Cloud Computing - Group 4

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Pricing Cloud Computing service

Group 4

What is main message/essence of the seminar?

The core essence of the seminar was the underlying principle of selection of various
types of pricing strategies of cloud computing services that is being offered by Amazon Web
Services (AWS) and how these pricing strategies were formulated. Furthermore, the seminar
stressed on the dependency of selection of pricing strategies based on the type of end user.
The seminar was concluded by showcasing the best tradeoff pricing between the organization
friendly and consumer friendly prices.

Consequence of change management.

If an organization opts for cloud computing services, it has to revamp its IT infrastructure and
thus, this change could affect the hierarchy of the organization. The change could also lead to
reduction of IT support staff and minimization of effort to maintain data. Change management
and leadership is required for effective implementation of cloud services and a quality change
management will have a positive effect on overall deployment.

Reconnect to your target organization.

Yahoo, unlike Google, opted for an open source Iaas (infrastructure as a service) with the then
VP of cloud architecture, Todd Papaioannou stating that this change would allow people to
augment it and make it better. He also added that the core challenge for Yahoo was that it
needed a kind of infrastructure for a website that could field 1.5 million requests per second.
The result was Hortonworks, a company that was formed and funded by Yahoo to primarily
focus on development and support of Apache Hadoop, an open-source software framework for
distributed storage and distributed processing of very large data sets on computer clusters.

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