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Randolph (Randy) Hollahan

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Department of Management, 24-316
University of Ulsan
Daehak-Ro 93, Nam-Gu, Ulsan

To whom it may concern:

It is with pleasure that I am providing Ye Muyoung with this letter of Reference. I

have known Muyoung since she first took my Marketing Management class in the spring
of 2014. Since then she has taken two more courses from me, International Marketing
and Consumer Behavior. She was one the top students in all of my classes, always
receiving a grade of A or A+.

I have always found Muyoung to be genuinely committed to her responsibilities

as a student in my class. Students who are successful in my classes are those that take it
upon themselves to drive the conversation in class. This way students can learn by
doing (or, since there is no doing in class, learn by asking). This type of participative
learning requires two key traits. First, the students must be diligent with there work
effort. Only students who are prepared will understand the information well enough to
ask the insightful questions that create new learning opportunities for the rest of the class.
Second, the student must be confident in their ability to express themselves without fear
of what I think, but rather with a strong desire to understand. Muyoung excelled at both
of these.

Also, on a personal level, I would like to add that I found Muyoung to be very
friendly and approachable, which made it much easier for me to direct her to where she
needed to be looking in order to perform better in my courses.

If you are interested in an employee who has a very keen interest in making your
company better, then Muyoung would be a valuable addition to your team. I am confident
that Muyoung will succeed at any endeavor that she is committed to. I believe that she
takes pride in her work and feels a great sense of personal responsibility to always
perform at her best.


Randy Hollahan

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