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Pronouns and articles


On siex dagum wron geworhte heofonas and eore, sunne and mona, s and fiscas.

a steorran scina beforan m monan and ne scina beforan re sunnan.

a dumban hundas ne magon beorcan.

Hwt wilt u t ic e do? Se blinda him andswarode and cw: Dryhten, t ic mge



Personal pronouns
1st person

Singular Dual Plural

Nominative Ic wit (we two) we
Accusative me, mec unc us
Genitive min uncer ure
Dative me unc us

2nd person

Singular Dual Plural

Nominative u git (you two) ge
Accusative e, ec inc eow
Genitive in incer eower
Dative e inc eow

3rd person

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter All genders
Nominative he heo,hio hit hie, hi
Accusative hine hie, hi hit hie, hi
Genitive his hire his hira, hiera, heora, hiora
Dative him hire him him

Relative pronouns

Masculine /Feminine Neuter

Nominative hwa hwt
Accusative hwone hwt
Genitive hws hws
Dative hwm, hwam hwam,hwam
Instrumental wy hwy, hwon

And heo cende hire frum-cennedan sunu, and hine mid cild-claum bewand, and hine on binne

alegde for m e hie nfdon rum on cumena hus. And hierdas wron on m ilcan rice

waciende, and niht wcan healdende ofer heora heorda. a stod Dryhtnes angel wi hie and

Godes beorhtnes him ymb-scan: and hie him micelum ege adredon. And se engel him cw:

Nylle ge eow adrdan. Solice nu ic eow bodie micelne gefean, se bi eallum folce. For m

todg eow is Hlend acenned, se is Dryhten Crist, on Dauides ceastre. And is tacen eow bi:

Ge gemeta an cild hrglum bewunden and on binne alegd. And a ws fringa geworden mid

m engle micelnes heofonlices weordes, God heriendra and on eoran sibb mannum godes

Demonstratives and articles

There are two demonstratives in OE- one is used for that or the, the other for this. They agree in gender, case,
number with the nouns.

Demonstrative that, definite article

Case Masc sing Neuter sing Feminine sing Pl., All Genders
Nom. se, se t Seo a
Acc. one t a a
Gen. s s re ra
Dat. m m re m
Inst. y y, on

Demonstrative this

Case Masc sing Neuter sing Feminine sing Pl., All Genders
Nom. es is eos as
Acc. isne is as as
Gen. isses isses isse issa
Dat. issum issum isse issum
Inst. ys ys

Useful Generalizations:

- the nominative and accusative neuter singular are identical

- the dative and genitive are identical in the masculine singular and neuter singular
- the genitive and the dative are identical in the feminine singular
- the accusative and nominative are identical in the feminine plural, they are the same with the accusative of the
feminine singular
- the dative of the feminine plural is identical with the dative in the masculine and neuter singular

Relative Pronouns
The forms of the demonstrative, definite article (1) are also used as relative pronouns:

- either alone: ic eow bodie miclene gefean, se bi eallum folce (I announce you great joy, which shall be to all
- or with the indeclinable particle e
Hwer is se cyning, se e acenned is? (Who is the king, who is born)

- the indeclinable particle e can also function alone as marker of relative clauses
se ws cynning ofer eall Angel- cynn butan m dle e under Dena onwalde ws
(he was king over all the English people except for that portion which was under the control
of the Danes)
- the indeclinable particle plus the personal pronoun
- the omission of the relative (like in MnE)

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