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Lesson Plan Template /Teimplad don Phlean Ceachta

Maynooth University, Froebel Dept / Roinn Froebel don Bhun agus Luath-Oideachas
Ollscoil Mh Nuad

Subject(s): SPHE/ English Title of Lesson: Healthy Eating

Date: na Class: 5th/6th
Duration: 30 mins
Strand(s): Myself Strand unit(s): Taking care of my body

Learning Objective(s):
The child will be enabled to:
Identify the features of a good advertisement through the use of a mindmap and talk
and discussion.
Make their product appear attractive and appealing to the consumer by demonstrating
the use of persuasive language.
Engage in various roles within their groups e.g. the actor/director in order to construct
video footage for an advertisement.
Work collaboratively in order to combine the video footage and create an
advertisement using the IMovie app.

Template worksheets, paper, writing materials, various props, IPads, sample
advertisements, WILF display chart, Food Dudes resources.

The children will be shown examples of various food advertisements. These will vary
between healthy food and good food- what looks more appealing?
We will have a talk and discussion as a class group based on the different
components of adverts for food and the strategies used to make the product appear
appealing to the consumer.
The children will then be asked to identify the success criteria: What makes a good
advert? How can we make healthy food look as appealing as food that is bad for us
e.g. McDonalds.
Childrens suggestions will be recorded in the form of a mindmap.

The teacher will outline the guidelines for the task: The children will create an advert to
promote healthy eating to younger class groups in the school (Junior/Senior Infants)
Children will be divided into groups of 4/5 according to mixed ability.
Each group will be given a character from the Food Dudes Programme which will feature
in their advert.
Groups will be asked to promote a healthy food product which they must sell to younger
classes in the school. Their adverts must be appealing and convincing.
We will co-construct success criteria for the advertisement as a class e.g. use of
persuasive language. These will be displayed on the WILF chart.
Lesson Plan Template /Teimplad don Phlean Ceachta

Maynooth University, Froebel Dept / Roinn Froebel don Bhun agus Luath-Oideachas
Ollscoil Mh Nuad

Children will be given responsibility to assign roles within their groups e.g. director, actor
In their groups, the children will brainstorm vocabulary which will be used in order to
create a script.
Worksheets will be distributed to the groups on which the children must outline a clear
beginning, middle and end.
Groups will be given time to rehearse their drama piece.

Children will be given time to freeplay with the app, IMovie. I will monitor these groups
and provide scaffolding where necessary.
Children will record their advertisements using the iMovie App and various props.

Extension Activities:
Children will edit their advert including different graphics and sounds.
Children will show their adverts to the rest of the class. Other children will be free to
engage in peer assessment two stars and a wish.
Presentations: Advertisements will be displayed to younger class groups.

Reflection on Teaching & Learning:

Lesson Plan Template /Teimplad don Phlean Ceachta

Maynooth University, Froebel Dept / Roinn Froebel don Bhun agus Luath-Oideachas
Ollscoil Mh Nuad

bha(i)r: Gaeilge Teideal an Cheachta:

Dta: 15/1/16 Rang:
Fad an cheachta:
Sn(i)th(e): Snthaona(i)d:

Bain sid as na ceannteidil thos agus dan an spsil a mhad mar is g

Cuspir() Foghlama





Machnamh ar Theagasc agus ar Fhoghlaim:

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