Lead Us by Your Spirit in Our Work Today.: A Doctor'S Prayer

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Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as

working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you
will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is
the Lord Christ you are serving

Heavenly Father, we thank you that through your Son, our Saviour,
we receive new life and hope.
Lead us by your Spirit in our work today.
Enable us to fulfil our medical calling with love, wisdom and
Give us knowledge and diligence in the prevention, diagnosis
and treatment of disease.
Help us to bring comfort to the anxious and sorrowing.
Free us from selfish ambition.
Grant us sincerity in all that we say and do.
Strengthen us to persevere in the face of fatigue.
Keep us always mindful of your redeeming purpose and maintain
our confidence that death will finally be overcome through Jesus
Christ our Lord.


With gratitude to God, faith in Christ Jesus and dependence on

the Holy Spirit, I will publicly profess my intent to practice medicine
for the glory of God.

With humility, I will seek to increase my skills. I will respect

those who teach me and who broaden my knowledge. In turn, I will
freely impart my knowledge and wisdom to others.

With Gods help, I will love those who come to me for healing
and comfort. I will honour and care for each patient as a person
made in the image of God, putting aside self interests.

With Gods guidance, I will endeavour to be a good steward of

my skills and of societys resources. I will convey Gods love in my
relationships with family, friends, and community. I will aspire to
reflect Gods mercy in caring for the lonely, the poor, the suffering,
and the dying.
With Gods blessing, I will respect the sanctity of human life. I
will care for all my patients, rejecting those interventions that
either intentionally destroy or actively end the lives of the unborn,
the infirm and the terminally ill.

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