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From this experiment , we have to determine the shear strength parameter soil using
the triaxial apparatus. The shear strength,f of soil is its maximum resistance to shearing
stresses and represented by coulombs equation of :

f = c + tan

where is = total normal stress on the failure plane

c = cohesion

= angle of internal friction.

In this test, we were given the data of three samples of soil maximum resistance on any
external stresses due to failure. For sample 1,the cell pressure () = 100 kPa while the
maximum deviator stress (d) is 202.2 kPa so the major principle total stress () = 302.2
kPa. The pore pressure (u) = 3.7 kPa, time = 93.73 minutes, change in length (L) = 9.34 and
axial force (N) = 255 N. For sample 2, the cell pressure () = 150 kPa while the maximum
deviator stress (d) is 253.9 kPa and the major principle total stress () = 403.9 kPa. The
pore pressure (u) = 11.1 kPa, time = 103.88 minutes, change in length (L) = 9.80 and axial
force (N) = 370 N. For sample 3, the cell pressure () = 200 kPa while the maximum
deviator stress (d) is 301.2 kPa and the major principle total stress () = 501.2 kPa. The
pore pressure (u) = 13.1 kPa, time = 84.48 minutes, change in length (L) = 8.15 and axial
force (N) = 378 N.

After that, using all of the data we need to plot Mohrs circle coulomb for total stress
envelope. From Mohrs circle coulomb plot, total stress envelope parameter are c = 40 kPa
and = 20.Based from graph, the maximum major principle total stress () is 501.2 kPa
from sample 3.

For errors , it may occurred in this experiment .There are many types of error that can be
occurred during experiment such as human error or parallax error, this error can occur
whenever there is some distance between the measuring scale and the indicator used to obtain
a measurement. If the observer's eye is not squarely aligned with the pointer and scale, the
reading may be too high or low. The calibration of an instrument should be checked before
taking data. If a calibration standard is not available, the accuracy of the instrument should be
checked by comparing with another instrument that is at least as precise, or by consulting the
technical data provided by the manufacturer. When making a measurement with a
micrometre, electronic balance, or an electrical meter, always check the zero reading first.
Re-zero the instrument if possible, or measure the displacement of the zero reading from the
true zero and correct any measurements accordingly.

As a conclusion, the objectives of this experiment which is to the shear strength

parameter soil using the triaxial apparatus was achieved. The total stress and effective stress
was obtained by using all the data and formula given. We were able to identify the shear
strength parameter value and also plot the mohrs circle for the value obtained.

For this experiment, there are several recommendation regarding this study as a guideline
for future research, which is

Test on the type of sample should be conducted, so that the soil can be clearly known
as in which type and their soil properties were easily define. This is one ways to
reduce error in the result
Study of mineralogy and structure of soil must be carried for undisturbed sample so
that their exact volume, void and soil properties can be determined.
Try to avoid disturbance on sampling by following all the specification needed for
undisturbed sample
Increasing the number of sampling to get the best common tangent for Mohrs circle
The understanding and skill to used the laboratory equipment is also important to
neglect problem occurred during the test. By referring to BS 1377 is useful in carried
out the triaxial test. Manual book for the equipment also give information in technical,
problem and theoretical develop. Guidance from technician that have higher skill in
conducting the laboratory test is also needed.

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