Aris Latham Sunfired Ra Food Feast

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My Sunfired Ra Food Feast

as taught by the Dr.!

20 page printable pdf

7 feastrecipes with step-by-step instructions
Sumptutous dishes to impress your friends and family AND stay healthy
Shopping list of ingredients
Energy boosting snacks when on-the-go
Hello Raw Soul Food friends .............................................................................. 3
Please note that ingredients can be substituted if you wish to. .................7
FRUIT ...................................................................................................................7
Vegetables ........................................................................................................7
nuts & seeds ...................................................................................................... 8
spices, herbs & Miscellaneous ........................................................................8
YOUR sunfired ra food festive journey ............................................................9
UPON RISING .....................................................................................................9
Starter ................................................................................................................9
super plantains ............................................................................................. 9
entree ..............................................................................................................10
ra meat loaf ..............................................................................................10
wild Rice Pilaf ..............................................................................................11
Crunchy Slaw salad ....................................................................................12
DESSERT ............................................................................................................13
apple Pie .....................................................................................................13
punch drink .....................................................................................................14
Pear Punch ..................................................................................................14
A Quick healthy SNACK ................................................................................14
SIMPLE SNACKS TO PACK WHEN you are ON THE GO: ...............................15
A Solution for You ...........................................................................................16
The raw soul food map..................................................................................18
what clients are saying about sistahintheraw! ...........................................19

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
There are so many ways you can upgrade your wellness and improve your
life, but today I want to share a real plant-based treat with you.

I want to share with you some special sunfired celebration recipes that
you can use to begin to transform your body and your health mindset.
And when you do that, you also transform your whole world

Recently I visited with the eminent Dr. Aris LaTham, at the Sunfired Culinary
Institute in Panama. I traveled there to learn about his wonderous culinary
skills. He is a true master of juicy, flavourful food creativity and a complete
joy to see in action.

Why Sunfired?
Dr. Aris explains that this simply means cooked by the sun. Fruit,
vegetable and herbs etc.) are cooked during their growing process and
arrive to us in a read -to-eat state. The sun provides that crucial energy
element that sustains the life force within the plant and brings it to its
frucitician, its natural maturity.

Eating healthily doesnt have to be hard or boring, and I know from

personal experience how much it matters. So as this year is coming to a
close, I know that youre going to love some of the Sunfired dishes that
Dr. Aris and I prepared together for a special evening celebration in
Panama City. I am so happy for his generosity in suggesting that I share
this experience with you.

Like so many of us, I had definitely experienced meat-centred meals from

my childhood, plus I was always wanting to eat something sweet after
each meal. We all know by now that too much meat and too many
sweet things do not serve our healthy wellbeing.

However, once I started to chose regular raw, plant-based meals and

veggie snacks, I felt much more satisfied and those meat and sugar

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
cravings started to subside. It took a little time, but with that decision, I did
myself the best favour ever!

In this ebook, you will discover 7 great recipes to create the most
dynamic, juicy, and tasty festive meal, one that youll be proud to share
with your loved ones! Its also a good way for you to stick to your healthy-
you commitment, add to your raw food repertoire and make healthy
choices throughout the season.

If you dont have a dehydrator, use your oven on the lowest setting, with
the door ajar if possible. soak all the nuts in these recipes from the night
before and remember, your sense of achievement will be immense once
you taste your creations.

My passion is helping my clients to feel their very best, to:


Raw Soul Food will provide all of you wonderful health seekers with dynamic
holistic health teaching, coaching and holistic health spiritual counselling; along
with resources designed to support your intention to be healthier, happier and
freer, NOW!

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Dr. Aris LaTham
In 2004 the Oxford
Encyclopedia of Food and
Drink in America acclaims:
the raw food movement
owes much to Aris LaTham, a
native of Panama, he is
considered to be the father
of gourmet ethical raw foods
cuisine in America. He debut
his raw food creations in
1979, when he started
Sunfired Foods, a live food
company in Harlem, New
York. In the years since he
has trained thousands of raw
food chefs and added
innumerable recipes to his

Dr. Aris LaTham was born in Gatun, Panama Canal Zone. He is a direct
descendant of an African-Caribbean family of Culinary Griots who has become
a world renown crusader in the area of wholesome foods. Dr. LaTham studied
Bilingual Education at California State University, Fullerton. His linguistic and
culinary interests have been shared with many diverse people throughout Africa,
Asia, the Americas, Australia, the Caribbean and Europe

Dr. LaTham, who is self-learned in the Culinary Arts and Sciences through his
private ten thousand-volume library collection, is the originator of Sunfired
Cuisine and Paradise Pies.

Sunfired Foods have been featured widely in the media, on television, radio and
in numerous magazine publications and journals. He was also an Executive Chef
at Hippocrates Health Institute, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Dr. Aris LaTham, The Sunfired Gourmet, has been a vegetarian for 43 years and
has eaten Sunfired Foods exclusively for the past 37 years. He was voted one of
the top vegetarian chefs in the USA by Vegetarian Times Magazine.

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Preparation is the key! - As with all celebration meals, there is a certain amount
of advance food preparation required as part of the creation process.

With the recipes for this meal, you will enjoy healthy plant-based food, you will
not feel deprived, and you will not be on a diet. Instead, you will glow and feel
beautiful, amazing, supported and more alive.

Let us take you on this journey into tropical ra sunfired' vibrancy.

Lets get organised!

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

5 mixed variety apples
dried apple chips
2 large kiwis
4-6 Pears
2 limes
2-4 passion fruit
1 large avocado
1 tomato
1 pineapple
6 soft pitted dates

2 medium size ripe plantains
10 scallion/spring onion
1 red onion
3 sweet bell red pepper
2 orange bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
scotch bonnet (hot) pepper
2 large sticks celery
2 sticks celery
2 medium Jicama
1 large carrot
1 large courgette

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
sunflower seeds
1 mature (brown) coconut
mustard seeds


dulce seaweed flakes
curry powder
black salt
cold pressed olive oil
oregano leaves
rosemary leaves
thyme leaves
cardamon powder
Jamaican allspice
fresh coconut cream
fresh garlic
white pepper
Celtic sea salt
cinnamon powder
apple pie spice
medium piece of fresh ginger
coconut water wild rice
wild rice

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Drink a glass of warm water with lemon or
Coconut water on its own, or with added lemon

Serves 4

2 large ripe plantains, peeled

1 tbsp dulce seaweed flakes

Curry Sauce:
6 scallion/spring onion, chopped
2 tsp lemon juice
1 plum tomato
2 tsp curry powder
1/4 black salt
2 tsp olive oil

WHAT TO DO: Cut plantain in half and slice lengthways into 4 slices. Place
on dehydrator sheets and dehydrate until firm, but still moist. Set aside.

Blend together the other sauce ingredients

Place dehydrated plantain in a bowl and add dulce seaweed flakes.

Place remaining ingredients in blender and blend to a chunky
consistency. Combine sauce with plantains and olives. Allow to marinade
for an hour prior to serving.

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Serves 4

1 cup soaked walnuts

1 cup soaked almonds
1 cup soaked sunflower seeds
1 red pepper, chopped
Scotch bonnet (hot) pepper (seeds can be removed)
2 large sticks celery, chopped
4 spring onions/scallions, chopped
2 pegs garlic
onion, chopped
1 large carrot, chopped
1 large courgette/zuchinni, chopped
1 tbsp oregano leaves
1 tbsp rosemary leaves
1 tbsp thyme leaves
tbsp curry powder
2 tbsp. dulce flakes
tsp cardamon powder
tsp Jamaican allspice
2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
WHAT TO DO: Soak and prepare nuts and seeds from the day before.
Wash and strain. Grind in a food processor to a smooth texture.

Combine the vegetables, herbs and spices and mince in food processor.

Mix processed nuts and veggies in a mixing bowl. Form mixture into
croquettes or patties and put in a dehydrator to gently warm through.

This recipe can also be added to plant- based wraps or shaped into
patties, logs or balls.


Serves 4

2 cups wild rice

3 cups water
1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped
1/2 orange bell pepper, finely chopped
1/2 yellow bell pepper, finely chopped
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
1/4 cup spring onion, minced
2 tsp thyme leaves, minced
1/2 tsp Jamaican allspice powder
1/2 tsp black salt
1 mature coconut to make cup fresh coconut cream

WHAT TO DO: Hydrate the wild rice in the 3 cups of water, in a covered
container, in the dehydrator at 120F degrees for 8 hours, until water has
been absorbed.

Shell mature coconut, chop into small pieces and process through a
heavy duty juice extractor, to separate the cream from the trash.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and serve.

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Serves 4

2 medium Jicama, diced

1 large avocado
1 stalk celery
1 small yellow pepper
1 small red pepper
1 small red onion
1 tbsp fresh dill

Dice Jicama and avocado, mince remaining
ingredients and mix with the Lemonaise dressing.

Lemonaise dressing:
1/2 cup cashews
1/4 cup pineapple juice
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dill
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/4 tsp white pepper
1 pinch Celtic Sea salt

Soak cashews 12 hours, drain and rinse.

Place all ingredients in blender and liquify.

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Serves 4

Pie crust:
1 cup almonds
1/2 cup walnuts
6 pitted dates
2 oz water
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

Pie filling:
5 large apples, mixed variety
2 large kiwis
1/2 cup dried apple
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 tsp apple pie spice

Soak the almonds and walnuts for 12 hours, drain

and rinse.

Combine all pie crust ingredients and grind in food

processor. Form a dough and press the dough into
a 9 inch pie dish. Place in dehydrator for a couple
of hours until firm.

Remove apple core and shred with medium

shredder disc in the food processor. Set aside the
shredded apple to drain in a colander.

In a food processor, using the S blade, process 1

kiwi, dried apples and apple pie spice along with
the juice from the shredded apples to make a
chunky jam.

Mix shredded apples, raisins and jam together in a

large bowl. Fill pie shell with the mixture and press in tightly. Garnish pie
with raisins and kiwi around the edge (or with any other sliced fruit you
have available). Slice and enjoy. You can add a raw dip or ice cream as
2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
an accompaniment.

Serves 2

1 cup pear juice

1 cup coconut water
1/4 cup lime juice
1/4 cup passion fruit juice
1 tbsp ginger juice

Place all ingredients in the blender and blend for 15 seconds.


Coconut water (4 ounces) & some fruit

(an apple, 1 cup berries, or a fresh pineapple).

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Apples or apple chips
Spicy Kale or plantain chips
Flax crackers with guacamole
Coconut milk with cinnamon
A smoothie
A green juice
A soup
A handful of raw seeds
An apple with tahini or sunflower seed butter
A packed lunch - with veggie noodles, rolls or wraps


2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I find that most clients who come to see
me are confused about what to eat.
Even though we live in the age of
information, the advice thats out there
can be really overwhelming and often

Its time to ditch the information

overload and figure out which foods
work for your unique body. Ive already
created the blueprint for you in my
online programs.

Learn how to tap into the wisdom of

your body and create your ideal
lifestyle. Achieve endless energy and
optimal health. Check out for my
new years programmes coming online.

A little about me:

I was born in London, UK of Indian and
African Jamaican parents in the 1950s.
My bi-racial cultural upbringing
afforded me a wonderful masala of
African Caribbean and Indian food
flavours from, which I love.

My mum was seriously into healthy additions to our family meals, which is
something that seems to have stayed with me and which has evolved
over my own life experience.

As a girl child, I had always dreamed of ministering to people, by helping

and supporting them wherever I could. My life has taken on that quality,
with people often seeking me out and opening up their hearts. I have
worked in the non-profit sector in roles that have facilitated personal
growth and advocacy for people in need of better health and living
conditions. I studied Intercultural Therapy (non Western forms of healing)
and Communications atGoldsmiths College, University of London.
2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I am a certified Hippocrates Health Educator, Certified Sunfired Cultinary
Institute chef, an Alissa Cohen raw food teacher (levels 1&2) and an NHS
(National Health service, UK) trained healthy eating teacher. I also have
training and qualifications in plant-based nutrition, nutrition andhealth,
transformative meditation, communications, spirit release therapy, Zen
mediation, Interfaith spiritual counselling and intercultural therapy. I
incorporate all that I learned into a unique style for living an holistic, raw
vegan, plant-based healthy lifestyle.

I am loving this journey, however, I have had my own health ups and
downs, including excessive weight gain, depression and digestive issues.
At times its been a challenging journey, but I have been able to keep
sight of how I wanted my life to be. I have learned so much about taking
care of myself over the years and ways of healing that have really helped.

I believe that we cantransform our lives and health by focusingprimarily

on acquiring the tools we needto become trulyhealthy, wealthy, humble
and wise, and by making this attainmentour number one goal. This part
of our life journey requires insight, healing and commitment.

So thats why Im here, I really want to support you to gain a healthier,

happier life.

In 2009 I created Raw Soul Food and Sistahintheraw, whichis a natural

progression ofmy own healthjourney, and I am now offering healthy
lifestyle services as a Holistic Healthy Lifestyle Consultant and facilitator.

I offer raw and living food demonstrations, workshops, seminars and

master classes for organisations, groups and individuals; plus, healthy
eating and lifestyle programmes, courses, talks and presentations, and
one-to-one holistic raw and living food lifestyle guidance.

My goal is to help you achieve the perfect lifestyle fit that suits your unique

Soulful, holistic, plant-based lifestyle guidance is just program away.

I believe in you, so get ready.

Visit my website to subscribe:( and join my

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
raw soul food tribe, where other free resources will be available for you

You can also get in touch with me via email to find out more at - drop me a line and let me know how
you get on I read every email.



Are you new to healthy eating, raw

food or a vegan lifestyle?

Would you like to know more about

how you can get started?

My new Raw Soul Food Map is the

perfect beginners guide to a mind.
body, spirit (holistic) approach to
getting started with your commitment
to a healthier, happier you.

Its a completely creative approach. It

folds out into an A3 map and you can
just pick any place on the map to start
your journey. It has prompts to get you
exploring your relationship with food
and you can stay for a while in any of
the exercises, revisit them if you want to
and practice the basic recipes.

This inexpensive guide will become available in the next few weeks. If you
have not received a notification from me by email, do check back online
at for my latest updates.

I enjoyed reading your Raw Soul Food Map.I found it engaging, succulent and
appetising. I loved the way it focused on the whole self and well-being. I enjoyed the
rituals and ceremonies. -Jackee Holder (AUTHOR, BLOGGER & COACH)

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Programmes, classes and workshops:

Anita (Sistahintheraw) ran an imaginative and interesting 6 weeks course

for our residents. She incorporated a number of healthy eating messages
with one to one support, with a particular emphasis on health and
wellbeing in every sense. -Rebecca Long, DirectorMPMT

If you are in anyway interested in the benefits of raw food (of which there
are many and well documented),Sistahintheraw is your guide on your
journey. Having attended Sistahintherawsraw food workshop and had a
number of conversations with her about the same, I know she is very
gifted and knowledgeable in this area. Do check her out! Hyacinth

Pleasant evening and I enjoyed all the information given and how the
food was prepared. Like the courgette dish and pumpkin pie. Like to try it
now myself to help me health wise. Pearl

I liked the courgette noodle dish it was so inspiring. Its nice to know that
there are healthy alternatives Beverley

I thoroughly enjoyed everything, it was very interesting, the food was

absolutely delicious. Everything I tried I liked. I now know more about it, so I
can change my eating habits. Andrea

It was good and entertaining, very sophisticated. I will try it out myself
again. I loved the Baobab milkshake. Zakiya

I really enjoyed it all. I loved your caramalised onions, its a good snack.
The dessert was lovely, not hard to make with the right equipment. I
enjoyed everything I had. Taught very clearly. Sokari

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
A special thank You to
Dr. Aris LaTham, at the Sunfired Culinary Institute, Panama

Photos by:
Anita McKenzie
Johanne Averdy
Shamiya Mason

2016 Raw Soul Food by Sistahintheraw. My Sunfired Ra Food Feast as taught by Dr. Aris LaTham
These statements have not been evaluated any governmental Food authority and are
not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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