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Yarmouk University

Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Surveying Lab
Section #4

Dr. Madhar M. Taamneh

Instructor: Eng. Bayan Al Omari

Experiment #4: Digital Theodolite set up &

Horizontal Angle measurement.

Fadi Basem Dawoud Ismail

Group #3
In this experiment well learn how to use the
digital Theodolite and to know the basics about
it. Also how to read and measured the
horizontal angles using the digital Theodolite.


There are three types for measuring the

angels: 1- Degree 2- Gradian (GON) 3- Radian.
Well use the Gradian measurement in this
experiment. Also there are two types of angles:
1- Vertical Angle 2- Horizontal Angle. Including:
Azmith & Reduced.
We are going to use the Azmith method for
(Horizontal Angle).

Device Information:
The Digital Theodolite - Electronic Series,
offers state-of-the-art technology at an
affordable price. Our Theodolite - Electronic
Series come with newly-designed double LCD
displays, as well as numeric & alphabetic
keypad, and are ideal for the measurement
of horizontal and vertical angles, used in
surveying. It consists of a small telescope
mounted so as to move on two graduated
circles, one horizontal and the other vertical,
while its axes pass through the centre of the

* Telescope: 30x
* Image: Erect
* Field of view: 130'
* Accuracy: 1"
* Minimum reading: 1"/5"
* Double LCD
* Vertical Compensation
* Laser Plummet
* EDM interface: RS232C
* Data output: RS232C
* Angle Measurement: Gradian (GON)
* Battery capacity: 20h


Design :

The equations we will use in this experiment

1- of angles of any Closed polygon shape=( n2 ) (180)
2- Acceptable Error=1 ' ' N , (N = #of angles)
180 =200 gon

Group members & Tasks:

1-Shatha (Group Leader)

Leveling & Centering the device: All the
Take the reading from the device: All the
Recording the readings: Rawan.

Apparatus and Materials:

1. Digital Theodolite.
2. Ranging Poles.
3. Tripod.
At the beginning, we determine three points
randomly at the field to create a triangle, and
then two points of them are marked by the
ranging poles, and the other point we put the
Digital Theodolite on it. After that we start to
make centering and leveling for the Digital
Theodolite. Then we turn on the device and
put it toward the first point to see the
ranging pole from the lens, then we click on
(oset) at the device to reset the readings,
then we start rotating the device toward the
second point (to the right) and when we see
the ranging pole from the lens we fastened
the device from moving and take the reading
from the screen, then we turn off the device
and moving it to the other point and doing all
that steps, for all the points. After doing that
well calculate the summation for the angles
and determine the error (by subtract 200
(gon) from our readings (the summation
(gon))) and doing the suitable correction.

Results & Correction:

Discussion and Error:
The Digital Theodolite is a very sensitive device
that we should be careful while using it. So we
can avoid errors and mistakes.
Errors that we faced:
1-Error in leveling and centering the
2-Moving the Theodolite can affect at the
3-Error while taking the readings.

Suggestions for a successful experiment:

1-Adjust the Digital Theodolite perfectly.
2-Trying not to move the device from its
place while reading at the same point.
3-Taking readings from the device more than


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