Epay UserManual

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ePayroll System

User Manual
ePayroll System

S. No Form Name Page No.

1. Login 3
2. Control Master 4
3. Government Order 7
4. Post Sanctioned 10
5. DP Code 13
6. Bill Master 16
7. Seal Details 19
8. Employee Master (Permanent) 20
9. Fixation 21
10. Employee Master (Changeable) 24
11. Dues 25
12. Deduction 26
13. Loan and Advances 27
14. Non Standard Deduction(NSD) 28
15. Post Life Insurance(PLI) 29
16. Employee Details Forward 30
17. Employee Details Approve 31
18. Pay Calculation 32
19. Pay Bill Reports 34
20. Download Reports 38
21. Download SES Files 39
22. Surrender Leave Salary(SLS) 40
23. SLS Calculation 42

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ePayroll System


1) Login Page

- User Login with the given username and password

In this system contains two main roles,

1) Bill Preparation (Entry and Forward)

2) Bill Passing (Approval)

Treasuries and Accounts Department -3- National Informatics Centre

ePayroll System

2) Control Master Entry

The following details are entered in this form

- Year and Month

- PF Type

- Total No of Employees and Number of Employees available.

- Financial year, HRA City and CCA City


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ePayroll System

Control Master Forward

The entered control master details forwarded to DDO.

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ePayroll System

Control Master Approval

The forwarded Control Master details approved by DDO.

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ePayroll System

3) Government Order Entry

The following details are entered in this form

- Government Order

- Permanent /Temporary

- No Of Employee

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ePayroll System

Government Order Forward

The entered Government Order details forwarded to DDO.

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ePayroll System

Government Order Approval

The forwarded Government Order details approve by DDO.

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ePayroll System

4) Post Sanction Entry

The following details are entered in this form

- Select Government Order

- Scale code

- Select Designation

- Number of post

- Number of vacant

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ePayroll System

Post Sanction Forward

The entered Post Sanction details forwarded to DDO.

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ePayroll System

Post Sanction Approval

The forwarded Post Sanction details approve by DDO.

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ePayroll System

5) DP Code Master Entry

The following details are entered in this form,

- Nature of Pay

- Select Major Head

- Select DPCODE and DH_SD Code

- Description

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ePayroll System

DP Code Forward

The entered DPCode details forwarded to DDO.

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ePayroll System

DP Code Approval

The forwarded DPCode details approve by DDO.

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ePayroll System

6) Bill Master Entry

The following details are entered in this form

- DDO Code

- Bill Code

- Bill Description

- Nature of pay

- DPCode

- Category

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ePayroll System

Bill Master Forward

The entered bill details forwarded to DDO.

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ePayroll System

Bill Master Approval

The forwarded Bill details approve by DDO.

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ePayroll System

7) Seal Details (Update Only)

The following details are entered in this form,

-DDO Code

-Seal Details

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ePayroll System

8) Employee Master (Permanent) Entry

The following details are entered in this form

- Employee GPF No

- Suffix

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ePayroll System

Employee Master (Permanent) Entry

The following details are entered in this form

- Employee GPF No

- Suffix

- Employee name

- Date of Birth

- Date of Joining Government Service

- Father Name

- Marital Status

- Category

- PF Type


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ePayroll System

9) Fixation Entry and Forward

The following details are entered in this form

- Employee GPF No and Suffix

- Pay Commission No

- Scale Code

- Basic Pay

- Sanction Order No

- Sanction Date

- Effective Date

- Remarks

Click Edit to Forward Fixation data

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ePayroll System

Fixation Approval

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ePayroll System

10) Employee Changeable

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ePayroll System

11) Dues

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ePayroll System

12) Deduction

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ePayroll System

13) Loan and Advances

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ePayroll System

14) NSD Entry

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ePayroll System

15) PLI Entry

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ePayroll System

16) Employee Details Forward

The following details are forwarded to DDO

- Employee Master

- Fixation

- Employee Changeable (Permanent)

- Dues

- Deduction

- Loan and Advances

- NSD Deduction

- Postal Life Insurance(PLI)

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ePayroll System

17) Employee Details Approval

The forwarded Employee details approval by DDO.

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ePayroll System

18) Pay Calculation

During Pay calculation, Employee Pending transaction details are shown in this

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ePayroll System

The following details are entered in this form

- Salary Type

- Bill name

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ePayroll System

19) Pay Bill Reports

19.1) Pay Statement

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ePayroll System

19.2) ECS Report

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ePayroll System

19.3) Outer Report

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ePayroll System

19.4) Schedule Report

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ePayroll System

20) Download Reports


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ePayroll System

21) Download SES Files

Download SES Files

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ePayroll System

22) Surrender Leave Salary(SLS) Entry and Forward

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ePayroll System

SLS Approval

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ePayroll System

23) SLS Calculation

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ePayroll System

24) SLS Report

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ePayroll System

SLS Outer

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ePayroll System

SLS ECS Report

Download SES File

Download Report

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ePayroll System

Non Salary Entry and Forward

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ePayroll System

Non Salary ECS Report

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ePayroll System

Non Salary ECS Download

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ePayroll System

Edit Installment Process

During Edit installment, it displays employee pending list and click next you can proceed
edit instalment.

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