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Issue of Children Safety

Do you believe that Mattel acted in socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to
the safety of its toys? Why or why not? What should or could Mattel have done differently,
if anything?

Mattel is the largest global leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of toy and family
product. Mattel best-selling toy brands like Barbie, Hot Wheel, Matchbox, American Girl,
Radica and Tyco as well as Fisher-Price brands. Mattel has a very good reputation all over the
country. Mattel has done the biggest mistake which is manufacture in China. Mattel should be
more responsible to the stakeholders and the environment. This social responsible and ethical
manner will give Mattel the awareness towards the surrounding stakeholders and with
corporate socially responsible the company also can earn profit and at the same time they can
protect the stakeholders.

1.0 Socially Responsible

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), or similar terms such as corporate citizenship and
sustainable development, refers to the general idea that corporations need to keep an eye on
the social and ethical consequences of their conducts while pursuing the bottom line (Carroll,
2008) cited by (Tang, 2015). There is other author said corporate social responsibility is a
commitment to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices and
contributions of corporate resources (Philip, 2005)

1.1 Ethical Manner

Ethical and Moral Issues are factors in todays healthcare settings, especially in organizations
that set priorities in doing more and providing more with less resources in trying to extend
life in human subjects. Ethics has always been a driving force in doing the thing by those
who are entrusted in our care. Ethics is defined as that branch of philosophy dealing with
values relating to human conduct with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain
actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions
(, 2015) cited by (Brown, 2015)

1.2 Mattel Not Socially Responsible

Mattel toy production has been using lead paint in their production this action costs a lot of
negative impacts to the stakeholders even though Mattel want to earn high profit they should
consider the children that used the toys. Lead affects the developing nervous system of
children, and no safe blood lead level (BLL) in children has been identified. Elevated BLLs
in childhood are associated with hyperactivity, attention problems, conduct problems, and
impairment in cognition. Young children are at higher risk for environmental lead exposure
from putting their hands or contaminated objects in their mouth (Newman, 2015). Next,
Health effects associated with exposure to lead include neurotoxicity, developmental delays,
hypertension, impaired hearing acuity, impaired haemoglobin synthesis, and male
reproductive impairment. Lead bio accumulates, and is difficult to remove from blood and
bones ('Lead-Based Paint Rule Revised, 2010).

Labour issue in China. A national survey of the left-behind children in rural areas conducted
by China Womens Federation in 2013 revealed that near 61.03 million children or
adolescents in Mainland China were left at home, accounting for approximately 21.88% of
the children and adolescents in China, and 46.74% of the left-behind group had migrating
parents (Yun, 2015) Mattel also involved in labour issue because the wages that is given to
the worker is low. Local governments were required to set minimum wages according to a set
of criteria related to factors such as local economic development, employment, average
wages, consumer prices, minimum living standards, and the social insurance and housing
funds to which workers contribute (Jing, 2015).

1.3 What should Mattel do?

Mattel can outsource their product but at the same time the quality and the safety of the
product must maintain. According to Berman, B., & Swani, K. (2010) said that the supply
chain in China is characterized by cost pressures and quality fade, multiple levels of
outsourcing often involving small producers, a large number of counterfeit goods, Chinese
cleverness at evading detection, and poor product safety surveillance by both the Chinese and
U.S. governments. Mattel outsource their product to other country because to minimise the
cost but at the same Mattel should check on their quality and safety too.

Next, labour issue Mattel must take responsible of their employees, the safety and health.
Labour issue is also one of the important topic because it involve in human rights. Especially
child labour Mattel should be more careful in this type of case. It might ruin the reputation
that been develop. As stated by Arat, Z. F. (2002), No matter which consequence of child
labour has been their primary concern, the critics, especially those located in the industrial
societies, tend to organize their efforts around banning child labour through trade sanctions,
import restrictions, and consumer boycotts. UNICEF opposes child labour not only for being
exploitative but also for endangering children's physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and
moral development; and proposes a more comprehensive approach to the problem.

What is the best way to ensure the safety of the childrens toy? In responding, please
consider how the following groups would answer this question: government regulators
(United State and China), consumer advocates, toy industry, childs product retailers and the
standard setting organisation. What might explain the differences in their point of view?
Childrens Toy Safety
1. Check the material use in the toys.

Material that use in the toys is very important because material that use might be allergy to
children especially kids that under 3 years old. Parents should take precaution before buying
toys for their children. According to (Excelligence Learning Corporation, 2008) great toys are
well constructed, shatterproof, and strong enough to hold a childs weight, and safe for the
ages of the children in the group. Dont be hesitant to carefully examine and pull on the item
at the store or when you first receive it to ensure its safe for the children. Concerns for lead
toxicity and childrens exposure to environmental toxins have resurfaced in the last decade as
increasing numbers of studies identify the serious health hazards resulting from lower
exposures to lead than previously anticipated. Although the dangers of high lead exposure
have been documented for centuries, only in the last 30 years have we identified the impact
of low-level lead exposures on the neurobehavioral development of children, with
consequences extending beyond the exposure period (Sanders, 2013).

2. Produce the product which suitable the age of the children.

The product that the consumer bought must be label, so that the person who bought it will
more aware of the product. As stated by (Steorts, 1999) labelling also tells us how old the
child should be to safely play with the product. Because so many toys have loose parts and
other hazards, labelling is a critical safety precautions. Labelling the product to ensure that
the child is playing the right toys for the suitable age.

U.S Government

The CPSC routinely test, recalls, and sets standards for toys, and undertakes media and
educational campaigns to educate consumers. The toy safety Act of 1984 indicates America's
high concern for the safety of children's product according to (Steorts, 1999)

China Government

The CPSC also said China will increase inspections of consumer products destined for the
U.S. and assist the agency in tracing hazardous products to the manufacturer, distributor and
exporter in China.

"If there is a product recall by a U.S. company that sourced the goods from a Chinese
supplier, under the new agreement, China will now let the CPSC know if that supplier also
sells its products to other U.S. importers," said Eric Autor, international trade counsel for the
National Retail Federation, who attended the summit.

Chinese officials also said China would now require U.S. importers to obtain "export
registration" for products that cause concern.

China will also ask importers to provide product designs to Chinese suppliers that are in
compliance with U.S. safety standards and that U.S. importers provide reasonable prices to
manufacturers to prevent Chinese producers from cutting corners and using cheaper unsafe
materials (Kavilanz, 2007)

Children Product Retailers

1 National standards are preferable to a patchwork of inconsistent state regulations

National standards are preferable to a patchwork of inconsistent state regulations. The

most effective way to ensure toy safety is through consistent and reliable national safety
standards for all toys sold in the U.S. A patchwork of varying state regulationssome well-
reasoned and others based on less rigorous analysiswill not achieve this important goal,
and will not give parents and others reason to trust the toys they buy, the toys children receive
as gifts, and the toys children use at away-from-home settings. Parents should not have to
worry whether to let their children play with gifts they receive from grandparents in other
states, or from what state the toys used in their childrens classrooms or at play dates in
friends homes were purchased as stated by ( The American Specialty Toy Retailing
Association (ASTRA), 2015)

2 National standards are preferable to a patchwork of inconsistent state regulations

National standards are preferable to a patchwork of inconsistent state regulations. The

most effective way to ensure toy safety is through consistent and reliable national safety
standards for all toys sold in the U.S. A patchwork of varying state regulationssome well-
reasoned and others based on less rigorous analysiswill not achieve this important goal,
and will not give parents and others reason to trust the toys they buy, the toys children receive
as gifts, and the toys children use at away-from-home settings. Parents should not have to
worry whether to let their children play with gifts they receive from grandparents in other
states, or from what state the toys used in their childrens classrooms or at play dates in
friends homes were purchased as stated by ( The American Specialty Toy Retailing
Association (ASTRA), 2015)

Toy Industry
Toy safety has long been a priority for the U.S. toy industry, going back to the 1930s. This
concern was formalized by the first comprehensive industry safety standard, drafted in 1971
and published by the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards
and Technology) in 1976 as PS 72-76. In the early 1980s, a thorough review of the standard
was conducted under the auspices of ASTM by the newly formed Subcommittee F15.22 on
Toy Safety. The final product, which incorporated published U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) generic safety requirements and technical and labelling requirements for
additional product categories, was published as ASTM F 963. Since then, the standard has
been revised eight times, based on incident data and product innovations. It expands upon the
federal standards for toys. Under the 1981 Consumer Product Safety Act, the federal
government is to support the development of voluntary standards whenever those standards
will be effective in addressing a risk of injury according to ( ASTM, 2003).

What do you think is the best way for society to protect children from harmful toys?
Specifically, what are the appropriate roles for various stakeholders in the process?

Best way to protect children.

1. Proper labelling (check)
Product labelling is regulated by the regulatory body of the country, or countries, in which the
product is registered. If a product is intended for global distribution, the manufacturer must
apply product labelling specific to the recognized regulatory authority relevant to each
country the product will reach. . Numerous products are available from various
manufacturers and each product carries its own instructions for use. Appropriate use to
minimize undesired consequences includes careful consideration and a clear understanding of
each products label markings. Graphical symbols are favoured due to their ability to convey
concise significance in a multilingual market using limited label space (Sharpe, 2013). Toys
for young infants birth through 6 months, Things they can reach for, hold, suck on, shake,
make noise withrattles, large rings, squeeze toys, teething toys, soft dolls, textured balls,
and vinyl and board books. Toys for older infants 7 to 12 months, older babies are movers
typically they go from rolling over and sitting, to scooting, bouncing, creeping, pulling
themselves up, and standing. They understand their own names and other common words,
can identify body parts, find hidden objects, and put things in and out of containers. Toys for
1-year-olds, they enjoy stories, say their first words, and can play next to other children. They
like to experiment but need adults to keep them safe. Toys for 2-year-olds and Toys for 3- to
6-year-olds children, Things for solving problemswood puzzles (with 4 to 12 pieces),
blocks that snap together, objects to sort (by size, shape, colour, smell), and things with
hooks, buttons, buckles, and snaps (Good Toys for Young Children by Age and Stage, 2015)

2. Toy design and material used

Interacting with toys plays a crucial role in child development and supports learning and
cognitive processes (Butterworth & Harris, 1994) when toys are selected in accordance with
developmental needs cited by (Kara, 2014). Infants and toddlers are not passive recipients of
the world around them but rather are active participants continuously engaging with their
environment. Thus, young children need a world that is safe to explore, one where they are
encouraged to venture and discover. (Shabazian, 2014)
Best Interest in Children
Many producers control costs and manage quality with a strategy of building products that
are as identical as possible for multiple markets throughout the world. Trade officials,
including those in the United States, have voiced concerns that unique requirements in some
jurisdictions may increase costs and thus, hinder trade without being justified. Although some
differences in safety requirements between jurisdictions remain unavoidable, few
stakeholders would take the view that all differences are necessary. (ALIGNMENT, TOY

Best interest in Parents

The best interests of the child is a legal test used to decide what would best protect your
childs physical, psychological, and emotional safety, security and well-being. To determine
what is in the childs best interests when making parenting arrangements, you must consider
factors including the childs emotional health and well-being, the childs views, unless it
would be inappropriate to consider them, the childs relationships with parents, guardians,
and other important people, the history of care and the impact of any family violence (Justice
BC, 2015)

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