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I Personal Data:

1 Name :

2 Gender : Male Female

3 Age :
Below 25 26-35 36-40

41.45 Above 45

4 Education : School Diploma


Post Graduate Professional

5 Marital Status : Married Unmarried

6 Size of the family : Below 3 Members

3-5 Members
Above 5 Members

7 Occupational Department: Production


8 Nature of the Employment Temporary


9 Designation Managerial Supervisor

Acountant Clerk

10 Experience of the Work upto 2 years 2-5 years

Above 5 years

11 Monthly Income Below Rs. 3000

Rs. 3000 Rs. 6000
Above Rs. 6000

12 Mode of Salary : Daily Wages Weekly

Fortnightly Monthly

13 Previous Work Experience : Yes No

14 State the source of information about your employer organization

Employment Exchange Employees of the Organisation

Advertisement Campus Interview
Private Exchange Newspaper

15 Factors considered for selection in the organisatin

Group Discussion Previous Experience

Recommendation Performance in Personal Interview
Performance in Written Test Others

16 In which department did you get placement?

Purchase Sales
Production Personal

17 Your relationship with co-workers

Friendly Indifferent

18 Your relationship with Supervisors

Cordial Indifferent
Problem giving

19 Your relationship with subordinates

Very Co-operative Just Co-operative

Non Co-operative Training Programme feed back
20 Hours of the work per day

With in the factory out side the factory

21 Availability of benefits and facilities

First Aid Drinking Water

Dispensary Ventilation
Bathroom and latrine Accident Compensation
Any other specify _______________

22 Availability of social security measures

Provident Fund Maternity Benefits

E.S.I Group Insurance
Gratuity Pension

23 Rank the following

Sl.No Working Conditions VG G F P VP

1. Seating Arrangements
2. Machinery Arrangements
3. Sanitation
4. Washing facilities
5. Rest Shelters
6 Ventilation and lighting
7. Rest interval and weekly off
8. Safety against occupational hazards
9. Accident compensation
VG Very Good P - Poor
G Good VP - Very Poor
F - Fair

24 Have you ever been rewarded for your meritorious performance?

Yes No

25 If yes, mention the form of reward

Certificate / Medal Cash Reward

Increment Promotion
26 Do you think that the organization has helped in your personal growth?

Yes No

27 If yes, in what form

a. Professional qualification / Participation in Seminar Training

b. Domestic needs fulfilled like housing, medical, childrens education etc.,
c. Para-professional like sports, music and cultural activities

28 Doing your job is (please tick) :-

a. Interesting / Monotonous
b. Easy / difficult

30 Financial and Non-Financial Incentives

Do employer you offer incentive schemes?

Yes No

29 If yes, state the kind of incentive schemes offered?

Output based Time based

Communication Based special incentive
Group incentive profit sharing

32 State the benefits schemes offered by your employer

Mandatory Benefits

35 Labour welfare schemes for the labourers

Name of the Scheme

i) Canteen facility
ii) Dust / Heat Allowances
iii) Provision of shoes
iv) Provision of uniforms
v) Sport club
vi) Training Facilities
vii) Workers Education
36 Labour welfare schemes for the family members of the labourers

Name of the scheme

i) Accident benefits
ii) Co-operative store
iii) Credit facilities
iv) Death relief fund
v) Childrens educational facilities
vi) Family welfare measures
vii) Housing facilities
viii) Scholarship scheme for children

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