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Roberto Martinez Jr.


Today I am announcing that I am considering a potential run for public office in the near

future. This is the most critical time in our state, and our countrys history. As a state we

must take this time seriously; we need new voices in Trenton and throughout our

communities. The current political system has failed us. We have serious issues with

our school systems, roads, and pensions that most of Trenton has ignored. As a recent

2015 high school graduate I understand the problems in the school systems. I endured

our school system problems at first hand; schools are more worried about how much

money they can get from each student than the students education! This must change.

At this time I have not decided when I will run for public office; but I can promise it will

be soon.

Thank You,

Roberto Martinez Jr.

About Roberto Martinez Jr?

Mr. Martinez is a Conservative who fights for our rights every day. Mr.

Martinez is currently 19 years-old, and is attending college and studying

for Network Management. Mr. Martinez is regarded by many as a Leader in

every aseptic of his life. Former teachers of Mr. Martinez say he is a

person who is very respectful, and he is a person who never gives up on

things that is important to him. In 2013 Mr. Martinez was given award for

his willingness to help others, and for the leadership he provided for the

students in the classroom. In 2015 Mr. Martinez was given a Varsity

Academic letter for outstanding accomplishment and excellence in high

Roberto Martinez Jr.

school during the 2014-15 school year. Many educators and Education

Administrators talk highly of him; many believe Mr. Martinez is one of the

best students they ever had.

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