Ict Portions For Sut - 3

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1. What is a database?
2. What is the structure of a database? - Table
3. Why we use database? to store data/information
5. SQL stands for?
6. Learn SQL Commands syntax CREATE, INSERT, SELECT. (Refer ppt)
7. Learn use of each SQL Commands - CREATE, INSERT, SELECT. (Refer ppt, slide no - 12).
8. Use online website: www.sqlfiddle.com for online practice.
9. Refer blog post named Class activity. I have uploaded your class activity forms. Refer this
blog post for Practice.
10. Refer youtube vedio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFK_IYtj4MI for your online
SQL practice.
11. In VB, Dim stands for?
12. What is a variable?
13. What is a data type?
14. What is Combo Box? Refer blog Post or your Notes
15. Why we use combo box? Example?
16. What is radio button?
17. Why we use radio button? Example?
18. What is Static page and Dynamic page?
Ans: Web pages can be either static or dynamic.
"Static" means unchanged or constant, while "dynamic" means changing or
A static website doesn't change. It's usually just a bunch of html, css, and
possibly javascript files.
A dynamic website has a front end and backend program.
Example for front end program like JAVA, PHP, Python, Ruby etc
Back end like, MYSQL, ORACEL etc
Dynamic websites can take user input and change their content based on
Example for Static Website is small company websites. So content of this website
remains the same.
Example for Dynamic websites are Facebook, Google, Springdales etc.

ICT Grade 6 blog : http://spgrade6.blogspot.ae

We created Login page and Registration page in VB, this is also example for
dynamic pages, because this page can take user input and if this page is
connected to database we can change content based on database.

About ICT Exam TOTAL : 40 Marks

10 marks: THEORY, MCQs and Question & Answer - from Database and VB

30 marks: PRACTICAL,
Q1. To draw create table using SQL Commands CREATE, INSERT and SELECT
Example : Create a Registration table using SQL commands. Fields - first name, last
name, email id, password.
You will use online website: www.sqlfiddle.com for Practical exam.

Note: Please be informed that ICT LAB will be busy from FEB 8th to 22nd due to ISA
Examination. So kindly Practice at home using your Home PC.

ICT Grade 6 blog : http://spgrade6.blogspot.ae

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