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Tarika Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:55 am Post subject: DragonLands Dangers and Quote
WarrenLady/Site Admin Enemies...Please Read Before Posting
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*Note:The following has been copied/pasted from the DragonLands main site, to
learn more, please click on the following link: DragonLands Dangers and Enemies


Due to the danger of life in the DragonLands, the dragonriders are called upon a
great deal to aid the Landbound. This is something of a love-hate relationship: the
Landbound hate to have to ask for help and tithe the Warrens in exchange; the
dragonriders hate the fact that they are not self-sufficient (in the rocky lands
suitable for Warrens, it's impossible to raise or grow enough food to support the
population). Both need each other, and both tend to think that the other is getting
more than they are giving.

The major dangers of the DragonLands are:


Formless, airborne grey/black shrouds that periodically attack parts of the

DragonLands, feeding off of anything organic they find. They are capable of
devouring a Human, laying waste to farmland, and generally destroying anything
they come across. They can be destroyed by extreme elements (burning and
freezing), and they can't pass through (or damage) stone: thus, all buildings in the
Joined: 24 Dec 2006
Posts: 246 DragonLands are built out of stone. Wraiths cannot survive immersion in water,
Karma: 2 but a large quantity of water would be required for the job, such as a lake or river;
applaud / smite smaller quantities, e.g. rain, does not seem to have any particular effect on them.
1316.70 DL Currency/Points
10097.00 Dragon Points Wraiths are the largest, most consistent threat in the DragonLands. They can
attack at any time, so travel on foot in the open can be very dangerous.
Dragonriders have a patrol system set out to identify wraith attacks as soon as
possible and head them off. The telepathic communications between dragons aids
in rallying forces.

Wraiths are not found anywhere else in New Brittany. They are a phenomenon of
the DragonLands, and are barely understood at all. Dragonriders are always trying
to learn more about this nemesis. Wraiths are now known to have some kind of
hive structure with a "queen" at its head, but the level of free will/intelligence of
individual wraiths is unknown. When a wraith "queen" is killed, another rises to
replace it after a month or two, though how this is done is unknown. The
devouring of organic material is done through a corrosive substance excreted by
the wraiths that behaves like an acid, but fails acid tests.

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The wraiths seem to have achieved this hive structure intelligence after their
return in Winter of 2997 after a 20-year absence (last sighting was in 2977). What
caused this change is unknown.

Another new element in the wraith menace is the appearance of a wraith-variant

that does apparently posses its own intelligence, and which is capable of
inhabiting and possessing the body of a human host. When this happens, the
original personality of the possessed human (referred to as a "Hellspawn") is
suppressed by the wraith and will be entirely destroyed within a relatively short
time unless through some means the wraith is driven out of its host. A person
possessed by one of these wraiths exhibits a marked change in behavior
(characterized by extreme hostility to humans and dragons) that can make it
possible for other people to identify the Hellspawn as such..

Very recently, during a mass wraith-attack against Geode Warren in the Lost
DragonLands, two new subtypes of the "Hellspawn-type" wraith were identified,
one which could access and utilize the knowledge and memories of its human
host (which the previously-encountered sort could not do). These Hellspawn are
much harder to identify than the earlier type. Another Hellspawn-variant first
encountered at Geode could possess Dragons, previously thought to have been
immune from possession.

There are a few amulets in existence which allow humans to communicate

mentally with wraiths, but these are extremely dangerous; often, the human who
uses such an amulet becomes an agent of the wraiths, or even a Hellspawn.

It is not currently known if there are still other types of wraiths which have not
yet been encountered.

Wastes Creatures

Due to the crossover of DL magic and magic from the outside, the Wastes
contain the strangest wildlife known in the land. They are fraught with carnivorous
and intensely poisonous plants as well as misshapen monsters. These creatures
occasionally venture out of the Wastes for unknown reasons, and attack towns
and Warrens. The Wyrms, which are found only in the areas of the Wastes adjacent
to Jasra Warren, are among the most deadly; however, the possible variety of
Wastes Creatures which may be encountered are virtually limitless.


A Recently "discovered" monster in Telnor region, these creatures become

riders and dragons by feeding off the minds of rider and dragon pairs. They are
creations of the wastes, and are attracted by the magic in the link. The creatures
can sense the magic of an active link, and will be drawn to it, like the smell of
baking cookies. mmmm

A creation of a new wasteling is completed when a fully adult wasteling breathes

out a mist. This mist contains the DNA of the creature. If this mist comes into
contact with a human or dragon wound, deep enough to get the mist venom into
the blood stream, then the infection starts. The human or dragon would only be
infected if the mist DNA reaches the rest of the body. Here are the indications of

# The first day, there is almost no way to find any indication of the infection.
# The second and third days, the body of the host may indicate different
symptoms. (These are the result of the body trying to fight off the foreign body.)
Symptoms may be fever, sniffles, headache, or possibly none at all.
# The fourth and fifth days after infection is when the first signs can be seen.
An infected person would get better from the symptoms that gave the impression
of the body being ill. During this time, the human consciousness would begin to
forget things: Names, places, things he/she may have known in their lives.
# At about the sixth day the new wasteling consciousness begins to take

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control. The new wasteling is an amalgam of wasteling DNA and the host's DNA.
With the wasteling's being dominant. This is a sort of sexual reproduction,
assuring that the wastelings aren't all just clones of each other. After the sixth day,
the host will begin to feel a distortion like dizziness, and will find themselves doing
things they normally wouldn't do. Here is also where the link starts to work on any
that are unprocessed. If a rider is infected and the dragon not, then on the sixth
day, the mind of the dragon will start to show lethargy and missing of memories,
as the wasteling's instinct to keep itself hidden until that time when it can infect
the other mind.
# On the seventh day, the point of no return approaches for the host. At about
this time, the wasteling will take full control, awakening into its own
consciousness, and begin to attack the other mind in its chosen body. This battle
is the only time that the consciousnesses can either win out and become
dominant, or lose and be absorbed to become memory. After this time, there is no
way to remove the wasteling. Trying to do so, would be like trying to remove the
brain out of a human. At this point the wasteling DNA is completely integrated in
the host's cells.
# On about the tenth day after the infection, if the wasteling is in control then
the host's body will begin to create the mist DNA in pouches on the underside of
the tongue. These pouches are an excellent way to identify a wasteling possessed
human or dragon. On this day, if the possessed host's joined partner is not also a
wasteling, then they wound, and purposefully infect them. This usually causes the
second one of the two in the link to become subservient to the one who created it.

A wasteling has no definite lifespan, while they and their captured bodies can be
killed just like a non infected host, they will not die of old age. The magic that
infects and controls the host regenerates, and removes the effects of age. The
wasteling tends to get a stretched and ageless look. Most end up being killed by
other wastelings, or normal humans long before this sets in.

The wastelings have the ability to bend the waves of telepathy and make another
being think they see, smell, or even taste and feel something that is not there. This
is an advanced form of mental illusion.

After the infection has progressed and the host mind is overtaken by the
wasteling, all memories and skills are retained, only the sentience is lost.

With the addition of memories and skills, all phobias, fears, and mental problems
from a host transfer over to the wasteling. These are not as strong, and can be
resisted, but they never leave, and are almost always an annoyance to the adult

The wasteling almost always has a connection to the one who created it, they
can sense, their parent once then get about fifty miles from the offspring. The
offspring is almost always subservient to the parent, instinctively. This changes
from time to time, and wastelings have been known to kill their parents so as to be
able to do what they wish. But it is not common.

A wasteling has an abnormal infatuation with blood, This usually causes the
creature to be blood thirsty and evil. This is usually thought as shock when a
wasteling stops and stares at blood.

Wild Dragons

When food gets scarce, the wild unjoined dragons from the wastes attack nearby
communities. This is a truly disastrous time for the DragonLands because it calls
for the joined dragons to fight the unjoined. It only happens once every few years,
but it is usually much more dangerous than wraith-fighting. Wild dragons have a
great hatred for humans, who have (from their point of view) enslaved their
cousins, the joined Dragons of the warrens. They also tend to "look down" on
joined Dragons, whom they consider to have "sold out" to a lifeform far lower on
the food-chain than themselves.

Although they can be wild and ferocious, wild dragons have the same basic

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distaste for fighting their own kind as do joined dragons; this is because, like
joined dragons, they are automatically in low-level telepathic contact with any
other dragons around them. Thus, fighting other dragons tends to be painful for
them; still, they are more combative than joined dragons and may initiate attacks
on other dragons if they feel they have sufficient cause, regardless of the

Wild dragons, because they have no magical human-dragon bond to worry

about, can often escape pursuit by joined dragons by simply retreating farther into
the wastes than joined dragons can go without endangering their bond with their

Rogue Dragonriders

On EXTREMELY rare occasions, those few dragonriders who have rejected

Warren life or been banished become a threat. If a rogue dragonrider becomes a
threat, violence is usually avoided passionately on both sides. Joined dragons
have a great deal of trouble fighting other joined dragons. If forced, they become
very traumatized and sometimes don't recover.

Rogue dragonriders are the greatest fear of Warren society (and some pretty
dastardly villains). Some of the more notable rogues are listed below:

# Rixx Highsun, Dragon- Jade (green): Deceased. A one-time combat legend of

Norwall Warren. When wraith attacks ceased 20 years ago, he fell into drunken
decline and eventually became clinically paranoid. Seven years ago, he kidnaped
his 11-year-old son Shard and disappeared into the wilderness, poisoning many of
the Norwall Dragons to avoid pursuit. Norwall has never completely recovered
from this loss. Rixx died in the wilderness, but his betrayal is still felt strongly at
# Malk Bromitz (M'cos) - Dragon Yenal (black): Formerly of Telnor Warren, M'cos
was presumed dead when his partner and her dragon were found wraith-eaten
after failing to return from a patrol; actually, their deaths were caused by M'cos,
who had gotten hold of a wraith- amulet. In the ensuing degradation caused by his
contact with wraiths, he killed his partner and, as Malk Bromitz, led a wraith-horde
against Marrid which resulted in the death of a large percentage of the warren's
dragons and riders. Bromitz was later defeated and his amulet taken away from
him; abandoned by his wraith allies, he disappeared into the Wastes and thus
broke his bond with Yenal. Yenal retained his sanity, and is now informally paired
(though not joined with) another resident of Marrid Warren. Bromitz, though
generally believed to be dead, actually still lives and is currently at another warren.
# Roland - Dragon Talthalar (maroon): Deceased. Formerly the male-power
obsessed mate of Rhina, Warrenlady of Falagand. He was banished from Warren
society by Dragonlady Christalla at the Council of Warrens as punishment for his
abuse of Rhina and Falagand. Subsequently, many of his followers (some of whom
were innocent of any wrongdoing) were banished by Rhina's successor, B'nair.
Swearing revenge on Keldarra (and specifically Christalla and Evelle, blaming
them for his fate and for Rhina's death), Roland led his followers in support of
Feldrik the Conqueror, culminating in their joint attack on Ralengarde. Much of the
city was burned in the process, but the attackers were finally driven off by the
forces of King Jaldor, supported by dragons and riders of Keldarra Warren.
Following his defeat at Ralengarde, Roland retreated to Shakar, the warren he had
founded in the newly-opened Nomadlands. Shakar survived and even grew by
stealing wilder eggs (and, where possible, eggs from warrens) and forcibly
searching Nomads as new riders, while forcing Nomad tribes to pay tithes in
return for Shakar's protection from the wraiths and wild dragons that now
inhabited the Nomadlands. Roland was later murdered there by a Nomad woman
whom he'd taken as his slave and bedmate.
# D'gerrit - Dragon Orobos (brick red): Former Wingleader for Norwall Warren,
D'gerrit's ambition was to be Warrenlord of Norwall. When Naomi assumed her
position as Warrenlady, he felt she had usurped his rightful place and swore to
stop at nothing to make her job impossible in hopes that the older riders would
support him in any power struggle. After an accident while fighting wraiths, he
lapsed into a coma and his chance to consolidate his position was lost forever.

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When he finally regained consciousness and realized that he no longer had any
influence at Norwall, he fled the warren vowing vengeance against Naomi and her
sister Lacey, the junior queenrider of Garnet. He kidnaped his nephew, hard, from
Marrid's med center and vanished into the wastes. Since then, he has harassed
Norwall at every opportunity; he and his followers were responsible for the recent
destruction of the village of Fairlight, near Norwall, and their last attack on the
warren resulted in the deaths of Lacey and Garnet and the destruction of all but
one egg of Queen Amethyst's clutch. While both D'gerrit and Orobos were badly
injured in the attack, both managed to escape and are presumably still alive.
# Da'ntray - Dragon Keppo (green): Deceased. A longtime rider of Daere Warren,
and the father of the Warrenlady's son there, Da'ntray was secretly kidnaping both
warren and landbound girls and forcing them into prostitution. When his activities
were discovered, he was brought to bay by the riders of Daere and was thought to
have been killed; however, he and Keppo escaped and later formed an alliance
with the rogue Khazeen in the Nomadlands, thereafter calling himself Vascone. He
then led a raid on the hatching cavern at Daere, in which the junior queen
Kalindeth and her rider were both killed; however, he was finally killed beyond
doubt by a Cleft Warren rider in the final battle against Khazeen at Jhezrael in the
# Khazeen (M'del) - Dragon Rashevon (black). Originally an inhabitant of
Keldarra Warren, M'del faked his own death in a "teleportation accident" to prevent
his banishment for a crime he committed shortly after joining. However, he
resurfaced years later as Khazeen, the self-styled Lord of the Nomadlands, and led
a relentless war against Cleft Warren. By portraying himself as a Nomad deity, he
had succeeded in founding the nucleus of a Nomad army at his fortress of
Jhezrael, and even aspired to overthrow the Dragonlady herself once Cleft was
conquered. However, he was brought under attack before his plans could come to
fruition, and was presumed dead in the destruction of Jhezrael (though this has
not been confirmed). This pair was unusual in that the dragon is thought by many
to have been the true villain; insane since birth, Rashevon was a violent creature
whose radical mood swings may have caused his rider's own eventual insanity.
Vicious and brutal, he was in all ways the antithesis of a normal joined dragon, a
situation caused by both his dysfunctional telepathy, which had cut him off from
birth from any real contact with his own kind, and a hormonal imbalance which
gave him twisted sexual desires totally unlike any other dragon, wild or joined. All
in all, it was fortunate that he was one of a kind.

Shadow Wyverns

Long ago the dragons forced the wyverns to flee, taking up home in the wastes.
Though the two races were related the wyverns cared only for their own dark
purposes. Most dragons have forgotten about them though they learned of them in
the passing of memories, it had been centuries since any wyvern has been seen --
until they recently returned to Daere Domain.

Appearance: Smaller then dragons their bodies ranging in length of 20 to 40 feet

with long thin tails that bushel into spikes at the tip. Their scales are normally a
mix of dark greens, yellows, red and black. Their eyes are always red, while there
head is shaped almost cobra like with a wide bream.

Shadow Abilities: All wyverns have the abilities to cloak themselves in a shroud
of darkness, which allows them to be hidden from others. This ability has a limit in
that it will only work in places that are dark or when the sun is no longer in the sky.
None breathe fire but a few rare ones breathe a poisons gas. Their bites are
venomous, though they can control the release of venom from merely paralyzing
to killing. The sweat of a wyvern is toxic to plants often killing any vegetation
where they might stand or lay down. They are telepathic and humans who have
telepathy can be subjected to control. If the human telepath is bond with a dragon
he can break the control of the wyvern causing the wyvern a massive headache.

Society: Wyverns live by a code of survival and leadership by the strongest. Any
thing perceived as a weakness is often an invitation to be killed. They take great
pride in how well they can bring a victim to fear before they actually kill. Among
there own kind they ruled with fear and intimidation. Recently the new leader has

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managed to stop the inner fighting, and get them to turn that energy upon the
humans and dragons. During the day the wyverns live below the earth surviving in
caves grouped in packs of 3 or 4 wyverns. If one becomes pregnant they move to
the clutch which is a society of tens and twenties made up of the ruling clans to
over look the hatchings. When the new born hatch, they will fight until the ruling
clan feels all the weak ones have died.

Recently it has been noted that Wyverns, can spit acid that can burn through
almost anything; though on flesh it seems to stop at the muscle. (NOTE: This
section provided by Ed Murray of Daere Warren)

*Further Note: Some creatures/dangers/enemies are not listed here, due to them being just something a
writer has come up with for the purpose of his or her own storyling/plot, although we do understand that
many of you have very creative imaginations, if any new creature/enemy is created and you plan to use
this new threat more than occassionally, then please discuss it with an Admin...Flerrion for instance
would be the best one to discuss this with...if he feels it is a good idea...then he will gladly add the new
creation to the list.

WarrenLady Tarika


<--T'ka's Hatching Festival Dress


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Avatar found at: Blue Corn Comics

(Not exactly sure who did the pic, if anyone recognizes it, and can prove to me they know who the proper
credit should go to...please pm me)
Dragon pic found at: Ancient Dragon Gallery 2 (artist unknown)
Name siggies made by me at: Glitter Text Graphics

l BIO l

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