Oral Presentation: Tourism (SLIDE INICIAL) Hello, Today I'm Going To Talk About

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(SLIDE INICIAL) Hello, today Im going to talk about

Tourism. This is a topic kind of different from the ones I
usually talk about but as this is my last English oral
presentation, I have chosen to bring you a subject about
something I really find interesting and good for the world
in a way to end my cycle of presentations positively.

(2 SLIDE) So, the Internet describes tourism as: The

theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting,
accommodating and entertaining tourists, and the
business of operating tours. It may be international or
within the travellers country. (ANIMAO 1,2,3)
However, I prefer to see it in four different perspectives.
First (ANIMAO 4), the tourist perspective: The
person who seeks for various psychic and physical
experience and satisfactions. The nature of each tourist
will determine the destinations and activities he chooses.
Second (ANIMAO 5), we have the business providing
tourist goods and services perspective: These are the
ones who see tourism as an opportunity to increase their
earnings by supplying the goods and services that the
tourist markets demand. Third (ANIMAO 6), we have
the governments perspective: This includes the
politicians that view tourism as a wealth factor in the
economy. The government can lay an important role in
tourism policy, development and implementation. Fourth
(ANIMAO 7), and last one, we have the host
community perspective: These are the people that
welcome tourists to their countries or local areas and
show them the best secrets about their culture and
traditions. The host community generally accepts tourism
because they also see it as an employment factor.
(3SLIDE) But well There are many types of tourism
we dont know. I could talk about all of them, but it would
take me a lot of time. So I have chosen the ones I find
more exciting. They are: Ecotourism; Cultural tourism;
Sports tourism; Religious tourism; Space tourism; Leisure
(4SLIDE) Ecotourism: is considered the travel to
natural areas that conserve the environment and
improve the well being of local people, and involves
interpretation and education. Its very important
because it promotes things such as recycling or
energy efficiency in order to raise awareness about
the preservation of the planet.
(5SLIDE) Cultural tourism: This subset of tourism
concerns about a country or regions culture,
specifically the lifestyle of the population in these
geographical areas, their history, art, architecture
and other elements that helped shape their lifestyle.
Cultural tourism is more often related to urban areas
because of their cultural facilities, such as museums
and theatres.
(6SLIDE) Sports tourism: In a broad sense, sports
tourism is any travel that is done to participate in a
sport event (ANIMAO 1)- including just watching.
Basically, as long as a sport (soccer, baseball, golf,
basketball, etc.) is the primary reason for ones
travels, it can be considered sports tourism. Of
course that the main difference in this type of
tourism is if you travel across the world to actively
participate in a sports event or if you travel across
the world to passively participate in a sports event by
the act of spectating.
(7SLIDE) Religious tourism: This is in general when
people travel individually or in groups for pilgrimage
and missionary purposes and also to see religious
tourist attractions. (ANIMAO 1) The worlds
largest form of mass religious tourism takes place at
the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Meca, Saudi Arabia.
(8SLIDE) Space tourism: This is a very recente type
of tourism but the trips to space are the very
beginning of what could be a lucrative 21st century
industry. There are already several space tourism
companies planning to build suborbital vehicles and
orbital cities within the next two decades.
(ANIMAO 1) A spaceflight client called Richard
Garriott, who spent 12 days in space, said this: Life
is a collection of stories and experiences. When we
look back on our lives, we value our time based on
the memories we have accumulated and the people
we have shared them with. My space flight is
something that will live with me forever.
(9 SLIDE) (Last, but not least) Leisure tourism:
This can also be called holiday tourism. Leisure
travellers look for sun, sea and sand. They want to
stay at the best resort hotels because all this tourists
want is to spend some quality time with their
families, or even by themselves, near the beach
having some tranquilizing and enjoyable moments.

(10 SLIDE) In fact, tourism and all its different types

have suffered an evolution as a result of the
developments in technology and transport infrastructure,
such as low-cost airlines and more accessible airports.
Nowadays, the many types of tourism are more
affordable and a study made by the World Tourism
Organization showed that (ANIMAO 1) 1.18 billion
people spent at least one night abroad in 2015.
(ANIMAO 2) In what it has to be with the 5 most
visited cities of 2016, we have: (ANIMAO 3)Bangkok
in Thailand; (ANIMAO 4)London, UK; (ANIMAO 5)
Paris, France; (ANIMAO 6) Dubai, United Arab
Emirates (in which a significant portion of the citys
Money is spent on constantly changing the primary
sources of income towards tourism); (ANIMAO 7)
New York, USA.

(11 SLIDE) Anyway, I couldnt end this presentation

without talking about one more thing: Tourism in
Portugal! The truth is our country attracts many tourists
each year. In 2015, for example, statistics of INE said that
the number of foreign tourists reached 10.18 million,
which is incredible. Also, the main tourist areas are, by
order of importance, (ANIMAO 1) Algarve,
(ANIMAO 2) Lisbon, (ANIMAO 3) Oporto,
(ANIMAO 4) Coimbra and the Portuguese islands of
(ANIMAO 5) Azores and (ANIMAO 6) Madeira.
(12 SLIDE) The question is: What do tourists find so
attractive in our country? Well, I can tell you that from
our (ANIMAO 1) beautiful beaches to our
(ANIMAO 2) great gastronomy they may find in this
small territory a lot of special things. A proof of that, are
(ANIMAO 3) the 14 Oscars of Tourism that Portugal
won in more than 10 European categories. And besides
that, (ANIMAO 4) our country also has a total of 15
properties inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
This list is a landmark which has been officially
recognized by the United Nations, in which properties are
selected on the basis of having or some form of
significance. UNESCO regards these sites as being
important to the collective interests of humanity.
(13 SLIDE) In Portugal we have, for example:
(ANIMAO 1) Alto Douro Wine Region: The wine has
been produced by traditional landholders in this region
for 2,000 years and since the 18th century, its main
product, port wine, has been world famous for its quality;
(ANIMAO 2) Cultural landscape of Sintra: In the 19th
century Sintra became the first centre of European
Romantic architecture. Ferdinand II turned a ruined
monastery into a castle where this new sensitivity was
displayed in the use of Gothic, Egyptian, Moorish and
Renaissance elements. (ANIMAO 3) Historic centre of
Guimares: Because it is associated with the emergence
of the Portuguese national identity and its exceptionally
well-preserved and an authentic example of the evolution
of a medieval settlement into a modern town;
(ANIMAO 4) Tower of Belm in Lisbon: That was built
to commemorate Vasco da Gama's expedition, is a
reminder of the great maritime discoveries that laid the
foundations of the modern world.

(14 SLIDE) To conclude, I hope I have shown you a little

bit of the importance of tourism to the different countries
around the world and also that once you become a
tourist for some reason, once you travel to somewhere,
you are accepting new exciting challenges and much
more important than contributing to tourisms growth, is
that you are improving yourself and, in my opinion,
youre making your life a little more worth it.
(ANIMAO 1--- THE END ---)

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