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JRN 882

Shahin Syed

Today, in this modern world, technologies have taken over in all human activities and moreover

humans are more tent towards technologies. People doesnt even have time for their social living

since they are engaged in social networks. Social networking has currently captured all the young

generation minds and youngsters couldnt even survive without social networks. Gradually

politicians also understood that it is a wide way of expressing thoughts and ideas through social

Medias such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, social Medias

had a great influence in waking up people from their comfort zones and act accordingly. Social

media made a vast and open platform for the politicians to wake up people and it made a great

pathway to each and every voters to reach to the politicians individually. Their mainly targeted the

youngsters who had just came up with their voter ids and who didnt had a complete idea in politics

and the politicians knew that the youngsters and much bounded towards social medias.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh said:

"Through social media, the government is outlining its plan, its vision,"

Discussing critical or sensitive issues like politics, corruption, poverty and economy.

JRN 882

In the Loksabha elections most of the politicians used different social medias as platform. They

conveyed their future plans, the ideas which would develop the country if they win the elections

and many more things that would probably make every citizen think that each vote is important

for them. A recent study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India

(ASSOCHAM) states that the political parties spend around Rs. 300-400 crore for their publicity

and campaigns on social and digital media. D.S. Rawat, Secretary General of ASSOCHAM says

that political parties are spending around 15-20% of their total budget in digital marketing. They

also advertised through social Medias and made an effective campaign throughout.

BJPs PMerial candidate Narendra modi was the first ever politician in India who created his own

website and started campaigning in social media and also the person who used google hangout to

reach to people. He also used twitter, Instagram and other platforms of social media and made his

election campaign effective throughout. Although the Congress party also took much effort in

social marketing and reaching the people through social networks, they couldnt reach to that level

of BJP. This played a great influence for the BJP to win the lok Sabha elections 2014.

Just because US president Barack Obama had a great influence in social media it also had a high

influence in 2014 loksabha elections also, As a result, 2014 Lok Sabha elections had a high social

media impact, considering the fact that it has crept deep into mainstream politics.

Some of them are:

Involving people into Political conversations.

Mind-boggling impact on first time or young voters

Powerful media for the freedom of speech.

JRN 882
Social Media gives politicians a larger than life image

Creating hash tags on social networks and making them viral through the same platform.

Political parties formed direct relationship with the users all around India


BJPs prime ministerial candidate Narendra modi started his campaign in the name of NaMo,

which later went viral in the form of hashtag. He also updated his Facebook status like Ab Ki

baar modi Sarkar, Twinkle twinkle little star, ab Ki baar modi Sarkar. These were very viral

those day in Facebook, Instagram, and twitter. Trending hashtags like #Election2014, #NaMo and

#Modisarkar made people aware about the election development.

JRN 882


JRN 882

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