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Concerning the Seanad Debate on The Civil Partnership Bill and Proposed Amendments: 06/07/10

Dear Senators

I engaged in debate on Senator Dan Boyle’s Facebook Page regarding the Civil Partnership Bill
concerning the use of the term ‘Homophobic’, to slur those supporting amendments. More importantly
the debate led to a discussion of the cult of Pederasty. I’d like to address the first issue swiftly and move
onto the issue of Pederasty and its implications for the Bill.

Regarding the use of the term ‘Homophobia’:

Deputy Seymour Crawford (FG) was accused of being ‘Homophobic’, on Northern Sounds Local News
last Friday merely for raising the issue of the ‘Conscience Clause’. The interviewer had been advised of
the term by a representative from Drogheda GLEN. The mild mannered Seymour took offence. Was he
slandered? I include this link - - to a
definition of ‘Homophobia’, by the radical online gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender-queer encyclopaedia.
Clearly as you might expect the terms is not intended to deny opportunity for informed debate or to
deny people their feelings and values. The Irish Gay Civil Liberties lobby are over stepping the mark in
bandying the term round as a means of suppressing debate. Misusing the term does an injustice to
freedom of speech and religious values as well as constituting slander. More than anything it does an
injustice to homosexuals who have been murdered, assaulted or discriminated against. It is important
that the public do not lose site of homophobia as a serious anti-social phenomenon by virtue of the Gay
lobby debasing it to a meaningless slanderous insult.

Regarding the Homosexual cult of Pederasty:

There has been so much denial and ambiguity on this matter that it requires clarification. There is a two
page review of the term and practice of Pederasty, on the definitive glbtq’s online encyclopaedia - . Having reviewed the cult of Pederasty the
two page article closes by endorsing the practice: ‘Many adults who had such relationships in their
adolescence remember them fondly. Not all do’. I’d just like to note that almost 40 years after my
twin brother was sexually groomed and serial abused at the age of nine I have been diagnosed as
Mixed Bi-Polar. They say Schizophrenia is easier treated so I guess that’s a new take on collateral
damage. So needless to say tipping Fifty with no dole or pension I’d belong to the group who don’t
remember Pederasts ‘fondly’. In fact I mostly just don’t remember.

The disturbing thing from the point of view of the power structures in Irish society is that the appetite
for Pederasty has not been lost it has merely morphed from a ecclesiastical & community setting to a
cultural and technological setting provided by a mix of libertarianism and new-media. Public exposes -
like Emmet Stagg’s Phoenix Park travails and Cathal O’Searcaigh’s Nepalese aid initiative - give us a
sense of how those in positions of influence instinctively defend errand sexual behavior as an
entitlement of power and sexual orientation whilst moving rapidly on to rebutting any relationship
between homosexuality and pedophilia. Well the culture of condoning or covering up for the cult of
pederasty within homosexuality is the link. Pederasty is pedophilia in a male homosexual setting.
During the Civil Partnership debate there have been strident attempts to air-brush the word from
homosexual parlance as being somehow discriminatory. Yet there is no comparable expression within
the heterosexual community because pedophilia is not condoned. The problem is the Gay Lobby is
being intentionally ambiguous so as to defend the cult of pederasty, despite it being clear that it is
homosexual pedophilia.
Senators should download ‘Fairytale in Kathmandu’ - - the Neasa Ni Chainain
documentary expose on Cathal O’Searcaigh’s pederasty in Nepal as well as listening to the three part
interview between Cathal and Anton Savage which can be accessed on the youtube videobox on my
Facebook Page - . Don’t forget to download the free VLC
media player while you’re there, it’s great and plays damaged media.

After that visit the North American Man/Boy Love Association web site: The
online Urban Dictionary describes the group NAMBLA as ‘The most fucked up group in the world’, in
terms of its depraved delusional thinking:
. On a link titled ‘Pederasty & Homosexuality’, they note that “Our movement today stresses the
liberation and empowerment of young people….. The liberation of children, women, boy-lovers, and
homosexuals in general, can occur only as complementary facets of the same dream." So this is a grand
sexual delusion which seeks to implicate society in general through a radical libertarian agenda creating
a new culture-space where large scale abuse can recommence, allowing predatory abusers to shelter
under libertarian norms and new technologies rather than institutional structures.

NAMBLA and its Pan-European affiliates are seeking to increase access to vulnerable boys for the
purpose of sexual grooming and rape. So safeguards need to be built into Irish legislation NOW
particularly given the history of cultural complicity in Ireland and the level of ambiguity where key
advocates of reform are concerned. Indeed such is the ambiguity that many of the exponents of the
legislation refuse to acknowledge the word ‘Pederasty’, as relevant to the debate. Get the exponents to
voice the term ‘PEDERASTY’, in debate and to clarify their understanding of the practice as being either
perverse or permissible. You will find them characteristically reluctant to even speak the term as they
rapidly descend into a pattern of dithering, avoidance, denial and deception.

The existence of this cult of Pederasty within male Homosexual culture provides sufficient basis for the
inclusion of a ‘Conscience Clause’, in the legislation and for gay male partners to have no more rights in
familial terms – where fostering and adoption is concerned – than cohabitating brothers would. I
support the amendments being advance by Senator Ronan Mullen’s Ind. in this regard and ask you to do
likewise: ; and on Facebook

The first amendment will allow this highly progressive legislation time to prove itself and to win support
without risking alienation or provoking a constitutional challenge. The second amendment will ensure
equality without compromising the States duty to preference family units where fostering and adoption
is concerned. Men are thousands of times more likely to abuse than women and the cult of Pederasty
suggests Gay men are more likely still. We do not need to wait for the evidence of these facts they
already exist.

Today’s sentimentality will not heal tomorrow’s wounds no more than yesterday’s piety did. How many
victims of Pedophilia and Pederasty committed suicide during the Tribunal process or deteriorated into
chronic addiction, poverty and ill health; and where are the monuments? Don’t bother building them
just ensure Senator Ronan Mullen’s amendments are carried. If you don’t any monuments you do build
will be to your own folly.

Is Mise

Paul Cassidy M.Sc.

Monaghan Based Social Media Activist

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