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How to complain about your landline

Cause for concern: Automated systems make it difficult to get

queries answered
They send us the wrong bills, ignore complaints, fail to return calls
and leave us on hold for hours.
The idea of going head to head with your phone provider can be
daunting - so we can often put off sorting out billing problems or
service complaints.
Add to that the difficulty in actually getting your complaint heard,
with ludicrously complex electronic switchboards, countless hours stuck on hold,
phone calls not being returned and call centre staff who cannot even speak our
language - and it becomes a task we would rather ignore.
But, This is Money has found out the best, most effective way to complain about your
phone provider to help put the power back in your hands.
How to make your complaint heard
Your first step should be to contact your providers customer services department and
explain your problem.
According to Ofcom if this doesnt resolve the issue, your next step should be to make
a formal complaint to the company. You should be able to find details of how to do
this on the back of your bill, on their website or you can ask their customer services.
If your provider is still unable to resolve your complaint you will need to ask for a
deadlock letter saying that it is not willing to resolve the issue in they way you would
Telecoms companies are under no obligation to tell you about the Ombudsman until
they feel they have resolved the complaint, which can take months.
This enables you to take your complaint to an independent middleman called an
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme.
All phone providers have to belong to one of the two ADR schemes - Ombudsman
Services: Communications, (0330 440 1614) and the Communications and Internet
Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) (020 7520 3827).
You will need to find out which ombudsman service your provider is a member of - You
can do this on the Ofcom website.
If eight weeks have passed since you first formally complained you can contact the
ADR directly.
Once the ombudsman has looked at both sides of the argument, it will contact you
with a decision.

Complaints procedures
Codes of practice
Independent companies which solve this sort of inconveniences, to fix
Costume services
You have reached a Deadlock
Services provider are Breaking consumer protection rules
Investigate further
I can`t stand automated systems

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