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Simulated Demo for Traits and Strategies of Salesmanship

(Detailed Lesson Plan-Secondary Level)

Prepared by: Prof. J. Manglib


At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

a. participate in the class discussion actively

b. explain the meaning of salesmanship
c. identify themselves with the bad and good traits of salesmanship;
d. apply the principle of selling and marketing in their real life
e. share personal experiences in buying and selling


Topic: Traits and Effective Strategies of Salesmanship

a. Definition of Salesmanship
b. Types of salesperson
c. Essentials of effective selling
d. Example of good and bad descriptions of salespeople
e. Selling and Marketing
f. The new view of marketing
g. Attitudes and skills needs in salesmanship
h. Domain knowledge as salesperson


2. Putthiwanit, C.; Ho, S.-H. (2011). "Buyer Success and Failure in Bargaining and
Its Consequences". Australian Journal of Business and Management
Research. 1 (5): 8392.
3. Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, Prentice -Hall, 1980
4. Greening, Jack (1993). Selling Without Confrontation. The Haworth Press, Inc.
p. 23. ISBN 1-56024-326-0. Page image [1]
5. "American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)". Sales Competency
Project. Retrieved April 2008. Check date values in: |access-date= (help)
6. Paul H. Selden (December 1998). "Sales Process Engineering: An Emerging
Quality Application". Quality Progress: 5963.
7. "How To Organize Your Marketing Department In The Digital
Age". Retrieved 2016-01-27.
8. "Ending The War Between Sales And Marketing". Harvard Business
Review. Retrieved 16 August 2014.
9. Petersen, Glen S. (2008). The Profit Maximization Paradox: Cracking the
Marketing/Sales Alignment Code. Booksurge in 1221. p. 176. ISBN 978-1-4196-
Materials Needed:

Chalk /white board,

book, pictures and papers
visual aids (PowerPoint Presentation- Slideshow)


A. Motivation:

Teachers activity Students activity

ng prayer
ng Prayer The students stand up for a prayer
Class may we all stand for a short prayer?
Anyone can lead us a short prayer?
(The teacher call a student to give a short
prayer. Then after the short prayer, the
teacher greet the students)

Greetings We are fine

What a wonderful day class? We are excited maam
Hows your day?
Good morning maam?
Good morning Class?

Checking of Attendance (The class secretary check the

May I ask the class secretary to check the attendance)
attendance for today? ii. Greetings

Before we start our discussion, everybody Yes Maam!

sit down and minimize unnecessary noise so
that we can have a better interaction, ok?


Class, have you ever heard the word Yeas maam?


What is Salesman? Anyone can tell us the Salesman is the one who sells
class the job of a salesman? product or goods in a given territory,
in a store, or by telephone
Please raise your hands?
(The teacher call a student to recite)
Very nice answer, youre right

Class I have prepared a video clips for you

to watch and identify the bad and good
strategies of a salesman

Class, Did you enjoy watching the video Yes maam


Anyone can identify the good and bad


Is it the video clip number 1 or video clip The student listen

number 2

Ok, video clip number 1 is considered bad

strategy of a salesman because the
salesman trying to sell the necklace even
without asking the customer what she want
and video clip number 2 is considered good
strategy of a salesman because he apply the
demonstration technique. He actually does a
DEMO on how to use the peeler so that the
customer knows how to use the peeler. And
this would convince the customer to buy the

Class did you understand what I mean? Yes maam

Today , we will be discussing about the traits
and effective strategies of a salespeople or
Salesmanship as a whole

Are you ready Class? Yes, we are ready maam?

Alright! Lets begin..


We will define first some basic terms (The students listen )

Salesmanship is an art that is related with

sales. Personal Selling and Salesmanship
are often used interchangeably but there is
an important difference. When we say
personal selling it is the broader concept
while Salesmanship is one of the skills used
in personal selling , meaning to say, it is
direct or face to face , seller to buyer
influence which can communicate the facts
necessary for marketing a buying decision or
utilizing psychology of persuasion to
encourage the formation of buying decision.
Yes maam!
Do you understand class?

Now, always remember that, the most

important task of a Salesperson is to Thank you for reminding us maam!
motivate or persuade buyers in purchasing
the product.

Anyone of you here knows the types of Students react


Nobody knows?
Ok, no problem! Yes maam
I will discuss thoroughly
Please listen carefully

The types of salesperson includes the :

1. Manufacturers Salesman- He is
employed to sell goods directly to the
consumers, wholesalers or retailers.
2. Wholesalers Salesman- He is
appointed by the wholesaler and deals The students Listen carefully
with the retailers
3. Retailers Salesman- He is appointed
by the retailer and deals directly with
the consumers.
4. Traveling Salesman- He is a traveling
representative of a business
concern who solicits orders usually
in an assigned territory
5. Specialty Salesman- He sells the One of the students ask a question:
manufacturers products directly to the
consumers. He usually undertakes Maam, I have a question Please?
costly items like washing machines, What about Pioneer Salesman?
televisions and calculators etc. He tells
the consumers about the use of the
product by giving practical

Thank you for that inputs to our discussion

Well, Pioneer Salesman is primarily

concerned with the sale of the new product.
He is very competent and creative in his job
because he has a lot of experiences in his

Class who among you here, his father is a



Ok, You should know the essentials of

effective selling

This might help you in the near future as you

become salespeople

Are you interested class? Yes maam?

ok, listen

Always remember this!

You should possess the qualities of a good
Salesman, the knowledge of customers, the
buying motive, knowledge of the product,
business and the organization.

Class, a good salesperson should possess

(1) EMPATHY- the ability to sense what the
customer is feeling (2) DRIVE-proper ego
that is enhance by success while somewhat
weakened yet motivated and not shattered
by failure.

So this time class, Define Selling in one

Anyone can define it?

Dont worry, just listen to my explanation? Yes maam?
When we say Selling, we are helping
people. Therefore, SELLING is HELPING
people. Take note of that?

Do you agree class? Yes maam?

Why selling is helping people? Why, Maam?

Because, we sell product or services to
solve the problems of the customers, buy
their needs and off course to meet their goals
as well.

just like for example , Why the MERCURY

DRUGS sell medicines to people, because
MERCURY DRUGS wants to cure the illness Yes maam, we understand now!
of the customer so that the problems of the
customer will be solved. And that is the
essence of selling. Not only we are after the
money rather to help other people to solve
their problems

In addition to that; Salesmanship involves

application of energy, motivation,
persistence, knowledge, communication,
problem solving and positive attitudes.

May I ask you one thing class?

How many of you are planning a career in (Some students raise their hands)
sales when you graduate, raise your hands

Now, why did I ask you that question? Why maam?

We usually think of selling products, services

or both but what about SELLING yourself? I
am talking about the PERSONA as human
being and we called it PERSONAL
SALESMANSHIP which involves face-to-
face communication between the seller and
the potential buyer.
In selling situations, we always do DIRECT
or personal selling and INDIRECT or what
we call wholesale

Therefore, relationship selling involves

service, trust and opportunity

Did you understand class? Yes maam!

Yes maam!
these two terms differs in meaning?



In general we use marketing and selling

as synonyms but there is a substantial
difference between both the concepts. It is
necessary to understand the differences
between Marketing vs. Selling for a
successful marketing manager. Selling has a
product focus and mostly producer driven. It
is the action part of marketing only and has
short term goal of achieving market share.

Marketing as a concept and approach is

much wider than selling and is also dynamic
as the focus is on the customer rather than
the product. While selling revolves around
the needs and interest of the manufacturer or
marketer, marketing revolves around that of
consumer. It is the whole process of meeting
and satisfying the needs of the consumer.
Class what is marketing in your own Students raise their hands
understanding aside from that I have
explained a while ago.

(The teacher call the student raising his


Yes______? Marketing is a research knowing

everything about your customers

yes , you are right?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts

Now what are the four principles guide of


(Explanation of the teacher)

The four principles guide of marketing are:

RETENTION-Keeping them coming back

REFERRALS- Encourage them to
recommend us
RELATIONSHIPS- Build an emotional
RECOVERY- Solve problems as they arise

Class, a good salespeople should

possessed attitudes or traits and skills such
1. interact convincingly and effortlessly
with prospect clients
2. domain knowledge
3. proficiency in skills
4. right attitudes
5. listening skills
6. questioning skills
7. negotiating and closing skills
8. identifying buying signals
9. confident enough to deal with clients
10. determined and sales oriented
Did you understand, Class? Yes maam

Any questions or clarifications regarding our

topic for today? None maam?

No student asking questions seems they

understand the topic

class, be ready for a short quiz about our Yes Maam!

topic today

bring out your black or blue pen and Yes Maam!

answer the questions correctly

(The teacher give the questionnaires to the


Yes maam
Class, get one and pass it on

You are only given 3-5 minutes to answer Yes maam

the 10 items correctly

(After 5 minutes, the students already done)

Ok class; please pass your paper without Yes maam

making noise?

Ill give it back to you your paper next Yes maam

meeting so you will know your scores Thank you maam?

Class for your Assignment ; Yes maam

Study our next lesson about Professional VS. Thank you maam?
Novice Salesperson on pp.123.

Thats all for today and see you again next

meeting. Good bye class? Good bye maam?
IV. EVALUATION: Short follow up quiz

Read carefully the question in each item then write the letter of your answer.

Study our next lesson about Professional VS. Novice Salesperson on pp.123.

Comments and Evaluation:


Prepared by:

Prof. J. Manglib

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