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MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PEARL RIVER VALLEY WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT HELD ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2017 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE DISTRICT’S MAIN OFFICE LOCATED AT 115 MADISON LANDING, RIDGELAND MS The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District was held at 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at the District's main office located at 115 Madison Landing, Ridgeland MS. Members Present: Shannon Armstrong, Bruce Brackin, Doug Berry, Billy Cook, Phillip Crosby, Ben Evans, Jennifer Hall, Kenny Latham, Samuel Mitchell, John Pittman, Tedrick Ratcliff, Jr., John Skains and Jack Winstead Members Absent: — W. C. Gorden Others Present: John Sigman, Cindy Ford, Craig Hunt, Susan McMullan, Philip Huskey, Philip Hollimon, Jerry Bounds, Perry Waggener, Bobby Cleveland, Greg Burgess Board President Jack Winstead called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. President Winstead asked for review of the minutes of December 15, 2016. Upon review of the minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors held 15 December 2016, a motion was made by Mr. Kenny Latham for the minutes to be approved. Mr. Billy Cook seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Winstead asked for the Shoreline Development Committee items. Chairman John Pittman stated the committee had two items for consideration, Mr. Jerry Bounds reviewed with the board the changes requested to the building permit fees. Mr. Bounds noted that the majority of the changes were to clarify the fees for permits, Mr. Bounds noted the inspection fee would be reduced to $100 if the project required only 1 or 2 inspections. Mr. Bounds noted the increase in the roofing permit to $150 and the addition of a foundation repair permit, which is based on the number of repair holes. Mr. Greg Burgess then reviewed with the board the changes requested to the water and sewer construction fees. Mr. Burgess also noted that the majority of the changes requested were to clarify the fee schedule and also add language to reflect the same information as published on water/sewer billing statements. Mr. Burgess noted the addition of the meter testing item and the meter locate item. Chairman Pittman made a motion on behalf of the Shoreline Development Committee to approve the fee structure changes for building permit fees and water/sewer fees as reviewed. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion. A COPY OF THE PERMIT FEES AND WATER/SEWER FEES AS APPROVED IS ATTACHED HERETO AS “EXHIBITS TO THE MINUTES”. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. 229 Regular Board Minutes 39 January 2017 Page 2 The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ‘Chairman Pittman then asked for the next item presented. Mr. John Sigman stated that Lot 51 Tavern Hills Subdivision had been placed on MLS (Multiple Listing Service) almost two years ago. The property has been available for lease for better than 30 years. The District received an offer to lease from the property’s neighbor. Mr. Sigman noted the updated appraisal price is $20,000. The offer presented is for $18,000 prepaid, with no annual lease fee. Mr. Sigman gave staff's recommendation for the acceptance of the offer. Mr. Sigman noted that the property would require many thousands of dollars of fill and ‘compaction to make it suitable for construction, which is why it has not been leased. Chairman Pittman made a motion on behalf of the Shoreline Development Committee to approve the lease of Lot 51 Tavern Hills Subdivision for $18,000 prepaid lease amount as presented. Mrs. Jennifer Hall seconded the motion. ‘The group discussed the prepayment of lease fees and acceptance of less than appraisal price. Staff attomey noted a previous Attorney General Opinion allowing for the prepayment of 2 60 year lease. Staff attomey also stated the ability to justify lease amount below appraisal as maximization of potential property for the economic benefit of the District, as the property has been unutilized for over 30 years. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Winstead asked for the Parks Policy Committee Items. Chairman Latham then requested Mr. John Sigman present the Parks Policy agenda item. Mr. Sigman outlined the Bamett Reservoir Foundations request for special aleohol permits for their calendar of events scheduled for 2017, almost all of which were in their 6" year. Mr. Sigman stated that the Foundation was requesting all of the events permits at once to keep the process as simple as possible. The Foundation would be the vendor of the alcohol (beer) at these events and have a good track record of events at the reservoir. Chairman Kenny Latham made a motion on behalf of the Parks Policy Committee to approve the Bamett Reservoir Foundations request for special alcohol (beer) permits for their 2017 calendar of events, which includes the Boat Show, CajunFest, Independence Celebration and Smokin’ on The Rez. Mr. Ben Evans seconded the motion. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Winstead then asked for the Audit Committee agenda items Chairman Billy Cook asked for the 2016 Audit Report presented. Mr. Robert Barr of Collins, Barr & Hembree, Ltd presented the 2016 Audit Report to the board. Mr. Barr reviewed the completed audit report. Mr. Barr noted that the District operated in a surplus for 2016. No findings were submitted with the Audit. Mr. Barr noted it was a clean audit report, and the District received a positive report. 231 Regular Board Minutes 49 January 2017 Pages Mr. Barr asked for the board to give its acceptance of the report and approve the submission of the audit report to the State of Mississippi. Chairman Cook made a motion to accept the audit report as submitted and approve the submission of the reporting to the State, Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion... A COPY OF THE 2016 AUDIT REPORT IS ATTACHED HERETO AS “EXHIBITS TO THE MINUTES”. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered, ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Cook noted to the board that revenues were down a bit for 2016. ‘Chairman Cook then asked Susan McMullan to review the next item. Ms. McMullan noted that Trustmark National Bank had been selected as the approved depository previously with option of two (2) one-year (1) extensions. Ms. McMullan stated it ‘was staff’ recommendations to accept the first one-year extension, as the board had just approved the “LockBox” agreement with Trustmark in 2016, which provided a one-year trial period. Ms. MeMullan noted the lack of benefit to seeking other depositories at this time. Chairman Cook made a motion to approve the one-year extension for depository to ‘Trustmark National Bank as presented. Mr. Phillip Crosby seconded the motion. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered, ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None, Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ‘Chairman Cook presented the Per Diem and Travel report for December 2016 and stated that he had found it in order. Chairman Cook made a motion to approve the Per Diem and Travel report for December 2016 as presented. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion, President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None, Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Cook presented the Cash Balance Report and stated he had reviewed and had found it in order. Chairman Cook made a motion to approve the Cash Balance Report as presented. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None, Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Cook presented the Claims Docket for January 2017 and stated that he had reviewed and had found it in order, 233 Regular Board Minutes 48 January 2017 Pages Chairman Cook made a motion to approve the Claims Docket for January 2017 as presented. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion. President Winstead asked for any questions or comments. None were offered, The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. President Winstead then gave the appointment of a Water/Sewer Billing Review Committee, President Winstead stated that Samuel Mitchell would chair the committee, and Doug Berry and John Pittman would serve as members. An outline of the operating parameters of the committee was provided for review. Committee Minutes and Miscellaneous Correspondence: ‘The Board reviewed December’s committees’ minutes and drafts of January’s committee minutes. Mr. John Sigman then gave his report as Executive Director. Mr. Sigman noted the police report and lease collections report included in the board package. Mr. Sigman gave the current lake level at 297.43, with an increase in discharge from the gates due to the current rainy conditions and expectation of 3° of precipitation over the basin in the next 24-48 hours. Mr. Bobby Cleveland noted the annual meeting with local fishers would take place at ‘Turcotte Education Center on February 9" at 6p.m. President Winstead asked for a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss the need for Executive Session. Mr. Billy Cook made a motion to enter Closed Session. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion, ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. John Sigman stated the need to enter Executive Session to discuss prospective development of District's lease property. Staff and board members were asked to remain, Mr. Samuel Mitchell made the motion to enter Executive Session to discuss prospective development of District's lease property. Mr. Billy Cook seconded the motion. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THE BOARD ENTERED EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. Billy Cook made a motion to exit Executive Session. Mrs. Jennifer hall seconded the motion, ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans. Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 235 Regular Board Minutes 439 January 2017 Pages Mr. Billy Cook made a motion to authorize staff attomeys to prepare a Request For Proposal for commercial lease of an approximately 2.5 acre parcel at Rankin Ramp and the approval of advertisement of RFP. Mr. Shannon Armstrong seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Billy Cook made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Phillip Crosby seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Berry, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Hall, Latham, Mitchell, Pittman, Ratcliff, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ‘There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjoumed at 10:25 a.m. ‘Jack H. Winstead, President 237

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