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What condition was the drug Viagra originally developed to treat?

A. Anxiety
B. Constipation
C. High blood pressure and angina
D. Migraines

What is the recommended maximum daily level of salt intake in grams?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 11

Why does the room start to spin when youve had to much to drink?
A. The alcohol affects the density of the fluid in the inner ear
B. The alcohol causes your brain to swell
C. The alcohol forces part of your brain to short circuit
D. The alcohol restricts the blood flow to the years

How long does an average, healthy, red blood cell live for?
A. 12 days
B. 24 days
C. 120 days
D. 240 days

Which of the following anxiety disorders is a fear of failure?

A. Acrophobia (fear of heights)
B. Kakorrhaphiphobia
C. Nosemaphobia (fear of sickness or disease)
D. Pyrophobia (fear of fire)

Which of the following discoveries happened most recently?

A. First type of contact lens (1887)
B. First open heart surgery (1893)
C. Laser eye surgery (1989)
D. Measles vaccine (1960)

What is referred to in the term good cholesterol?

A. Cholesterol stored in cell walls
B. Cholesterol used in the formation of steroids
C. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
D. High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)

What part of the body does an otolaryngologist specialise in?

A. Ear, nose and throat
B. Eyes
C. Jaw and mouth
D. Kidney
What will make you sober up the fastest?
A. Coffee (it counteracts with the sedative of alcohol and makes you feel more
energized and alert)
B. Water
C. Cold shower
D. Time

What the two true colors of human eye are?

A. Green and brown
B. Blue and brown
C. Hazel and blue
D. Blue and green

Which food, if eaten in large quantities, provied lots of potassium?

A. Eggplant
B. Black licorice
C. Bananas
D. Red meat

What is the largest organ of the human body?

A. The liver
B. The lungs
C. The skin
D. The brain

A sneeze occurs at:

A. 50 miles an hour
B. 75 miles an hour
C. 100 miles an hour
D. 125 miles an hour

A humans thumb is as long as:

A. Ones tongue
B. Ones nose
C. Ones ear
D. Ones eye

What percentage of human body is water?

A. 50%
B. 66%
C. 75%
D. 80%

We humans get an entirely new skeleton every:

A. 12 years
B. 14 years
C. 16 years
D. 20 years

In a single day, one of your feet can sweat the equivalent of:
A. 1/4 a glass of water
B. 1/3 a glass of water
C. a glass of water
D. 1 glass of water

What does the H in ADHD stand for?

A. Hypersensitivity
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hypertension
D. Hyperactivity

What facial features remain the same size from birth to adulthood?
A. Eyes
B. Face
C. Nose
D. Teeth

How many miles of nerves are there in the human body?

A. 15 miles
B. 30 miles
C. 45 miles
D. 60 miles

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