question
related to the hotel departments which is needed to coordinate for event
implementation was covered by the participants in their responses on the stages of
the process for designing the event .As a consequence this question have not been
finally displayed to the hotel event practitioners.

4.5 The role of events for hotel companies

Turning to the next theme of interviews results, which is the role of events
organization for hotel companies, participants were asked to provide us with
information about the actual economic or other value for hotel companies gained
from events organization.

Considering our respondents' answers the primary role and purpose of holding
events in a hotel environment is economical. First of all, one of the respondents
who represents the hotel company x claim that as hotels are commercial
enterprises, the main focus is the biggest financial results. Events and especially
business events, contribute on average profit growth by a percentage of 20 to

Specifically, from conferences organization hotels in Athens generate the greatest

part of income coming from events organization. The results also coming from

events are interesting as one of the hotel managers said because they affect the
financial situation of the whole company.

The hotel manager y presented to us the benefits of conference and company

meetings for enterprises, which are summarized as follows:

Improves the average overnight stays in low season

Lots of hotel venues such as restaurants, bars, sports facilities which usually are
closed might be used for special events and has the result of generating

During a conference, the sales of various hotel departments (restaurants, bars)

are rising up to 40%.

By organizing events, it is promoted the social face of the hotel company, locally.
As a result the events organization contributes to the image making of the

Secondly, the hotel unit uses the events as marketing and public relations tool to
increase their reputation and enhance their brand name. Particularly through the
promotion of social events or theme nights and special celebrations which
advertise to attract area residents as well as hotel guests, as they said that through
events are trying to increase the awareness and thus define the brand. The
responses received from the Sales managers representing the hotel x and y and
support the above argument is that events ,by highlighting the public nature of
hotels and showcasing more of the property than is typically revealed to guests,
invite public into the hotel metaphorically. Events provide a window into the
hotels facilities, and a perspective on its clientele, a platform to display the hotels
brand. Because events are distinct from rooms- and because ,unlike rooms
,events are not static constructions hotels have more latitude to create a tone
that either augments or expands the propertys existing brand image.

It is interesting to point out some contrasts between the answers of the

participants concerning the role of events. There are hotel managers who recognize

that events are close to an ideal marketing and public relations vehicle and
leverage the unique marketing benefits of event hosting to their fullest. On the
other hand, some of the interviewees do not consider these ancillary benefits of
events , instead viewing them as simple revenue producing functions, tertiary to
the hotels core operation of letting rooms.

Additionally, it is remarkable that the hotel manager y supports that PR or

Awareness= Revenues. That means that by investing in event marketing strategy
the hotel could have a tremendous impact on revenues from core room sales too
increased catering and banquet business to higher traffic at that propertys public
offerings(like Food and Beverage outlets, spa and pool etc.).

Moreover, investing in organizing events as complementary products hotel units

differentiate from their competitors, as it offers additional value for clients. An
event is could create feelings and recreation experiences for clients. All of them
contribute to a greater satisfaction and meeting of their expectations. We want to
offer our guests amenities beyond the fruit plate, we want them to find something
special and want to come back again said one of the hotel managers selected for
interviewing. Based on the feedback from our guests, a wine tasting event which
has been organized in our hotel was viewed as a sacrosanct experience and also
as she added it is absolutely worth our investment. Especially for luxury hotels
where the requirements and expectations of customers for the product are higher,
the event organization is a component for both creating additional value and
differentiation from competitors.

Another last but not least point from participants responses which worth drawing is
the undeniable role of experimenting with new special or even quirky events. They
admitted that innovative event concepts such as cooking demonstrations and
generally culinary events are critical for the short and long-term success of hotel
business, and those ideas should meet the needs and expectations of the most
demanding customers.

4.6 Future of event planning in hotels

During the final stage of the interviews with Hotel Staff involved in event planning
procedure, our primary goal was to explore their viewpoints concerning the trends

in hotel events sector, specifically during this economic recession and specifically
which are their actions in order to face these trends.

The majority of participants quite agree that there will be a negative impact on
demand for events as companies will be looking for low cost choices. From another
point of view, as one of the hotel managers maintains the demand for business
events wont be influenced from economic recession as this sector is continuously
increasing in a great profitability ,especially in Athens where the latest years has
started to attract more conference events .

Obviously, the views seem to be different .In times of economic crisis the demand
for event organization will be reduced but not largely because the need for some
specific types of events such as social or business will never stop growing. The
truth is that there will be strong turning to low cost options whenever and
competition will become more intense.

Summarizing the answers about the future events in hotels, it may be concluded
that the competition will become more intense and the sales of hotel event product
will fall down as .The prices will be reduced due to financial crisis since the budgets
for corporate events will fall too. Moreover, as it is mentioned new venues will enter
the market to host events such as conference centers for business and especially in
Athens events organization by those types of venues such as cultural centers and
convention centers is an emerging trend.

As interviewees reported in order to face competition it is necessary for hotels to

invest in the differentiation of hotel event products and specifically in venues
facilities and innovation ,uniqueness, equipment and high quality of services.

The right professional reduce prices without reducing quality of products and
services said one of our respondents.

Another interesting response of one of the hotel managers is presented below with
his own words:

Our company during this period of economic crisis invest in quality. Both the
major renovation of the hotel and the continuing effort to improve our services
seems to find response to customers looking for something different and special.
We are opposed to discounts on services and products, like the reduction of our
workforce. We insist to invest in quality at all levels and look forward with strategic
moves to markets seeking similar services and have the ability to turn to enjoy.
What characterizes our age are the versatility, flexibility and foresight. The fact is
that we are in a new era.

One of our respondents mentioned that their priority is to invest in new and
innovative event concepts as a means to make the hotel event product more
attractive and different from competitors.

Another significant trend in hotel event sector identified from interviewed hotel
managers is the organizing of green-sustainable events. As the hotel manager x
supports the hotels which will invest in organizing events by taking into
consideration the environmental factors and will be able to demonstrate that an
environmental consciousness will have a key competitive advantage since demand
for such events has increased.

Overall, the industry players face competition by investing their efforts to attract
new market and continuous improvement of infrastructure and services (e.x.the
unique characteristics of hotel venues, high quality of services, facilities for holding
events)as well as investing in finding experienced, equipped with skills and
qualified staff. As it was underlined from the hotel manager y one of our priorities
is to hire people who will be responsible for event planning within the hotel and in
this way to create a hotel department exclusively dedicated to events
management as at the moment more than one hotel departments and operations
are involved in event organization.

Discussion of Findings

The research has taken place among a sample of hotel managers and hotel event
executives in Athens by using in-depth interviews, where the results have been
mentioned in the previous chapter. This chapter will attempt to make a detailed
discussion of the findings of this research based on what has been written on the
previous chapter.

From the research we know that all of the respondents mentioned that the hotel
which they are representing has from the construction the specific designed
venues for multi-purpose events with more and more modern premises especially
for meetings, conferences and weddings. However, the last years because of the
impressive growth of business tourism in Athens have been made renovations to
the hotel sites with the view to serve exclusively different types of events. This has
been mentioned also from Floros (2010). Actually the Olympic Games have become
a good starting point for the generation of tourism in the city, while during the past
years; the city of Athens has turned into event management.

From the results we can also see that some of the hotels have invested into this
part of the tourist market, which relies a lot on event and less on tradition tourist
activities. Indeed, some of the respondents mentioned that their hotel has focused
on events infrastructure investment-especially for weddings- in order to combine
the competitive advantage of their location(for example seaside view)with high
quality of facilities and offer a more attractive hotel wedding product than the
competitors. From this it is understood that many hotels are giving priority on the
events rather on having guests. Sotiropoulos (2003) has claimed that Athens is
one stop destinations where tourists tend avoid to use Athens as hub to change
transportation rather than to stay. For this reason, the hotels focus on events since
there is no other choice to generate income.

Another issue discussed was what types of tourist events that the hotels are
organizing. From the results of the survey we know that some of the respondents
believe that the organization of an event from the hotel is a complimentary and
value added component in basic hotel product which is the accommodation while
they have mentioned that some types of events such as jazz music evening

concerts or themed nights work like elements of added value from the customers
perspective who are already residents in the hotel. Furthermore, since this kind of
events are particularly designed to attract visitors to experience the hotel they
constitute a part of hotel product marketing strategy. However, some others
declared that weddings and conferences constitute a distinct hotel product where
they are trying to have even sales at the same time.

Roulston (2010) has written that indeed, the modern hotels found on cities have to
face the competition from hotels or popular resorts on rural areas but also the fact
that a hotel in a city has more expenses than a hotel found outside the city. This
means that there is more pressure so to generate income and hence they have to
address on alternative ways including events.

Taking into consideration the results of the interviews, there are three types of
events; business events, social events and entertainment / leisure events, where
we can find examples of such events on the appendix.

Regarding the event organization, we have found that there are seven steps, as
given also on the literature, and explained each step based on the findings of the

On the issue of staffing, from the interviews the key conclusion is the events are
run from standard and highly professional staff. Concerning the individuals who are
responsible for making an event first of all is the Sales manager whose role is to
sell the hotel event product to potential customers. As he is the person who has
the first contact with a prospective customer, is likely to be a person who has
strong communication skills, flexibility in his words, and also detailed knowledge
about the service he sells to give reliable information to the client and avoid
negative unexpected comments. Moreover, it must be equipped with innovative
ideas and diplomacy. Other key roles are the Banquet Manager and the Matre who
all have their own part of the successful event. Of course the literature, such as
Allen et al (2002) has given also a testimony about having a large number of part-
timers but this has not been mentioned so much from the interviews.

A vital point is the role of events for the hotel companies. This is a pint where the
hotel management will set some priorities. From the interviews we have mentioned

some benefits including, that it improves the average overnight stays in low
season, lots of hotel venues such as restaurants, bars, sports facilities which
usually are closed might be used for special events and has the result of
generating revenues, etc.

In addition to this, the hotel units use the events as marketing and public relations
tool to increase their reputation and enhance their brand name. Particularly
through the promotion of social events or theme nights and special celebrations
which advertise to attract area residents as well as hotel guests, as they said that
through events are trying to increase the awareness and thus define the brand,
which has been mentioned also from Allen et al (2001).

Surely, the future of events on city hotels will be quite promising since it can
become an income generator but also it can bring more tourism, since the hotels
are using the events in order to promote their activities.


Event management is a crucial issue for a hotel. Especially when we refer on hotels
found on cities, then even management is a crucial operation. The dissertation
examined the case of Athens. As noticed from the literature review, Athens is a city
which has been upgraded during the Olympic Games; however it never managed to
become a key destination. Instead, it is considered as a stop-by for tourists going to
the Greek islands or tourists are coming to visit the sightseeing and then to leave
the city.

This situation creates a gap for the hotels which have invested millions of Euros so
to renovate while many well-known hotels are found in Athens, including Athens,
Holiday Inn, etc. However, those hotels need to generate income so to continue
their operations. At this point the events come to help those hotels to generate
income which is vital for their existence.

As we noticed from the literature review and the research, the major hotels of
Athens have all of the necessary equipment to host all kind of events including

business; social and entertainment events and this can become a trigger of
development for those hotels.

From a practical point of view, Athens Hotels have to survive and it is understood
that they are found in a city which has many opportunities, since it has some of the
most important archaeological sites in the world, but is has failed to keep tourists
close to the town. This has a direct impact in all short of tourist activities and
primary on hotels. When the city authorities are not able to retain the tourists for
more than one day to Athens, then the hotels would have to find other ways to
keep on their operations. In this point, we must not forget that during the past
years many four and even five star hotels closed down in Athens, due of the
economic, political and social uncertainty which led in a decline of 25% on tourist
inflows in Athens. Of course, 2013 was the best ever years for tourism in Greece
but still Athens has stayed away from what is the best ever years for tourism in
Greece, since the over 1,5 million tourists who approached Athens came mostly
with cruisers to visit Acropolis and other places and interest and then to leave
without staying on hotels.

Facing the above mentioned situation, many hotels in Athens have focused on
events. The Olympic Games and several other events which took place in Athens
have helped those hotels to gain an important know-how on organizing events.
Today, most of those hotels focus on business events. Activities such as medical
conferences are an important function which keeps the hotels going, along with
weddings some other conferences and events.

From the interviews but also from the related literature, it was obvious the fact that
events constitute a significant source of income but also they are one of the most
effective marketing and promotion tools for the hotels.

On most of the occasions, the events bring premium guests. For example, a
medical conference is expected to bring over 200-300 well paid doctors along with
their families while on some occasions those conferences will also bring journalists,
students, pharmaceutical firms executives and other people who are associated
with this. It is understood that those guests will not only attend the conference but
they will stay at the hotels rooms, they will lose its services, etc. Besides this, the

guests will feel that due of the time pressure that a conference has, they may have
to come back again so to have the time to see the city or to make suggestions on

So, an event is an important marketing tool and the hotel managers must be able
to focus on this. However, from the research and the literature review it was an
important point which derived which is the fact that there is a need to have a well-
organized event management team. Though events is not something that is
happening in a daily basis, it is important to have a good organization and to have
the right people on the right positions so to ensure the quality of the events which
will help the hotel to continue having events organized from premium clients and to
build a strong brand image that will attract more customers.

The dissertation has left space for future research. This means that a future
research much provide the ground for more conclusions. At this point, the
recommendation for future research must include a wider sample which will include
hotels from other parts of Greece or even hotels from other countries. The scope
will be to make comparisons between best practices from hotels in Athens with the
International market, so to produce some conclusions that will be the outcome of a
wider research and they will make suggestions based on foreign best practices.

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International and local major hotel chains have invested enough in designing and
equipping their facilities for hosting an event after realizing that the main multi
purpose rooms could not meet the needs of modern industry events as it has

The major Athens luxury hotel companies with world-class event design and
infrastructure are presented below:


The historic Grande Bretagne hotel which is managed by Starwood Hotels &
Resorts Worldwide Inc, is owned by Lampsa SA, Greek Hotels, a member of the
chain and Luxury Collections is included again this year in the two most popular
lists of the best hotels in the world while it has so far hosted some of the most
important and grandest events in Athens.

All of its halls are equipped with the latest technology and at the same luxury as
the Hall Grand Ballroom with rarities Art, houses Christie's and Sotheby's.

Meetings, Events, Christenings, Weddings and Banquets, Athens

Hotel Grande Bretagne is considered by recognized meeting planners and

individual guests as the ultimate choice for sophisticated business meetings and
lavish social events in Athens. Featuring over 1,100 square meters of refined
function space, the hotel has repeatedly hosted the most important and glamorous
weddings and banquets in Athens. Explore hotels meeting packages that suite
your needs and receive special group rates.

Business Meetings in Hotel

Routinely awarded for its commitment to excellence and innovations in hotel

management both at home and abroad, the Hotel Grande Bretagne is in the citys
most convenient location. Dating from the mid-1800s when the modern nation was
formed has always been Athens best address. Functions both serious and frivolous
are held at this historic hotel throughout the years, including numerous weddings,
banquets, baptisms, social events, incentives and congresses. Visit the 3 majestic
Ballrooms or the 5 smaller Meeting Rooms and benefit from available exclusive

For a really memorable experience immerse yourself among the vintage wines and
oak sideboards of the Wine Cellar. Meeting Rooms: 14 - Meeting Space: 1884m2


Built on one of the most central parts of the city and overlooking the stateliest
square of Athens, Syntagma Square, the Classical King George Palace is located in
the heart of the business world.

It has two large halls for events, corporate meetings and conferences. The Grand
Ballroom hall and the hall Boardroom can accommodate 15 to 400 people. The
high- tech equipment combined with skilled staff are the guarantee for the
successful conduct of the session.


Hilton Athens Hotel business Ionian property is the ideal choice for conferences
and events, one that has 22 fully equipped rooms, with capacity for up to 1300
delegates. Of these, 9 were called Hilton Meetings and meet the required
international standards for smaller business meetings.

Specifically, featuring ergonomically designed chairs for long meeting, air

conditioning, flipchart, LCD projectors with automatic screen, wireless internet,
wardrobe and coffee station, and secretarial support from the fully equipped
Business Center. These rooms are ideal for parallel sessions, workshop and meals
that usually surround the major conferences.

The largest room Terpsichore is up to 1,300 people, while the audiovisual
equipment provided by Podimatas Audiovisual.


Hotels Crowne Plaza Athens City, Holiday Inn Athens - Attica Avenue and Holiday
Suites are owned Bros Canvas FDI.

The Crowne Plaza Athens City is the newest hotel in Athens, and fully reconstructed
in October 2008. It has 14 meeting rooms accommodating up to 1000 people, while
most of the rooms have natural lighting.

The Holiday Inn Athens - Attica Avenue is on the Attiki Odos, has 6 conference
rooms for up to 200 people.

The hotel has its own modern equipment DVD player, central console for
microphones, amplifier, matrix, electronic stand where the time each speaker is
available, an electronic sign where the name and logo of the company and
monitors which lowered electronically from the ceiling, and portable screens where


It has five halls capacity from 25 to 350 people. All rooms are well designed for
making conferences, business meetings, formal dinner meeting or business
meeting, formal dinner or seminars. Provide full technical support and equipment
that is available on the platform speakers, while the hotel has partnership with
various external partners.


Ledra Marriott has a perfect business environment and an ideal setting for any
kind of event, as an ideal base for conferences or any kind of events, and is only 10
minutes of time away from the historic center of Athens.

H Mediterranean Grand Ballroom is for events and conferences long range and can
accommodate from 450 up to 700 guests. The hall is capable separated into two
different, sound-insulated rooms for different activities or events of smaller size.


Group Airotel consists of hotels Stratos Vassilikos, Alexandros Parthenon, Achaia

Beach, and Malaconda Beach.

At Stratos Vassilikos and Alexander functional meeting rooms fully equipped

capacity covering professional needs 20-280 people designed with quality and
character, while even audiovisual equipment can meet the most demanding needs
of meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, press conferences.

In equipment includes screen, overhead projector, flip chart, steady microphone,

TV, video & DVD player. Also by staff who covered other equipment. At the same
time, the power needs can be met in a wide variety of menus in either served or
buffet meal.


Titania Hotel features the Europe Conference & Banqueting, Hall, 300 square
meters, which consists of three rooms: the rooms Nike, Apollo and Athena. The
Europe Conference & Banqueting Hall, which can be tailored to the needs of the
organizers, has excellent sound insulation and has the ability to accommodate up
to 500 delegates. For the excellent organization of business, scientific and social
events, the hotel can be arranged most advanced audio-visual equipment and
telecommunications infrastructure.

The space Vergina total capacity of 850 persons suitable for conferences may be
operated individually and connected with all the other rooms, while Olympia Foyer
is an extension of the halls and is mainly at the premises where the breaks of

For the excellent organization of all any professional event offered all three rooms
located on the 10th floor with spectacular views of the Acropolis and natural


Divani Group holds the Divani Caravel Hotel, Divani Apollon in Crab, Divani Apollon
Suites, Divani Palace Acropolis, as well as the Divani Palace Larissa, Meteora and

All four hotels located in Athens is of high standard with conference rooms for
conferences, corporate events or any formal event. The 16 fully equipped
conference halls of the Divani Caravel, Ilisia total capacity of 4,000 square meters
can accommodate from 10 to 2,000 people simultaneously, and all areas of all
hotels and outside Athens can be divided into many parts, providing full
soundproofing, individual lighting and high-tech audiovisual equipment.

The Olympia Ballroom of Hotel Divani Caravel Hotel is 600 sq. of the largest
conference rooms can accommodate up to 1500 people, and the hotel has other
smaller rooms suitable for business meetings, which can be divided into even
smaller. Alternatively, the meeting stressed Florina Aristotelis I, II, III, is ideal for
high level meetings on a smaller scale. Finally halls Horizon and Athens View
located at the top floor and ideal for special events with a background of the

Note that conferences Divani Suites Apollon incurred Divani Apollon.


Awarded the distinction Greece's Leading Business Hotel in 2007 and Greece
Leading Hotel for the years 2005 & 2006 in the competition World Travel Awards
taking place in London, the hotel Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens is ideally
located near the center of Athens has Robust conference facilities with an area of
3,500 sq. consisting of 35 breakout rooms that have the capacity to accommodate
up to 3,500 people. The hotel has 6 rooms suitable for every event.

The largest of these is the Athenaeum Ballroom with modern audiovisual
equipment and capabilities accommodate up to 2,000 people.

The Athenaeum Conference Centre located at the level of Lobby and comprises the
Rotunda Lounge, the main conference room which can be divided into three smaller
and Executive Boardroom.

H Aphrodite hall located in the Lobby level and is distinguished by its brightness. It
is an ideal choice for business meetings and banquets.

The halls Ypsilon & Omikron impress with prestige, aesthetics and functional
adequacy supporting integrated events demanding.

The main restaurant for breakfast or lunch is the cafe Zoe while in special cases
can be used in restaurant Premiere Restaurant & Lounge Bar located on the top
floor of the hotel has been awarded the Golden Chef's Hat and offers panoramic
views of Athens.

Note that the Athenaeum InterContinental Athens has undertaken the management
of the Conference Center of Ethniki Insurance, 1,700 sq.m and is within walking
distance from the hotel, and can successfully host any kind of event.


In columns Zeus just five minutes from Syntagma, Athens Gate Hotel features room
Hadrian capacity 45 to 75, and the Roof Garden is located on the 8th floor of the
hotel offers a unique view into the historic center of Athens and can accommodate
a seated meal group 50 persons.


The property Astir Palace Vouliagmeni SA is under the management of Starwood

Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., in conjunction with a unique view of the Saronic
Gulf, offering a wide range of services and facilities to meet the needs of every
professional and beyond.

In an area of 300 hectares, the complex consists Of this Hotel Arion Resort & Spa-
former Arion, which features 10 conference capacity of 12-150 people. Note that
the Cosmos Congress Hall can accommodate 540 people, and has the ability to
break into three smaller sections. The halls Atlas A and Atlas B may be used
separately, however provided and the ability to integrate them. The conference
center has complete technological equipment, teleconferencing services, viewable
online, rent computer and mobile phone, wireless Internet connection, transfer
office work, technical support and on-site parking.In the hotel grounds during the
summer months can be accommodated lunch or dinner


Grand Resort's strategic location, away from the city center and close to Athens
international Airport, is ideal for business travelers who seek a luxury environment
equipped with all the contemporary facilities. Grand Resort hosted significant
conferences and incentive events through the past few years from all over the
world with hundreds of guests experienced this unique opportunity.

Facilities And Services

The indoor and outdoor banqueting areas as well as the numerous award-winning
restaurants, offering an extraordinary dining experience, are suitable to satisfy any
gastronomic preferences of our guests.

To relax after a seminar or an important meeting the perfect retreat is a visit to our
spa center. Blue spa is an ultimate experience to indulge your senses with our
exceptional face and body treatments.

Sightseeing, culture, sports, entertainment, shopping and any other sort of

attractions are services organized by our friendly and professional staff according
to your needs and requirements.


Grand-Resort- Lagonissi -pool Meeting facilities can cater business affairs of any
size, from five delegates to a large convention. Perfectly appointed conference and
break out rooms feature natural lighting and views overlooking the Aegean Sea.
State of the art equipment can be arranged and installed upon request.

Recently constructed, the extraordinary 'Grand Hall' adds a completely new

dimension to the Grand Resort conference experience. Dedicated to impress any
visitor it is the perfect venue with great versatility. Main hall with the capacity of
1,000 delegates features an outstanding stage along with the two foyer areas and
two open air terraces. Both areas measuring more than 2,000 m2 each provide
facilities for conferences, exhibitions and social events.


The most recent technological system installed at the conference area is the
capacity of 6 MBPS for 'heavy' internet users. Furthermore wireless internet access
is feasible at all public areas of the resort. Additionally the resort offers a wide
variety of elegant and inventive venues, which will guarantee the success of your
incentive program and remain a rewarding experience.

Set on a 72-acre private peninsula, Grand Resort Lagonissi -a member of The

Leading Hotels of the World- is the perfect destination for any incentive guest or a
business traveler, combining impeccable service and extensive conveniences in a
truly luxurious atmosphere.

All conference facilities are designed in every small detail to satisfy any guest
visiting Grand Resort. Offering high standards of service, state-of-the-art
technology, great accessibility, deluxe accommodation and exceptional culinary
options, the resort has reasonably earned the title of the best venue for high-end
conferences and meetings.


Exclusive services meet the highest standards set by our customers, such as 24-
hour security service, underground valet parking, wireless internet access, latest

telecommunication technology, audiovisual and translation equipment, web-site
connection, control room, LCD data screens, video phones for teleconferencing and
built-in video projectors.

Grand Resort conference facilities are able to host up to 2,000 delegates offering a
great versatility and a wide range of options to ensure that every event is
organized the way you desire. The spectacular sea view of the crystal blue waters
combined with the usage of natural light are unique features most appreciated by
our business travelers.


Grand-Resort-Lagonissi-room.The legendary peninsula has been for decades the

landmark of the south side of Athens where cosmopolitan guests and famous
travelers have met to enjoy their vacation in a luxury atmosphere. Grand Resort
Lagonissi is now proud to present Grand Hall, the brand new conference center
designed to impress any guest with its contemporary style and design. Dedicated
to host any kind of corporate meetings, exhibitions, press conferences and meeting
events, it is considered to be the leading venue in Athens for the organization and
implementation of your business plans.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, meets the highest criteria set by our
customers, assuring the successful outcome whatever the reason of the event.

An exclusive luxury resort set in 72 acres of a lush green private peninsula with
numerous idyllically spread magical sandy coves and encircled by the blue waters
of the Aegean Sea.

The award-winning resort extends its natural beauty in its design and offers the
finest contemporary luxuries and services. A perfectly designed setting for those
looking to organize a business event or a social gathering , this tranquil resort
gives you the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate in accommodation, dining and
leisure activities thus are making it a complete and exclusive destination.

Experience the thoughtful, above-and-beyond service, to make your every event


Inspirational spaces designed for your professional life-style. The Cape Sounio
meeting & conference facilities near Athens combine a motivating atmosphere and
relaxing environment. Get fully organized with compete catering facilities and let
our dedicated team do all the work.

Cape Sounio is easily the premier Business & Meeting resort in the Athens area
offering a range of well-equipped venues for intimate business meetings and
incentive groups. Set against the backdrop of the Temple of Poseidon and
surrounded by unspoilt nature, this conducive environment makes our corporate
retreat a truly inspiring experience.

The conference and meeting rooms are allocated in the main building. They are
equipped with the latest technology. The outstanding banqueting selection includes
coffee breaks, business lunches and gourmet dinners. For special events and
celebrations, the hotel offers luxury buffet or gala dinners, barbecues and parties
by the pool, beside the beach or on the outside terraces.

The professional yet friendly service combined with superb catering, entertainment
and sports facilities assure the most memorable events in Attica. Ample car parking
is available for the guests.


Technical Assistance | Podium / lectern | Overhead projectors | Video projector | Flip

charts | Video TV/screen | Slide projectors | Microphones (normal & cordless) | PC |
Printers | Wi-Fi internet connection in the conference rooms

Business Center Facilities:

24 hours fax service, and photocopies | Courier on call | Mail and postage | Airline
ticket confirmation | PC hire | AV equipment hire | Internet corners | Wi-Fi internet
connection in most bungalows & villas


Cape Sounio Grecotel Exclusive Resort will organize a special ceremony to

exchange vows of eternal love or renew your promises as a couple. From simply the
happy couple to the whole family in attendance, the choice is yours! It is so simple
to organize an informal ceremony, choose the date, the venue and the details,
there is no paperwork required.


The hotel has the best technology to meet the requirements of business travelers
with 1,013 sq. spaces divided between 11 meeting rooms, including a 600 sq.
Ballroom. Exclusive services are offered to always provide a touch of


A convention hall of 600 m with the possibility of being separated into two rooms
of 320 m and 280 m each or being set up as a ballroom. This great hall features
natural lighting and its own separate access from the hotel. Calisto is fully
equipped with all the latest audiovisual systems: Data Projector, Video Player, CD
player, DVD Player, Wireless Microphone, 2 Screens, 4 inputs for Laptop, 16
Telephone lines, a remote control multimedia facility.


A unique Board Meeting Room, with natural lighting and sealing for up to 15
people. Sirius apart from its comprehensive audiovisual suite: Computer, Video
Player, DVD Player, Data Projector, Screen, Wireless Microphone, 4 inputs for
Laptop, video-conference facilities, a remote control multimedia facility, features
also a solid mahogany table, modern executive chairs, a vestiary and a bar.
Adjacent to the meeting room there is an interconnecting lounge with immediate
access to the Orion meeting room.


A conference and lecture room to accommodate 50 people, or 30 for formal dining.

Orion is fully equipped with all the latest audiovisual systems: Data Projector, Video
Player, CD Player, Wireless Microphone, Screen, 2 Inputs for Laptop, a remote-
control multimedia facility. Adjacent to the meeting room there is an
interconnecting lounge with immediate access to the Sirius meeting room.


A meeting room that can host up to 22 people for seminars or lectures. Cassiopeia
is fully equipped with all the latest audiovisual systems: Data Projector, Video
Player, CD player, DVD Player, Wireless Microphone, Screen, 2 Inputs for Laptop, a
remote-control multimedia facility and a bar.


A meeting room that can host up to 70 people. Vega is fully equipped with all the
latest audiovisual systems: Data Projector, Video Player, CD player, DVD Player,
Wireless Microphone, Screen, 2 Inputs for Laptop, a remote-control multimedia
facility and a bar.


The Metropolitan Hotel is considered one of the most contemporary hotels in

Athens. What makes the Metropolitan Hotel really exceptional is its ultimate
dedication to the satisfaction of the most demanding clientele.

Eight business meeting conference rooms in Athens, fitted with the most modern
equipment accommodating up to 500 people, are now at your disposal for:
business congresses, seminars, business meetings, conferences, product and
services launches, exhibitions, parties receptions, cocktails and business lunches.


The Electra Palace Hotel is the ideal venue for a successful social or business
event. Three naturally lit function rooms, Alkioni, Electra and Lefkothea and a

spacious Ballroom, all with state of the art audio-visual equipment and experienced
personnel are available to satisfy the most demanding customer. The capacity of
our meeting space varies from 10-60 persons in U shape, from 10-160 persons in
school style, up to 280 persons in theatre style and banquet and up to 350 persons
for a cocktail.


Websites-Venues and Events Photos















Research Questionnaire

1. Which is the definition and meaning of events for you?

2. Which departments of the hotel are needed to coordinate in order to organize

and deliver an event?

3. Which are the stages of event planning process in the hotel environment?

4. How many staff is required in which roles and responsibilities and what skills and

5. Which types of events are organized by your hotel? Apart from the

traditional types of events (meetings, weddings) are there any other innovative
event implemented in your hotel?

7. How do you attract your clients?

8. Is there a strong competition in event sector of hotels in Athens?

9. Which are the components of successful event organization event for you and
how do you evaluate the success of your events?

10. What types of infrastructure are required for successful hotel events
implementation and in which of them you have invested?

11. Which are the future trends in hotel events sector, specifically during this
economic downturn and your actions to respond to them?

12. Which is the value of events organization for a hotel company?




Appendix 9- Interview transcript sample

Interviewee: Andreas Ioannides, General Manager

Company: Astir Palace Vouliagmeni

Question 1: What types of infrastructure are required for successful hotel events
implementation and in which of them you have invested?

A hotel should have been designed to provide the requisite special venues and
appropriate equipment and facilities to hold conferences and other events.
Technical infrastructures such as secure access, power from generators in case of
blackout, are the basic requirements to be covered in the events venues. There
should also have a variety of settings (indoors and outdoors ), to face the
unpredictable factor of whether conditions.

The determinant factor for business tourism development in one place constitutes
the availability of infrastructure and services combined with the excellent climate
of the country, its gastronomy its renowned hospitality and entertainment. There is
an urgent need for investment in modernization of hotel conference facilities with a
view to respond to the rise of this kind of tourism and the higher customers
expectations regarding the luxury hotel products.

Question 2: Is there a strong competition in event sector of hotels in Athens?

There is a fierce competition in hotel event venues as every property sells a

unique event product. Wherever there is a high quality product combined with an
affordable price, usually manages to success. The competition is strong not only in
terms of event product characteristics provided by hotel companies but also in
terms of low prices combined with high standard event facilities.

Question 3: Which is the definition and meaning of events for you?

Event is any planned event organized by particular persons in specific hotel sites
with a specific purpose. The purpose is usually determined in accordance to the
customer needs.

Question 4: Which is the relation between event organization and hotel product and
also to explain what is the difference between an event organized in a hotel venue
and another venue?

Events like weddings and conferences and more precisely event venues, facilities
and services are themselves a distinct hotel product which the hoteliers are trying
to achieve event sales in the same way as room sales. An event which is hosted by
the hotel tends to be more successful as its design and implementation has
contained unique intangible features which exclusively offered by the hotel. The
sense of hospitality which is by definition inextricably connected to all of the
hotel products ,the creation of the appropriate ambience for the event or finally
the high-quality of services provided, are some of the above mentioned features.

Question 5: Which types of events are organized by your hotel? Could you put them
into categories?

An event itself cannot be assigned to a category. What gives an event its character
is the purpose of its organization and who becomes and the person or entity to
which organizes. In accordance with the purpose of being held the events could be
categorized into business, social and entertainment events. Business events are
the events that made for the account of a company, for the purpose of creating
positive reputation. More precisely, are all those events for public relations firm
organized either by the company itself or by other entities. Social events are the
nature of a social and meet the needs of social obligations. Entertainment and
leisure events are the events that have as primary aim to meet the entertainment
needs of hotel guests.

Question 6: Which are the stages of event planning process in the hotel

The first step is customers solicitation.

There are many ways to attract our customers. The most effective method is the
word of mouth as a very satisfied customer from an event would have positive
image and spread it to his social environment. Moreover, personal or phone contact
are ways to launch the hotel event product.

Finally, advertising through hospitality partners and tourism magazines are also
some of the most commonly used methods in order to find clients.

The second step of event planning process is the exploration of customers needs
and expectations for the basic details of the event execution. Our sales manager
invite the customer to visit the hotel in order to provide with different proposals
with the form of scenarios (for example photos of previous events, decoration,
hotel available venues for the actual day in order to choose which is the most

After agreeing in one of the proposals with the client, the sales manager asked him
to sing a contract which is an agreement between him and the hotel and includes
details for event implementation (see appendix for contract example) such as the
number of guests, cost per person and the rights and obligations from both sides

After signing the agreement, the last activity of the sales department is to make a
list of the basic details of the event (venues, date, guests number) as have been
portrayed in the contract and give them to the Banquet Manager. From this
moment and then the Banquet/F&B Section is responsible for the organization and
implementation of the event and the Banquet Manager is in a constant contact with
customer to keep him updated for the progress of event design and get feedback if
there is a change in his needs.

The next step of the procedure is the event design and budgeting process.

The head of the Events/Banquet department will evaluate the event details paper
and start a brainstorming with the customer in order to better understand his
requirements. As far as the event budgeting process, it is provided to the Customer
an itemized statement of required costs .The costing of all the necessary
activities is under the responsibility of Banquet manager and should be based on
the clients financial requirements. The budgeting process requires proper

monitoring and attention in order to avoid mistakes and deviations at the end of
the final costing and misunderstandings with the customer, something that will
propel the formation of a negative image of the hotel operations.

The following stage of event planning process is the organization of the event
from the anquet department. During this phase the venue where the event will
take place is determined depending of the hotel capacity and availability, designed
and decorated in accordance with each event spatial requirements, as well as a
timeline is created for different tasks in planning process. It is important that a
responsible person is selected who will oversee and guide the work of the staff.

Also, the event menu is specified with the contribution of Matre and other also
services considered essential for the smooth running of an event.

The next important step for successfully event implementation is the coordination
of all the involved in planning process hotel departments .The excellent
cooperation between the Banquet Department and the other hotel operations are
what drives an event in success.

The role of the Banquet department resembles that of a maestro of an orchestra. It

has the responsibility of joining the function of different hotel operations and
departments for the successful implementation of the event.

The last but not least step of the process is the evaluation of the event success.
Event evaluation takes place during and after the event in order to get feedback for
customer satisfaction explores possible issues for future improvement or

Question 7: How many staff is required and what skills?

That depends both on the type of event (if it is a wedding or conference), the
number of guests and the size of the event. Moreover, it depends on whether the
event will take place. Concerning the individuals who are responsible for making an
event first of all is the Sales manager whose role is to sell the hotel event
product to potential customers. As he is the person who has the first contact with a
prospective customer, is likely to be a person who has strong communication skills,
flexibility in his words, and also detailed knowledge about the service he sells to

give reliable information to the client and avoid negative unexpected comments
simultaneously in one or more venues in hotel.

The next key person for the event delivery process is the Banquet Manager who is
responsible for managing the operation and service of Banquet department. This
person contributes to the completion of event delivery tasks such as designing and
decorating of the venue, the menu, contacting with outside partners for the
provision of light-sound equipment or music for the event and finally human
resources planning for the event day.

It is important to underline ach event has its own characteristics and requirements
that must in part be edited in any way so as to come out an impressive and
satisfying result that will please not only until customers but also employees who
worked for .The Banquet department undertakes a difficult task as it has to deal
not only with the particular characteristics of each event and the fact that it should
always be directed to the customer requirements.

Question 8: Which departments of the hotel are needed to coordinate in order to

organize and deliver an event?

This question was answered from the general manager of Astir Palace when he
talked about the hotel event planning stages.

Question 9: Which is the value of events organization for a hotel company?

First of all, as hotels are commercial enterprises, the main focus is the biggest
financial results. Events and especially business events, contribute on average
profit growth by a percentage of 20 to 30%.

Especially from business events, the benefits are great. During a conference, the
sales of various hotel departments (restaurants, bars) are rising up to 40%.

Secondly, the hotel unit uses the events as marketing and public relations tool to
increase their reputation and enhance their brand name. Events provide a window
into the hotels facilities ,and a perspective on its clientele ,and provide a platform
to display the hotels brand Because events are distinct from rooms- and
because ,unlike rooms ,events are not static constructions hotels have more

latitude to create a tone that either augments or expands the propertys existing
brand image.

Question 10: Which are the future trends in hotel events sector, specifically during
this economic downturn and their actions to respond to these trends?

The demand for business events wont be influenced from economic recession as
this sector is continuously increasing in a great profitability ,especially in Athens
where the latest years has started to attract more conference events.

Our company during this period of economic crisis invests in quality. Both the major
renovation of the hotel and the continuing effort to improve our services seems to
find response to customers looking for something different and special. We are
opposed to discounts on services and products, like the reduction of our workforce.
We insist to invest in quality at all levels and look forward with strategic moves to
markets seeking similar services and have the ability to turn to enjoy.

List of Figures

11. Percentage of Hotel Beds as of Countrys Total per Category per Prefecture,2012

12. Travel Receipts by purpose of visit

13. Average Occupancy Rate in Hotels by Star Category(%)

14. Hotel capacity by category and prefecture, 2012

15. ICCA Country and City Rankings 2012


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