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Usvajanje stranog jezika na ranom uzrastu

(5-6 godina)

Februar, 2017

THEME: Preschool children in a musical kindergarten

AGE: 5-6

TIME: 30 minutes

AIM: Teaching about basics solfeggio and recognition of do re mi by name,

colour and number

MATERIALS: metallophone, flashcards with colours (do red one; re white

two; mi blue three; fa pink four; sol green five; la orange six ; ti
purple seven; do it repeats again ...), CD player, decorations, lap top, piano or

At the start of each lesson, we repeat what we learned last time. After that, we are
starting with the new lesson.

1. Step Teacher is showing kids flashcards of every single tone (do, re, mi...)
and playing it on a piano or accordion at the same time.
2. Step Teacher is asking kids to show the correct flashcard when they hear the
tone played on accordeon or piano ( they hear mi, they should pick blue card or
number three) .
3. Step Introduction to solfeggio, explaining basics of solfeggion.


Competition in guessing the note. Teacher is making 2 teams; kids are guessing notes
by sound, colour and number. Every note which they guess is one point. The team
which has more points wins. Kids learn best during games, so this is why we use
learning using games. During games like this, they develop a competitiv spirit.
Essay : Gifted children

Intellectual giftedness is an intelectual ability much higher than average. It is a

characteristic of children, that motivates differences in pre- school programming.
There is no generally agreed definition of giftedness for children or adults, but
probably it is giftedness if IQ is above 130.

There are diferrent definitions, for example some scientist consider gifted
children if they are talented for mathematics and not for languages. Some consider it
like musical abilities.

Isolation is one of the challenges of a gifted child. For example, when he/she is
in a group of other children, if teacher doesn't aim or theme in which is he/she
interested in, there could be a problem, because it could be boring.

Perfectionism is another issue for gifted kids; or parents of gifted children

sometimes don't even realise that they have a gifted child.

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