2 Cdo Regt Suggested Physical Training Workouts PDF

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Week 1

Bench Press plus 6 Heaves

Lat Pull Down plus 12 Push Ups
Back Squats plus 12 Rear Lunges
MON Strength S1
Reps for the first ex in each super set are 30, 15, 10, 8, 4, 4, 15

2.4 km
1.2 km
TUE Run Specific R1 600 m
300 m
1:1 Recovery for all runs
Record all split times
Skipping 3 mins
20 x Step Ups
15 x Burpees
WED Circuit/Core/Cardio CCC1
10 x Get Ups

8 sets for time

Hero Workout In Memory of Tim Aplin
Old School Snake Bite
Body Weight 6 Heaves
Strength/Endurance BW1 20 Push Ups

20 sets for time

Run / Swim
3.2 km Run in 7 kg patrol order with runners in under 16 mins
FRI Battle/Unit Specific BPT1 400 m Swim in DPCU in under 18 mins
Record times
Plus Max Reps Sit Ups x 3 - Record reps
Week 2

10 sets for time of

10 x Back Squats 100 kg
MON Strength S2 10 x Dead Lifts 100 kg
20 x Walking Lunges with 20 kg Kettle Bell

5 km Run for time

TUE Run Specific R2
Plus Max Push Ups x 3 Record reps

30 Sit Ups
15 Back Extension
30 Leg Raise
Row 1 km
30 Crunches
WED Circuit/Core/Cardio CCC2
15 Alt Arm and Leg
30 Toe Touches
Row 1 km

3 rounds for time

Push Ups
Lying Heaves
Sit Ups
Body Weight
THU Lunges
Strength/Endurance BW2
Step Ups
Repetitions start at 20 and drop by 2 each round until you reach 0
Complete all sets and exercises in order for time

Pack March
FRI Battle/Unit Specific BPT2 1 hour march at medium pace with 25 kg marching order
Record distance achieved in 1 hour
Week 3
Body Weight Bench Press
1 Body Weight Back Squat
MON Strength S3 Toes to Hands (Insteps)
Repetitions 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Record weight and time
90 secs hard 90 secs easy x 2
60 secs hard 60 secs easy x 3
TUE Run Specific R3 45 secs hard 45 secs easy x 4
30 secs hard 30 secs easy x 5
15 secs hard 15 secs easy x 6
Record distance achieved
Hero Workout In Memory of Mason Edwards
5 Muscle Ups
10 Med Ball Slams
WED Circuit/Core/Cardio CCC3 15 Burpees
20 Squats

10 rounds for time

For time
50 Push ups
10 Heaves
45 Push Ups
9 Heaves
40 Push Ups
8 Heaves
Body Weight 35 Push Ups
Strength/Endurance BW3 7 Heaves
30 Push Ups
6 Heaves
25 Push Ups
5 Heaves
20 Push Ups
4 Heaves
Then work back up the ladder but sub dips for push ups and switch to under grasp for heaves
2.4 km Run in 7 kg patrol order in under 11:30
FRI Battle/Unit Specific BPT3
1 km Swim in DPCU with fins. Record times
Week 4
Weighted Heaves 4RM plus 6 Body Weight Heaves
Bench Press 4RM plus 12 Push Ups
Dead Lift 4RM plus 12 Body Weight Squats
MON Strength S4
6 rounds for time
Rest as required
2 x 800 m
4 x 400 m
TUE Run Specific R4
2 x 200 m
Run as fast as possible on each interval and rest 1:2 for the 800 m and 1:1 for 400 m and 200 m
Record split times
50 Box Jumps
25 Burpees
50 Double Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings
WED Circuit/Core/Cardio CCC4
1 km Row
400 m Farmers Carry with 20 kg

2 rounds for time

Hero Workout In Memory of Ben Chuck
The Chuck
Do sets 1 to10 for time
1 3 1 2 10 5
Body Weight 2 6 2 4 9 5
Strength/Endurance BW4 3 9 3 6 8 5
4 12 4 8 7 5
5 15 5 10 6 5
6 18 6 12 5 5
7 21 7 14 4 5
8 24 8 16 3 5
9 27 9 18 2 5
10 30 10 20 1 5
400m Swim Test in DPCU with runners in under 18 mins
FRI Battle/Unit Specific BPT4 Tread water for 5 mins in DPCU with runners
Fin 500 m in DPCU. No rest, record time
Week 5

Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Standing Shoulder Press
MON Strength S5 Upright Row

8 RM for 5 sets of each Record weight

Rest 1 min between sets and 2 minutes between exercises
1 km Run at max 5 min/kms
1 km Row at max 4 min 20sec/kms
TUE Run Specific R5
4 rounds for time
10 Toes To Bar (Insteps)
20 Grass Hopper
20 Sprint Starts
WED Circuit/Core/Cardio CCC5 1 min Prone Hold
3 min Row, Ride or Grinder

5 rounds for time

100 Heaves
200 Push Ups
Body Weight 300 Squats
Strength/Endurance BW5 400 Sit Ups

For time and partition as required (recommended 5, 10, 15, 20 reps 20 times)

Pack March
FRI Battle/Unit Specific BPT5
5 km march in under 47 minutes with 30 kg marching order Record time
Week 6

Bar Complex with 30 kg Bar

Clean and Press
Back Squat
Alt Leg Lunges
MON Strength S6 Push Ups

Hands not to leave the bar

10 sets of 5 reps for time
Punishment for hands leaving the bar before finishing is 5 burpees each time
Treadmill Run
Start at 8km/hr for 5 mins
Then increase by 1 km/hr each minute until you can no longer maintain the pace for the full
TUE Run Specific R6
minute. Aim for a minimum speed of 15 km/hr
Then decrease back to 8km/hr for 5 minutes
Repeat this process once more Record max speed achieved
Row 5 km for time
WED Circuit/Core/Cardio CCC6 Ride for 15 km for time

Max heaves record reps

Hero Workout In Memory of Luke Worsley
9 Handstand Push Ups
15 Ring Dips
Body Weight 21 Thrusters
Strength/Endurance BW6 200 m Run

5 rounds for time

10 Tyre Flips
2 Seated Rope Drag (Weighted) with 20 metre length
100 m Farmers Carry with 40 kg
FRI Battle/Unit Specific BPT6 10 Weighted Get Ups
Fire and Movement Shuttle 4 x 10 m bounds going to ground at each 10 m mark

6 rounds for time

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