Ca Pa

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Ideology of Pakistan
Ideology of Pakistan in the light of speeches & statements of Iqbal &
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi
Shah Waliullah
Syed Ahmed Shaheed
Aligarh Movement
Aligarh, Deband & Nadwah Educational Institutions
Khilafat Movement


Land, People, Geography, Society, Agriculture, Industry & Natural

Resources of Pakistan
Pakistans Foreign Policy
Pakistans National Interest
Economic Challenges
Pak-US War on Terror
Civil Military Relation
Afghan War since 1979: Its Impacts & Challenges to Pakistan
Challenges to Sovereignty
Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements
Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National
Security of Pakistan
Economic Conditions of Pakistan: Performance & Problems of major
sectors of Economy
Evolution of Democratic System
Political Evolution in Pakistan since 1979
Hydro Politics: Water Issues in Domestic & Regional Context
Nuclear Program of Pakistan: Its Safety, Security & International
Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors
Pakistans Role in the Region
Ethnic Issues & National Integration
Pakistan & Changing Regional Apparatus
Pakistan & Regional Economic Co operations (SAARC,ECO, SCO)
Pakistans Energy Crisis: Problems & Effects
Indo-Pak Relations since 1947
Pakistans relations with its Neighbors
Recent Constitutional Amendments & Legislations, Role of Judiciary
Local Bodies
Prevailing Social Problems(Education, Justice, Poverty, Health &
Sanitation) and Strategies to deal them


Pak-USA Relations
Pak-Afghan Relations
Pak-India Relations
Pak-China Relations
Pak-Russia Relations
Pak-Saudi, Pak-Iran, Pak-Turkey & Pak-Indonesia Relations
Pakistans Relations with (UN, SAARC, ECO, OIC, WTO, CW)


Kashmir Issue
Palestine Issue
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism
Nuclear Politics in South Asia
Nuclear Proliferation & Security
International Security
Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord
Human Rights
Millennium Development Goals & Sustainable Development Goals
Middle East Crisis
International Political Economy
International Trade(Doha Development Round & Bali Package)
Population: World Population Trends & Policies
Global Energy Politics
Cooperation & Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean & Pacific

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