Daere Warren and Domain

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*Daere Warren History*

This is just a brief discription of what has happened so far in Daere... But it doesn't end there!

Daere Warren was a small, one-two Queen Warren 50 years ago. Maybe 150 Dragons or so. At
the time Velara joined, there were two rather elderly Queens... one hadn't been flying for some
time, the other didn't have too many years of mating flights left. The Warren was in serious
danger of finding itself with NO flying Queens.

Velara joined with Jennaladar 48 years ago, at the age of 22. 2 years later, the Warrenlady's Queen
stopped mating, and Velara ascended to the position of Warrenlady. She and Jennaladar
transformed Daere from a small, stagnating Warren to a thriving one, in a time where wraith
attacks were particularly brutal. Jennaladar proved to be an EXTREMELY fertile Queen,
sometimes flying three times in a year. She has also laid more Queen eggs than any other Queen,
an unheard-of total of *5* eggs.

Daere has grown from about 150 Dragons to around 500. It's growth rate has been much faster
than Telnor's, and Daere is expected to pass Telnor as the largest Warren in another generation at
its present rate. Since it has grown so quickly over the past half-century, its structure is a bit more
haphazard than the others. New buildings had to be built quickly to accommodate the growth, and
new apartments cut from the rock face. Though the population is still smaller than Telnor's, Daere
has something of an overcrowded feel that Telnor does not.

Velara was70 years old. She joined late (age 22), and had been Warrenlady for about 45 years.
Warrenladie's (and the DragonLady) are expected to retire when their Queen cease to mate. On
average, Queen Dragons cease to mate at about 42-43yo. Velara's Queen was 48, and was STILL
flying to mate. The Junior Queenriders below Velara had been waiting a long time for the way to
leadership to be opened, and they had grown more than a bit resentful.

At Velara's death, there were 3 Junior Queenriders at Daere, all Queen eggs than Jennaladar laid,
though she laid a total of 5 eggs. Her first Queen hatchling, Syldarin, outgrew her and,
unexpectedly, the Empress. Syldarin and her Human, Adrielle, relocated to Keldarra to become
Empress and DragonLady. All the current Keldarran Queens are descended from Syldarin. The
second Queen was Viktroy, and her Human Jayleigh ascended to the position of Warrenlady when
Veldara died. The third Paytrile , who's human, Kamile died due to complications during labor,
left Jayleigh and Viktroy to run the Warren with the help of two Junior Queen's and their very young
rider's. Maeve & Krith and Rezsia & Jezebel . Now years later they are joined by yet another Queen
and Her Rider. Danika & Kalindeth due to the shift in the magic of the Dragonlands are able to return
to the home her mother had become lost from during a bad teleport. And To the Father she knew met.

Basically, Velara built Daere from a small, backward Warren to a large, thriving home. She was a
shrewd woman who never become even remotely senile as the years pass. However, she didn't
*want* to retire. She had said over and over again that she wanted to die Warrenlady rather than

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fade into the background as some leftover crone. She had increasingly excluded the Junior
Queenriders from the workings of the Warren, as if that might defend her from retirement. Thus,
there was a reason behind the resentment beyond just power lust.

With the death of Velara, Jayleigh, rider of Viktroy was thrown into the role of Warrenlady, She
made a promise to the other two queen rider's that she will make them apart of what's going on
and will not keep them in the dark like Velara did. Jay's knows she's going to need the help of the
other two if the Warren's going to make it. She remembers how it was to be keep in the dark and
swears thing will be different.

The largest Town near Daere Warren is Triylar. It's Ruler, Lord Gossimor is respected by all who
live in his domain, though not well liked by a good many. He's a shrewd businessman who knows
how to turn a profit without cheating his subjects. In fact, he's quite generous about helping
anyone who finds themselves in trouble. It's just the way he talks down to the people he's trying
to help, without realizing he's doing so, that causes most of his problems. Lord Gossimor takes his
imperial status a little too serious.

The Nikkas Inn is the best place to find a good meal and pleasent company. The owner's, Morlan
and Kalo, make everyone feel welcome. They have a big room in the back where they
occasionally have dancing and often you will find a new singer playing in the front room before
the dinner crowd.

There's also the smaller town of Loman that recently suffered a great loss. A visitor to the lands
happened upon the town one day looking for food and clothing when he made a gasty discovery.
The dead remains of the village population. Unable to figure out what or who had caused the
mayham, he collected the bodies together in one empty hut and set them on fire. It never crossed
his mind that one little fire would come close to burning down half the forest. Few survived, but
those who did have sworn to rebuild.

Mostly the Daere Domain is filled with small farms, though there are some who raise cattle.
There are a lot of small lakes that dot the area and more often that not, you're likely to find a
dragon and their rider there a head of you.

*Daere Warren Character list*

Get to know the people and dragons who live in Daere Warren

Warrenlady Jayleigh Became Warrenlady of Daere Warren after the death of Velara. Rider of the Queen
Dragon,Viktroy. (bluish green)

Danika A Queen Rider who trravels to Daere from the new Warrens in the lost Dragonlands. From Epion
Warren to find the father she had never met. R'ven. Jr. Queen Dragon Kalindeth (Gold metallic with silver
metallic underbelly)

Tair'n Alpha Wingleader and ex-mate of Velara and R'ven. Dragon- Amadith (cadet blue)

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R'ven Ex-mate of Velara and sometimes second to the Warren lady. Dragon-Zenith

Gerald : Wingleader Gamma Wing, Dragon- Random (dark-green with yellow highlights and wing
membranes. (Resently Killed durying a wraith attack.)

Dyanisa Daughter of two Daere Warren dragonriders who left the Warren for some unknown reason. Beta
Wing Member. Dragon- Sienra (iridescent opal)

Zert Shade (human form): Learner and a teacher. Zert has come to the Dragonlands though a magical pool.
He's come to learn what he can learn about the people and the lands. Zertanovist (dragon form) (color Cyan)

Noni A Healer who joined with her dragon on a dare. Dragon Amethyst (nicknamed "Ammie" by Noni)
Color: Violet-blue mix )

Alexander The Knight on a flaming dragon. Who's family ties to Landbound Noblity often causes problems
for the Dragonrider.

Nefiri New to Daere, but has a past she doesn't talk about

Ar'Aman A good hearted rider who lives to protect the Warren he servers and the woman he loves.

T'rell Comes to Daere Warren from Falgaland, after a mild...dispute with the Warrenlady there, who tried to
ruin is reputation and tried using a bit of blackmail to keep him under her thumb. A good man, but don't ask
him about Micky D's coffee....

Daere Warren N.P.C. listings

Realee: 52Yrs. 5'7" Brown eyes, Dark Brown hair (graying) Mother of: Jayleigh, rider of Queen Viktroy. :
Ja'ks, rider of brown, Sprarroe

Realee has been the head cook at Daere Warren for the past fourteen years. Every since she took over the job
from her mother, after the woman's untimely death (some say from finally eating her own hand cooked food:}
Realee's slightly plump, and a cheerful person. She's fair and just, but will not abide slackers working in her
kitchen. She makes the kitchen a happy place to work, more often that not taking in any of the older stay
children to work, until they can find a job else where, doing something they enjoy.

She's very proud of her children, both sired by Red Banta's rider, Jer'lin. With whom she's enjoyed a close
relationship with for 33 years. Being raised up in the Warren she understands and excepts the occasional
mating flight as part of the price she has to pay for loving a dragon rider.

Jer'lin: 54Yrs. 6'2" Black eyes, Black hair (streaked with gray) Rider of Red, Banta (33 yrs.) Father of:
Jayleigh, rider of Queen Viktroy : Ja'ks, rider of brown Sprarroe

A jolly man, gets on well with most everyone. Has a special ability to keep the most nervous of the newly
hatched rider's, calm. Making him the perfect instructor. Mostly retired from combat fighting, but on occasion
will ride out with Alpha wing on patrols, to keep his skills sharp. He'd like to rider out with his son's Beta
wing, but doesn't want his son to think he's checking up on him. Will wait for an invitation from Ja'ks to go,
but Jer'lin will never ask first.

He's very proud of his children. And counts himself lucky to have such and understanding woman by his side.
He can't wait until the day he can see his daughter in her rightful possession as the Warrenlady of

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Daere......but you won't hear him saying so aloud.....

Ja'ks: 29(yrs.) 6'2" Gray eyes, Black hair. Rider of: Brown Sprarroe (13 yrs.)

Son of: Realee & Jer'lin ( red Banta's rider) Brother of: Jayleigh rider of Queen Viktroy Ja'ks takes his role as
the Beta Wingleader very seriously. He feels he had to do more than his best because of his sister the Queen
Rider. He sometimes feels that he only got asked to lead because of Jayleigh, and has always tried to prove
he's good enough.

He's well liked and respected by the other members of his wing, for his fairness in listening to both sides of a
dispute. But some say he's too hard on himself. Ja'ks has yet to find a mate, but he'll keep on looking. In the
mean time he's not above playing the field. Just as long as it's not a woman flying in his wing. He won't mix
the two. Thinks it could cause problems in the long run. He joined with Sprarroe when he was 15.

Jadain: 9yrs. 4'5" Gray blue eyes Very dark brown hair

Mother: Jayleigh, Rider of Queen Viktroy Father : Da'ntray, Rider of Teal Blue- Keppo, Jadain has always
known his Mother is an important person around the Warren because she rides a Queen Dragon, but he can't
understand why his mom has to wait for that old lady to retire before she can take over. Uncle Ja'ks has told
him many of time's, that's just the way it goes. Jadain is well behaved, polite, and loves his family more that
anything. He knows that one day when he's old enough he'll stand on the hatching grounds to try for his own
dragon. (Vik)Troy told him so. His dad often takes him for rides on Keppo, which is really fun.....but Keppo
won't talk to him like (Vik)Tory will.

Amber: 46 yrs. 5'4" Green eyes Long gray hair worn in a bun.

Amber came to the Warren with a tithe caravan, eleven years ago. She had been found on the side of the road
beat up pretty bad and left for dead. When she finally came around in the medical center at Daere Warren, she
was unable to tell anyone what had happened, or why. To this day she still can not remember. Without any
known skills, Realee, offered to take her to help out in the kitchen. She's always shown kindness to the
younger children of the Warren so when an opening for a nursemaid came up, she asked if she could try it out.
Amber has been taking care of the babies and small preschool age children every since. With Jayleigh's duties
as a Queen Rider, Amber has become like a second mother to Jayleigh's 9 year old son, Jadain. She has
grandmother Realee's full support.

Herin: 36yrs. 5'9" Gray green eyes Blond thinning hair Head Medical Personal at Daere Warren

A jolly man for the most part. With a great bedside manor. He's knowledgeable in all aspects of healing form
herbal medicines to surgery. Has a small problem working with kids between the age of four and ten, and will
ask another medic to look at them if one is available. It all goes back to the memory he has after seeing five
kids, within that age after wraiths had attacked them. When he was unable to save even one child, Herin went
into a deep depression and almost didn't come out of it. He still has the occasional nightmare about it. Other
that that he's well liked, but can be a royal pain in the _ _ _ if you ignore any of his orders or think you know
more about his field that he does. He's very good at putting a impatient patent in their place. They'll get better
if it's the last thing he'll force them to do.

T'van: Father of Tair'n. 44 yrs. rider of blue Jaros

Miren: Mother of Tair'n. Deceased.

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Calette: 31 yrs. Former mate of T'van, former mate of Tair'n member of the Warren medical staff. Mother of
Cal'an, unjoined.

Cal'an: 71/2 yrs. Either Tair'n's half-brother, or son. Son of Calette.

Velara: 70 yrs. Former Warrenlady of Daere. Deceased. Rider of the queen, Jennaladar. Lover of Tair'n and
R'ven. Velara joined Jennaladar 48 years ago, at the age of 22. 2 years later, the Warrenlady's Queen stopped
mating, and Velara ascended to the position of Warrenlady. She and Jennaladar transformed Daere from a
small, stagnating Warren to a thriving one, in a time where wraith attacks were particularly brutal. Jennaladar
proved to be an EXTREMELY fertile Queen, sometimes flying three times in a year. She has also laid more
Queen eggs than any other Queen, an unheard- of total of *5* eggs.

Under her leadership, Daere had grown from about 150 Dragons to around 500. It's growth rate had been
much faster than Telnor's, and Daere is expected to pass Telnor as the largest Warren in another generation at
its present rate.

Velara had been Warrenlady for about 45 years. The Junior Queenriders below Velara had been waiting a long
time for the way to leadership to be opened, and they'd grown more than a bit resentful. She was a shrewd
woman who never become even remotely senile as the years pass. However, she didn't *want* to retire. She
said over and over again that she wanted to die Warrenlady rather than fade into the background as some
leftover crone. She had increasingly excluded the Junior Queenriders from the workings of the Warren, as if
that might defend her from retirement. Thus, there was reason behind the resentment beyond just power lust.
:) She died the same way she had lived. Right to the very end with a happy smile on her face and a scandal for
the people of the warren to remember her by.

Da'ntray: 33 yrs. Brown hair, gray eyes, 5'11". Father of Jadain, who was conceived when his dragon Keppo
won the jr. queen, Viktroy's second mating flight. For 8 1/2 years he has ignored his son until, the boy showed
the signs of being able to understand all dragons. Then when Jayleigh became the Warrenlady, Da'ntray
thought he'd have it easy. He suggested to Jayleigh that they become mates for the boy's sake. At her rudely
phrased refusal, Da'ntray promised to somehow pay her back. He knows the boy, will be the key. Just because
she's the high and mighty Warrenlady now, she can't treat him that way. He'd show her.

Fae'Rhee : Her story is to long to put into a few words, so follow the link to meet Daere's new searcher and
learn her story

Lenin: Mother of Dyanisa. Rider of Snink, left the Warren with her mate some years ago, but would never talk
about the reason's with her daughter.

Or'dan: Father of Dyanisa. Rider of Rosky, left the warren with his mate some years ago, but would never talk
about the reason's with his daughter.

Eric Cartwright: Father of Gerald. Crafter.

D'aivy: 29, dark red hair, always tied back. 5'11". Wingsecond to Ja'ks in Beta Wing. Dragon; Pocomb, 6 yrs.

G'ther: 6' 45 yrs. balding, gray eyes, very stern and strict. Currenly making things rough for Gerald as he
wants to step down from comanding Gamma Wing and become the weapons master for Daere, and wants
Gerald to take his place. Dragon Kutath

Dragon: Kutath- large blue, sometimes a bit pompous.

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Kiree: Age: 19 Height: 5'2" Hair: blond, Eyes: blue

Personality: Kiree is usually timid, although she has a tendency to get rather emotional if she's upset. If
something goes wrong, she tends to blame herself. She has a lot of friends, simply because she works hard at
it. Kiree is pretty, not exactly beautiful, but her kindness and easygoing personality makes her popular. Kiree
has an expertise in farming, and is skilled with all aspects of farming and animal husbandry.

History: Kiree was born on a farm about 30 miles outside Daere warren. The farm was of course
well-protected from the scourge of wraiths, but there wasn't much good soil so the primary work was with
cattle. Kiree, being one of 8 children, was often overlooked. She tried to overcome this by being
indispensable, learning as much of farming and herding as she could. It was a surprise to everyone when she
was Searched, but her parents were proud of her. Father: Katran, Mother: Imita. Her father has some musical
ability with the lute, one of the few entertainment's available on the farm.

Salanth: Age 3, light green with silver highlights. A very popular dragon with the males, she is one of
Random's favorite cuddling partners. He's never won her in a mating flight, though.

Rayrem: Wingsecond for Alpha Wing. Dragon Dreyna

Vesta: 23, joined with lilac Callyanth 6 years. Member of Beta Wing and also acts as the courier for Jayleigh
during the times she's needed. She's a sweet person who will do anything she can to get out of fights. She
grew up in a house where everyone fought and now she can't stand to be around when things are strained. But
she will stand by a friend.

Gweisha Linavrak Age: 17 Height: 5'6"but looks shorter because she slouches Hair: limp, blond brown,
slightly longer then shoulder length Appearance: Grey eyes, pretty features except for a long scar running
down her left cheek. She wears plain, beige or tan clothes that wash out her complexion making her look

Personality: She is very self conscious and has no self esteem what so ever because of her stutter and her scar.
She has a kind heart and will be an excellent healer. She's very defensive of children. She doesn't speak much,
but is very intelligent. She absolutely hates violence and conflicts and will probably give in even if she is right
just to end a fight.

History: Her parents were abusive both physically and mentally. Her scar, in other words was not a natural
occurance. Finally, unable to bear the abuse any more she ran away and was caught in a wraith attack. She
was rescued and brought to Daere about a month and a half before Velarra's death. She decided that she would
become a healer and started her training almost as soon as she had arrived.

Desr'y: elite flightleader for Gamma. Age 18, 5'10", sandy blonde hair, violet eyes, 170lb. Able tactician, not
affected by vertigo or violent movements in the air at all. Fairly good painter, draws and paints all the time.
Spends much time adding designs and ornamentation to everything from acid-etching swords to carving into
leather saddles to brushing on canvas. Dragon: Javangath: 55'long, 2 yrs. old, darkish blue with royal blue
stripes. Rather timid dragon, but is effective in helping to drill other dragons in the specialized flying

Lenin: deceased Appearance: Blond hair, black eyes, beautiful History: Mother was a village herbalist.
Searched at 16. Joined Snink and formalized her healer's training, specialized in herbs and diagnostics, hands
weren't steady enough for surgery. Fell in love with Or'dan. Started making medical mistakes, was suspended,
then Or'dan and Lenin were banished. Went to waste, gave birth to Dyanisa, died in wraith attack 12 years

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later. Snink: deceased Appearance: burgundy with cream stripes

Or'dan: deceased Appearance: black hair, dark skin, green-blue eyes, handsome History: Father was a member
of Guild of Swords, Or'dan followed in his footsteps but for some reason couldn't handle a sword if his life
depended on it, so he learned Sirado, pole arms, knife fighting, and archery. Was searched at 17. Joined
Rosky. Trained youths in combat skill and was under consideration for Wingleader. Fell in love with Lenin.
Killed a youth and a fellow dragonrider was suspended then banished with Lenin. Went to waste, taught his
daughter Dyanisa everything he knew, died in wraith attack with Lenin. Rosky: deceased Appearance: mottled
gray and black

W'roan :Male, brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, average height and weight, age 17.

Landborn. Was searched to the warren late in his 15th year. His parents were excited for him and attended the
hatching. He joined at that first hatching to Sinia-- a FEMALE. His parents were horrified at the implications
of his cross-gender joining. They left in disgrace and have never acknowledged him since.

Tair'n befriended the confused young man and soon the two became lovers. The two broke up shortly before
Tair'n moved in with Velara and R'ven. Their relationship is cordial still, though W'roan feels he was used.

Sinia: Female, dove gray, blue eyes, somewhat small for a female. Age: 1 (and a few months).

Morlan & Kalo: Husband and wife owners of the Nikkas Inn in Triylar. A good place to come to for music
and food.

Dagion Gossimor: 17, Nephew of both Lords' Gossimor. brother Sagon failed to join at the same hatching as

Dragon Breynath: (light green from the nose growing darker towards the tail.

T'or : dragonrider... one of thse who tried to have Tair'n banished from the Warren after it was learned he had
a hand in killing his mother.

Torne: 13 yr. son of T'or. one of a group of kids who attacked Tair'n's son Cal'an after listening to their father's
say Tair'n should be banished.

Children of riders who live in the Warren: Mishla, Pieter, S'tel, Coran, Richanis, Mickile. All but the girl
Mishla were involved in the beating of Cal'an that almost resulted in his death due to a rare blood problem he

Dryan Hymnov: Age: 28 Appearance: 5'5" but very well built especially across the shoulders, he looks
vaguely out of proportion, he's got dull blue eyes, and blond hair that surrounds his head with a halo of inch
long fuzz. He's almost handsome, but has acne scars, he also sports a very small and well trimmed goattee.

Personality Dyran is firm, but understanding when he works with his blind patients. He has an abundance of
patence, so long as his patients show some intelligence and strength. He still grieves for his dead wife that
died in childbirth and has not even begun to recover emotionally from that event.

History Dryan is a healer who specializes in working with blind people. His father was blinded in an accident
and that was what got him interested in helping blind people. He's quite good at it and has helped many
people, usually young children who are born blind since they are easier to deal with. He only takes on one
person at a time. He is one of the best at what he does.

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He married one of his patients when he was 20, a young woman named Adie who supposedly became blind
from looking into the sun to long. Adie born him a daughter. Adie named the girl Kerrie, but died moments
afterward. That was only a month ago. Dyanisa is his first patient since then.

Kerrie Hymnov: infant daughter of Dryan. Appearance Kerrie is malformed. Her left arm only goes to her
elbow. Her right arm only has three fingers and it doesn't unbend correctly. Her right leg is whole, but her left
is twisted and clubbed. She has her father's blue eyes, will have dark brown ringlets, and has a dusky

Other Kerrie is also mentally retarded, she will never beable to care for herself. She is also highly
tempermental and is very sensitive to touch, sound and light. She'll cry at anything that suprises her, which is
almost anything, and anything that abuses her senses.

------------- The Ruling Class of the Province of Triylar & Ranscor.------------

Lord Renynar Gossimor: Ruler of Gossimor, brother of Rennie Gossimor of Ranscor. (Uncle of Alex &

Brikeeta: Wife of Lord Gossimor of Triylar

Matory: 29, first born son and heir of Lord Gossimor

Brokoy: 26, Second son of Lord Gossimor

Reakeeta: 17, daughter of Lord Gossimor

Alex's Family:

Father-Rennie Gossimor Age: 41 cousin to the Lord of Triylar. Rennie is lord over the small township of
Ranscor in southern Triylar.

Mother-Dianne Gossimor Age: 39

Sister-Sarah Himmell Age: 17-(newly married to Richard Himmell the Ranscor's sheriff)

Brother-Gunthre Gossimor Age: 22-currently serving in the Triylarian army.

Brother-Ivan Gossimor Age: 13-apprentice to Richard Himmell and still living at home

Richard Himmell: Sheriff of Ranscor ( new mate of Sarah

-------------------Ruling Class of the Province of Killhree ---------------------

Lord Kellimor: He became the lord of Killjaree after the death of his wife's father, the old Lord. He's always
thought that his coal mines supplied to much to the Warren and ate into his profets at the same time. So to
re-coop some of his losses he's been suppling the Warren with infierer coal that was part of the blame for so
many of the injuries and deaths during the last wraith attack when the Gamma Wingleader Gerald and his
Dragon, Random were killed as a result. (coal supplier to the Warren)

Lady Noriesa (who's father was the last Lord of Killjaree) Has always stayed out of the day to day running of
the coal miners, leaving her husband to run the mines her father had built up, little knowing that the man was

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cheating the Warren out of it's just and proper tithes. She's very upset when she learns about her husbands
dealings and set out to make things right by the Warren. Even knowing that it's to late in coming to help those
who were killed.

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