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- 1 1383


8 .1
10 .2
11 .3
12 .4 ) (


must have to
23 .5 ) (
26 .6
30 .7

33 .8

36 To Do .9
38 .10

42 Simple future tense .11 :

44 .12

47 .13 tell & say

48 .14

50 .15

53 .16

54 .17 :

55 .18

58 .19 Future Continuous Tense

61 .20 Sequence of tenses :
62 Used to .21
66 .22 Question tag
69 Avoid Repatition .23
71 The additions .24
73 CAN .25
73 MUST .26
74 WANT .27
76 Some &any .28
78 .29
82 .30
84 possesive forms .31 :
85 .32 Putting two sentences together :
86 .33
87 Reflexive pronouns (self ) .34
89 Here & There .35
92 it .36
94 .37 16
95 .38
100 .39 ) ( :

106 .40 ) (

108 .41

109 .42
111 .43 adjective
115 The same as .44
118 .45 adverb
123 .46 intensifiers (very, too, enough) :
127 Such .47
129 .48 too enough
130 .49 Other
136 .50 Relative Pronouns

141 .51
145 .52
146 Conditionals .53
149 Otherwise .54
150 Wish .55
151 .56 if
151 .57 It is time
152 IF .58
153 Unless .59
154 Would rather .60
156 as if as though .61
157 in Case ) .62 (
158 Both .63
159 .64 active & passive voice :


170 .65 :
171 .66
172 .67 reported speach
173 .68 Indirect speech


181 .69 ) ( gerund
184 .70 to














. .






. . .


+ + + +

. .

I we

you you



: . )(

. )( , to .


to see I see

You see

They see

: .

there here at school in the class at home

: .

today every day yesterday every other day

on even days on odd days

: .

3 this that

this these this book

these books

that those that car

those cars

: .

Hassan saw Ali . :

Hassan saw him .


me us

you You


her )( them


my our

your your


her their


)( : to

ought to .used to

can must should : may




) (

do does .

?Can you go

I can go
?Can you

?You can

I am are : I we you you ? :

-3 )(

(not) .

: am not may not .

Can not Can ' t

will not won' t

must not mustn' t

Shall not Shan' t

is not isn' t

are not aren' t

am not am not

may not may not

4 :

: .

: not not

?You cant go cant you go
?You can not go can you not go

)To be(am-is-are was-were

Have Has-had -

Do Does-did -

could can

Shall Should

Will Would

May Might

Must Had to

ought to

Used to



Would rather

Had better


) (

I eat apple.

I eat the apple.

I eat the apple which is red.

" " . " "

. . "

" .

am-is-are be to have

I have I can have I am I must be
you have you can have You are You can be
They have They can have He is he must be
We have we can have
She has she can have

Have Am
to have Is Be
Has are

2 2
7 .
8 .
9 .
10 .
11 .


1. Cant you help me here every day?

2. Mustnt you teach us here every other day at 2 oclock?
3. Am I not bad tempered?
4. Dont they study here every day?
5. Dont you listen to the teacher every day?
6. Can I be polite in class?
7. My father must be kind at home.
8. My sisters may be lazy.
9. Their parents can be here.
10. My father can have lunch.
11. He may have a car


( to) -1

used : )ought to to -2

have has To have ( am-is-are) To be .(to

( have-has am-is-are )

.( have , be)

want pretend

like refuse

would like plan

hope decide

wish intend

try be going to

promise hate

prefer dislike

must : have to

I must go ) (
I have to go

) ( have to
has to

: had to must.

: has , have .

I will have my lunch. .

She has a book. .


: (to) has , have .

+ to


. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
. 5

1. They want to listen to the teacher every day.

Do they want to listen to the teacher every day?
They dont want to listen to teacher every day.
Dont they want to listen to teacher every day?
2. I must speak English every day.
3. You want to be polite here.
4. He likes to have a car.
5. We decide to be clever this year.

1. They Study engineering ( Plan:)

2. Most students succeed (want)
3. We understand the lesson. (Pretend: )
4. I work hard. (Promise )
5. Most of the people fact/tell the truth. (refuse)
6. You are very successful. (can)
7. They practice sentence patterns (must)
8. Many students ask questions (may)
9. We are polite. (Ought to)
10. I dine with you. (would like)
11. We play football. (prefer)


1. They Plan to Study engineering

2. Most students want to succeed.
3. We pretend to understand the lesson.
4. I promise to work hard.
5. Most of the people refuse to fact/tell the truth.
6. You can be very successful.
7. They must practice sentence patterns.

8. Many students may ask questions.

May they not ask questions?
May not they ask questions?

9. We ought to be polite.
Ought you to be polite? Are you ought to polite?
You ought not to be polite. You arent ought to polite.
Ought you not to be polite? aren't you ought to polite?

10. I would like to dine with you.

11. We prefer to play football.

Simple Present Tense ) (

: .

: to

. ) (it-she-he ) (ies-es-s .

-1 s :

He works/she eats/it runs

-2 es

: z,o,x,ch,sh,s es :


-3 y y a,e,I,o,u s

Plays play

y y y

i es .

Carry carries
Study studies

-4 :

every +

each +

) ( during the day during +

) ( every other week every other +

-5 :

ever never always usually often sometimes

They never play golf.

The sun sets in the west. .

: does ,do .

s ) does : es - ies - doesnt (

: .

He goes to school every day.


-2 2

1. He goes to school every day.

2. The teacher helps us in the class at 2 oclock on odd days.
3. My father studies at home on even days.
4. His father wants to help them here every day

Question Words. .

who -1 :

whom -2 :

what -3 :

where -4 :

when - -5

how many -6

how much -7

how -8

-9 what time

how long -10

how often -11

whose + -12

-13 an, a .

-14 + the that ,this ,those ,these +


why -15

how old -16

how far -17

how tall -18

how fast -19

what color -20

(wh questions):

-1 . :

?do you work
Why +
What time
How often
How fast

I can answer ?Can you answer

Why ?can you answer
When ?can you answer
?How fast can you answer

Where do you go? I know where you go

Why dont they study I know why they dont study

I am sure why he is happy


s es ies .

He works

?Who works

?Whose brother works

?Which teacher works

?What kind of student works

-1 : 2
-5 .

1. I know where you play football every day at 2 oclock.

2. I dont know why the students dont study at school.
3. I am sure why they are tired.
4. ?Do you know whose brother wants to speak English
5. I am not sure why they are lazy in class.

have to

: ( have to )


6. They have to speak English in class.

7. The boy has to be polite in class every day.
Does the boy have to be polite in class every day?
The boy doesnt have to be polite in class every day.
8. The girls have to be here on even days.
Do the girls have to be here on even days?
9. He has to play football every other day.
Does he have to play football every other day?
He doesnt have to play football every other day.
Doesnt he have to play football every other day?
10. Ali has to be happy in class
Does Ali have to be happy in class?


: .

: - ----

be +ing

subject + to be + verb + ing

be : are,is,am ing

: are , is , am .

: are,is,am

: ing


at present -

for the time being


at the moment

This morning

This year

This week

: :

look !hush up

listen stop

be careful keep

Listen! Someones knocking the door !

Look! Someone is coming.

Be careful he is eavesdropping. !

-1 ing -like-know-understand-want .

-2 y ing y ing .




-3 e ing e ing

be e .

Come coming

Take taking

Have having

Be being


) (a,e,i,o,u ing ing .

Sit sitting

Put putting

Read reading

-5 ie ing ie y ing .

tie tying

die dying

lie lying


: .

: ed ied .

see saw ) (: -1 :

work worked )( ed-ied -2 :

do did

am , is was

are were

have had

go went

come came

see saw

: did .

: did didnt ed ied

-1 ed ied .

-2 :

yesterday last day

the other day

two days ago

in + )( in 1920

: .

: y y ed

play played

stay stayed

say said

pay paid

y y y

i ed ied .

carry carried

study studied

try tried


-1 2

-2 5


-4 1367



1-They helped us in the class at 2 oclock yesterday.

2-We saw you in the park at 5 oclock last week.
3- We wanted to go to school the other day.
4-We liked to be polite in the class in 1367 year.
5- We were tired yesterday.
6- The boy was lazy last year.

To Do
You did. Did you do?

He does. Does he do?

Did he do? Yes he did.

You had to go. . -1

Did you have to go?

You didnt have to go

. -2

He has to go.

Does he have to go?

. -3

He had to teach.

Did he have to teach?

. -4

My father was here yesterday.

. -5

Their parents were kind last year.

. -6

I was teacher last year.


They were studying when my father came in.


My brother was playing the piano when his teacher rang.

-9 .

Their parents were watching the news when it was raining.

: when


) (to you

. :


will you ( please) ) (

would you

could you

ing would you mind +

do you mind ing +

you you .

- to be you arent dont be

again .

) ( ) dont go again ( you dont go

) dont be again ( you arent ) (

dont (you) ever go (again). ) (


-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 .
-9 .
-10 .
-11 .

-12 .

1-Please study here every day.

2-Please write a letter.

3-Would you please speak English.

4-Would you mind listening to the teacher.

5-Please be polite here.

6-Please be happy.

7-Dont play football here again.

8-Dont open the door again.

9-Dont write on the black board again.

10-Dont be lazy again.

11-Dont be bad temper again.

12-Dont be rude again.

. -1

I work here every day.

I am working here now.

I worked here yesterday.

I was working here yesterday.

Work here every day.

. -2

My father will buy a car tomorrow.

. -3

I will pass in the next year.

. -4

They will be here in three weeks.

. -5

We will win soon.

. -6

You will be clever sooner or later.


Ali will study later.

Simple future tense :

: .

+ + will / shall + :

) (will shall .

( will shall

)( tomorrow (



sooner or later

three weeks

next +

( a week/ a year/ a month in+ )

: will shall not

wont shant .

: will shall .

if unless

when as long as

while suppose

before as soon as

after to pass



( I ) + before +

( II ) before +

You will pass if you study.

If you study you will pass.

I will call you as soon as I get home.

As soon as I get home , I will call you.


) (

that .

+ + + that + + + )(1

1. 2. 3 that 1. 2. 3

I know that you come.

) :(2

that to .

1. 2. 3 that 1. 2. 3 1. 2. 3 to 2. 3

I want you that you go I want you to go

) : (3

that not to .

I want you that you dont go.

I want you not to go.

: not .

)(to go not to go

)(to be or not to be

Not to go )(

Not to come

not to write

) :(4 that to


I let you that you go. I let you to go I let you go.


I make you that you be. I make you to be I make you be.


help It helps to prevent








) :(5 that

ing .

go. I see you that you go. I see you going

go. I saw you that you go. I saw you going


-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

1. want you not to play football here.

2. I am happy that you are lazy.

3. They like to speak English.
4. I let you laugh here every day.
5. I saw you studying.
6. I see you listening to the teacher.

tell & say

) ( say


) ( ) (

tell told .

)( )( mean meant.

I mean you /

: tell say to tell

to tell a lie

to tell a story /tale

to tell a fact

to tell a joke

to tell the time

to tell ones name

to tell the fortune

to tell the difference

to tell the news

to tell the secret


-2 -1

every day -1 : :

-1 : :

often usually

always hardly

seldom some times

generally frequently

scarely rarely

: ever never .

4 .

-1 .

I always go there. .

-2 .

They are always late. .

They can always play.


?Do you often go there

Yes I often do. - I often go there.

-4 .

) 2 )(. do (.

I always do go.

I never did go.


The ) - ( :




She has a pen.

She has some pens

?Dose she have any pen

?Doesnt she have any pen

an , a :

-1 u ) ( ) (a ) (u )(

) (an .

) (a u (an)

a university

a used car

an umbrella

an uncle

-2 ) (one ) (a :

A one story building.

A one eyed man.

A one celled animal.

-3 ) (h ) (a ) (h an .

an hour )(

an honest man

an honor man

a hand

a hen

a hat

) :(1 the - - - .

) :(2 the .

The god, The sun, The earth, The moon, The sky

The :

The north

The south

The east

The west

The north pole

The south pole

The .

The bible

The koran

The torah

: made of .

Butter is made of the milk.

) (s The .

The .

The .

The United States of America

The Soviet Union

The Nether land


mine ours

yours yours

his )(
hers )(

its )(

It is my book it is mine book.



the door of the class

the legs of the table


Alis mother

Alis book

s es ies ) (s ) (, )(s

the students parents

) (s .

the childrens parents

) (s .

todays news

tomorrows news


. : ( )of -1

One of the students

Five of the chairs

Ten of the cars

: : from -2

Take the knife from the child.

Take the book from the desk.

I work here from morning to / till night.

I walk from here to/till my house.

from here to my house is 2 kilometers.

to be from

to come from

: . : out of -3

I go out of the class.

I pulled him out of the pool.

out of sight , out of mind .

my car is out of order .

out of the work .

out of the practice .

: through -4 .

The river passes through this village.

I can see through the glass.

Dont look through the pipe.

The water passes through the pipe.

: than -5 er

more .

old elder eldest ) (

old older oldest

) ( beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful

My brother is older than me.

: since -6 .

Since you are my friend I want to help you.

Since he is a good worker, I want to employ him.

: how -7 - .

?How do you know my name

How do you know my address?

How do you know my telephone number?

. to buy at -8

. to buy from

I bought the book from Ali.

I bought the book from my father.

I bought the book from my teacher.

I bought the bread at the bakers.

I buy the meat at the butchers

Future Continuous Tense

will shall

Subject + shall /will + be +

I shall be working
I will be working
He/she/it will be working
You will be working
We shall be working
We will be working
They will be working
. will shall :

. I, We

I shant be studying. you wont be going swinming.

Shall I be seeing you tomorrow?
Will you be coming here tomorrow?
Shant I be working all day?
Wont they be watching TV tonight ?

: :

: -

We will be sitting in the class and studying tomorrow morning.

: -

I will be seeing you tomorrow .

We will be having a test next week .

all + all day tomorrow

+ This time next session

At 7 oclock next session

At 9 oclock tomorrow/ tonight

. -1
. -2
. -3
. -4
. -5

1- I had to be sure that that book didnt belong to you.

2- I had to do every thing that he told me.
3- He said that he couldnt help me in this time.
4- I didnt know that you wanted to bother me.
5-He thought that you might not come here.


-1 .

-2 8 .

-3 3 . .

-4 .

-5 .

?1- Will you be working all the day tomorrow

2- What will you be doing at 8 oclock tonight? I am watching TV.
3- I will come at three oclock good!/well! I will be waiting for you.
4- We had better go out because Reza will be playing the piano.
5- Do you think when we get there, they will be waiting for us.

Sequence of tenses :

. .:

-1 .

He said that he had to do whatever his elder brother said.

-2 .

He knew well that he didnt have the right to fire me.

Used to

) - -( did

He used to smoke a lot. .

?Did you use to study here .

I didnt use to see him very often. .

else where :

someone else :

: Used to .

He used to be the dean of high school but he isnt now ,again.

: used to would .

used to/would -

used to

else where :

someone else :

-1 .

Whenever I needed some money, I used to/would go to my mother.

-2 .

He used to work else where.


?Did your father use to have a car


I used to sleep late, but I get up early now.

-5 .

We used to live another the city.

-6 .

Some one else used to be our teacher.

to get used toto be used to / ing / +

) ( . To be used to

To get used to ) ( .


to take a nap :
to do exercises :
or else :

She is used to cats.

She is used to her mother.
She is used to taking a nap after lunch.
ing used

accustomed .

Some of you arent used to standing in front of the class but dont worry, gradually
you will get used to it.

-1 .
-3 .

. -4
. -5
. -6
. -7

1. I Dont smoke so much, or else you will get used to it.

2. Im not tired at all. Im used to working for hours.
3. He is used to doing exercises every morning.
4. At first, we werent used to this teacher but , at last we got used to him.
5. He is used to take a nap after lunch.
6. Are you used to living in this area. No I am not (used to living here)
7. Dont worry, at last you get used to it.
8. He is used to reading book before sleeping.

Question tag

) -

- ( :

-1 not


?We must obey the regulations , mustnt we


?He can trust us , cant he


?I believed what you said , didnt I


?She isnt afraid of the dog, is she

?They didnt accuse him of stealing, did they

?You dont like to be called stupid, do you

: 1 am not arent I am I not


?I am faithful to ypu ,arent I

?I am faitful to you, am I not

?I am kind to the children, arent I

: 2

there :

?Money doesnt bring luck, does it

?The students are willing to stay more, arent they


?Ali reza is waiting outside, isnt he

?There is no class today, is there

?That book doesnt belong to you, does it

: 3 .

Hardly / Never / Barely / No / Seldom/ None/ Rarely/ Little / Scarcely / Few

Money goes nowhere nowadays, does it?

Leyla never tells lise, dose she?

shall we ) ( lets : 4

Lets go to tell him every thing , shall we?

Lets study together, shall we?

: tag : 5

Will you- would you- can you- could you

Do me a favor, will you?

Come and see us, will you?
Dont be so stingy, will you?

Avoid Repatition

a an

one Any & some . no

. ) ( none

too either .

I want to buy a car.

one, too
I want to buy one, too.

I like some cold drink.

some, too
I like some, too.

I dont have any change.

any, either I dont have any, either.

no We have no class today.

none, either
We have none, either.

to know of:

to be willing:

party :

. . -1

I want to buy some fruit , I want to buy some too.

. -2

He has a lot of good friends in this class, I have some too

. -3

I have no time to answer the telephone , he doesnt have any either.

. . -4

I know of a good doctor, I know of one too

. -5

They arent willing to go to that party , either.

The additions

+ so +

+too +

+ neither +

+ either +

-1 .

He is in a good mood today, so am I/ I am too.

-2 .

He used to study here, so did his brother/ his brother did too.

-3 .

He doesnt have to work with you, neither do the workers/ the workers dont either.

-4 .

He wont attend the class tomorrow, his friend wont either/ neither will his friend.

-5 .

I thanked him, so did ali.

. -6

He didnt say hello to me, neither did his brother.

. -7

He is one of my old friends , so is ali .

. -8

We will have a test next week , so will they.

. -9

I cant understand your words well , neither can he.


. can

will be able to .

) ( can will be able to

) ( can can

-1 .

You can come with me tomorrow, provided you ask your fathers permission.

-2 .

My foot hurts painfully, I wont be able to play on the team tomorrow.


must .

will have to .

must Will have to ) (

must Must ) (

-1 ) ( .

You must do what I say, or else I will fire you.

-2 .

If you want to pass in the university enterance examination , you will have to study


will want

to be going to

+ want +

expect + Want +
intend to be going to +

need will want +

I will want my money next week - Im going to buy a car- I want you to pay my
money back.

Some &any

some -1 ) ( )

( any .

I want to buy some books. .

some people say that he is crazy. .

There is some cold water in the jar. .

?why didnt you eat any fruit

I dont want any of you to fail.

: 1 some.

?You look thirsty , do you want some water

: 2 some any .:

?would you like some more tea

: 3 some .

You should have a good command of english because some day , some student may
ask you some question that you cant answer.
) ( ) (

any : 4 .


What would you like for lunch? Any thing you like.


some body

some one

some thing

some where

some place

some every any :

every body

every one

every thing

every where

every place

no some .

no body

no one

no thing

no where

no place

some body / every body / nobody / any body works

s else

s .

Some body
every body + s +

no body + elses +

any body

some no

no any .

Somebody knows him.

Nobody knows him. .

He knows somebody.

He knows nobody.

He doesnt know anybody.

. -1

?Is anybody going to say anything

. -2

Nobody told me anything yesterday.

. -3

I want every body to understand this matter.

. -4

Some bodys brother said some thing else.

Some body elses brother said some thing else.
. -5

We are going to visit some where else.

: some

some body/some one some people

some thing some things

some where/some place some places

: . other : Else

some body else some other people

some one else some other people

some thing else some other things

some where else some other places

some place else some other places

. what some

what other people?

what other things?

what other places?

some body else / some one else who else?

some thing else what else?

some where else/ some place else where else?

: . who elses whose else who else whom else :


What other people are you going to invite for dinner?


Who elses car is outside?


What other things does he know?


Who else liked to come here with you?


Who elses brother knows this matter?


this that these those

/ s + of + this,that,these,those +

This book of Alis.

This book of mine.
. -1

I already know this brother of yours.


?May I borrow those two english books of yours

. -3

This son of Alis always bothers us.

-4 .

These students of ours like to write more persian sentences.

-5 .

One student of mine wants to know the fact.

-6 .

This teacher of ours sometimes doesnt listen to our words.

-7 .

Some of your classmates decide to come here next Friday.
. -8

This elder brother of yours can make friends with that good student or friend of mine.

possesive forms :



of -3 s

: own -4 .

His father owns a factory. - .

I used to own a bicycle. .

: own .

?whose car is it that is my own car.

: belong to : .

This fountain pen belongs to me.

?Whom does this fountain pen belong to

Putting two sentences together :

keep )( ) (

if whether .

) ( or not whether ) ( or not

whether .

I want to know if you will come here tomorrow on Friday.

I want to know whether you will come here tomorrow on Friday.
I want to know whether or not you will come here tomorrow on Friday.
I want to know whether you will come here tomorrow on Friday or not.


) - - ( did

you say . did you say

?Where are you going

?Where did you say, you are going

? How much money do you have on you

?How much money did you say you have on you

do you think

? Who is he

?Who do you think he is

? How old are you

?How old do you think I am

self :


Reflexive pronouns

myself ourselves

yourself yourselves

?Why didnt you introduce yourself

I think she is crazy, she is talking to herself.

-2 self .


You told it to me, yourself.

You, yourself told it to me.

They invited us themselves.

They themselves invited us.
-3 self by all by

: .

My son is old enough to go to school by himself.

: .

He is sitting at the door all by himself and crying.

-4 self ) (

to for .

I take the books with me/ myself

she has some money on her/ herself

close the window behind you/ yourself

she made address for herself

I read the text to myself

Here & There
here there .


+ +



+ +


Here I am. ) (

Here you are. ) (

Here it is . ) (

There they are. ) (

There are the children ) (

Here comes the bus. ) (

There goes your fathre. ) (


Help your self:

you first: ) (

after you: ) (

ladies first: -

please be seated:

go on:/ go ahead

who is speaking:

there is there are


There is a pen in my pocket , come and take it.

When I came in, there were two pens on my desk.


There is some cold water in the refrigerator.





-4 .

-5 .

1- I want to know whether you are going to buy or rent the house.
2- Ask him if he can lend you some money.
3- Im not sure whether he will come to the meetting with me or not.
4- He lives in this small home by him self.
5- I wish I could see my self as others see me.



-1 :

It is hot today.
It is cold today.
It was raining. .

It is sunny. .

-2 :

Hurry up ! it is getting late . .

What time is it ? it is five to two. . ? 5 2

What time is it ? it is five to two.

-3 :

it is far. .

?How far is it from here

it is about 5 miles. 5 .

: : -4

Who is it at the door? It must be Ali.

: -5

it + is / was / will be + + ( for + ) +

It is easy.
It is easy to speak English.
It is easy for you to speak English.

: it -6

That is it It is a pity :

It pays well/ it is worth it: Be it so :

take it easy: it is time:

it makes no difference :

it is no Use/ Good + + ing

It isnt up to you

It is none of your business


1 I take.

2. I am taking.

3. I have taken. ) (

4. I have been taking . ) (

1. I will take.

2. I will be taking.

3. I will have taken.

4. I will have been taking.

1. I would take.

2. I would be taking.

3. I would have been taking.

4. I would have taken.

1. I took.

2. I was taking.

3. I had taken. -

4. I had been taking.


= along -1 .

= across .

I went across the street.


I saw him walking along the street yesterday.

There is a sandwich shop across the street.

: against -2 .

They voted against us. .

It is against regulations. .

-3 by

in on

on .

By bus , By taxi , By car , By subway , By plane

) By land , By sea , By air , By train ( rail road
in/on a bus
in the car , in my car
on a bicycle , on a horse

inside : outside # inside -4 out side

It is hotter inside the class than outside.

The door is locked from inside.

in # out , into # out of -5

in ) (

into . out # in out of # into

the student are in class.

come in.

go out.

come into the class.

go out of the class.

He jumped into the pool with his clothes on and pulled the drowning boy out of the

: in .

in the room , in the office

in the yard , in the gardan

in the river , in the sea

. in there , here :

Come in here.

Dont smoke in there .

to eat in.

to eat out.

to be in.

to be out.

to let in.

to let out.

to breathe in.

to breathe out.

: at -6 ) ( table , desk . :

He is sitting at the window and watching out.

Sit at your desk and teach.

: in : at

The plane will land in Tehran at Mehrabad airport.

: at : in -

He works at the oil company in accounting department.

: office :

Mr Jones is somewhere at the office but not in his office.

: on -7 .

Dont sit on the floor ! sit on the chair.

: over & above -8


above .

under # over below # above .

: 1

Where should I write my name? over the line or under it .

. : 2

There are four lights above our heads.

: 3

What is it under your foot

) ( :

: A .


+ +

I have known him for two years. .

He has had this car for five years. 5 .

: B

. ) ( since

+ + +

: 2 .

He has been here since two oclock.

: .

He hasnt gone to school since last week.

C ) ( .

I havent notified them. .

:for -1

for +

for two weeks.

for the last/ past +

for the last two weeks.

: since .2
since +

since yesterday

since + last +

since last week

: since / since then/ever since -3

He left for England two weeks ago and I havent heard from him since/ since then/
ever since.


+ since + ( I )

it is + + since + ( II )

.( II) since ( I)

. :

It has been three months since we started this term.

It is three months since we started this term.


-1 .
-2 .
-3 .
-4 .
-5 .

1- He has been very upset since his friend died.

2- We have studied English for two terms but we cant speak.
3- He hasnt eaten anything since morning.
4- He has taught mathematics in this school for three years.
5- He has been here for an hour and a half.

: recently- lately .5 p.p .

He has recently / lately bought a new car.

- - - p.p
: ever-never .6 -

ever never .

: .

? Have you ever been to England

No, I havent ever been to England.
No, I have never been to England.


So far
by now
up to now
up till now
up to the present time.

I have reviewed this lesson twice so far.

: already .8 p.p

: .

We are late , the bell has already gone/ rung.

: just .9 - - p.p .

I have just finished my work.

: yet .10

not not .

? Have you notified them yet


No, I havent notified them yet.

No, I have not yet notified them.
: yet .11
- :

dont do that yet. .

dont tell them anything yet. .

: still .12 - - -

: still anymore/ any longer .

I used to study English.

Do you still study English.
No , I dont study English anymore/any longer.

) (

: .

: A



+ +

+ For +

: 1 .

I had known him for two years.

: 2 / .

He hadnt eaten anything for three days when we took him to the doctor.

: B ) (

: 1/

He said ( that ) he had notified you before.

: 2/ .

I thought ( that ) you had understood every thing.

: .

Subject + had + past participle

+ when/before +

I had gone when/ before you came in .

+ after +

I come in after you had gone. .

+ since +

You had gone since I had arrived. .

I had taken no examination since I had failed.


: ) + ( ) + (

. :

)(by + + (For) + +

+ by + Subject + will have been + verb + ing+ for +

: 8 .

We will have been studying for two hours by eight oclock.

: 10 .

We will have been living in tehran for ten years by next month.

. : Will

: :

By +


: " "

( For ) + +

+ before/when + Subject + had been + verb + ing + for +

-1 .

I had been teaching for half an hour when you came.

-2 .

I had been doing the cooking for two hours before you called.

: had.

: before, when.

talkative : crowded :

intelligent : taciturn :

ugly : rich :

considerable :



careful student .

my new green book.

: .

+ to be +

+ to get +

+ to turn +

+ to become +

+ to grow +

+ to make +

) ( link

verb :

My father grew angry .

In spring the leaves turn green .

Today the weather got cold . .

: ) . ( .

Seem / Appear/ Look/ Sound/ Taste / Smell / Feel +


he looks( angrily ) angry. .

the soup tastes ( unusually ) unusual. .

this, that

This book These books .

That book Those books .

: . :

-1 :

Helen is as tall as Susan. .

as as

not so as

Hellen is as tall as Susan.

Hellen is not so tall as Susan.

-2 ) ( : .

: .

) ( than


Hellen is taller than Susan.

) ( more .

My book is more interesting than yours . :

-3 :

: .


)( est

Hellen is the tallest student in the class .


My book is the most interesting book in the library.

: y er est .

happy happier than the happiest

busy busier than the busiest
y more most

Active / more active than / the most active

Comic / more comic than / the most comic


good well better than the best

bad - ill worse than the worst

many More than the most

Little Less than the least

elder ------ the eldest

older than the oldest
Farther than the farthest
Further than the furthest

The same as
: same the )


Hellen and Jane live in the same street.


: ) ( er , re , le , ow

y er est .

most , more

narrow more narrow than the most narrow

narrow narrower than the narrowest
simple more simple than the most simple
simple simpler than the simplest
clever more clever than the most clever
clever cleverer than the cleverest
obscure more obscure than the most obscure
obscure obscurer than the obscurest

-1 y happy er,est y

i .

happy happier than the happiest

-2 e wide st , r

Wide wider than the widest


big er est

Big bigger than the biggest

crowded a pair of shoes

busy trousers

noisy scissors

glass ball point pen

cane - fountain pen

: the same

) the same as the same as

( like

Your shoes are the same as mine.

the same as .

+ as the same +


same :

Hellen is as old as Susan.

Hellen is the same age as Susan.

tall - big size

long length

wide width

deep depth

old age

high height




sincere sincerely

quick quickly

careful carefully


Hellen speak slowly .

Hellen apeaks English slowly .

He left the room quickly .

ly ly .

Fast Hard Short Long

Little Much Late Early
Near Far Still Just
Enough Straight Soon Low

a nap

a shower

a test-exam

Take a bath

a dictation

a trip

a vehicle

-1 .

Hellen doesnt behave the same kind as her father .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

He types the letters faster than my secretery.

-5 .

I never get up later than my parents .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 .

-9 .

-10 .

Hellen is a fast typist.

Hellen is fast.

Hellen types fast.

Hellen looks fast.

ly :

friendly lovely

deadly kingly

likely worldy

motherly fatherly

sily ugly


Hellen is a friendly girl.

: ly

friendlyLY .

In a/ an + Way


Hellen speaks in a friendly manner.

: :

-1 :

as as

not as/not so as

Hellen types as slowly as Susan.

Hellen doesnt type so/as slowly as Susan.

-2 :


. ly more than ly

er :

Hellen drives more slowly than Susan.

Hellen drives faster than Susan.

-3 ) ( :


"" ly the most ly

the est :

Hellen types the most slowly.

Hellen types the fastest.

} / / { ...........

intensifiers :

much, many

much +

many +

much many

much many

?Has Hellen written many letters

?Does Hellen drink much coffee
Helen has not written many letters.
Hellen doesnt drink much coffee.

a lot of

Hellen has written a lot of letters.

Hellen drinks a lot of coffee.

too very .

/ +

very : too & very

The park is very beautiful.

The teacher speaks very fluently.
: too

It is too cold today.

That driver drives too slowly.

many much too, very


There were too many cars in the street.

Hellen drinks too much water in a day.
She knows very many words.
Thank you very much.

. very , too enough

/ + enough

You are rich enough .

He speaks fluently enough .


They spend enough money in a month .



: few & little .

I have little money in my pocket.

He knows few words.

few little )(a

a little

a few

I drink a little coffee after dinner.

He has a few books in his book case.

plenty of a great deal of a lot of a lot of a large number of plenty of

most most

much many

some some

------- several

a little a few

little few




She Spends little money and I spend much.


Helen hasn't said such words.

Helen doesn't like such weather.

Such a/an :

Such a child can't stay quiet.

Such :

Such a/an + +

I havent seen such an interesting film so far.

Such so :

So + + a an +

I haven't seen so interesting a film so far.


a + Very + +


1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

enough too

. enough too

. :1

too + / + to

She is too young to work.

She drives too slowly to arrive on time.

/ + enough + to

1.She is rich enough to buy the house.

2.They work hard enough to earn a lot of money.

. :2

too + / + for + to

1.The car is too expensive for me to buy.

2.You speak too fast for me to under stand.

/ + enough + for + to

1.The book is easy enough for us to read.

2.You sigh beautifully enough for them to enjoy.



John has polished other shoes too.

another .

This child wants another toy.

) the other

I don't like this hat. I like the other hat.

I don't like these shoes but I like the other shoes.

another +

Other+ the other +

the other +

one ones .

another one
other ones the other one
the other ones

another ) the other(

I don't like this hat, I like the other. Hat.

This child wants another hat.

other ) the other(

) (S .


) ( The others

I don't like these shoes. I Like the others.

John has polished others too.

other another .

each other
one another

Ahmad and I know each other.

People must help one another.

) ( to gather

Helen and jane study together.

other .

every other days = on alternate days

the other day = some days ago

other wise = or else

on the other hand = in other words

other than = except

one after another = one by one

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .


1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

11 .

12 .

13 .

14 .

15 .


1 .

?Isnt this the largest building in this area

2 .

He had picked the most beautiful flower from this garden.

3 .

Helen isn't so/as intelligent as her sister.

4 .

He is supposed to take the most expensive present for his father.

5 .

Mr. Smith is the fastest typist in this office.

6 .

Our house is more expensive than the house that you have bought.
7 .

He used to live in the smallest house in this street.

8 24 .

I could drive the longest road in this country for 24 hours.

9 .

I think, your shoes are cheaper than mine
. 10

This is the most interesting present that I have bought.

Relative Pronouns

Link .

) +( +

) (

1 who .

The man. The man works here.

the man who works here.
2 whom .

The man I know the man.

the man whom I know.

3 which .

The bus The bus stops here everyday.

the bus which stops here everyday.

4 which .

The book I study the book.

the book which I study.
5 where .

The house. they live in it.

the house where they live ( in ).
where .

6 when .

The year. I was born in the year.

The year when I was born.
7 whose.

The man his wife works with me.

The man whose wife works with me.
The dog whose name was Top the dog the name of which was top of.

of which whose whose

whose whose whose of which

The room whose door

The room the door of which
8 whose .

9 which The thing The thing which

what . :

The thing which you need is fresh air.

What you need is fresh air.
10 why .

The reason. I study English for that reason.

The reason why I study English is that I want to go abroad.
: The reason why

That . because

) (who

They Those

I who work hard. we who work hard

You who work hard. you who work hard
It who works hard.
She who works hard. Those who work hard.
He who works hard.

3 whom who ) which ( that

The man who works here is my uncle.


The man whom you saw yesterday wants you.


The house which is on the corner is mine.


The house which you bought is too expensive.


whom ) which(

The man which you saw yesterday wants you.

The house which you bought is too expensive.


1 ) (necessary ) (defining .


a writer is a person.


a writer is a person who writes novel.

2 ) (unnecessary none defining.

Hafez is a great poet.

) (unnecessary .

Hafez who lives in Shiraz, is a great poet.

) (unnecessary ) (

: none defining

defining .

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 . .

9 .

10 .


to do does-did
to have has-had
to be am-is-are-was-were
to need
can Could

may Might


shall Should

will Would

used to

ought to

to be supposed to

had better

would rather

have to

) (can, may, shall, will, must


. :


1 :

) . (

Bob can come now. Bob can come tomorrow.

Bob could come now. Bob could come tomorrow.

Bob could come yesterday.

I knew that Bob could come.
2 :

Should .

Helen should be resting. ) (

Hellen Shouldnt be resting.

may .

It may be raining.

3 : can , must , may


Hellen must have seen the film. .

might-ought to-should-could-would

) ( would + have P.P

ought to

I should have gone there. ) (.


not :

I shouldnt have gone there. ) (.

1 . .

2 . .

3 . .

4 .

5 ) (.

6 .

7 . .

8 .

9 .

10 .



+ +

: .

I will have graduated from high school by next year.

: 5 .

Reza will have returned home by five oclock.

: .

Subject + will have + Past Participle

1 + ) (By tomorrow By +

two weeks 2 +

3 +

+ 4

by the time
before +

as soon as +



) (if clause

) (main clause :

if +


+ if +

1 : .

if +

If Helen has money, she can buy the car.

. .

) (Possible.

2 : .

if +

If Helen had money now, she could buy the car.


) (imaginary.

3 : .

if +

have + P.P + have + P.P

If Hellen had had money, she could have bought the book yesterday.

) (impossible .

1 .

If I had money today, I would buy this book.

2 .

If I had money yesterday , I would have bought this car.


she doesn't try if she tried , she would succeed.


She didn't try, if she had tried , she would have succeeded.


if clause .

They didnt invite me, If they had invited me, I would have gone.

They didnt invite me; other wise, I would have gone.


They don't invite me, other wise, I would go.


Dont smoke, otherwise, you will get used to it.


wish to wish .

I wish to see them. .

I want to see them. .

wish wish


1 wish would .

I wish they would call me tomorrow.

2 wish .

I wish They called me now. .

3 wish

I wish They had called me yesterday.

: . wish


if .

on condition
Pr ovided
Pr oviding Suppo sin g

I will sign the contract provided you give me some money.

if .

Suppose it rained now I would stay home.

It is time


. :

its time + to

its time to finish the job.

. :

+ it is time +

its time you finished the job.


) (if clause if

(1 : Should .

If I should see him, I will tell him.

Should if :

Should I see him. I will tell him.

(2 : were if

If you were here, I would talk to you.

Were you here, I would talk to you.

(3 : had if

if I had gone there, I would have seen him.

Had I gone there, I would have seen him.

Should : if

If I should see him now, I would tell him.

Should I see him now, I would tell him.

) (if clause if not .

You won't succeed if you don't try.


You wont succeed unless you try.

unless if .

Unless you try, you won't succeed.

If not = unless

If = unless not

Unless you dont try, you will succeed = Unless you try, you won't succeed.

Would rather

would rather prefer :

(1 Prefer to would rather .

I prefer to stay there.

+ Prefer + to

I would rather stay there.

+ would rather +

(2 Prefer would rather .

I prefer to go rather than to stay.

+ rather than + to + Prefer + to

I would rather go than stay.

+ than + + would rather +

) (2 would rather

prefer .

I prefer walking to staying.

I prefer apple to banana.

/ + to + / + prefer +

(3 Prefer would rather

I Prefered to go.
+ Prefer + to

I would rather have gone.

+ would rather + have P.P

(4 Prefer would rather .

I prefer him to go.

+ to + prefer +

I would rather him went.

+ would rather + +

as if as though

He behaves as if he didnt like his wife.

as if as thought

as if as thought .

She speaks as if she knew the problem.


as if as thought .

He walked as if he had had a broken leg.


( in Case )

. .

. .

I take an umbrella with me in case it rains.

:In case .

+ {incase} + / / /

Helen has left the door open, in case Her mother comes earlier.

+ {incase} + / /

She was running fast in case she missed the class.


(1 .

both of the

+ both the +

+ both of +

Both students study hard.

Both of us study hard.
(2 .

+ both + The students both study hard.

+ both + The students can both study hard.

+ to be + both The students are both studying hard.

both - .

active & passive voice :

Voice active

passive .


active .

) ( Subject .

-1 doer .

Hellen studies the book . .

-2 Subject


Hellen is seen by them.


neither doer not sufferer . :

Hellen is a student.

Subject sufferer Subject


participle .

present participle
Past participle

: ing . :

live living = alive

run running

: ed .

wash washed

fall fallen


I go with him .

go him go

with .

To be + p p

to be p.p .

He tells her.

( Subject sufferer

He tells her.

She ----------.

( by

He tells her.

She ----------- by him.

( p . p

He tells her.
She -----------told by him.
( to be p . p .

He tells her.
She is told by him.

-1 5 .

-2 .


-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 .

-9 .

-10 .

-1 .

-2 .

-3 1694 .

-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 80 .

-9 .


: -1

Helen tells Bob Bob is told by Helen.

: -2

Helene told Bob Bob was told by Helen.

: -3

Helen will tell Bob Bob will be told by Helen.

: -4

Helen is telling Bob Bob is being told by Helen.

: -5

Helen was telling Bob Bob was being told by Helen.

: -6

Helen has told Bob Bob has been told by Helen.

: -7

Helen will have told Bob Bob will have been told by Helen.
: -8

Helen had told Bob Bob had been told by Helen.

4 16


? Did Hellen study the book

The book was studied by Hellen .


?Was the book studied by Hellen

? Where did Hellen take the book :

Was the book taken by Helen.

) ( whom,who .

?Where was the book taken by Helen

who whom :

-1 whom


who .

?Whom did Helen invite

?Who was invited by Helen

who :

?Who saw Helen

by whom

?By whom was bob seen

-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 .

-9 .

-10 .


-1 :

Helen often visits john.

p.p .

John is often visited by Helen.

-2 : .

Helen writes letters carefully.

p.p :

The letters are carefully written by Helen.

: just -2 just have had p.p

Helen has just written the letter.

just p.p be p.p .

The letter has just been written by Helen.


-1 .

-2 .


-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 .

-9 .


I write the letter to him.

. .

The letter is written to him by me.
He is written the letter by me.

I saw Helen play.

subject suffer to

Helen was seen to play.

to .

+ be + p.p let +

Open the door let the door be opened.


+ )( + + have +

I have my brother polish my shoes.

get to

+ + to + get +

I get my brother to polish my shoes.

-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 .

-9 .

-10 .

p.p + + have/get +

I have my shoes polished.

reported speach

.1 ) ( direct speech

Helen says, I live in Tehran. -1 :

?Helen says, where do you live -2 :

Helen says, open the window. -3 :

Helen says, what a nice car it is -4 :

I live in Tehran, Helen says.

Where do you live? Helen says.
Open the window, Helen says.
What a nice car it is! Helen says.

I live in Tehran, Says she.

Indirect speech

Helen said, I live in Tehran.


( comma ) that (

Helen said that

( :

Helen said that she ...

( :

Helen said that she lived in Tehran.


: 12 :

(1 .

Helen said to bob, I know your father.

Helen told Bob that she knew his father.

(2 .

My father said to me, I am listening to you.

My father told me that he was listening to me.

.( 3

The boy said to the girl, I havent seen your book.

The boy told the girl that he hadnt seen her book.

.( 4

My friend said, I have been living here for ten years.

My friend said that he had been living here for ten years.

.( 5

The man said to the woman, I will see you.

The man told the woman that he would see her.

.( 6

Ahmad said, I will be working on Friday.

Ahmad said that he would be working on Friday morning.

.( 7

Bob said, I will have finished the book on April.

Bob said that he would have finished the book on April.

: .( 8

Bob said, I will have been studying for two years by April.
Bob said that he would have been studying for two years by April.

.( 9

My father said to me, I saw your umberella.

My father told me that he had seen my umberella.



My father told me that he saw my umberella.

(10 .

Bob said, I was listening to the music.

Bob said that he had been listening to music.


The woman said, I had left home.

The woman said that she had left home.

Bob said, I had been playing for two hours.

Bob said that he had been playing for two hours.

) ( reporting tag

say to tell .:

Helen said to/told Bob, I know your father.

say to tell .:

Helen told Bob that she knew his father


?Helen said to me, where do you live

) ( wh

Helen asked me where I lived.

-1 .

-2 .

-3 2 .

-4 .

-5 .

-6 .

-7 .

-8 5 .

-9 .

-10 .


?Helen said to Bob, do you live in Tehran

if whether

) (

Helen asked Bob if he lived in Tehran.


if whether .

Helen said to Bob, open the door.

) (to

) ( not to

Helen told Bob to open the door.

Helen said to Bob, dont open the door.
Helen told Bob not to open the door.

Helen said to Bob, open the door before you come in.

Helen told Bob to open the door before he comes in.


-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .

-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .


The following +
next + The next +
The + + after

The + + before
last +
The + previous +

today that day

tonight that night
now then
here there
come go
this that

Helen said to Bob, I will meet you next week.

Helen told Bob that she would meet him the next week.


. :

!What a nice car it is

! + / + + what + a/an +

! + / + how +

!How slowly she drives

!Helen said, how slowly the man works

what how

Helen exclaimed how slowly the man worked.

) ( gerund

ing .

live living

be being

-1 . to

After locking the door, I left home.

She is afraid of telling lies.
-2 to

To swim here is enjoyable.

Swimming here is enjoyable.

-3 :

avoid defer
appreciate delay
admit advise
discuss detest
consider enjoy
cant help finish

deny forgive
forbid include
imagine keep
mention oppose
mind quit
postpone risk
practice remember
resume stop
suggest tolerate

I enjoy reading the newspaper.

: ) (s

I appreciate her speaking.

I appreciate Helens speaking.

-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .


-1 .

-2 .

-3 .

-4 .

-5 .

) (s .

I appreciate her working.

I appreciate Helens working.


prefer start plan to


Helen prefers to go.

Helen prefers going.
remember , stop

( stop stop


I stop speaking to the man.

stop to

stop .

I stopped to speak to the man.

( remember remember

Helen remembers locking the door.

remember to

remember . remember ) ( not forget

Helen remembers to lock the door.


she parked the car. She went shopping. :

(Present .

) prefect :

Have + ing + p.p

( after ) having parked the car, she went shopping.


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