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2011 ERC Workshop

Focal Points

2011 ERC Workshop

Inspire youself

Quote from The Pursuit of Happyness, 2006

2011 ERC Workshop

Defining your goal

Think Now!!!!

Industry/Firm Academia

2011 ERC Workshop

A quick comparison
Industry/Firm Academia

1. Hard physical work 1. No Physical work

2. Rude bosses 2. Much better bosses
3. Long Working hours 3. Very flexible working hours
4. No social life 4. Great Social life
5. Often needs to work away from 5. Universitoes dont move
home. 6. Easy to settle
6. Cant settle your family 7. It feels great when you discover
7. Always complaining

2011 ERC Workshop

Getting into the world of discoveries

And thats what graduate studies (MS, PhD) are all


2011 ERC Workshop

What to do during first 2 years?

1. Keep your GPA VERY high

2. Get involved in little research


3. Do internships

2011 ERC Workshop

What to do during the last 2 years?
1. Get industrial experience
2. Do a hot research project
3. Make an impressive CV
4. Get you English test (IELTS/TOEFL)
5. Take GRE
6. Take NTS exam

2011 ERC Workshop

Exploring the opportunities

2011 ERC Workshop

Explore Professors
Go to

Search world universities ranking Go to

universitys website go to relevant

department search for faculty members

go to each faculty members profile

go to the personal webpage of professors (if

2011 ERC Workshop
Explore Professors
Go to the section contact Write a very
concise and GOOD email, attach your CV, Most
recent GPA, research paper etc and send.

Always make one pdf file for ur CV,

Research interest and score sheet and
never forget to attach all this stuff in
the very first email
Bcaz who knows??? next time he may block
ur id
2011 ERC Workshop
Explore Professors

1. Have a look at Prof.s profile, research

interests and read his/her papers.

2. Try to relate your previous research

experience with the research field of prof.

3. Make him/her feel that you are the best

fit for him/her.

2011 ERC Workshop

Scholarships in Canada
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Government of Canada

Industrial Postgraduate Scholarships Progr Natural Sciences and Engineering Resea

am rch Council of Canada (NSERC)

Research Associate Program National Research Council Canada

Sauv Scholars Program Jeanne Sauv Youth Fondation

International Development Research Ce-

The Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship ntre (IDRC)

Trudeau Fellowships Trudeau Foundation

Trudeau Scholarships Trudeau Foundation

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Government of Canada

Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Governme Natural Sciences and Engineering Resea

nt Laboratories Program rch Council of Canada (NSERC)

2011 ERC Workshop

Top Universities in Canada

University of Toronto

McGill University

University of british Columbia

University of Alberta

McMaster University

University of Waterloo
2011 ERC Workshop
Top Universities in Australia
University of Melbourne

Australian National University

University of Sydney

University of Queensland Australia

Monash University
University of New South Wales

University of Western Australia

2011 ERC Workshop

Australian government scholarships
1. Australia awards scholarship
2. International postgraduate research
scholarships (IPRS)
3. Endeavour postgraduate scholarship awards
4. Australia awards fellowships

2011 ERC Workshop

Australian universities scholarships
1. Sydney achievers scholarship
2. Macquarie university international scholarship
3. Melbourne international research scholarships
4. University of newcastle postgraduate research
5. University of Western Australia research

2011 ERC Workshop

Top Universities in Korea
Seoul National University

Korea Advanced institute of science and technology

Pohang University of science and technology

Yonsei University

Korea University

Hanyang University

Sungkyukwan University

2011 ERC Workshop

Scholarships in Korea
1. HEC Pakistan
2. Korean government scholarship program
3. University based scholarships
1. Professors
2. Internal research scholarships

2011 ERC Workshop

Useful links for Materials Engineers

2011 ERC Workshop

Useful links for Materials Engineers

2011 ERC Workshop

Useful links for Materials Engineers

2011 ERC Workshop

Chitosan/HA semi-IPNs

HA Genipin

2011 ERC Workshop
NIR Laser Drug Molecule UCNPS


2011 ERC Workshop
Mechanism of drug release
Drug release



2011 ERC Workshop
Synthesis and encapsulation of silver nanoclusters

Raman reporter
labeling and BSA
clustering encapsulation

Taylor cone
Jet stream
Jet break up

Polyacrylamide-co acrylic
acid solution containing
silver nanoclusters

Ground encapsulated silver

2011 ERC Workshop

Antibody conjugation and cellular imaging

Interaction of
Antibody SERS probes with
conjugation cancer markers



Laser excitation SERS-mapping image

2011 ERC Workshop

Fluorescence images of biomarkers on cancer cells

3D fluorescence image
3D-sectioned fluorescence images
Relative Raman Intensity

Di (cm-1) (d) Raman Shift (cm-1)

2011 ERC Workshop

Take home message!
1. Go to Korea Get your Masters (You will
have a good gpa and nice research profile).
2. Use that profile to entrap professors
anywhere in the world.
3. You will get MANY opportunities. The success
probability will be increased 10 folds.
4. Enjoy your career in Canada and Australia.
5. Never Forget PAKISTAN and Pakistanis.
2011 ERC Workshop
Take home message2!

Easy to entrap A bit hard to entrap

Easy to entrap Very hard to entrap

2011 ERC Workshop

Ask questions!!!

2011 ERC Workshop

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