Tareas Isra

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pon el adjetivo en comparativo . Apples are heatliest than chips. (healthy) 2. Elephants are bigger
(big) than bears. 3. Gold is more expensive than silver. (expensive) 4. Bikes are slower than cars.
(slow) 5. I am gooder at English than my brother .(good) 6. My friend is taller than me. (tall) 7.
Sandy is thinther than Tamara. (thin) 8. My father is strong than Tom's father. (strong) 9. "Harry
Potter "books are more interesting than "The Book of the Jungle". (interesting) 10. The tiger is
heaviest than a fox .(heavy) 11. The weather is hotter than yesterday . (hot) 12. The girls are
happiest than the boys. (happy) 13. Berta is more beautiful than Debby.(beautiful) 14.French is
difficult than English. (difficult) 15. Tina is 5 years old. Sandra is 10 years old. Sandra is ______ than
Tina.(old) 16. Russia is large than France. (large) 17. I am badder at maths than my best friend
(bad) 18. Love is more important than money.(important) 19. His car is cheaper than mine. (cheap)
20. The first movie is boringer than the second.I don't recommend it. (boring)

el clima

15 enero 14 grados

16 enero 17 grados

17 viernes 20 grados

18 febrero 20 grados

19 febrero 14 grados

20 febrero 16 grados

Comparatives 2

Bob is younger than Homer.

Homer is older than Alice.

Alice is simer than Bob.

Bob is shortest than Homer.

Homer is fatest than Bob.

Alice is shortest than Homer.

Homer is uglyest than Alice.

Homer is slowest than Bob.

Bob is tidiest than Homer.

Alice is more tidiest than Bob.

Alice has got longer hair than Bob.

Homer can play the guitar gooder than Alice.

Alice can run fastest than Homer.

Alice draws badder than Bob.

Bob is more intelligent than Homer.

Homer is a more interesting person than Bob.


Lunes 14 de enero 25 grados

Martes 15 de enero 25 grados

Mircoles 16 de enero 22 grados

Jueves 17 de enero 21 grados

Viernes 18 de enero 23 grados

Sbado 19 de enero 21 grados

Domingo 20 de enero 25 grados


Lunes 21 de enero 21 grados

Martes 22 de enero 24 grados

Mircoles 23 de enero 22 grados

Jueves 24 de enero 23 grados

Viernes 25 de enero 26 grados

Sbado 26 de enero 26 grados

Domingo 27 de enero 25 grados

Was were

Use was or were. Choose from the dropdown menu. I was in Canberra last spring. We were at
school last Saturday. Tina was at home yesterday. He was happy. Robert and Stan were Garry's
friends. You was very busy on Friday. They were in front of the supermarket. I was in the museum.
She was in South Africa last month. Jessica and Kimberly were late for school.

Oraciones was were

I was playing football yesterday afternoon.

We were riding our bikes.
I was fat 3 years ago.
You were happy on that times.
I was trying to make de rubik cube.
They were in the park.
I was eating macarroni.
They were sleeping in their bed room.
I was typing my name.
We were doing an exam.

Past simple
1 exercise
Last year I (go) went to England on holiday.
It (be) was fantastic.
I (visit) visited lots of interesting places. I (be) was with two friends of mine .
In the mornings we (walk) walked in the streets of London.
In the evenings we (go) went to pubs.
The weather (be) was strangely fine.
It (not / rain) did not rain a lot.
But we (see) saw some beautiful rainbows.
Where (spend / you) did you spend your last holiday?

Simple Past
1.meet met
2.drive drove
3.speak spoke
4.put put
5. write wrote
6.sing sang
7.do did
8. sit sat
9.stand stood
10.run ran

Exercise 3
He wrote a book.
He did not write a book.
Did he write a book?

He sang.
He did not sing
Did he sing?

She was pretty.

She was not pretty.
Was she pretty
Exercise 4
We move to a new house. We moved to a new house.
They bring a sandwich. They brought a sandwich.
He doesn't do the homework. He did not do the homework.
They sell cars. They sold cars.
Does he visit his friends? Did he visit his friends?

Exercise 5
Janet / the bus / miss Janet missed the bus.
she / her room / tidy She tidied her room.
Nancy / watch / not / television Nancy did not watch television.
she / read / book She read a book.4

exercise 6
The teacher was nice.
The students were very clever.
But one student was in trouble.
We were sorry for him.
He was nice though.

Past simple 2
1. Dan leaved very early today.
2. Sam and Sue buyed a new house last month.
3. I visited Germany the previous week.
4. You played very well.
5. They finded this book on their trip to Italy.
6. I baked this cake by myself
. 7. We opened the store in 1987.
8. The rain finally stopped, and we (go) home.
9. She (plan) to come, but she (have) some problems.
10. Kate haved a big house, but she (sell) it.
11. Rose do very thin.
12. You do at work yesterday morning.
13. We thinked New York was in England
! 14. They brinded this from their trip.
15. She always danced in the summer.


1. clean
2. cook
3. dive
4. do
5. drive
6. eat
7. go
8. hit
9. live

10. pay
11. play

12. read
13. run

14. sit
15. speak

16. study
17. swim
18. think
19. type

exercise 2

You cook dinner every day.

1. I clean my room after breakfast.
2. He dives in the sea.
3. We live in Salacgriva.

4. You cook very tasty meals

5. He eats salad for dinner.

6. It swims in the lake.

7. We speak three languages.

8. He sits at the window at his work.

9. She sits at the table.

10. We run in the park in the morning.

11. You hit the empty can in the street.
12. They run to work every morning.
13. He plays the guitar very well.
14. She drives a nice new car.
15. They swim in the river in summer.
16. You think about your future.
17. He lives in Latvia.

18. She reads different magazines.

19. We cook meals in the evening.

20. I have some bread on the table.

21. I have a pocket in my new jacket.

22. You have a candle on the table at the window.

23. They have a lot of candles in their room.

24. She has a little brother.

25. I have some friends in different countries
26. I work every day.
27. I have a black car.

28. I like black coffee.

29. I have a party in summer.

Past simple 3
1. Dan enjoys reading science fiction.

2. Cheryl suggested seeing a movie after work.

3. I miss working in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job back.

4. Where did you learn to speak Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin America?

5. Do you mind helping me translate this letter?

6. He asked to talk to the store manager.

7. You've never mentioned living in Japan before. How long did you live there?

8. If he keeps coming to work late, he's going to get fired!

9. Debbie plans to study abroad next year.

10. I agreed to help Jack wash his car.
Ensayo o reporte del ameriano y dulces mexicanos
Es un americano que come dulces nuestros al parecer le gusta y demasiado eso es bueno ya
que al fin adoran nuestros dulces eso es bueno.

Past simple 4
conviertan estas oraciones en pasdo . He (write) his homework last Sunday.
2. Mary didnt go nto school last week.
3. you palyed basketball two weeks ago?
4. I studied French last year.
5. They buyed a new flat last month.
6. John taked his driving test yesterday but he (not pass) it.
7. Tim went to Paris last summer.
8. your parents meet at university?
9. When I do a child, I (speak) German.
10. We saw him yesterday but he (not see) us.

Past simple 5
A. Complete the sentences, put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. (simple
past tense)
1. It was warm, so I take off my coat. (take)
2. The film wasn't very good. I it very enjoy much. (enjoy)
3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I disturb her. (disturb)
4. I was very tired, so I go to bed early. (go)
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I sleep very well. (sleep)
6. Sue wasn't hungry, so she anything. (eat)
7. We went to Kate's house but she at home. (be)
8. It was a funny situation but nobody (laugh)
9. The window was open and a bird into the room. (fly)
10. The hotel wasn't very expensive. It cost very much. (cost)
11. I was in a hurry, so I have time to phone you. (have)
12. It was hard work carrying be the bags. They very heavy. (be)

Ejercicios 2
1. He quickly reads a book.
2. Mandy is a pretty girl.
3. The class is terribly loud today.
1. I like the blue T-shirt over there better than the red one.
2. Their car does 150 miles an hour.
3. Where's the USB drive I lent you last week?
1. a waiting boy
2. an interesting story
3. a broken car
Exercise on Simple Past Form positive sentences in Simple Past.
we / with a family / stay
we stayed with my familiy

the policeman / the thief / arrest

The policeman arrested the thief

my computer / crash
My computer crashed

we / the leader / follow

we followed the leader

you / the car / repair

You repaired the car

the car / at the corner / stop

The car stopped at the corner

Eric / his homework / forget

Eric forgeted his homework

she / poems / write

She writhed poems

he / a blue shirt / wear

He wearied a blue shirt

she / a friend / phone

She phoned a friend

Tarea oraciones be going to

Were going to play tennis at 7 PM

She is not going to buy that car
Are they going to stay at London for more than a week?
We are going to wash the dishes
I am going to visit a friend this afternoon
They have the feeling their company is going to expand
They are not going to come with us
You are not going to pass your English test if you dont study harder
Are you going to publish this novel?
Look that sky, its going to rain soon
Be going to

They are going to eat stew. It is going to rain

I am going to wear blue shoes tonight.

We arent going to help you.

Jack isnt going to walk home.

Are you going to cook dinner?

Sue isnt going to share her biscuits.

are they going to leave the house?

Is she going to take part in the contest?

I am not going to spend my holiday abroad this

Tarea oraciones que me gusta a hacer

I like walking I dont like drawing

I like swimming I dont like preparing
I like running I dont like quitting
I like cooking I dont like repeating
I like reading I dont like spending
I like writing n I dont like standing
I like singing I dont like working ;v
I like working I dont like screaming
I like buying I dont like owning
I like cleaning I dont like breaking
Tarea examen
There (be) a lot of people at the party, but there (not be) any children.
There (be) a birthday cake, but there (not be) an orchestra.

2 exercise
He usually (go) to work by car. At the moment he (drive) and he
(listen) to the radio.
Yesterday, he (not go) to work. It (be) Sunday. He (buy) the
newspaper and he (read) it. He (not have) lunch at the restaurant. He
(take) his dog for a walk. He (eat) biscuits and (drink) tea in the
She didn't call ..... yesterday.

A me

B my

C mine

pregunta 4
This is ..... room and this is mine.

A yours

B your

C you

pregunta 5
I don't have a car but I can use .....

A them

B theirs

C they

pregunta 6
I ..... to study English next year.

A like

B would like

pregunta 7
I ..... studying English in my free time.

A like

B would like

pregunta 8
She can't ..... chess very well.

A to play

B play
pregunta 9
..... your brother work in a factory?

A does

B do

C is

pregunta 10
How often ..... you do exercise last year?

A are

B do

C did

pregunta 11
..... the baby sleeping?

A does

B is

C are

pregunta 12
We ..... studying at the moment.

A aren't

B don't

C isn't

Ejercicio 13
I have homework for next week. I don't have free time this weekend.
There are apples in the basket, but there aren't pears.
How books did you read last summer?
How fruit do you eat a day?
Ejercicio 14
There is somemilk in the fridge, but there isn't orange juice.
I need to buy kilo of sugar, eggs and onion.
There aren't potatoes and there isn't olive oil.
Is there chocolate in the cupboard?
Is there knife on the table?
Are there spoons on the table?

Ejercicio 15

I study English Mondays and Wednesdays 7 o'clock the evening.

We never work the weekend, night and August.
There is some money the table or the drawer.
I work an office the university.

tarea oraciones superlatias

1-she is the smartest person i know

2-today is the coldest day i can remember

3-she is the youngest in her family

4-he is the oldest man i know

5-i'm the tallest in the class

6-i am the most beatiful girl of all

7-the last test was the most difficult

8-of all the students,max is the worst

9-that is the most expensive dress in the store

10-these shoes are the most comfotable

Tarea superlatives 3

1. Its a very nice house. Its cheapest house in the street.

2. This is a cheap restaurant. Its cool Ive ever been.
3. It was a very valuable painting. Im sure it was go painting in the gallery.
4. Shes a very good tennis player. Her trainer says she is expert
5. Hes a very dangerous criminal. The police says he is dangerous in the country.
6. We should buy him a beautiful present. Last year we gave him a party gift of all in his birthday.

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