Jasra Warren & Domain

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Jasra Warren file:///C:/Users/Laura Henson/Documents/My Actual Documents/Books...

Jasra Warren
Dragon Lands
In The Universe of World Weavers

Jasra Warren is one of the Lost Warrens of Dragonlands and is quite unique. Located west and south of the
other warrens, it is the only known warren bordered by a sea. Granite mountains surround the remaining three
sides. A temperate climate allows the warrenfolk to enjoy the benefits of the sea during most of the year.

A small warren, it came close to being permanently closed when its WarrenLady and her Queen died three
weeks prior to this writing. Evelle, former WarrenLady of Keldarra, visited Jasra with her dragon, Alicynth,
and fell in love with its beauty. Saddened at the thought of Jasra being closed, Evelle returned to her home at
Keldarra to tell her mate, Wynn, of her offer to move to Jasra and become its WarrenLady if he would agree to
go with her.

Torn between his feelings of duty to Keldarra and the lure of a fresh start with Evelle, Wynn soon decided the
move would be right for them. Once the decision had been made, without much difficulty they persuaded
Evelles brother Sbrogh, her courier, Dglis, and Wynns instructor in swordsmanship, Master Kershod to
accompany them. Lisell, a dragonrider mesmerized by Wynn also requested to come. Wynn and Evelle hope
to bring Wynns landborne father to Jasra.

Upon their arrival, DragonLady Vignette will name Evelle WarrenLady. She will name Wynn as WingLeader
and he will select his WingSecond.

Jasra welcomes its players and hopes they will populate the warren with their characters and NPCs, making a
rich and open creative environment.

Character name Dragon Position

Evelle Alicynth (Copper) Warrenlady
Wynn Malekith (black) Alpha Wingleader

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Jasra Warren file:///C:/Users/Laura Henson/Documents/My Actual Documents/Books...

Wade Jismin (speckled blue)

Piper Bishvelia (red/gold) Alpha Rider
Zcharai Eolanth (purple) Alpha Rider
Lucky R'len (white)
Peren Veda Sheava (black)
Sitra Nudina (sea green)

For Information about Jasra Warren, write to: Judi Marko lexia@crl.com

Webmistress for Jasra Warren is Louise #8->sanya42@mwci.net

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