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Self-Regulation: The marshmallow experiment is based on how children think about rewards
and how beneficial is for them to know how to self-regulate.
FloodSanDiego. (2010, April 29). The Marshmallow Experiment - Instant Gratification [Video file].
Retrieved from

Parenting Styles: Fathers can also take roles of becoming single parents, learn more about how
fathers are now raising children. Does gender roles distinguish from parenting styles? Read more
based on the article below.
Pew Research Center. (2013, July 2). The rise of single fathers: A ninefold increase since the 1960s.
Retrieved from

Child Development Theories: Many great theorists help us understand how children learn
through their first years of life. Read more about it on the link below.
Onchwari, G., Onchwari, J., & Keengwe, J. (2008). Teaching the Immigrant Child: Application of Child
Development Theories. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(3), 267-273. doi:10.1007/s10643-008-

Working with children with disabilities: As a teacher, the parent is important to know what
type of disabilities children are diagnosed with and where to obtain more help. Please visit the
link below to get more information on children with disabilities.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (2011, January). Speech and language
impairments. Retrieved from

Social Development: Learn how children express their emotions based on their stages and ages
of development.

McClellan, D., & Katz, L. (n.d.). The social attributes checklist. Retrieved from

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