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Where are you from? (ESET con ant ca ‘© When you meet someone you dont know, do you prefer ta talk orto listen? Tick ¥ the adjectives that describe you, sodable (_] friendly [_] shy [_} talkative [] polite |] easy-going [_] A 1. €§2 Listen to conversations aand b. Write a or b next to the correct picture (1 or 2). 2 €2 Listen again and complete the sentences. h Jake. Samantha. Vladimir Petro. Yoko Shirai 3 Which conversation (a or b) is more formal’ 4 €%2 Now listen to conversations ¢-g, Tick / Formal or Informal. Did you know ...? Formal informal In the UK, people often shake hands when ao "SG they first meet. In Japan, people give a bow. 6 4 Jn France, they sometimes kiss on each cheek e oO How do people in your country greet ‘oO Oo each other when they first meet? e—U o 10 @ Social and Travel B Listening - Exchanging Personal information €49 Listen to Daniela, Joshua and Shizuka talk about themselves. Complete the chart. is from isa lives in Daniela Joshua Shizuka Focus on ... saying hello 1 Complete the conversations using the words beld How well things bad Fine going @ A: Hello. Hows it going. 8: » thanks, bA: 1 B: cA: B: Imvery ‘thank you. And you? 2. Which conversation is formal; a, bor &? C Speaking - Taking the initiative Speaking strategy: Starting a conversation Where are you from? |)))9\'}-f Sound smart: Intonation to show interest 1 2 Listen to sentence a twice. Notice how the second speaker moves her voice up and down to sound more interested. So you work with computers? 2. €82 Listen to sentences b-g, Tick (7) which speaker sounds more interested, Speaker 1 or Speaker 2. 2 a teane oooooo0- oO Qo Oo oO oO €§@ Now listen and repeat. Try to make your voice move up and down to sound interested. Speak up! 1 Read the conversation starters (a-d) and match them to the 2 Imagine you are in these situations (1-4) 2. Terrible weather today, isn't it? b Excuse me. Is anyone siting here? ¢_I'm looking forward to the weekend. Hi, Great music, isn’t it? 1 ona train 2 ata pany 3 atwork Example: a 4 ata bus stop situations. Look at each picture and start a conversation. Speak your answers. You say: Hi. Great music, in't it? (Upplt-] Where are you from? D Listening - Making small talk 1. €48) Listen to Ang and Teresa have a conversation. Tick ¥ the topics they talk about. wort C] amity L] home town sport 1] hobbies [1] holidays weather gardening L] 2 €49 Listen and complete these questions, 2 Where are YOU ann QM an? b What do YOU nn 2 © Are you 2 d_Do you have any € Do you enjoy your —_ £ Do you have any plans f0F the ecmeeenne? 3 €8@ Listen again. Pause the recording after each question and answer with information about yourself. Example: You hear: a Where. are you from? You say: Vm from Paris 4 Look at these parts of conversations. A: Do you play golf? B Yes. | love goll, How about you? ‘A: Where are you from? B: 'm from Madrid, What about you? Gircld the correct answer. We use How about you and What about you to ‘ask the same question / ask a different question. 5 €9® Listen again. Pause the recording after each question. Answer the questions, then ask What about you? or How about you? Example You hear: a. Where are you from? You say: I'm from Paris. How about you? 12 & Social and Travel E Speaking - Reacting (Focus on.. to what you hear saying goodbye Speaking strategy: 1 Complete the conversations using the words below. Responding to information See Good now Bye 1 €4® Look at the expressions you can use to respond with interest. Listen again to the conversation between Teresa and Ang and 8: Thanks for coming. | hope you have a safe journey. tick V the expressions you hear. ck. then, Have a good day. Oh yes. Oh, really? That's interesting. | didn't krow that. That's good, Which conversation is formal; a, b or c? How amazing! ‘Speak up! 2 E4D Listen to each statement and respond using one of the expressions above. If possible, ask a question, too. Example: You hear: Vm from Manchester. You say; Really? What's i lke? HAHA Can-do checklist Tick what you can do. Can do Need more practice {can introduce myself in formal and inforral situations. | can ask and answer questions about basic persona information. | can begin a social conversation and respond appropriately. I can greet people and say goodbye in a variety of ways. 13 Do you need any help? listen and speak b © Do you like going shopping for dothes? @Yes. \loveit! GitsOK — @ No, thate it! © Where do you usually buy your clothes? © Lookat the picture and identiy each item of clothing designer stores (] ‘markets [] department stores [_] catalogues [_] the intemet [_] _ shirt. (© Carlos is from Spain. He ing London, and goes shopping. Listen to the conversation and tick / the items he buys. a shit C1) a jacket L] a pair of shorts C] a pair of jeans L] asut 0 4B Listen again and answer the questions. a When does the sale finish? _todau. b How much does the shirt cost? ¢ Is the jacket in the sale? d_ What isthe jacket made of? © Where is the jacket from? f 8 h Does Carlos try on the shin? What size is the shirt? How much does Carlos spend? Learning tip Before you listen, always read the questions and make sure you know what information you are listening for (eg. a date, a name, a price, etc). 44 @ Social and Travel 3 €42) Now listen again and complete these ‘expressions. 2 Do you need any b Im just ¢ How. Would you like to Ok then. 4 Look at the expressions in exercise 3. Who do you think is speaking? Write C (customer) or 5 (shop assistant) for each expression (a-e) above. Complete the sentences using is or re. a How much.....jf..... this sweater, please? b How much these jeans? c _ this hat in the sale? Excuse me. Where the changing rooms? like these trousers. ..they in the sale? f How much . the black shoes over there? g What size __ . this jacket? h Where - the cash desk, please? Speaking strategy: Showing you understand 1 Read this part of Carlos’s conversation. Underline the expressions Carlos uses to show he understands. Assistant: That shins in the sale. Today's the last day. Carlos: Oh, right. Hmm. Wel, lke the colour. Assistant I's £20 in the sale. The normal price is for Carlos: Oh, OK. That’s quite good. Speak up! 2 Match the sentences (a-e) with the replies (1-5). 2 Yes, we've got this T-shirt in your size OK. Il go and try this on The changing rooms are over there. Oh, right. What size are they? lim sony, We haven't got ths in small Oh, right. Il pay by creditcard, These jeans are in the sale. Oh, OK. Il leave it. € I'm afraid we don't accept cheques. (OK. Il take it 3 Look at the replies. Which expression means: a filbuyit. b Lwon't buy it 4 €4) Imagine you are a customer in a clothes shop. Listen to the shop assistant and reply. Use an expression to show you understand, and say if you want to buy the item or not. Example: You hear: a No, I'm sorry. We haven't got this T-shirt in medium. You say: Oh, OK. I'll leave it, then. a Do you need any help? In English, the important words in a sentence have more stress. This means we say them louder. Listen to sentences a-<. Notice how the underlined words have more stress. 2 Do you need any help? bb That jackets in the sale © What size do you want? Thank you, Il take it. 2 €859 Listen to questions ej and underiine the important words that have more stress. How much is this hat? Ae these shoes in the sale? Where's the cash desk? Can | pay by cheque? Do you have this shirt in medium? J Where are the changing rooms, please? 3 49 Listen again and repeat each question, adding stress to the important words. 16 Do you need any help? c (8 Ku is from Japan. She is shopping at a market in London. Did you know ...? Listen and write true (T) or false (F) for each statement. isa 2 Kumiko wants to buy acoat. —..,_e.She thinks isa bargain . ‘money. In Britain people often use b Itcosts £130. cee Theman says its haf price. uid instead of pounds: This bag Its made of leather. g. She decides to buy it for £100. ost twenty quid. (Notice that quid dts from France, fh She pays by creditcard. 7 isnever plural) In Britain, a fiveris a £8 note, and in the US ‘a dollar is often called abuck. 1 Before you listen, match each price (a-f) with a price tag (1-6). a ten dollars and fifty cents 4 . | b one ninety-nine 16 e350 | 2 €299 | 36 $450 | five euros and fifty cents —- —— —— d four dollars fifty © three fifty 46 gioso] 5 e550 | 6 £ two pounds and ninety-nine pence... 5 ae = lee 2 €6@ Listen to a-f andGircla\the prices that you 3. €48) Listen to a-f and write down the prices of hear. these clothes. a G3 £30 d £16 / £60 a Tshirt b $14/$40 e €17/€70 b jeans ¢ €15/€50 f $18/$80 © jacket. d shit € shoes . f jumper 16 @ Social and Travel E Speaking - In a clothes shop Speaking strategy: Asking a shop assistant for help 1 You can use these expressions to ask a shop assistant for help. Write the words in the correct order. 2 help / me. / you / Can / me, / Excuse / please? Excuse me. Can you help me, please? b me. / help / please? / Could / Excuse / you/ me, think / help / you / Do / you / could / me? Speak up! 2 €8 Number each line of the conversation in order (1-6), Then listen and check. Oh, OK. Can | ty them on? Excuse me. Can you help me, please? .. Ef, let me have a look. Here itis, They're £35. Yes, of course. How can I help? How much are these trousers? | can't find the price, .. Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there. 3. €4@ Listen again. Pause the recording and repeat the customer's words. 4 Imagine you are a customer in a clothes shop. Use the ideas below and ask a shop assistant for help. Example: « ‘You say: Excuse me. Can you help me, please? How much are these shoes? a b ‘? edunid d e in the sale? . JHA AAA Tick what you can do, Can do Need more practice I can ask an assistant for help in a shop or market. | can ask questions in a clothes shop about size, price, etc | can show | can understand, | can understand numbers and prices. 7

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