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1. What is the Asassins Guild? <or, why is that shadow pointing

an arrow
at my head?>
1.1 Relation with other Guilds
1.2 Location of Guild Chapters <excuse me, where can I find an

2. Guild Rules

2.1 Ethics
2.2 Honor Amoung Thieves?
2.3 Contracts

3. Levels of Rank

3.1 Initiate
3.2 Novice
3.3 Squire
3.4 Master
3.5 Shad'hedar <full asassin>

4. Most Common Items Used

4.1 Weapons
4.2 Clothes
4.3 Poison
4.4 Other


1. What is the Asassins Guild?

<or, Why is that Shadow Pointing an Arrow at My Head?>

Despite popular belief, The Asassins Guild <TAG... *veg*>

is not
just used to hire out people who kill for pay. It is used for a
of things, ranging from BodyGuards and Spys, to the famous
routine. They are very good in what they do, training their
members in
the latest weapons and fighting maneuvers that would deliver
death in as
few strokes as possible.
In RP'ing, a TAG character is usually an NPC, as it would
be very
difficult to play an asassin character in the DL settings. But,
if you
still want a living machine of death for a PC, well, this should
get ya

1.1 Relations with Other Guilds

The Asassins Guild is not the kind of association you can

find on
the street corner, as most of the members have Wanted: Dead or
(preferably dead) posters out for them. However, they can be
through many of the other Guilds or certain Inn Keepers around
country side. Their Relations to other Guilds are as follows...

I. Guild of Harpers: No relations, as TAG is very good at

it's secrets secret...
II. Guild of Swords: Tolerable at best, the GOS puts up
them, as long as they don't screw
with their
members. (which goes both ways)
III. Guild of Healers: Will go out of their way to either
aviod TAG
or report them, as they have no repect for
people who kill for money.

As other Guilds come around, I'll add their responces


1.2 Location of Chapter Houses

There are, in many places in DL, Chapter Houses for TAG.

No one
knows exactly where they are, and if they do, they never tell.
It is
rumored that there is a chapter in ever major city in the DL
and a few in the smaller ones as well. Their members keep it
very hush
hush when asked about where they meet.

2. Guild Rules

Well, to achieve some sort of order, TAG has made rules

for its
populace, although there are not many. Most go over how a
contract is
dealt with, etc.

2.1 Ethics

Yes, the Guild has a code of ethics and behaviors, though

line of work doesn't seem to call on them.
The summary of these few rules:
I: Torture is for those who fear, and as killers, we
fear nothing.
II: We are profesionals, and take pride in our
work. We
can not tolerate sloppiness and laziness,
for it
leads to death.
III: To lie and steal is for the thief, and
We do not dishonor our family.
IV: To know death is to respect life, and do not
kill for
pleasure. It is a waste.
V: Once comitted, we stay comitted. To give up
is to
show weakness and fear, and we are not

2.2 Honor Amoung Thieves?

Honor for the guild is to keep strictly to the rules the

sets. A breach in these rules means a breach in a persons
honor, and
death is the result for the guilty. This way, there are no
slips of the
tongue, or any other possibly hazerdous information leaking out
could threaten the guild.

2.3 Contracts

Contracts are formed to insure a binding device between

guild and
employer. That way the lines of the agreement are understood
acceptable, and the asassin knows what his/her job is. The
payment is
almost always in a monetary unit, except in various occasions,
another payment was given. The pay is usually very high, and
nobility and other guilds hire out the services, as a common man
not have the wealth to pay.
A breach in the contract by the employer means death for
person, and their property seized.
Some of the more common contracts are:
Personal Guard
The members are very flexable and other jobs can range

2.4 Payment and Dues

As stated before, payment is very high for services

rendered, and
mostly the rich are the ones to afford to hire out TAG. Upon
of the contract, the Member will collect the fee from the
employer, and
return to the guild, where 30% of the payment goes towards the
guild, and
the Member keeps 70% of it. This gives the Guild a profitable
yet allows the Member to live in a comfortable lifestyle.

3. Levels of Rank

The Asassins Guild trains their members in the arts of

and such, and so have different levels of rank. Many who go
through the
training usually die, and the few who do survive are the
smartest, and most cunning of the group, thus insuring the very
best for
the Guilds clients.

3.1 Initiate

The initiate is the very beginning step, which has an

right of passage which consists of a human Gauntlet where a line
Shad'hedar beat the initiate to a pulp while he/she walks
towards the end
of the line. If anybody survives it, they are healed in put
vigarous training.

3.2 Novice

Those who complete the first level of training are moved

into the
Novice catagory. They further their education, and begin
anatomy and physiology. Training with weapons starts, and so
knowledge of poisons.

3.3 Squire

A squire is put under the charge of a master, learning

either a Master or a Shad'hedar, more personal skills that may
come in
handy. It is much a mentor/student relationship, where the
trainee gains
the experience and knowledge from his instructor.

3.4 Master

The Master level is reached after a Novice beats his

Charge in
combat. This challenge can only be offered once, and if the
loses, he/she is killed. All the Squire must do is make his
master give
up or knock him out, whichever comes first. This is yet another
Rite of
Passage which insures only the best enter the higher ranks. The
can now enter into contracts and such, gaining actual field
experience in
his art.

3.5 Shad'hedar <full asassin>

The Shad'hedar level is reached when a Member has

completed over
25 contract sucessfully and without error. There are few who
reached this far, and they are very wise and powerful

4. Most Common Items Used

An asassin normally uses a wide variety of weapons and

tool to
complete their tasks. The Asassins Guild has lists of commonly
items that they make avaible to their members. No person need
apply to
these lists, as many of the older asassins have devised weapons
of their
own make and model.

4.1 Weapons

An asassin is usually equiped with small, easily caried

This makes hiding and sneaking about easier and leaves less of a

Throwing Knives
Short Knives (between 3 and 6 inch blades)
Long Knives (between 7 and 12 inch blades)
Short Sword
Short Crossbow
Short Bow
Darts with BlowTube
Verisho (another Martial Art based on death strikes)

4.2 Clothes

Black or Terrain colored leather, loose and strong to

flexability. Same colored cloth mask or hood to hide face.
Soft leather
boots to hide audible noises.

4.3 Poison

Many types of poisons are known by the Guild, even more so

those known to healers. They are also adept at making their own
from common elements and plantlife. An asassin usually carries
at least
8 different vials of poisons, each deriving a different effect
and type
of death. Some even carry biological poisons such as viral
diseases kept
in a liquid state, but this practise is looked disfavorably on
by the
guild because it has uncontrolable contamination.

4.4 Other

There are other supplies that are used, including the


Surivival gear
Rope and grapling hooks
Flint and steel
Climbing Claws (metal, spiked contraptions worn
on hands and feet that
can be used
both in fighting and
climbing walls
and other surfaces.

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