NPP Exec

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* NppExec plugin ver. 0.5.3 for Notepad++ 5.1 and above

* by DV <dvv81 @>, December 2006 - February 2015
* Powered by Function Parser (C) Juha Nieminen, Joel Yliluoma
* Abilities:
* 1) Run multiple commands from the "Execute..." dialog
* 2) Run stand-alone command from the Console Dlg
* 3) Separate console for each NppExec.dll (e.g. NppExec1.dll, NppExec2.dll)
* 4) Additional commands:
* cls - clear Console screen
* cd - shows current path
* cd <path> - changes current directory (absolute or relative)
* cd <drive:\path> - changes current drive and directory
* dir - lists subdirs and files
* dir <mask> - lists subdirs and files matched the mask
* dir <path\mask> - lists subdirs and files matched the mask
* echo <text> - prints a text in the Console
* if <condition> goto <label> - jumps to the label if the condition is t
* goto <label> - jumps to the label
* set - shows all user's variables
* set <var> - shows the value of user's variable <var>
* set <var> = <value> - sets the value of user's variable <var>
* set <var> ~ <math expression> - calculates the math expression
* set <var> ~ strlen <string> - calculates the string length
* set <var> ~ strlenutf8 <string> - calculates the UTF-8 string length
* set <var> ~ strupper <string> - returns the string in upper case
* set <var> ~ strlower <string> - returns the string in lower case
* set <var> ~ substr <pos> <len> <string> - returns the substring
* set <var> ~ strfind <s> <t> - returns the first position of <t> in <s>
* set <var> ~ strrfind <s> <t> - returns the last position of <t> in <s>
* set <var> ~ strreplace <s> <t0> <t1> - replaces all <t0> with <t1>
* set local - shows all user's local variables
* set local <var> - shows the value of user's local variable <var>
* set local <var> = ... - sets the value of user's local variable <var>
* set local <var> ~ ... - calculates the value of user's local variable
* unset <var> - removes user's variable <var>
* unset local <var> - removes user's local variable <var>
* env_set <var> - shows the value of environment variable <var>
* env_set <var> = <value> - sets the value of environment variable <var>
* env_unset <var> - removes/restores the environment variable <var>
* inputbox "message" - shows InputBox, sets $(INPUT)
* inputbox "message" : initial_value - InputBox, sets $(INPUT)
* inputbox "message" : "value_name" : initial_value - InputBox customiza
* con_colour <colours> - sets the Console's colours
* con_filter <filters> - enables/disables the Console's output filters
* con_loadfrom <file> - loads a file's content to the Console
* con_load <file> - see "con_loadfrom"
* con_saveto <file> - saves the Console's content to a file
* con_save - see "con_saveto"
* sel_loadfrom <file> - replace current selection with a file's content
* sel_load <file> - see "sel_loadfrom"
* sel_saveto <file> - save the selected text to a file
* sel_saveto <file> : <encoding> - save the selected text to a file
* sel_save <file> : <encoding> - see "sel_saveto"
* sel_settext <text> - replace current selection with the text specified
* sel_settext+ <text> - replace current selection with the text specifie
* npp_exec <script> - execute commands from specified script
* npp_exec <file> - execute commands from specified file (*)
* npp_close - close current file in Notepad++
* npp_close <file> - close specified file opened in Notepad++ (*)
* npp_console <on/off/keep> - show/hide the Console window
* npp_console <enable/disable> - enable/disable output to the Console
* npp_console <1/0/?> - show/hide the Console window
* npp_console <+/-> - enable/disable output to the Console
* npp_menucommand <menu\item\name> - executes (invokes) a menu item
* npp_open <file> - open a file in Notepad++
* npp_open <mask> - open files matched the mask
* npp_open <path\mask> - open files matched the mask
* npp_run <command> - run external process/command
* npp_save - save current file in Notepad++
* npp_save <file> - save a file in Notepad++ (if it's opened) (*)
* npp_saveall - save all modified files
* npp_switch <file> - switch to specified opened file (*)
* npp_sendmsg <msg> - send a message (msg) to Notepad++
* npp_sendmsg <msg> <wparam> - message with parameter (wparam)
* npp_sendmsg <msg> <wparam> <lparam> - msg to Notepad++
* npp_sendmsgex <hwnd> <msg> <wparam> <lparam> - msg to hwnd
* sci_sendmsg <msg> - send a message (msg) to current Scintilla
* sci_sendmsg <msg> <wparam> - message with parameter (wparam)
* sci_sendmsg <msg> <wparam> <lparam> - msg to Scintilla
* npe_cmdalias - show all command aliases
* npe_cmdalias <alias> - shows the value of command alias
* npe_cmdalias <alias> = - removes the command alias
* npe_cmdalias <alias> = <command> - sets the command alias
* npe_console <options> - set/modify Console options/mode
* npe_debuglog <on/off> - enable/disable Debug Log
* npe_noemptyvars <1/0> - enable/disable replacement of empty vars
* (*) these commands work with a partial file path/name also
* i.e. npp_save c:\dir\f.txt is the same as npp_save f.txt
* 5) Additional console commands (Console Dlg only):
* help - show available commands
* ver - show plugin's version
* manual - show NppExec User Guide
* about - show NppExec Help/About
* CTRL+C - terminate current child process
* CTRL+BREAK - terminate current child process
* CTRL+Z - send ^Z to current child process
* 6) All Notepad++ environment variables are supported:
* $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) : E:\my Web\main\welcome.html
* $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) : E:\my Web\main
* $(FILE_NAME) : welcome.html
* $(NAME_PART) : welcome
* $(EXT_PART) : .html
* $(NPP_DIRECTORY) : the full path of notepad++'s directory
* $(CURRENT_WORD) : word(s) you selected in Notepad++
* $(CURRENT_LINE) : current line number
* $(CURRENT_COLUMN) : current column number
* 7) Additional environment variables:
* $(#0) : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
* $(#N), N=1,2,3... : full path of the Nth opened document
* $(LEFT_VIEW_FILE) : current file path-name in primary (left) view
* $(RIGHT_VIEW_FILE) : current file path-name in second (right) view
* $(PLUGINS_CONFIG_DIR) : full path of the plugins configuration directo
* $(CWD) : current working directory of NppExec (use "cd"
to change it)
* $(ARGC) : number of arguments passed to the NPP_EXEC com
* $(ARGV) : all arguments passed to the NPP_EXEC command a
fter the script name
* $(ARGV[0]) : script name - first parameter of the NPP_EXEC
* $(ARGV[N]) : Nth argument (N=1,2,3...)
* $(RARGV) : all arguments in reverse order (except the scr
ipt name)
* $(RARGV[N]) : Nth argument in reverse order (N=1,2,3...)
* $(INPUT) : this value is set by the 'inputbox' command
* $(INPUT[N]) : Nth field of the $(INPUT) value (N=1,2,3...)
* $(OUTPUT) : this value can be set by the child process, se
e npe_console v+
* $(OUTPUT1) : first line in $(OUTPUT)
* $(OUTPUTL) : last line in $(OUTPUT)
* $(EXITCODE) : exit code of the last executed child process
* $(MSG_RESULT) : result of 'npp_sendmsg[ex]' or 'sci_sendmsg'
* $(MSG_WPARAM) : wParam (output) of 'npp_sendmsg[ex]' or 'sci_s
* $(MSG_LPARAM) : lParam (output) of 'npp_sendmsg[ex]' or 'sci_s
* $(SYS.<var>) : system's environment variable, e.g. $(SYS.PATH


v0.5.3 - February 2015

+ new menu items "Go to next error" and "Go to previous error" (based on
the HighLight masks), thanks to mrmixer
+ now %FILE% is treated as both %ABSFILE% and %FILE%, so there's no need
to duplicate the masks with %ABSFILE% and %FILE%
+ maximum number of user menu items increased to 100 (was 40)
+ when npes_saved.txt is saved, its previous version is kept as .bak
+ TAB navigation works in Filter/Replace/HighLight dialog
+ now the INPUTBOX command can accept 3 parameters
+ NppExec Manual updated
+ other small improvements

v0.5.2.2 - December 2014

+ now the IF-GOTO statement supports floating-point comparison as well
(e.g. IF 2.5 < 10.1 GOTO Label2)
+ new advanced option "Console_NulChar" (enhancing v0.5.2.1)
* 8 years since NppExec was born! :)

v0.5.2.1 - November 2014

+ Now NppExec is able to deal with NUL ('\0') character when external
application outputs it to the Console:
(Unicode) 0x0000 "NUL" is replaced with 0x25E6 "White Bullet";
(ANSI) 0x00 "NUL" is replaced with 0x17 "End of Text Block".
+ NppExec Manual updated a little bit.
* The "Donate..." button has been removed. Since I did not receive any
donation - either due to ukrainian politics/restrictions as for PayPal
or due to lack of donations itself - and since this situation is unlikely
to change, the button has been removed.
You can always donate to Notepad++ itself.

v0.5.2 - January 2014

+ set local <var> = <value>
+ NppExec's options are now automatically saved on NPPN_SHUTDOWN
+ Ctrl+Z sends ^Z (end-of-file) to current child process
+ new advanced option "Key_Enter", by default its value is "\n"
+ new advanced option "LogsDir" to create NppExec's log files
+ NPE_CONSOLE k0..3 to enable/disable NppExec's shortcut keys in the Console
+ NppExec Manual updated
+ different internal improvements & refactoring
+ fparser updated to v4.5.1
* 7th anniversary of NppExec :)

v0.5 - April 2013

1. Scripting abilities enhanced:
+ new commands: IF, GOTO
+ set <var> ~ strupper/strlower/substr <string>
+ set <var> ~ strfind/strrfind <string>
+ set <var> ~ strreplace <string>
2. Highlighting abilities enhanced:
+ now all the Console Filters support run-time $(vars)
+ new commands: CON_COLOUR, CON_FILTER
3. New/enhanced commands:
+ new command: NPP_MENUCOMMAND
+ now sel_settext+ supports '\r'
4. Fixed:
- fixed: could not get/modify Notepad++'s main menu when it was hidden
5. Other:
+ new Console's commands: MANUAL, ABOUT
* different internal improvements

v0.4.3.2 - November 2012

- fixed: partial file name matching in npp_exec, npp_close, npp_save and
npp_switch (CNppExec::nppConvertToFullPathName, nppSwitchToDocument)
+ HELP ALL to show all available help (all the commands in detail)
+ @[] in CScriptEngine::doSendMsg

v0.4.3.1 - September 2012

- fixed: "Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" did not work on file save
+ NPE_CONSOLE f+/f- r+/r- to enable/disable the console output filters

v0.4.3 - May 2012

+ now NppExec's Console keeps its shown/hidden state after Notepad++ restarts
(* thanks to ufo-pu55y for help)
+ NPP_CONSOLE +/- to enable/disable output to the Console
+ some refactoring of NppExec's Console functions

v0.4.2.1 - March 2012

- fixed: incorrect check of Notepad++ version

v0.4.2 - November 2011

- fixed: $("var") was processed incorrectly
+ now npe_cmdalias uses run-time $(vars)
+ set <var> ~ strlen <string>
+ set <var> ~ strlenutf8 <string>
+ npp_sendmsgex, [] in CScriptEngine::doSendMsg
+ %CHAR% in WarningAnalyzer, thanks to Carlos (cabanela)
+ fparser updated to v4.4.3
+ NppExec Manual updated (one step closer to enlightenment :))

v0.4.1 - July 2010

- fix for NPP_SENDMSG/SCI_SENDMSG with parameters containing dbl-quote(s)
+ fparser updated to v4.2
+ NppExec Manual updated

v0.4 - April 2010

+ new commands: NPP_SENDMSG, SCI_SENDMSG
+ SET command extension: set <var> ~ <math expression>
(using Function Parser by Juha Nieminen, Joel Yliluoma)
+ several small improvements

v0.3.3.1 - February 2010

- fixed: "WS_VSCROLL" was omitted for combo-boxes in IDD_ADVANCEDOPTIONS

v0.3.3 - January 2010

- fix1: now "\r\n" (Enter key emulation) is sent to the pipe separately
- fix2: n++'es unsubclassing on exit removed (might be dangerous)
- fix3: now the Console should keep its font always (IMF_AUTOFONT turned off)
+ Help/Manual updated (sections 4.6.3 and 4.6.4 added)

v0.3.2 - September 2009

+ new feature: TAB autocompletes file paths (in the Console)
(* thanks to ILme for initial implementation)
+ new feature: Shift+Tab (in the Console, the same as TAB but backwards)
- fixed: 'cd \path', 'dir \path' did not jump to the root of current drive
- fixed: on-exit script was not executed
+ new command: NPE_CMDALIAS
+ new menu item: Disable command aliases
+ new option in NPE_CONSOLE: q+/q-

v0.3.1 - June 2009

+ new command: SEL_LOADFROM
+ new command: SEL_SETTEXT, SEL_SETTEXT+
+ new variable: $(OUTPUT), $(OUTPUTL), $(OUTPUT1), see NPE_CONSOLE V+
+ several small improvements

v0.3 final - April 2009

* thanks to Greg Webb for the .chm help file (manual)
+ several small fixes
+ new command: NPE_CONSOLE

v0.3 RC1 - January 2009

* thanks to John LaCasse for useful suggestions
+ new environment variable: $(CWD)
+ new commands: ENV_SET/ENV_UNSET
+ new menu item: Toggle Console Dialog (Ctrl+~)
+ now NPE_DEBUGLOG reports on Console double-clicked line's Highlight Filter
+ NppExecPluginMsgTester has been re-designed and updated
+ both Unicode and ANSI builds are supported
+ now the "Execute..." dialog is resizable
+ now NppExec supports remapped shortcut keys (requires Notepad++ >= 5.1.4)
+ other improvements
+ now NppExec has the manual (yes!)

v0.3 beta1 - November 2008

+ full Unicode compatibility (for Unicode version of Notepad++)
+ additional functionality
+ improvements in the script engine (architecture re-design)
+ improvements in the warning analyzer (spaces/tabs can be omitted)
+ other improvements and fixes
+ now NppExec gets its configuration directory from Notepad++
+ now you can exit a console process or interrupt current script at any time
+ now both Console Output and Input can be ANSI, OEM or UTF-8
+ now each copy of NppExec.dll has its own Console History
+ new option: Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)
+ new command: NPP_CONSOLE
+ new environment variable: $(PLUGINS_CONFIG_DIR)

v0.2.5 release 2 - September 2008

- fixed: (potential) bug in CNppExec::DoExecScript()
- fixed: several (potential) bugs, thanks to Patrick Corwin

v0.2.5 - August 2008

+ added: word wrap in the Console dialog (Ctrl+W)
* changed: Advanced Options dialog - SaveCmdHistory added,
RichEdit_MaxTextLength removed
- fixed: script with spaces in its name was not started using
associated menu item
+ some improvements
+ new command: NPP_CLOSE
+ new command: INPUTBOX
* now NppExec uses Rich Edit 2.0 (instead of 1.0) in its Console window
+ added Notepad++'s variables: $(CURRENT_LINE), $(CURRENT_COLUMN)
+ external plugin interface messages:
NPEM_GETVERDWORD [returns version as DWORD]
NPEM_GETVERSTR [returns version as string]
NPEM_GETSTATE [returns state: ready/busy]
NPEM_PRINT [prints text which can be highlighted by the Highlight Filters]
NPEM_EXECUTE [executes given commands]
NPEM_NPPEXEC [executes script/file]

v0.2.4 - June 2008

+ added: "Replace" tab in the Console Filters dialog
* improved: the code of the DlgConsoleOutputFilter has been rewritten
+ added: Console text and background colours can be changed
+ new command: SEL_SAVETO - saves the selected text to a file
- fixed: CON_SAVETO did not work under Windows 9x
+ added: ability to execute specified script when Notepad++ starts/exits
+ added: ability to assign a menu item to specified script
(then you can assign a shortcut key to this menu item in Notepad++)
+ added: Advanced Options dialog
+ other improvements

v0.2 RC3.2 - February 2008

- fixed: NPP_RUN (ShellExecute) did not work with several arguments

v0.2 RC3.1 - February 2008

- fixed: buffer overflow in the Warning Analyzer
* changed: now NPP_RUN calls ShellExecute() instead of WinExec()

v0.2 RC3 - January 2008

+ search in the Console
+ history in the Console Filters dialog
+ several issues fixed
+ several cosmetic improvements

v0.2 RC2 - December 2007

+ speeding up the console output
+ watching for changes in "npes_saved.txt"
+ TAB-key in the console auto-completes current command
+ several cosmetic improvements
v0.2 RC1 - December 2007
1. A lot of internal changes/improvements.
In particular, now all plugin's options are stored, read and written by the
Options Manager component.
The Warning Analyzer component, developed by Nicolas Babled, allows to filter
and recognize different compiler/interpretter error and warning messages - and
extract useful information from these messages (such as file name and line
The Simple Logger component stores detailed information about last executed
command (can be usefull for "debugging").
* The console redirecting engine has been improved.
* Now the plugin identifies itself by its dll-file name. Each copy of the
plugin (each dll-file) stores its options in corresponding ini-file.
* Now plugin's environment variables (e.g. "$(FILE_NAME)") are available for
child console process. For example, start "cmd.exe" and type "echo $(#1)".
* Now system's environment variables are available in a form of "$(SYS.<var>)"
e.g. "$(SYS.WINDIR)", "$(SYS.TEMP)" etc.
* Now the NPP_EXEC command can pass arguments to the script. These arguments
can be accessed in the script through the following macro-variables:
$(ARGC), $(ARGV), $(ARGV[n]).
Example: npp_exec "script name" param_1 "param 2".
This example sets the following values for the script:
$(ARGC) = 3; $(ARGV) = param_1 "param 2"; $(ARGV[0]) = script name;
$(ARGV[1]) = param_1; $(ARGV[2]) = param 2.
* Each command now have detailed help information. Type "help" or "help help"
in the NppExec's Console.
* Now the console commands history is restored when you restart Notepad++.
2. New menu items:
(Thanks to Nicolas Babled & Geert Vancompernolle)
Direct Execute Previous - directly executes previous script.
No internal messages - do not show such messages as "Process started >>>", etc.
Save all files on execute - saves all files before executing a script.
Also NppExec's toolbar icon has been added.
3. New dialog: Console Output Filter -> Highlight.
(Thanks to Nicolas Babled & Geert Vancompernolle)
This dialog allows you to specify a string mask for compiler/interpretter error
and warning messages with such keywords as %FILE%, %ABSFILE% and %LINE%.
These messages can be highlighted with different colours and allow you to go
to certain line in certain file when double-clicked in the Console window.
4. New messages:
NPP_SAVEALL - saves all modified files.
CON_LOADFROM - loads a file's content to the Console.
CON_SAVETO - saves the Console's content to a file.
ECHO - prints a text in the Console (supports internal env. variables)
SET - sets the value of user's variable
UNSET - removes user's variable

v0.2 beta4 - July 2007

- fixed: buffer size was not checked before calling OemToChar()
- fixed/added: '\b' and '\r' handling
+ a lot of changes in plugin's internals (basic cpp-classes and NppExecEngine)
+ new command: cd, cd <path>, cd <drive:\path>
+ new command: dir, dir <mask>, dir <path\mask>
+ new feature: npp_open <mask>, npp_open <path\mask>
+ new environment variables: $(LEFT_VIEW_FILE) and $(RIGHT_VIEW_FILE)
* thanks to all who wait for this version

v0.2 beta3 - April 2007

- fixed: Delete button (Script name dialog) was not enabled sometimes
+ Menu: Show Console Dialog
+ Console Output Filter: Exclude all empty lines
+ Comment delimiter can be user-defined, // in :// is no more comment

v0.2 beta2 - March 2007

+ Menu: Console Commands History.
When enabled, previous commands can be scrolled by pressing
arrow keys Up and Down.
+ Menu: Console Output Filter.
When enabled, output messages from running console process
can be filtered (i.e. particular lines can be excluded)
- ConsoleDlg: Ctrl+A is unlocked
- ConsoleDlg: Quotes "" are no more added automatically for paths
with spaces (because of a bug with executables w/o extension
such as "cmd /c calc.exe")
- Several internal fixes
- Several additional internal fixes :-)
* Thanks to Jim Granville for his suggestions

v0.1 - March 2007

* initial version

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