Learningreflections Danobrlen r1

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Running head: Learning Reflections 1

Learning Reflections

Dan O'Brien

AET 552

February 20, 2017

Dr. Charity Jennings



The marketing of adult education programs has many similarities with selling

products and services. There will be objectives that planners will want to communicate to

prospective clients to inform them of the products and services that are offered. Training

program will have advantages and disadvantages over competing programs. Potential program

participants will need to be convinced they are making the right choice by choosing a particular

program. The marketing of adult education programs covers a broad area of training

opportunities. At the corporate level a sponsored training program may be an initiative that

organizational management sees as a way to accomplish company goals and objectives. Such

training programs need to have benefits for learners otherwise participation may be lacking.

Educational institutions not only need to inform perspective students of training programs but

also may need to educate people on the relevance and gainful employment opportunities that

may be a result of the training.

Marketing of Adult Education

This course covered most aspects one would need to consider when developing a

marketing strategy. Our first individual assignment was to analyze successful organizations and

the websites that are utilized in marketing plans. Most of us have favorite companies we deal

with whether its for business or personal pursuits. Analyzing these websites for our first paper

allowed the class to choose websites of interests relating to work, education and personal

endeavors. Analyzing these websites with a critical eye allowed us to see why these websites are

successful for their organizations.

The second week of this course began our group project. My group chose to do an

employee training program for the worldwide operations of the Coca Cola Company. Our phase

one marketing plan utilized assignment guidelines on integrated marketing communications to

ensure the objectives were met. Our assignment topic and organization was presented on our

team discussion forum and several interpretations were made by team members. By popular

consensus the assignment objectives and tasks were defined and agreed upon by all.

The third week included the second phase of our group project which further defined the

needs and considerations of our training initiative. Every concept regarding the assignment

requirements directly applied to our project. Using an international company for our training

program example was a great choice as the environmental and contextual analysis were

especially important considerations.

The individual assignment had the class looking at the marketing strategies for adult

education programs. My involvement in a technical trade association and other projects helped

narrow my focus on two organizations that Im familiar with. One organization I had attended a

conference at the other a three day long train the trainer workshop. The unique training

programs and contrasting locations was the attraction for my selections. The assignment

requirements were to analyze segmentation, differentiation and positioning and these two

organizations offered all of the above.

The fourth week concluded the final phase for our group project. With all of the

assignment requirements detailed and defined the presentation of the training program could be

delivered to the organization.

Our individual assignment this week was to select an advertisement and define the listed

requirements of the assignment as they related to the advertisement. Lessons learned from this

assignment were to get behind the advertisement and determine what the advertiser was trying to

accomplish with their ad. Did the advertisement meet the elements of success? I pondered on

my ad selection for several days and thought I was going to select an advertisement from one of

my industrial vendors and partners. Then I heard a radio ad about the new Honda Accord

Hybrid, which really caught my attention.

The final task for our team project was to create a presentation for our training program

to the employees of the Coca Cola Company. The importance of such a presentation and

marketing materials cannot be overstated. What I realized during this week was how important

the pre-planning and preparation of marketing materials and efforts are to such a program. A

marketing plan needs to be fully ready to launch before any mention of training program can be

made public. Failure to do so will result in a lot of confusion and likely an unsuccessfully

marketed program.

Our last individual assignment was to look at website content strategy. The weekly

readings regarding advisory and steering committees along with considering stakeholder needs

was very relevant to what needs to be considered with such programs. A marketing program

cannot take place with one individuals input a team of people with different needs will be

required to help guide such an effort. Considerations for marketing media methods also were

valuable reading and discussion topics. Social media can be used effectively for marketing

purposes and is great way to make connections with potential clients. Social media and

advertising ethics were good reading and discussion topics that fueled some good conversations.


Adult education programs require a marketing effort just like any product or service. If

potential participants and stakeholders are not aware of program benefits the program can lose its

relevance within an educational institution. The marketing of adult education programs is an

important part of all program planning efforts.



Caffarella, R. S., & Daffron, S. R. (2013). Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide (3rd

ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.

Combs, W. L., & Davis, B. M. (2010). Demystifying technical training: Partnership, strategy,

and execution. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer/Wiley.

Shimp, T. A., & Andrews, J. C. (2013). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated

marketing communications (9th ed.). Boston: MA: Cengage.

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