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1. Generator permissive 1. MCC Bus Voltage Normal. L27MC1N = 1 2.

Generator breaker open. L52GX = 1 3. Generator space heater available.
L74HG = 1 4. Generator jacking oil pump motor available. L74JOP = 1 2. Lube
oil system 1. Lube oil separator Fan motor available. L74QV = 1 2. Not lube
oil tank level Low. L71QL = 0 3. Lube oil immersion heater available. L74QT =
1 4. Lube oil tank temperature Normal. L26QN = 1 5. Cranking motor
available. L74CR = 1

4 of 5

6. Turning gear motor available. L74TG = 1 7. Main hydraulic oil pump Motor
available. L74HQ = 1 8. Not hydraulic protective Trouble. L86 = 0 9.
Emergency lube oil pump motor available. L74QE = 1 10. Emergency lube oil
pump not running. L72QEX = 0 11. Main lube oil pump motor available.
L74QM = 1 12. Main lube oil pump Running. L52QM1 or L52QM2 = 1 13. No. 1
bearing Cooling fan Motor available. L74BN = 1 3. Compressor 1. Not
compressor inlet temperature Disagree. L86TCI = 0 2. Not Inlet Guide vane
position Trouble. L31GVFLT = 0 3. Not compressors bleed valve position
trouble. L86CB1 = 0 4. Not Loss of compressor discharge pressure BIAS.
L3TFLT = 0 4. Turbine 1. Turbine compartment vent fan motor available.
L74BT = 1 2. Not vibration Start inhabit. L39VD3 = 0 3. CO2 damper closed.
L33CO2_ALM = 0 5. Gas System 1. Fuel gas supply condition Normal. L74FGN
= 1 2. Not hazard gas detector alarm. L45GAX_ALM = 0 6. Control 1. Control
Mode = Not OFF. L43O = 0 2. Zero speed. L14HR = 0 3. Customer Start
permissive. L3CP = 1 4. Not Master Protective Turbine Trip. L4T = 0 5. Not
control system minor trouble. L30TCPSCK = 1

Sequence is as after start signal

1. 88QV, 88TG, 88BT and 88JOP-1 will start.

2. Master control start permissive satisfied.

3. 88HQ-1/2 Hydraulic oil pump will start.

4. 88CR-1 Cranking motor will start.

5. 14 HR (Zero speed relay) drops out. (dropouts >90 Rpm. pickup 1% 72

Rpm to start Cool down Sequence)
6. 20TV energize and closes. (IGV Hydraulic oil drain V/V).

7. 20 FG energize (energize to close) Trip oil drain Valve.

8. 88TG-1 OFF. Turning gear motor.

9. 14HT slow roll start speed relay (3.2% dropout 8% pickup) pickups to stop

10. Jacking oil pump OFF (14JOP drops out to confirm pump is stopped).

11. 14HM (2% dropout 20% pickup Minimum speed relay. Firing Speed)

12. 20TU energize to close (torque converter unloading valve).

13. L2TV starts (vent/purge timer) for 07 minutes.

14. R2TV Ignition permissive satisfied.

15. 20VG (energize to close) closes.

16. As 20VG closes Speed/Stop ratio valve opens.

17. (2TVX) 2F firing timer starts. For 01 minute.

18. FSR set to firing.

19. Flame detected. (20 C rise in temperature per second) if not than flame/
ignition failure occurs. And up to 44% speed temperature is <121C than
ignition failure occurs.

20. Firing igniters stops as flame is detected.

21. 2W warm up timer starts. For 01 minute.

22. FSR set to warm-up. 23. Warm-up complete. 24. 20TU de-energize.
(opens) 25. FSR set to acceleration. Acceleration control limit up to 660 C,
But practically max temperature goes to 605 C high temp alarm also comes.
26. 88BN starts. 27. 14HA (42 dropout and 44% pickup) Acceleration Relay
pickups. 28. 14HC (70% dropout and 75% pickup) (Auxiliary cranking speed)
pickups to stop 88CR. 29. 88CR Cranking motor stops Clutch disengaged
33CS disengages and gives signal to 20 CB to open. 30. 20CB opens.
(Instrument air SOV) 31. 6th (VA-1) and 13th (VA-3) stage bleed valves closed
33CB 10/20 disconnects and gives signal to 14HF to start field flashing. 32.
14HF pickups. (field flashing relay) EX-2100 is started.(request to stop EX-
2100 relay will be OFF) 33. 14HS (>95%) (Minimum operating speed relay)
comes. 34. Turbine complete sequence indication appears on Startup window
of HMI. 35. Inlet guide vane control on 36. IGV opens to 60.8 37. NGR closes
if selected on auto.


1 - Turn the master operation selector switch 43 to AUTO.

2 - Turn master control switch to start.

3 - Start light will come on.

4 - Speed set point set to 100.2%.

5 - Unit auxiliaries will be started.

6 - Ready to start and check lights will go out.

7 - Sequence in progress light will come on.

8 - The unit will ratchet continuously .

9 - Starting device will start.

10- 14HR speed relay indicates light will come on when the shaft breaks away

11- When the unit reaches 20% speed the 14HM speed relay indicating light
will come on

12- Battery voltage will be applied to the generator field and generator

will begin to built up.

13- Start up control indicating light will come on.

14- VCE will be set to "FIRING VALUE".

15- Ignition sequence is initiated.

16- When flame is established, the flame detector indicating light will come
17- VCE is back set to "warm-up" value if the flame goes out the 60 second

period, VCE will be rest to firing value. "at the end of the ignition period if

flame has not been established, the unit will remain at firing speed, at this

the operator may shut unit down or attempt to fire again, to fire again the

master operation selector "43" must be moved from AUTO to CRANCK after

observing the necessary purge time, the "43" switch may be placed in AUTO

again which will initiate another firing attempt. If the unit being operated

"REMOTELY" 43 in remote and no fire has been established at the end of

ignition period, the unit will be purged of unburned fuel, at the end of purge
period normally 1 to 2 minutes ignition will be attempt again, if the flame is
not established at this time the starting sequence will be terminated and the
unit will shut down.

18- At the end of warm up period with flame established, VCE will begin

19- when the unit goes on TEMPERATURE CONTROL the START UP LIGHT will
go out and TEMPERATURE CONTROL light will come on.

20- when the turbine reaches 40% speed the ACCELERATION SPEED light will
come on.

21- The turbine will continue to accelerate and when it reaches about 60%
speed the starting device will disengaged and shut down, the diesel engine
will cool down at IDEL SPEED before shutting down.

22- As the turbine accelerates, the acceleration control light may come on.

23- when the turbine reaches 95% the operating speed relay 14HS indicating
light come on.

24- The lube oil pump will shut down the COMPLETE SEQUENCE light come
on, field flashing is removed.

25- Automatic synchronizing is initiated the turbine speed is matched to the

system(to less than 1/3 HZ difference ) and when the proper phase
relationship is achieved the generator breaker will close.

26- The machine will load to SPINNING RESERVE unless a load control point
has been selected with the capacity selector switch "43BP".






During standby periods, the lube oil is kept at the viscosity required for
turbine start up by heaters (23QT) installed in the main lube tank.
Temperature switches (26QM) and (26QL) sense tank oil temperature and
control the heaters to maintain the correct oil temperature to achieve
allowable viscosity. Another temperature switch (26QN) also senses tank oil
temperature and will not permit the turbine to be started if the oil is below
the temperature required for correct viscosity for start-up.

Main Oil Pump

The main lubricating oil pump is built into the inboard wall of the lower half
casing of the accessory gear. it is driven by a splined quill shaft from the
lower drive gear. The output pressure to the lube oil system is limited by a
back pressure valve (VR-1) to 65 psig (450 kPag).

A.C. Pump (Fig 2-1)

When a.c. power is available for the turbine starting and stopping sequence,
the system lube oil pressure is supplied by the a.c. auxiliary pump (88A)
during the time that the main shaft driven pump is at too low a speed to
develop sufficient pressure. At turbine start-up, this pump starts to run when
the master control switch on the turbine control panel is turned to the START
position. The a.c. pump continues to run until the turbine reaches
approximately 95 percent speed, at which point the pump will shutdown, and
the system will be supplied by the main shaft-driven pump. On turbine
shutdown, the a.c. pump starts with the closure of 14HSX relay contact when
the turbine speed drops to a value of between 75 and 90 percent. The pump
continues to run throughout the shutdown and the cool down period and until
the operator gives a second stop signal by turning the master control switch
on the turbine control panel to STOP a second time. The gas turbines are
equipped with the immersion heaters (23QT) the a.c. pump will start
automatically whenever the heaters are on (to circulate the system lube oil).
For this function, the a.c. pump is controlled by the immersion heater
contactor (52QT) which, in turn, is controlled by temperature switches (26QL)
and (26QM). The pump and heaters are turned on by one lube oil
temperature switch (26QL) and are turned off by another lube oil temperature
switch (26QM).

D.C. Pump (Fig 2-2)

When a.c. power is not available, the d.c. pump provides backup for the a.c.
pump, as follows:

At turbine start up, the d. c. pump starts automatically when the master
control switch on the turbine control panel is turned to the START position.
The pump will run until the turbine reaches approximately 40 percent speed.
The pump will continue to run after 40 percent turbine speed if the system
pressure has not reached the setting of pressure switch (63QN).

The test valve and pressure switches are installed after an orifice in the
pressure switch piping, which is connected into the bearing lube oil header.
The test valve is normally closed and holds the lube system pressure on the
switches. When performing a test, the test valve should be opened gradually
to lower the lube oil system pressure in the switch piping. This oil pressure is
indicated on a gauge, which is connected into the pressure line. The gauge
provides a means of checking the pressure points at which the switches
operate to indicate a condition of low lube oil pressure on the annunciator
and to start the emergency pump running.

When the oil pressure falls to the setting of pressure switch (63QA), the
condition of low lube oil pressure should be indicated on the annunciator.
Further opening of the test valve will reduce the pressure in the test line to
the setting of pressure switch (63QL), which should start the emergency
pump running. Note that the annunciator drop indicates either the condition
of low oil pressure or, that the emergency pump is running. The indication of
low lube oil pressure should occur before the pump starts. When the test
valve is closed and the oil pressure is returned to normal, the emergency
pump should stop by restoration of pressure on pressure switch (63QN). The
manual operation of the lube oil pumps may be tested by operation of the
control switches (43QE) and (43QC) at the motor control centre. When tests
are completed, the annunciator should be reset.

Pressure and Temperature Devices

Low lube oil pressure is detected by a simple pressure switch, which opens on
decrease of pressure to a specified value and trips the unit. Pressure switches
(63QA) and (63QT) are installed in the lube oil feed piping to provide an alarm
and shut down the gas turbine if the lube oil pressure should drop to an
undesirable value. Likewise, temperature switches (26QA) and (26QT) are
installed in the piping to sound an alarm and trip the unit should the
temperature of the lube oil to the bearings exceed preset limits. The settings
of the switches are such that the alarm (26QA) is sounded before the turbine
is tripped by (26QT).

Provision is made for checking oil flow to the main machine bearings by oil
sights, thermocouples and thermometers. In addition, thermometers are
provided to indicate the temperatures in the tank and downstream from the
lube oil cooler. Two regulating valves

gas turbine performance based on inlet air cooling systems: A technical



are used to control the pressures in the system. A back pressure valve (VR-1)
limits the positive displacement main pump discharge header pressure and
relieves to the lube oil tank. The bearing feed header is maintained at design
pressure by a diaphragm-operated regulating valve (VPR-2) installed
upstream from the lube oil coolers. It receives a pressure signal from the
bearing header and, when the header pressure exceeds the control setting of
the valve, the valve opens to dump oil to the lube tank.

Oil coolers of the extended surface type with "U" tube construction are
installed in the side of the lube oil tank.

Fig. 2-4. Lube oil tube bundles with header removed.

The oil is cooled with water from the cooling water system. Cooling water flow
is adjusted by a regulator (VTR-1), which automatically controls the flow of
water through its valve by responding to temperature changes which affect
the sensing bulb.

The oil level gauge and alarm device is a hermetically sealed, float-arm-
operated device, which is mounted in the side of the lube oil tank above the
maximum expected level of the lube oil supply. The float mechanism operates
a dial gauge and two electric switches (71QH) and (71 QL) which are a part of
the device. The switches are connected into the annunciator circuit of the
turbine control panel and operate an annunciator drop and an audible alarm
if the liquid level should rise above, or fall below, the levels shown on the
Lube Oil Schematic Piping Diagram.

Fig. 2-3. Lube oil filters out with the turbine.

gas turbine performance based on inlet air cooling systems: A technical




The oil level gauge will indicate 'F' (Full) or 'E' (Empty), before the
annunciator alarm is


1 Diesel engine lube oil pressure switch 63QD-1 0.28 Kg/Cm2

2 Lube oil header temperature high alarm 26 QA 74C

3 Lube oil header temperature high trip 26 QT 79C

4 Lube oil pressure low alarm 63QA AOP start 1.1 Kg/Cm2

5 Lube oil pressure low EOP start 63 QL 0.4 Kg/Cm2

6 Lube oil filter differential pressure high alarm 63QQ 0.75 Kg/Cm2

7 Lube oil mist eliminator pressure switch 63QV-1 0.7 Kg/Cm2 2 L63QTX low
lube oil pressure trip L63QT 2A, L63QT 2B, & L63QA (2/3logic ) 0.55, 0.55,
and 1.1 Kg/Cm2

8 High lube oil level 77QH-1

9 Low Lube oil Level 77 QL-1

10 Turbine exhaust frame cooling air pressure low 63TK-1,2 52.3 MBar

12 Hydraulic trip pressure low Liquid Fuel stop valve 63HL 1.4 Kg/Cm2

13 Hydraulic filter differential pressure alarm 63HF-1 3.4 Kg/Cm2

14 Low Hydraulic oil supply press. AHOP start 63HQ-1 72 Kg/Cm2

15 Gas fuel pressure low alarm 63 FG-3 11.6 Kg/Cm2

16 Liquid fuel pressure low trip 63 FL with tome delay of 60 sec. 1 Kg/Cm2

17 Warren LO header temperature high trip (26QT-3) with TD of sec 760C

18 Warren LO pressure low EOP (88QE-2) start 63QA-4 (2 sec time delay) 6

19 Warren LO pressure low Turbine trip L63 QT: 63 QA-3 and 63QA-4. Time
Delay of 8 sec (2/2 logic). 4.5 & 6 Kg/Cm2 respectively

20 Warren LO tank level low and high alarms 71QL-2, 71QH-2

21 Main AA compr. Diff. Pressure alarm 63AD-1A 0.4 Kg/Cm2

22 CW temperature high alarm DE 26DW 1000C

23 Turb. Comp., Acc Comp., Scavn fan, Gas Valve Comp fan & Load Gear
Comp. Pressure low alarms 63AT-1,2, 63AT-3,4, 63SN, 63VF-1, 63VG1,2

24 Turbine inlet air filter differential press. High alarm 63TF-1. 152.4 mm Or 6
Inches of WC

25 Turbine inlet air filter differential pressure. High trip 63TF-2A,2B 203 mm
Or 8 Inches of WC 26 Turbine exhaust Duct pressure high alarm 63EA-1 406

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27 Turbine exhaust Duct pressure high trip 63ET-1, 2 (2/2) 508 MMWC 28 CW
valves operation at set values VTR-1, VTR-2 54, 1070C

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