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Xylian Warren

Founded 6/97
Xylian Warren History & Domain

Location: Lost DL. High plateau, protecting the human settlements there. The plateau is basically
surrounded by high peaks (rather like some of the areas you see in pictures of Nepal or Tibet). Xylian
itself is carved into the base of a mountain on the northern side of the plateau. The northern shore of
Ahrial Lake, which takes up much of the center of the plateau, is about 500 yards from the entrance to
the caverns of the Warren. Around the lake and river, it's very green with trees and such.

Everything on the plateau is under the protection of the Warren. There are two passes onto the plateau,
one of which is next to Dawn Falls, where the Aurora River exits the plateau. The lake itself is fed by

As locations of things go -- the Warren is almost due north on the plateau, and the Aurora river runs to
the southeast (so named because the sun dawns over it.) The other pass is on the west side of the

Lost DL suffers from shifting magics and the weird things bred from it. The border of the shifting
magics falls at the base of the mountains. A protective force, comprised of volunteers from every
settlement on the plateau, guards these passes. Like the Warren, the PF is politically neutral in the
affairs of the LandBound, for most of the same reasons. There are close ties between the Warren and
protective forces, which causes concern in some quarters. The Protective Force is currently commanded
by Knight-Captain Ethear Mahen.

Xylian is a ways away from Vignette and the central power, however, it is close to a small pocket of DL
magic which is close to Vignette's warren. The pocket, usually referred to as "Haven," is generally used
as a halfway point between the two.Haven is not inhabited by humans, though there are many
creatures that do.

Xylian is a fairly large Warren that feilds two fighting wings, Alpha and Beta.

Xylian Domain
Landress: The Landress fields, village, and manor lie fallow and deserted, ever since Wraiths
attacked, killing and scattering those living there. Technically, Rhiannon, WarrenLady of of Xylian, is
the heir to the Landress fortunes and lands. She has invested what actual monies were rescued in
various buisness ventures, using the profits to care for those displaced by the attack. This fund buys
apprenticeships and provides dowries, as well as being a source of capital for those wanting to start
buisnesses or buy land to farm. It is generally assumed that the money and lands will go to issue of
Rhia's, though there is a movement among the nobility of the plateau to force Rhia to give up her claim
to the money and land.

Lotherra: Basically a mining village, though along with the useful ores they also found the hills around
Lotherra to be full of precious gems and gold, thereby making Lotherra a very rich village. The caste

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system is very pronounced in Lotherra between the haves and the have-nots. And slavery is not
unknown, though it is usually masked under the name of an indentured contract. There are many who
have lost their freedom to debt. Lotherra has been held by the same family for many generations.
Loyalty to the family is very strong. The Lothar's claim the closest relationship bond to the now dead
Duke Yleric Allari, whether it is true or not is under dispute.

Lord Regil Lothar (Lord of Lotherra)

Age: 62 Hair: Light brown and receding Eyes: Black Height: 5'10" Weight: 220
Physical Description: A fairly handsome man despite a quickly balding head and slightly paunching
History: Born and raised to be the Lord of Lotherra, he is the oldest son of the previous Lord of
Lotherra. He has two younger brothers who are constantly watching for him to fail. Though he runs
Lotherra with an iron fist and his guards are very loyal to him. He and his wife have a very cold
relationship. It is his second marriage and it was arranged between himself and her father. He has no
children and no heirs.
Personality: A man driven by power

Lady Coneta (Lothar's wife)

Age: 40 Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Brown Height: 5'8" Weight: 130
Physical Description: Sophisticated beauty. She pampers herself with facials, mudbaths and body spas.
History: She is the third daughter of a distant cousin of Lothar's, married to him in an arranged
marriage. They pretty much despise one another and keep separate quarters on opposite sides of the
castle. Still she maintains the front of the marriage as it does keep her living quite well. She does have a
good heart, and is the brains behind saving Nunlot from her husband. She now watches over his mother
and sister. She has taken Lecia under her wing and treats her more like a daughter then anything else.
Personality: She is vain. But she is also kind-hearted.

Celia (Ce'lot's mother)

Age: 45 Hair: Wispy light ash blonde Eyes: Pale blue Height: 5'5" Weight: 105
Physical Description: Small thin woman, her hair is cut short to keep it out of her way. She tends to
always look a bit tired and overworked.
History: Resides in the village of Lotherra, under the protection of Lady Coneta. Her husband, a miner,
was killed in a botched rescue attempt to rescue their son Nunlot, who was also supposed dead. Nunlot
was a favored indentured servant of the Lady Coneta and after his 'death' she cared for his mother and
younger sister. Celia and her daughter, Lecia have lived in the castle, serving Coneta since that time.
She knows that Nunlot is alive and living at Xylian Warren as Ce'lot, however due to the fact that Lord
Lothar wants him dead, she has not seen him since the night of his 'death'.
Personality: Celia is a quiet woman. She respects the Lady Coneta for taking them in and for saving her
son. She feels she owes her a debt for it and works very hard for her. She is a cleaning fanatic just as
her son is. She also babies her daughter and indulges her whims.

Lecia (Ce'lot's sister)

Age: 16 Hair: Long golden blonde Eyes: Blue-Grey Height: 5'6" Weight: 120
Physical Description: Pretty, young girl. She is just beginning to fill out as she grows into womanhood.
History: She lives with her mother under the care of Lady Coneta. Coneta has taken a personal interest
in the pretty girl. As Lecia gets older, she has begun to attract the attention of men, in particular the
Lord of the manor. This has created a tense situation for Coneta and she is becoming concerned about
the girls safety. Lecia is not aware of the fact that Nunlot is alive.
Personality: Lecia is bright and cheery. She also tends to be a chatterbox. Having spent most of her life

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in the luxury of Lady Coneta's care, she has become a bit vain and spoiled.

Eos: Eos is the capitol city of the Plateau, and is the hereditary seat of the Allari family. The current
head of the family is Duchess Glynweith Allari, widow of Duke Yleric Allari. Glynweith Allari is
holding to power with her teeth and toenails, trying to hold off a faction led by her brother, Haedin
Meradh. Meradh, and his followers, believe that as a woman, Glynweith is not suited or qualified to
rule. All noble power on the plateau derives from the Allari family, and technically, Glynweith is the
leige lord in the feudal hierarchy. Glynweith is not without support, and so far has managed to rule
both wisely and well. Despite her gender, Glynweith is quite popular among the common people.

Eos is an ancient city that shows what can be done with planning, time, and money. It is a jewel of the
stonemason's, engineer's, and architect's trade, with broad avenues, delicate spires, and fabulous
fountains, parks, and houses. It lies beside the Rainbow Falls of the Aurora river, which refracts the
brilliant light of dawn into rainbows that can be seen all over the city.

Eos is the headquarters of nearly every major craft guild on the plateau. The Allari family has
traditionally supported all aspects of the arts, and has generally encouraged the development of
sciences and technologies.

The major headquarters of the Protectionary Force is also in Eos, though Knight-Captain Ethear
Mahen is rarely found there. He's usually out with his forces, patrolling the passes and problem spots
around the platau.

Glynweith Allari, Duchess of Eos

Age: 25 Hair: Mink Brown Eyes: pale green Height: 4'11.5"
Personality: Glynweith Allari is the widow of Yleric Allari, Duke of Eos. Due to his lack of issue, and no
blood relatives of any degree -- not to mention Glynweith's intelligence, determination, and insight --
Yleric named her the heir to his lands, money, and power. Haedin Meradh, Glynwieth's brother,
expected to be named Yleric's heir, and has opposed his sister's position since she took hold of the
duchy. Glynweith is smart, politically acute, charismatic and generous. She is also desperately lonely
and isolated by the fact that should she marry, her husband would likely demand control of the duchy,
and Glynweith is not convinced that there is anyone who can run it as well as she can. She is a
supporter of the arts, funding the art schools and artisan craftsmen. When she was younger, Glynweith
had wanted to study art, but could not because her father effectively sold her to Yleric.

Knight-Captain Ethear Mahen

Age: 26 Hair: White-Blond Eyes: Grey-Black Height: 6'3"
Personality: Ethear Mahen is the Knight-Captain of the plateau's protective forces. He is strong,
arrogant, and kind. On the plateau, the forces that protect the passes and the Warren have a unique
symbiosis. Normally the Warren stays out of LandBound politics, but the Warren and the PF are both
sworn to the same goal of protecting the populace from danger. When it comes to this duty, the Knight-
Captain can (and does) call on the Warren for aid, and, everyone knows, should the Warren be placed
in a position that they need the aid of ground forces, the PF would be more than willing to lend a hand.
It has never come to this, but there are always rustlings of discontent about the Warren's ascendency...

Daorith: The other major city of the plateau, Daorith has been destroyed a number of times by large
groups of *things* coming through the passes. It has the largest garrison of the protectionary force, and
is held by Haedin Meradh. Meradh and the local garrison commander have an uneasy truce. The
commander, Bered Noval, is sworn to stay out of politics, but he is uneasy about Meradh's buildup of

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Haedin Meradh, Lord of Daorith Pass

Age: 35 Hair: Mink Brown Eyes: pale green Height: 6'9"
Personality: Haedin Meradh is a cruel, angry despot. He is a vicious fighter who enjoys killing -- slowly.
He is known for taking peasants, male and female off of the land, promising jobs, money and freedom.
Most are killed in various arenas of blood sport. The comliest, however, are generally turned to other
purposes. Some find their way into the arenas, but most are never heard from again. Glynweith has
tried, repeatedly, to stop the atrocities, but has been unable to exert her authority in her brother's
lands. It is rumored that Haedin is building an army of mercenaries, and that many of the lords -- and
ladies -- of similar mind support him in his various activities.

Bered Noval
Age: 38 Hair: Russet/Brown Eyes: Brown Height: 5'10"
Personality: Bered Noval is a peasant who worked his way up through the ranks of the Protectionary
Force, and is currently the garrison commander at Daorith. He has slowly become aware of the abuses
of the peasants in the region, and it is only the oath that holds him neutral that keeps him from using
his forces against Meradh. He is in the process of discussing whether or not they have the authority to
intercede with Ethear Mahen.

Nambril Village: Located in a valley near Xylian Warren, Nambril Village is at both the same time
welcoming, and somewhat forboding. It's buildings are set in a horseshoe-shaped pattern, with the
Lord's residence situated in the middle of the open area at the end. Most of the houses are small, one
story dwellings, though most of the shops are two-story, with the business downstairs, and living
quarters upstairs.

There is a smithy, a mercantile, and a weaponry well as smaller shops for baked goods and
other saleable items. These are located at either end of the horseshoe.

The remainder of the shape is filled with the living quarters of the villiagers themselves. Some of these
places have small gardens in back, for vegetables and the like.

The villagers are some of their profits, as well as their goods are given to the Lord of the village
in return for whatever help or assistence he wishes to give in return. Most have lived here for
generations, and do not wish to leave it, no matter the hardships involved, while others seek a way out
to a better place. Those who wish to leave are the minority however, as the older families seek to try and
change the villiage back to the welcoming and more prosperous place it was in Aelxirn's father's time.
Newcomers aren't as welcome as they once were, and the reputation of the Lord has spread, making
Nambril Villiage a somewhat lonely place to live.

Lord Aelxirn
Position: Lord of Nambril Villiage
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty blonde
Desc: Lord Aelxirn is the personification of a pompous ass. He stands at 6'2" tall, and is muscular, but
fat. And this is fat in every sense of the word. He usually is dressed in very loose comfortable robelike
affairs, or very loosely hanging pants and over-tunics. All of his clothes are richly embroidered, and can
almost be called flashy. He tends toward the brightest colors he can find, and is totally convinced that
he is the fashion plate of the villiage. Most are too timid or nervous of him to tell him otherwise. His

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hair hangs in a tail, tied back with a beaded ribbon. And he wears rings on most every finger.
Background: Taking over the running of the villiage from his deceased father when still young enough
to do pretty much as he wished, Aelxrin immediately noticed one thing he simply could not abide. The
villiage's tolerence, and even acceptance of, the riders and people from Xylian Warren. His father had
fostered respect, and somewhat friendly relations with the Warren, and in fact, a few of the villiagers
had even offered gifts and other things to the riders when they would visit for whatever reason.
That led to his *other* main, but to him perfectly valid gripe. He wanted *his* villiage to be his own. No
outside interference in any way, shape or form was accepted. Most of the villiagers accepted the Warren
people there, and to outright ban them from coming to the villiage would be a strategic mistake, and he
knew this. So he did the next best thing. He simply told all in his household not to contact, accept gifts
from, or associate with, the Warren people. He felt that the gifts and things should rightly come to him,
not go to some crazed people with dragons as friends.

Lady Kedrina
Position: Lady of Nambril Village
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Sun blonde
Desc: Lady Kedrina is a lady, in every since of the word. She stands proud, but not at all haughty at
5'4" tall, and *most* of the time, has a smile for everyone. Her long hair is worn in a braid that she
wears around her head like a halo, and accented with just a simple turquoise comb. She likes long
dresses, usually earth tones, or for special occasions, brighter hues of blue, or green. Her only jewelry is
a thin golden necklace given to her by a secret love that her Lord has no knowledge of, and a plain ring
given to her by Aelxirn when they were wed.
Background: The marriage was an arranged one between Kedrina and Aelxirn, and though she isn't
happy about it, she does her duty, and tries her best to smooth over, in secret the messes that her
husband makes. Born of a rider and his lover, she was fostered by her relatives in the villiage after her
parents were killed in an accident. She knows who her parents were, but her husband does not. Neither
does her daughter Sarilyn.
After being woo'd, and finally accepting the proposal of Aelxirn, and becoming his Lady, she regretfully
came to see his true nature, and pitied the villiagers he ruled with such an iron fist. Often, she would
send things in secret to Warren people, if they were in need, and sometimes use her limited healing
abilities for any wounded riders she happened to see in her few visits to the villiage...if any were there.
Kedrina is very sympathetic to the Warren, and will secretly do all that she can for it.

DragonLands Roster: Xylian Warren

Dragonlands Administrator: Susan Rati Warren Administrator: Jill Flansburg

Players and Characters

Rhiannon the Warrenlady: dragon- Queri, Queen (mercury); Player, Jill Flansberg Ilara: Dragon - Erkvinen
(Metallic Red); Player, Sam M. Edwards Ce'lot: dragon-Britche (ivory/off-white); Player, Kristen Gant Iralyn:
dragon - Coriandreth (Dappled sea green); Player, Lisa Klein Carlynee: searchling; Player, Cheryl Marinoske
Sarilyn: Dragon - Lunith (Blue w/silver splash); Player, Jeanette Upchurch Kaleb: dragon- ?; Player, Leslie A.
Brown Billy: Dragon - Chai'lynn (Ice Blue); Player, James Carden Bella: dragon-Menia (candy-apple red);
Player, Tracee Taylor-Schneider Chelea: Dragon - Nibavri (Black Nebula); Player, Bridget Olson

Complete Character List

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* WarrenLady: Rhiannon, Dragon- Queri (mercury) * Junior Queenrider: Ilara, Dragon - Erkvinen (Metallic

* Combat Wing

+ Alpha Wingleader: Ce'lot, Dragon- Britche (ivory/off-white) + Beta Wingleader: Chalia, Dragon- Sianna
(Green/gold) + Kaleb, Dragon - ? + Bella, Dragon - Menia (Candy-apple red)

* Hatchlings

+ Iralyn, Dragon - Coriandreth (Dappled sea green) + Sarilyn, Dragon - Lunith (Blue w/silver splash) + Billy,
Dragon - Chai'lynn (Ice Blue) + Chelea, Dragon - Nibavri (Black Nebula) +Riven, Dragon - Icetec (Frosted
blues,white, pinks and silvers)

* Searchlings

+ Halyn: searchling (twin of Iralyn) + Carlynee: searchling

* Non-Combat Dragonriders

+ S'dan, Dragon - Yllath (Grey/red flecks -bloodstone) courier/searcher + H'lie, Dragon - Rendel (Rust
Brown) Hatchling trainer

* Unjoined Warrenfolk

+ Z'ril (lost his dragon): Head Cook + Nineve: Head Healer

* Children

+ Thomi (foster son of Z'ril)

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