2017 Professional Growth Plan

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TPGP Proposal January 2017

2017 Professional Growth Plan

Name: Lara Buchmann-Duck Grade: Kindergarten Teaching Term: January April 2017

TPGP Proposal January 2017

Professional To improve my overall classroom management and leadership skills.

Goal KSA #s: 1, 7, & 8
Rationale It is important to make sure I have a productive and respectful classroom environment where all students
(Within the can be successful learners.
context of a It is important to make sure that I am respected as a teacher by my students.
school and This has not been a large area of concern for me in the past, but I know it is something I can improve on. I
intern know I can particularly be more assertive and firm with my expectations and decisions with the students. I
environment) also think that classroom management is a little different in a Kindergarten class, so this is something I can
work on.
My teacher mentor has many great routines and expectations already set in place. I think that at the
Kindergarten level it is important that these routines are continued by me for the success of the students and
to establish my role as a teacher. I will learn from my teacher mentors classroom management plan and
skills and see how this will fit into my own teaching philosophy.
Strategies From the beginning of the internship I will make sure my students know that my expectations for behaviour
are the same as those of my teacher mentor.
I will learn the routines and expectations already in the classroom and communicate with my students about
these. I will make sure also that these are continued with me.
I will work towards forming a relationship with each and everyone one of my students so that they can trust
and respect me. I will find out what works best for each of my students.
I will give reasonable consequences and disciplines for behaviours or actions immediately.
I will be more assertive and consistent in my decisions regarding expectations and consequences.
I will develop a classroom management plan, largely reflecting the management plan my teacher mentor has
in place, but also reflecting my own teaching philosophy.
I will become very familiar with the school handbook and the Kindergarten handbook so that I know the
school procedures and expectations already set in place.
I will visit other classrooms in the school to observe other teachers techniques and routines for classroom
Resources My teacher mentors classroom management plan and expectations.
Other teachers classroom management plans.

TPGP Proposal January 2017

Classroom management Tech Tools shared with me by my faculty adviser.

Other resources online and elsewhere that I can find.
Indicators of Students follow my instructions and respect me as their leader and teacher. Students know what the
Progress expectations are for behaviour in the classroom and understand the consequences for poor behaviour
I feel like I know each of my students not only as a student but also as a child.
I am on my way to being completely confident with the established routines and expectations and feel like I
can implement them.
I feel I am being more assertive and confident with my classroom management skills and am more
comfortable with discipline procedures.
Other ongoing reflections and observations of my own.
Feedback from my teacher mentor and school administrator.
The classroom is a productive and effective place for all students to learn (for a Kindergarten classroom).
Timeline Learning the already established rules, routines, and expectations Early January to ongoing
Fully understanding and confidently implementing the established routines and expectations Late January
to ongoing
Formal classroom management plan End of January/Early February
Consulting with my teacher mentor about classroom management ongoing throughout term
Observations and reflections of my classroom management ongoing throughout term
Getting to know each and every one of my Kindergarten students ongoing throughout term
Visiting and observing the classroom management techniques and routines of other teachers and other grade
levels from K-3 Mid-January to ongoing throughout term

TPGP Proposal January 2017

Professional Modulating voice both for stories and when speaking with class, and using Kindergarten-friendly language.
Goal KSA #s: 1 & 9
Rationale It is important that I speak to my students using language and words that is at a Kindergarten appropriate
(Within the level. I think to an extent coming from my most recent practicum in a Grade 5/6 class, I sometimes use
context of a language that is not most appropriate and easily understood by a 5 or 6 year-old. I need to work on this
school and particularly when giving verbal instructions for an activity.
intern I also think it is important that I use an interesting and enthusiastic voice when speaking with my students.
environment) This of course would vary depending on the type of conversation.
When reading stories I need to work on using a voice that is engaging and entertaining. This involves
modulating my voice and using interesting character voices. I need to practice this and become more
comfortable with this.
Using a Kindergarten-appropriate voice and language should make my lessons and read-alouds more
entertaining. If done correctly it should also help with them viewing me as their teacher.
Strategies Observe and listen to my teacher mentor when she speaks with the students and gives instructions for
Observe and listen to other teachers in the school.
Observe and listen to my teacher mentor and other Kindergarten teachers when they read stories to their
Practice being conscious of the language and words I use with my students, and reflect on the effectiveness
of my instructions constantly. Try to reflect on my verbal instructions to the students and ask myself if I
have used words they may not understand, and consider what language might have worked better.
Practice my read-aloud voice when reading stories.
Resources My teacher mentor and other teachers in the school.
Any online resources I can find on using age-appropriate language and modulating your voice.
Indicators of I begin to be more confident that I am using the right language and word choices with my students. I know
Progress this because my instructions are well understood by students.

TPGP Proposal January 2017

I begin to feel like I am using a more interesting and engaging voice when reading stories and the students
reactions suggest this.
Feedback from my teacher mentor and school administrator.
Timeline Observe and listen to my teacher mentor and other teachers in how they give instructions to their students
ongoing throughout term
Observe and listen to my teacher mentor and other teachers when they do read-alouds with their class
ongoing throughout term
I feel I am using a more entertaining voice when reading and student reactions suggest this Early
February to ongoing
I feel my instructions are clear and I am using appropriate language and word choices with my class end
of January to ongoing

Professional To improve my transition time between lessons and activities in the classroom to ensure that my time is used
Goal efficiently.
KSA #s: 1 & 7
Rationale It is important that the time in the school day is used efficiently so that the days can be as productive as
(Within the possible. There is a lot to cover in the Kindergarten day and every activity is important for student learning
context of a and development. It is important that time is not wasted during transitions so that nothing gets left behind.
school and I am finding that in Kindergarten transitions are taking me longer than they have in other grades. Part of this
intern is just the age of the students. I am finding it hard to find the right amount of time to spend on transitions. I
environment) am finding this particularly with the transition to home time, especially in winter when there is so much

TPGP Proposal January 2017

outdoor clothing for the students. Some students are very quick at getting reading at the end of the day,
while some need a lot of time. I would like to find a way to carry out this transition in a reasonable amount
of time by adhering to routines and class expectations.
Strategies Adhere to the routines and expectations set in place in the classroom by my teacher mentor and myself.
Make sure the students are well aware with these expectations.
Have consequences for students who are off-task or who are unable to follow my instructions after I give a
countdown. These students will have to have a time out at the next centers. Make sure students know this
and follow through with this consequence immediately when students dont follow directions.
Always be aware of the time and know where we should be at each time of the day. Give the class a
reasonable amount of time at the end of the day to have their snack, get dressed for the outdoors, and have a
bit of time to play outside before the buses arrive.
Observe my teacher mentor and other teachers in how they carry out the home-time transition and other
daily transitions. Look for the motivational strategies they use on students and the consequences for students
who are off-task.
Include transitions in my lesson plan and lay out what I will do and say for the transition and what students
are expected to do. This should help mentally prepare me for the routines involved in transition and
eventually this will be a well established part of my lessons.
Resources My teacher mentors transition routines and strategies.
Ideas about transition time from other teachers, online resources, and my fellow teacher interns.
Indicators of Transition time between lessons and at the end of the day takes less time.
Progress At the end of the day students are quicker at getting dressed and the faster students are not waiting for their
peers for as long. The students also get outside to play for a reasonable amount of time before the buses
I dont find myself having to give timeouts for students being off-task during transition time as frequently.
Students react by getting ready quickly when I give them a motivation or begin a countdown.
Feedback from my teacher mentor.
I feel I am comfortable and confident with the routines involved in transitions, and I have this laid out in my
lesson plans in advance.
Timeline Know the routines and expectations set in place in the classroom by my teacher mentor and make sure

TPGP Proposal January 2017

students know you have the same expectations mid-January to ongoing

Be sure to follow through on consequences immediately when students dont respond to a countdown or
follow directions during transition time mid-January to ongoing
Know the timing for the end of the day and know exactly when students should be having snack, getting
ready for home time, and are outside to play before the buses arrive End of January to ongoing
Minimize the amount of time the faster students are waiting fully dressed for the outdoors for the slower
students End of January to ongoing
Lay out the steps of transitions in my lesson plans Mid-January to ongoing

Professional To begin to develop the professional skills involved in literacy Response to Intervention (RTI).
Goal KSA #s: 5, 9, 11, 14, & 15
Rationale Response to Intervention or RTI in literacy involves assessing students to find out the level they are at with
(Within the their literacy skills. Students are then usually put into small groups of students at the same level of
context of a understanding and a teacher works with them at their level to improve their skills. It is useful as it can set all
school and students up for success by ensuring that they all learn the early literacy skills they need for later grades and
intern in life.
environment) Literacy RTI is something that is done at my school in Kindergarten by my teacher mentor, a literacy
specialist, and other teachers. They have indicated that if I am properly trained to carry out the assessment
and teaching skills involved in RTI groups I could help with this process and more students could be worked
I have lead RTI reading groups at another school but have not had formal training in the assessment process
involved or in the specific literacy games used to work with Kindergarten students. I think that if I were to

TPGP Proposal January 2017

get this formal training it would be helpful to the school I am at. It would also be useful in my career as it
would be something that would be a useful skill to have on my portfolio and would contribute to my
professional development.
Strategies Look for online resources on literacy RTI and do some reading to deepen my understanding.
Review the outlined activities the school uses for RTI groups with students and watch videos of the
instructions being explained.
Observe RTI games and activities being carried out with students.
Work with my teacher mentor and her colleagues to gain the RTI teaching and assessment skills.
Spend some time working with and learning from the school literacy specialist.
Practice the RTI games and activities with students in my own class as well as those from other classes in
the RTI groups.
Resources My teacher mentor and her colleagues who carry out RTI in Kindergarten.
The school literacy specialist.
Online resources that I can find on RTI such as http://www.readingrockets.org/article/rti-and-reading-
Indicators of I feel like I am confident with carrying out the RTI assessment and activities on my own.
Progress Students respond well to my RTI assessment and activity sessions.
Feedback from my teacher mentor and her colleagues.
Timeline Begin looking at some background information on literacy RTI and ideas for activities from resources
online End of January to ongoing
Look over resources that my teacher mentor and her colleagues can share with me for RTI End of January
to ongoing
Meet with the school literacy specialist to go over RTI assessment skills and activities and perhaps observe
her carrying out the RTI process Beginning of February
Begin carrying out my own RTI assessment and activities with students mid to end of February or
whenever deemed appropriate by my teacher mentor and her colleagues

TPGP Proposal January 2017

*The full Teaching Quality Standard and Interim KSAs can be found at:
https://education.alberta.ca/media /1626523/english-tqs-card-2013_3.pdf.


The above goals are the four main areas which I would like to focus on improving on in my Professional Semester III internship.

After the first couple of weeks at my practicum school and in my Kindergarten classroom, these are the areas which have stood out to

TPGP Proposal January 2017

me the most as areas to improve on. Some of these goals have arisen from conversation and feedback from my teacher mentor. Others

are simply a result of my own reflections after my first couple of weeks of lessons, as well as from thinking back on my last two

practica. I know that teaching involves lifelong learning and reflecting on ways that one can improve their practice, and I am sure

there are other goals which could be relevant to me now as well. However, I have chosen these above goals because they are the ones I

consider the most important for my teaching right now and are most relevant to my classroom context.

Classroom management and leadership is something that I have been working on since my first practicum. It is not necessarily

something I have struggled with very much, largely because I have had my practica in three classrooms where routines and

expectations for the students are already very well established by the teacher. For my own teaching though, I know that I need to

improve on being more assertive and confident with my classroom leadership. This involves sticking to the routines and expectations

set in place, and seeing how these fit into my own teaching philosophy. When it comes to discipline for poor behaviour choices, I need

to work on being firm and consistent with my students. In Kindergarten, classroom leadership is a bit different than the other grades

Ive experienced because students are still learning the social and behaviour skills which are appropriate for school. To help them with

this, and improve my own leadership skills, I will work towards being more confident and consistent with my routines and

expectations for the classroom.

The goal of modulating my voice when doing read-alouds for my students and making sure I am using Kindergarten-friendly

words is one which is particularly relevant to this practicum. After conversation with my teacher mentor and reflection I have realized

TPGP Proposal January 2017

that I could use a more engaging and interesting voice when reading stories to my students. I have also caught myself when giving

verbal instructions to my students using words or language which 5 and 6 year-olds may not understand. To improve these things I

will observe and listen to my teacher mentor as well as other teachers when they read to their students or give instructions, and

practice in my own lessons. With time and experience, I hope to become more comfortable with the voice and language I use with my


My third goal for this practicum is that of improving my transition time between lessons and activities with my Kindergarten class.

This goal has come up for me particularly in this practicum as I have noticed it is taking a bit more time for me to get my students to a

new activity, and particularly to get them all ready to go home at the end of the day. I would like to work on this because I know that

time is very important in the school day so that we can be as productive as possible. Transitions might take a bit longer with younger

students but I know that I can be more efficient. To improve my transition time I will have to work on being more confident with

routines and expectations, and be consistent with consequences for students who do not follow my directions.

My final goal for this practicum has again come up from conversation with my teacher mentor. This goal is one of professional

growth and development, and is to begin to become familiar with the assessment and activities involved with literacy Response to

Intervention (RTI). In a previous practicum, I lead a Grade 3 reading RTI group, but I was not given any formal training or instruction.

It has been suggested to me that it would be useful to my school as well as to my own teaching career if I were to learn how to carry

out RTI assessment and activities. To do this I will learn from my teacher mentor and her colleagues, including the school literacy

TPGP Proposal January 2017

specialist, as well as carry out my own reading and research. I am looking forward to learning about RTI and the activities involved,

and to be able to add this to my portfolio as an area of professional growth.


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