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Name: Acid-Base Neutralization Lab

Grade Level: High School 10-12
Content Area: Chemistry
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Microsoft Excel
Standards Addressed: SC6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties
that describe solutions and the nature of acids and bases. h. Plan and carry out an investigation to
explore acid-base neutralization.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: Students will come into class having knowledge of
acids and bases. (This would be the last lesson for this standard.) They will be put into groups of
three and required to plan and design an experiment where they can test to see how much base it
takes to neutralize an acid. The students will take on the role of research scientists, trying to find a
solution to the given problem. (The problem: The school janitor has spilled large amounts of
concentrated acetic acid (vinegar) while trying to dilute some acid to clean with. The janitor cannot
just clean the liquid up with a towel because residual acid will be left behind and can cause skin
irritation to those that come in contact with it. Help the janitor neutralize the acid!) The instructor
will review lab safety and show students all the materials available to them. The instructor will check
that each group is on the right path, and facilitate, when needed. The instructor will check that
students are designing a titration experiment. Students must document their results using Excel,
where they will be required to show a table of their data and a graph with appropriate scales, axes
labels, and title. These are the only requirements. After 30 minutes of planning within their groups,
students will have a chance to collaborate with other groups in the class for 15 minutes. The
instructor must approve of their experiment before they begin.

Students will have two full class periods to plan, design, and experiment with their groups. The
students will be required, along with their table and chart, to answer post lab questions and write a
brief report where they will critique their experiment, offer possible explanations for error, and
determine if their experiment would have helped the janitor. Students will share their data and
results with the class on the third day. The instructor will give out a guided worksheet, helping
students to design an experiment to those who need help. Students who do not need help will not be
given this guidance sheet.

Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): LoTi Level 3-Infusion. Students use technology, such
as, pH readers and Microsoft Excel to complete their lab and report. Students use this technology to
complete element h of the standard to plan and carry out an investigation to explore acid-base
neutralization where the instructor is helping when needed and monitoring the students. Students
are required to use all levels of Blooms Taxonomy to complete the lab and lab report. Students
assume the role of research scientists to find a solution to a real-world problem that they can relate
to and find meaningful. Each group can design slightly different experiments, use different materials
and still meet the titration requirement. Each group will have a different way to showcase their
results in their lab report. Students work in groups and collaborate between groups for ideas;
students also present their groups results to the class.


Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *:

On this page, you will find an Excel file that contains a table and graph of sample data. Students would
be required to create a similar table and graph using Excel from their own lab data. Students would
see this example before they begin to work on their table and graph to see what is expected of them.

Other comments about proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity: N/A

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