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Climate Change Toolkit

07 Designing
for Flood Risk
About this Document
This is the seventh of eight components of Climate Change
Tools, a package of guidance developed by the RIBA to
encourage architects to engage with the issue of climate
change, and to help them both mitigate and adapt to the
challenges of global warming.
Designing for Flood Risk gives users a general understanding
of the main issues that flood risk gives rise to, provides an
overview of current policy and legislation, and outlines potential
design responses.
The complete toolkit consists of:
01 Climate Change Briefing
02 Carbon Literacy Briefing
03 Principles of Low Carbon Design and Refurbishment
04 Low Carbon Standards and Assessment Methods
05 Low Carbon Design Tools
06 Skills for Low Carbon Buildings
07 Designing for Flood Risk
08 Whole Life Assessment for Low Carbon Design
Each guide summarises its subject and provides links to other
sources of more detailed information.
You can explore all of the RIBA Climate Change Tools at
Introduction 3

Part A: Flood Risk in Context

The Sources of Flooding 4

The Effects of Flooding 5

Risk, Vulnerability and Consequence 6

Policy Context and Responsibility 7

Integrating Place-making with Sustainable Design 9

and Flood Risk Mitigation

Part B: The Design Response

An Integrated Approach 10

Introduction to the Design Sequence 10

1.0 Flood Risk Assessment 12

2.0 Land Use Planning 17

3.0 Control: Reducing the Risk 20

4.0 Mitigation: Minimising the Consequences 23

5.0 Re-assessment of Impact 28

Further Reading 29

Glossary of Terms 30
The Increased Risk of Flooding
Flood risk is a design challenge that is becoming increasingly relevant for
a number of reasons.
Climate change is predicted to cause sea levels to rise and more extreme
weather patterns, which in turn will cause greater risk of tidal flooding, inland
flooding from rivers and surface water run-off.
The pressure for new housing and current policies that prioritise the
regeneration of brownfield land, much of which is already at risk of flooding,
may well mean more new development within the floodplain.
Increasing urbanisation and higher densities of development have reduced
the amount of natural soak-away available and strained existing drainage
infrastructure. People and properties that are not within currently recognised
and defined floodplains are increasingly at risk of flooding, usually from
surface water.
The Threat to Place-making and Good Design
Standard responses to the risk of flooding include flood defences, barriers to
flood pathways and raising accommodation above the potential water level
onto columns or stilts. These measures are often not well integrated with the
overall architecture and landscape design, resulting in poor quality and badly
functioning neighbourhoods and streetscapes.
Flood barriers limit opportunities for linkage as they are often both physically
and visually isolating which can result in poor quality public and private spaces.
Also, developments characterised by empty undercrofts or dominated by car
parking at ground level tend to lack identity and a sense of neighbourhood.
Who is the Guide Aimed at?
This guide takes a design-led approach and is aimed at practicing and student
architects, urban designers and landscape architects, but will also have
relevance for clients, planners and other urban professions. It is intended to
compliment other useful guidance including PPS25, Development and Flood
Risk, its practice companion guide, Development and Flood Risk Guidance for
the Construction Industry by CIRIA and the Environment Agencys Building a
Better Environment A Guide for Developers.
River Yare Seven Mile
Reach to Breydon Water
Realignment and strengthening
What the Guide Covers
of the flood bank has been
carried out under a This guide gives users a general understanding of the main issues that flood
partnership arrangement risk gives rise to, followed by an overview of current policy and legislation. It will
between Halcrow Group
Limited, BAM Nuttall Limited give an appreciation of the range of inputs that other specialist consultants may
and the Environment Agency have to the design process and also the value of early consultation with the
as part of the 20 year, 100m
Broadland Flood Alleviation local planning authority and the Environment Agency. Finally, wherever
Project possible, it will outline potential design strategies for integrating place-making,
Image by Mike Page sustainable design, and the control and mitigation of flood risk.

3 Introduction
The Sources of Flooding
Part A: Fluvial Flooding

Flooding occurs in the floodplains of rivers

There are six recognised sources of flooding:
Flood Risk Tidal Flooding
when the capacity of water courses is
exceeded as a result of rainfall or snow and
in Context Both sea and river defences may be
overtopped or breached by a combination of
ice melts within catchment areas further
upstream. Blockages of water courses and
low pressure weather systems and peak high flood channels or tide locking may also lead to
tides. Storms with high wind speeds cause tall ponding and rising water levels. River defences
and powerful waves and low pressure fronts may then be overtopped due to increased
cause sea levels to rise above normal levels. water levels, or breached by large objects
High tide levels vary through the lunar and of debris carried at high water velocities.
solar cycle and when superimposed upon Flooding from rivers has in recent years been
other tidal variations exceptionally high experienced in the Severn Valley, in Sheffield,
tides result. in Hull from the river Humber in 2007 and
The onset of flooding from the sea and tidal Carlisle on the river Eden in 2006.
rivers is often sudden and the extreme forces The onset can be quite slow in some
driving it present a significant danger to life. catchments with steadily rising water levels.
The east coast storm surge of 1953 claimed However, flash flooding can occur in steep
307 peoples lives in the UK and 1,835 in catchments and is far more immediate.
Holland. A similar storm surge tide in
September 2007 came within a few Flooding from rivers, particularly in recognised
centimetres of breaching a number of floodplains, can usually be predicted with
the UKs coastal defences. good accuracy. However flash floods from
sudden downpours such as those in Carlisle
It is often possible to forecast this type of continue to challenge the capability of
flooding with reasonable accuracy, due to the detection and forecasting systems.
predictability of the tide and trackability of
low pressure systems. The duration of this Water over about 250mm in depth may
type of flooding is also limited by the cycle carry debris particularly in urban locations
of the tides where drainage is available. and can also be very cold. Even travelling
at low speeds this can make it extremely
hazardous to people caught in it.

Ground water flooding

Flooding from man-made infrastructure

Tidal flooding

Fluvial flooding

Flooding from sewers

Pluvial flooding

Figure 1 The Sources of Flooding

4 Flood Risk in Context

Ground Water The Effects of Flooding A knock-on effect of the loss of electricity
experienced in the 2007 summer floods
Low lying areas sitting over aquifers may The effects of flooding from the sources was the loss of communications networks.
periodically flood as ground water levels rise. outlined above are felt by various receptors. Telephones, radios, televisions and the internet
This type of flooding is often seasonal and These include, people, buildings, infrastructure, are all increasingly reliant upon mains power
therefore can be forecasted with good agriculture, open recreational space and the and without a robust means of conveying
accuracy. It is often slow in its onset. natural world. information to householders, rescue and clean
Pluvial Flooding In extreme cases flooding may cause a loss up operations may be hampered.

Surface water flooding is caused by of life. However, the social and emotional costs The Pitt Review: Lessons Learnt from the
rainwater run-off from urban and rural land from flooding can also be significant and are 2007 Floods describes in detail the specific
with low absorbency. Increased intensity of often widespread and indiscriminate in flooded events that took place in June and July and the
development in urban areas has given rise to areas. These costs include: displacement from impact of the floods on individuals, businesses
land with a larger proportion of non-permeable homes, the loss of personal valuables and and the wider community and economy. It
surfaces, a problem often exacerbated the ongoing fear and insecurity caused by contains a number of recommendations for
by overloaded and out-dated drainage the experience. how flooding can be better handled in future,
infrastructure. These circumstances, Potable water supplies may be lost or including recommending that design solutions
combined with intense rainfall, can give contaminated in a flood and this can have to flood risk are more widely considered and
rise to localised flooding. immediate health effects upon people applied across a range of developments.

This sort of flooding often occurs outside and animals. Factors which Determine the Effects
of recognised floodplains and because it is The economy can also be severely of Flooding
caused by quite localised weather conditions affected by flooding. Businesses may lose The level of predictability this affects
it is very difficult to forecast. Its onset can stock, patronage, data and productivity, the timing, accuracy and communication
also be very rapid, and the level of flooding and disruption to utilities and transport of warnings given before a flood.
very severe. infrastructure can have knock-on effects to
a wider area. Tourism, farming and livestock The rate of onset of the flood how quickly
In the summer of 2007 much of the flooding
can equally be affected. The Association of the water arrives and the speed at which it
experienced in Gloucestershire and Yorkshire
British Insurers has estimated the cost of the rises will govern the opportunity for people
was not directly caused by rivers but by
July 2007 flooding, in insurance claims alone, to prepare and respond effectively for a flood.
surface water. Large volumes of rainfall early
in the year saturated the ground and intense at over 3billion. The speed and depth of the water this
rainfall later caused both urban and rural The built environment may be damaged or dictates the level of exposure of people and
areas to flood. destroyed as a result of flooding with high property to a flood. It is difficult to stand or
repair costs and long periods required for wade through even relatively shallow water
Flooding from Sewers
reinstatement. The public realm is often badly that is moving. Flood water often carries
Flooding from sewers can occur where affected through damage and the deposit debris, including trees, and water over 1m in
there are combined storm and foul sewers of potentially large quantities of debris. Land depth can carry objects the size of cars. Fast
and their capacity is exceeded due to large contamination may also be transported and flowing water can apply devastating force
amounts of surface water run-off in a short spread during flooding. to property and other receptors.
time. Poor cleaning and maintenance can
Vital infrastructure may also be damaged The duration of the flood this is another
lead to blockages that can also cause
or disrupted. Electricity and gas supplies can important factor in determining the extent of its
local flooding.
be interrupted to individual properties but impact, particularly on individuals and affected
This type of flooding is hard to predict, has also to wider communities if sub stations and communities.
significant sanitary consequences for those transformers themselves are flooded. Road
affected, and can occur very rapidly. links, railways, canals etc. may be blocked
Flooding from Man-made Infrastructure causing disruption to the wider transport
network, and accessibility severely disrupted
Canals, reservoirs and other man-made for local inhabitants, especially amongst those
structures can fail causing flooding to areas considered most vulnerable.
downstream. Industrial activities, water mains
and pumping stations can also give rise to
flooding due to failure.

5 Flood Risk in Context

Risk, Vulnerability The potential consequences that a flood
and Consequence might have depend upon the vulnerability
of the receptor.
Two factors should be considered when
Clearly residents being cared for in a nursing
assessing flood risk. Firstly, the likelihood of
home are significantly more vulnerable to the
a flood occurring, and secondly, the potential
effect of a flood than visitors to an outdoor
consequences that it might have upon the
sports facility or recreational park.
various receptors in its path.
Certain building uses such as hospitals,
The probability of a flood is normally
police and fire stations and other emergency
expressed as a likely return period for a certain
services can be considered more vulnerable
depth of flood water. In a recognised floodplain
than others because of their importance to
it is possible to estimate from records the likely
disaster relief and recovery.
level of a one in 20 year flood, a one in 100
year event, a one in 200 year flood and a one Equally, infrastructure items such as water
in 1,000 year event. These are the most supply and mains electricity are also more
commonly used design frequencies. critical than others due to the far reaching
consequences of their failure on health,
Climate change is now also accepted as
and social and economic activities.
a factor which will increase the level and
frequency of flooding in the future and an Risk is a product of probability and
allowance for this should also be made. consequence, it is for example possible
to reduce the probability of a flood with
The Environment Agency holds data on
new defences but still increase the overall
river and coastal flooding and has developed
risk by placing vulnerable receptors behind
models for predicting risk. They can often
the defences thereby increasing the potential
supply information, including the probability
and height of flood waters.

Surface water flooding

6 Flood Risk in Context

Policy Context Finally, once land has been allocated for and resilience to properties at risk are likely
and Responsibility development, any planning application to become increasingly necessary, and this
submitted must be supported by a site is likely to be reflected in future changes
National policy and guidance is set in Planning specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA). to the building regulations.
Policy Statement 25 (PPS25): Development This must quantify the extent of any flood Improving the Flood Performance of New
and Flood Risk. risk and then demonstrate that proposals: Buildings, Flood Resilient Construction was
The main aims of PPS25 are: Fully mitigate the risk of flooding published by CLG and provides guidance
To ensure that flood risk is considered as Do not place occupants at greater risk for developers and designers on how to
an integral factor in the planning process improve resilience of new properties in low
Do not increase the risk of flooding to
or residual flood risk areas.
To prioritise new development away from neighbouring areas.
areas of flood risk The Code for Sustainable Homes, which
The Practice Guide Companion to PPS25
is currently a voluntary standard, sets down
To stop inappropriate development taking is aimed at those involved in the planning
requirements for water conservation and
place in areas at risk process and is likely to be regularly updated to
management. Higher levels within the code
To make sure that new development takes address findings following the 2007 summer
require increasing amounts of on-site
climate change into consideration floods, the Pitt Report and subsequent
attenuation of rainwater run-off as a way
developments in best practice.
To ensure new development does not of reducing the drivers of pluvial flooding.
increase the risk of flooding elsewhere. Making Space for Water is the cross-
Government programme taking forward the Responsibility
It obliges local authorities to assess the risk
developing strategy for flood and coastal Responsibility for flood risk management is
of flooding by carrying out Regional Flood
erosion risk management in England. divided amongst a large number of parties.
Risk Assessments (RFRAs) or Strategic
The LifE (Long-term Initiatives for Flood-risk These include the following:
Flood Risk Assessments.
Environments) project led by Baca Architects
PPS25 then requires local authorities to carry with the BRE and funded by DEFRA is part of The Department of Communities and Local
out a sequential test when allocating land. the programme. The project is an integrated Government has overall policy responsibility
The test is intended to encourage authorities design approach to achieving sustainable, for land use planning and Regional or Local
to consider land at risk of flooding for adaptable (to climate change) and safer Planning Authorities have responsibility for
development only if there are no other development. Through three conceptual implementation of these policies taking into
suitable locations. master plans the LifE project shows how consideration the requirements of PPS25.
An exceptions test requires the authority this can be achieved, what it might cost Regional and Local Authorities are
to demonstrate that the sustainable benefits and how it might look. responsible for preparing Regional and
in allocating development on land at risk At present the Building Regulations do not Strategic Flood Risk Assessments and also
of flooding outweigh the costs and that contain requirements that relate directly to for preparing Surface Water Management
appropriate measures have been taken flood risk, however the recent Pitt Review: Plans intended to co-ordinate individual
to address residual flood risk. For instance, Lessons learnt from the 2007 Floods, calls responsibilities for multiple sources, pathways
the social and environmental advantages of for an update to the regulations. Flood risk and systems.
regenerating previously developed brown mitigation measures to achieve resistance
field land.

Overloaded drainage infrastructure

7 Flood Risk in Context

The Environment Agency (EA) has British Waterways is responsible for
responsibility for preparing strategies, plans maintaining the physical infrastructure of many
and programmes to reduce risk to existing canal networks and some rivers. They can in
communities, properties and other assets some cases provide emergency assistance
from coastal and fluvial flooding. by managing these waterways to create
additional storage capacity to allow pumping
The EA models and maps river and coastal
to alleviate flooding.
flooding and in conjunction with the MET
Office issues flood warnings. Not all river and Water Companies and Sewerage
coastal defences are in the ownership or are Undertakers are responsible for the
the responsibility of the EA to maintain. Many installation and maintenance of public sewers,
are in private ownership or in that of the local the design, maintenance and capacity of
authority. There are other flood and coastal which can affect levels of flooding from
defence operating agencies too, including local land sources.
authorities and internal drainage boards.
The Highways Agency is responsible for the
The EA is funded by Government to propose drainage of major trunk roads and motorways.
and implement new flood risk management Local authorities manage local road drainage.
measures. Funding is finite and projects are
Local Resilience Forums co-operate in
evaluated and prioritised according to the
preparing for and responding to emergencies.
relative costs and benefits. The EA is also a
Such forums sit at the apex of local civil
statutory consultee on all new development
protection arrangements. Their overall
within floodplains. However, they are not
purpose is to ensure that there is an
currently responsible for monitoring ground
appropriate level of preparedness to enable
water or surface water flood risks. It is a
an effective multi-agency response to
recommendation of the Pitt Review that
emergencies, which may have a significant
their remit is extended to cover this, and
impact on local communities.
the Government is likely to take this forward
through a proposed Bill during the 2008/9 Emergency Responders those that respond
Parliamentary Session. Surface water flood in an emergency include the police, fire and
risk maps are likely to be made available rescue services, ambulance and health
in the near future. services, the armed forces, local authorities,
the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, and
Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) are
many voluntary organisations.
independent bodies responsible for land
drainage in areas of special drainage need However, it is important to note that the
that extends to 1.2 million hectares of lowland fire and rescue services are not formally
England. They are long established bodies responsible for flood rescue and, although
operating predominantly under the Land they often provide this service, they have
Drainage Act 1991 and have permissive variable levels of training for this work. The
powers to undertake works to secure Coastguard and RNLI have no legal obligation
drainage and water level management of to provide rescue services inland.
their districts. They may also undertake flood
Insurance Companies Currently there is
defence works on ordinary watercourses
an agreement between the Association of
within their district (that is, watercourses
British Insurers and the Government that its
other than main river').
members will maintain insurance cover where
Riparian Land and Property Owners it is currently in place for households that are
Sections of flood defences are often owned at risk of flooding. However they generally
and maintained by private land owners, and want evidence that measures are in hand or
property owners are responsible for specific planned to reduce risk below 1:75. Insurers are
resistance and resilience measures to their under no obligation to provide insurance on
individual properties. new homes built within the floodplain.

8 Flood Risk in Context

Integrating Place-making with An obvious response to this is to place design level. However when considered from
Sustainable Design and Flood car parking and garages at ground level an overall long-term flood risk management
with residential accommodation at first floor point of view the sustainability of this strategy
Risk Mitigation and above. However this can often result is questionable. The effect of raising land
There are a number of potential challenges in buildings with poor quality unanimated levels in the event of a flood is to force the
to place-making and sustainable design that elevations at street level and leave both the flood waters to go elsewhere, effectively
arise from possible flood risk control and public and private realm dead and lifeless. transferring the risk to neighbouring land.
mitigation measures. It can also be a challenge to provide equal In the extreme this approach is likely to, by
access to accommodation raised above reducing flood storage capacity, raise potential
Flood defences are by their very nature ground level. flood levels and bring land and properties that
barriers which can often physically divide are not currently at risk into the floodplain.
and segregate one area from another. An An additional requirement is that the flood
important urban design goal is to promote storage capacity of the land should not be There are clearly arguments against
permeability and linkage through and decreased as a result of new development. wholesale land raising from the point of
across schemes. New buildings will in effect restrict flood water view of encouraging sustainable construction,
to the remaining space left between them. In due to the large amounts of resources
Whilst the function of a flood defence is order to try and avoid this, buildings on stilts it consumes.
to separate the source of the risk from the may be proposed. The empty undercrofts and
potential receptors, it is often desirable New or existing properties and landscapes
aerial walkways that result from this approach,
from a place-making point of view to link that are not designed with adequate
however innovative the architectural design,
the inhabitants and visitors of a new resistance and resilience in areas of flood
usually leave the public realm at ground level
neighbourhood with the river or coastline risk are unsustainable on a number of levels.
without good passive surveillance and with
that poses the risk. The link should ideally Repair and refurbishment in the event of a
no sense of ownership. This in turn can
be both visual and physical, providing access flood may currently be viewed simply as
lead to security problems and attract
if possible. an insurable risk, however this stance is
antisocial behaviour.
increasingly unsustainable, both economically
One of the requirements when designing Retro-fitted flood proofing measures such and practically. It is unlikely that the insurance
new properties within the floodplain is to as demountable barriers by their very nature industry will provide such cover indefinitely.
ensure that occupants are not placed at risk. often fail to compliment the original design. On a social level the disruption caused to
The Environment Agency will normally insist Measures fully integrated into the functionality the continuity of peoples lives by a flooding
that all habitable rooms within residential of a building will also tend to be more user event involving temporary relocation is not
accommodation be raised above the height friendly than afterthoughts. compatible with the goal of creating
of the design flood level or other practical sustainable communities and
measures be taken that provide the same Another strategy to overcome these issues
standard of safety. is to raise land levels to a point at which the
ground level is effectively above the flood

Flood defences and parking at ground floor challenge place-making

9 Flood Risk in Context

Part B: An Integrated Approach Introduction to the
Design Sequence
Assuming it is unavoidable when designing
The Design for flood risk the primary aim is to integrate In keeping with the sequential approach
control and mitigation of the risk seamlessly
Response into an overall design that in turn successfully
taken by PPS25 a step-by-step design
sequence is illustrated opposite in Figure 3.
achieves the goals of place-making and
sustainable development. In order to achieve The sequence starts with an assessment of
this it is essential that the risk of flooding is the risk (Assessment) and prioritises spatial
recognised as a key constraint and the drivers planning (Land Use Planning) to avoid placing
of the risk as potential opportunities from new development in risk areas or at least
the outset. substitute vulnerable uses wherever possible.

A multi-disciplinary approach is needed to It then considers strategies to minimise the

develop integrated control and mitigation probability and severity of a flood (Control),
measures. The assessment of risk and followed by a review of strategies to minimise
hydraulic modelling of flood events in many the potential consequences of a flood on
circumstances requires the input of specialist occupants and properties (Mitigation).
consultants using sophisticated software. Finally proposals are re-assessed (Re-
The design of flood defences, barriers and assessment) to check their impact upon
underground drainage systems requires civil future occupants safety, neighbouring areas,
and structural engineering expertise. Also, wildlife and ecology.
landscape architecture has a great deal to
offer in the control of flood risk and the The design process is iterative, with the
mitigation of its effects through the design potential and type of flooding understood
of the public and private realm. first, proposals then developed, their impact
assessed and if necessary alterations
The danger that poorly integrated engineering and revisions considered.
solutions or retro-fitted flood proofing devices
poses to good quality design is illustrated in
Part A of this guide. However, it is possible
to develop holistic design responses by
identifying flood risk at the outset, by
understanding the range of issues this gives
rise to and the potential contribution that
analysis, engineering, hydraulics and
landscaping can make.

Place-making Sustainable

Flood Control/

Figure 2 An Integrated Approach

10 The Design Response

Design Sequence Key Issues Strategies The Design Response

Flood risk assessment Flood risk zones

1.0 Risk = probability x Factor for climate change
Flood Risk consequence Flood design height
Flood storage volume
Risk/vulnerability matrix Avoid or substitute Spatial planning to
2.0 zone uses
Land Use Stacking vulnerable
Planning over robust uses

Temporary or time
limited uses

Flood sources: Primary and secondary Coastal defences

3.0 Tidal/storm surge flood defence River walls
Control: Fluvial (from rivers) Raise floor levels Barriers/barrages
Surface water Raised areas
Reducing Sewers and infrastructure
Flood storage space Managed retreat
the Risk Flood storage in public realm
Integrate flow paths into
landscape design
Attenuation SuDS attenuation of run-off
Permeable surfaces
Detention ponds

Occupants Safety strategy Awareness and warning

4.0 Safe escape routes
Mitigation: Safe refuge areas
Rescue strategy
Minimising the
Property Robust designs: Resistant/resilient
Consequences Public realm resistance building structures
resilience Amphibious buildings
Resilient interiors
Design for recovery
Route for water to retreat
Clean-up plans

Infrastructure Robust designs: Essential/high impact

resistance utilities to be resilient
resilience Maintain essential supplies
Locate plant above flood level
Design for recovery Design transport infrastructure
to be resilient

Safety of occupants Proposals do not fully Return to design sequence

5.0 Surrounding neighbourhoods mitigate flood risk step 2.0
Re-assessment Environmental impact
Proposals do not place occupants at unacceptable risk
Climate change
of Impact Proposals fully mitigate the risk of flooding
Proposals do not increase risk elsewhere

Figure 3 The Design Sequence

11 The Design Response

1.0 Are You at Risk?

The various different sources of flood risk

What is a Flood Risk Assessment?

Flood risk assessments (FRAs) aim to identify,

Flood Risk have been described in Part A of this guide. quantify and communicate to decision makers
and other stakeholders the risk of flooding to
Assessment It is possible to make a very basic appraisal of
the potential that a site has to flood by simply
land, property and people. The purpose is to
provide sufficient information to determine
looking at the context and topography within
whether particular actions (such as proposed
which the land is set (see Part A).
development, the construction of a flood
A site adjacent to the sea and or within a river protection scheme or the installation of a flood
valley is obviously at potential risk from these warning scheme) can be undertaken without
sources. Sites in the vicinity of man-made causing an increase in risk elsewhere and
infrastructure such as reservoirs or canals adequately reduced risk at the site.
may also be at risk.
The flood zones are normally the starting
The Environment Agency website is a point of any assessment but are indicative
valuable initial tool for assessing whether a only and the actual risk may be lower or
property is within a recognised flood zone. higher than indicated as a result of the
Sites can be searched by post code and flood presence of defences, inaccuracies in the
risk maps viewed which define the extent of method of estimation or other forms of
each of the flood risk zones. flooding, such as surface water and sewer
flooding. The Flood Zones maps essential
PPS 25 defines four flood zones based upon
purpose is to indicate the main areas where
the annual probability of flooding:
flooding needs to be considered in decisions
Flood zone 1 with a less than 0.1% (one in on land use and land management.
1,000) chance of flooding
The flood zones are based on the probability
Flood zone 2 between 0.1% (one in 1,000) and of river and coastal flooding. These are the
1% (one in 100) for river flooding and 0.5% commonest and most obvious forms of
(one in 200) chance for flooding from the sea flooding. They are also more amenable to
prediction than other forms of flooding. Flood
Flood zone 3a with a greater than 1% (one in
zones are defined ignoring the presence of
100) chance for rivers and greater than 0.5%
flood protection structures because defended
(one in 200) for the sea
areas still carry a residual risk of flooding from
Flood zone 3b with a greater than 5% (one overtopping or breach of defences and there
in 20) chance of flooding or areas designed is no guarantee that defences will be
to flood in an extreme one in 1,000 flood maintained in perpetuity.
event or land required for flood conveyance
The assessment of flood risk requires a
or storage. This zone is defined as functional
thorough understanding of the sources of
flood water (e.g. high sea levels, intense or
Information may also be available in the prolonged rainfall leading to run-off and
form of Regional and Strategic Flood Risk increased flow in rivers and sewers), the
Assessments prepared by the local authority people and assets affected by flooding
or regional assembly. (known as the receptors) and the pathways
by which the flood water reaches those
Flooding from the land is more difficult
receptors (e.g. river channels, river and coastal
to predict but the surrounding topography
floodplains, drains, sewers and overland flow).
may give clues along with enquiries to local
occupants or the LA to ascertain any recent This is achieved through the source-pathway-
flood history. Insurance providers carry receptor (S-P-R) model, which has become
out their own risk assessments and their widely used to assess and inform the
willingness to provide cover may be a useful management of environmental risks. This
guide to a potential risk. Finally, early enquiries is illustrated in Figure 4. FRAs thus require
to local drainage boards may also help define identification and assessment of all three
the capacity of existing storm sewers and any components:
history of flooding.
The probability of the source(s) (e.g. high
river levels, sea levels and wave heights)

12 The Design Response

The performance and response of management of residual risk that urban design prior to making strategic decisions. It is
pathways and barriers to pathways such as and innovation in use of materials has the usual in the design of new development
floodplain areas and flood defence systems greatest impact. Examples of residual flood for reference and information to be gained
risk include: from the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
The consequences to receptors such
undertaken by the LPA. These assessments
as people, properties, environment. The failure of flood management
do vary, but may include more risk data in
infrastructure such as a breach of a raised
The ultimate aim of a FRA is to combine these key areas, and some specific guidance for
flood defence, blockage of a surface water
factors and map or describe the risks on a designing new development in flood risk
channel or drainage system, failure of a flap
spatial scale, so that the consequences can areas. They will never obviate the need for
valve, overtopping of an upstream storage
then also be analysed. Comprehensive a site specific flood risk assessment.
area, or failure of a pumped drainage
guidance is available from research in the
system Site specific flood risk assessments establish
UK, in the Practice Guide that accompanies
whether and to what extent a site is likely
planning guidance (PPS25), CIRIA Report C624 A severe flood event that exceeds a flood
to be affected by flooding. This will include
and Defra/Environment Agency Guidance design standard such as, but not limited to,
evaluation of the effects that any changes,
on flood-risk assessment (FD2320) and a flood that overtops a raised flood defence.
such as proposed new development, will
on flood risks to people (FD2321). See
FRAs need to consider the situation as it is have on flood risk elsewhere and whether for further information.
now and also how it might change in the proposed mitigation measures and
Actual and Residual Flood Risk future. Such consideration should include management of residual risks will reduce
changes in climate (which impact largely on those risks to an acceptable level. These
It is important that a FRA should consider
sources), the construction of flood protection assessments may need to be undertaken
both the actual and the residual risks.
or drainage schemes (which modify the by a competent engineering consultancy,
Actual flood risk is the risk posed to an area, pathways) and the introduction of receptors and is more than likely it will use existing
whether it is behind defences or undefended, into areas at risk of flooding. flood models prepared by the EA.
at the time of the study. This should be
At what Scale Should Flood Risk To ensure a proportionate methodology to
expressed in terms of the probability of
be Assessed? assessing flood risks for a given land area
flooding occurring, taking into account the
for a particular decision, a staged approach
limiting factors, both natural and man-made, FRAs are required at different scales by
should be adopted comprising appropriate
and preventing water from reaching the different organisations for many different
screening, scoping and detailed assessments.
development. purposes. A hierarchy of assessments is
This will ensure all the issues are identified and
necessary to ensure a proportionate response
Residual risks are the risks remaining after re-use of data and model information provides
to the needs of organisations by avoiding the
all risk avoidance, substitution and mitigation fit-for-purpose risk assessments.
need for detailed and costly assessments
measures have been taken. It is in

Pathway (eg defence)

(eg people in the floodplain)
Overland flooding
(river or sea)

Sewer flooding

Groundwater flooding

Figure 4 Source Pathway Receptor Model

13 The Design Response

Figure 5 Flood risk assesment and the design process

Key Steps in the FRA Process Decision and Influence Point in Design

Broad assessment of flood levels, flow The scale of flood risk would then influence
routes, depths on the proposed site. the detail applied to the next steps, but
critically would identify early whether flood
risk would be a significant issue to manage.
It will also identify whether flood risk would
alter not only layout, but place-making and
urban form. Will also guide whether flood
inundation will need to be managed within
the site, as impacts of keeping water out
of the site are too significant on adjacent

Simplistic assessment of the likely impacts of Scale of impacts and what potential
reducing the risks by removing that area of compensation is possible within or outside
floodplain from the river system. the site. How could the compensation works
(flood storage or flood alleviation works) be
incorporated into the urban layout and

Detailed assessment of current risks at the Confirm mitigation measures are suitable
site with the development in place and its for proposed development and integrate
mitigation measures. into the design.

Design of compensation works to reduce This is the critical phase and can be a show-
the impacts of the mitigation measures. stopper if significant works are required and
little remaining land is available.

Design of flow balancing for surface water Landscaping and layout issues, that may
run-off from the site. conflict or integrate with the flood
compensation measures.

General Principles and Key Issues Any organisation or person proposing

a change in land use or development
With all FRAs undertaken for land-use change
must consider its impacts on flood
and new developments there are some
risk elsewhere. Any such changes or
general principles that are applicable and
developments must not add to and should,
should be followed. These are noted below:
where practicable, reduce flood risk. Where
Properly prepared assessments of flood risk an impact is identified and cannot be
should use the S-P-R model and describe mitigated the development may not be
the flood risks in a transparent manner granted permission.

A greater focus on the receptors and the Future users of the land or development
inundation patterns within the floodplain is must not be placed in danger from flood
now common. Managing the flood event hazards and should not be exposed to
within a development is essential, and to do unacceptable risks throughout the lifetime
this effectively two dimensional inundation of proposed development and land use.
modelling is now a standard technique used Understanding human vulnerability and
in FRAs to assess residual flood risks behaviours in design of any mitigation
works is essential to describe in the FRA.

14 The Design Response

Minimum Requirements made sources and including joint and Illustrative Scheme
cumulative effects) and identify flood risk Flood Risk Assessment
As with the general principles above, at all
mitigation measures so that assessments
stages of the planning process there are
are fit for the purpose of the decisions To demonstrate the step-by-step design
minimum requirements for FRAs. They should:
being made process a brownfield site which is at risk
Be proportionate to the risk and appropriate of flooding has been illustrated.
Consider the effects of a range of flooding
to the scale, nature and location of the
events including extreme events on people, A flood risk assessment of the site shows
property, the natural and historic environment the extent of areas of high, medium and low
Consider the risk of flooding from the and on river and coastal processes risk across the current site. The source and
development as well as the risk of flooding type of flooding is identified as primarily
Include the assessment of the remaining
to the development fluvial and the design flood level will either
(known as residual') risk after risk-mitigation
be calculated or taken from assessments
Take the likely impacts of climate change into measures have been taken into account
carried out by the EA or local authority.
account and identify a strategy of adaptation
Consider how the ability of water to soak
of the design or climate change proofing Further work may be done such as a
into the ground may change with
flood hazard assessment if appropriate to
Be undertaken by competent people, as development, along with how the proposed
determine the level of hazard as a function
early as possible in the particular planning layout of development may affect drainage
of water speed and depth across the site,
process to avoid misplaced effort and to systems
water quality and duration.
influence the master planning process
Be supported by appropriate data and
The assessment will also estimate the
Consider the effects of proposed flood-risk information, including historical information
current capacity of the site to store flood
management infrastructure including raised on previous events.
water in the event of a flood, allowing for
defences, flow channels, flood-storage areas
How are FRAs Undertaken? the footprint of existing buildings and
and other artificial features together with the
structures within the flooded areas.
consequences of their failure Key to a good FRA is to start the assessment
as early as possible in the design process
Consider the vulnerability of those that could
and where necessary involve a specialist
occupy the development, taking account of
consultant. The FRA is undertaken in key
the sequential approach and Exceptions
steps, which allows influencing decisions to
Test and the vulnerability classification,
be taken by the design team with the full
including arrangements for safe access
knowledge of the actual and residual risks.
Consider and quantify the different types
of flooding (whether from natural and man-

Low risk
Medium risk
High risk
Very high risk

Figure 6 Brownfield site at risk of flooding Figure 7 Flood risk assessment

15 The Design Response

Case Study
Flood Risk Assessment
Lower Broughton
Project Team
Assessment: JBA consulting
Client: Countryside Properties
A flood risk assessment for the area identified
that overtopping and breaching of existing
defences would be the prime risks that
required consideration in the layout and the
design of its proposed redevelopment. A
detailed river model was supplied by the
Environment Agency and the FRA set about
adding the floodplain elements using 2D
hydrodynamic software to represent the flow
routes present, known from previous events.
The model assessed the current and revised
overland flow routes, identified where and how
storage was utilized, and how much
flow returned to the river. A preliminary
assessment of flood depths and flow intensity
within the floodplain was used to inform a
flood compatible strategic masterplan
of the area.
The analysis was an iterative one where
different layouts and building types were
tested against the present case, ensuring
no impact on flood depths or flood extent Low flood hazard:
across the floodplain. High hazard areas limited mitigation required

(based upon velocity and depth output) Moderate flood hazard:

some mitigation required
were identified and either moderated or
High flood hazard:
avoided in the emergency plan. significant mitigation required

Potential evacuation routes

Figure 8 Constraints plan

Figure 9 Predicted flood depths

16 The Design Response

2.0 PPS 25 indicates compatible uses for each
of the flood zone levels 1 to 3b. Figure 10 below
measures proposed.
Land Use Planning
Land Use deals with vulnerability classification. This
approach seeks to locate the most vulnerable
Make efficient use of land at risk of
categories of land use in the areas of least
Planning flood risk and vice versa. Only the most robust flooding by matching a mix of uses
with the levels of risk. At the same
use categories are appropriate for areas of
high flood risk. Figure 11 overleaf deals with time create sustainable communities
vulnerability classification. with local centres and reduced need
for travel
As an expansion of this approach land use
categories, as defined by the National Land Work with the natural topography
Use Database, have been ranked in order of for cost effective and sustainable
their vulnerability. Categorised in this way they developments that minimise
have been set against low, medium, high and engineering land movement
very high levels of flood risk to form a land Stack vulnerable uses over robust
use ready reckoner to assist in the selection uses to create active frontages and
of compatible uses (see Figure 1 1 overleaf). a positive public realm at street level
The table highlights that some uses may be Provide new outdoor amenity
viable only if appropriate flood risk mitigation space, areas of biodiversity, and
measures or a combination of mitigation and new recreational uses within areas
control measures are put in place. of higher flood risk.
The matrix should only be used as a ready
reckoner because ultimately individual land
use proposals will be assessed against
the specific set of local circumstances in
conjunction with the control and mitigation

Vulnerability Land use Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3a Zone 3b
Water-compatible development Water infrastructure and pumping stations
Sewage infrastructure and pumping stations
Sand and gravel workings
Docks, marinas and wharves
MOD defence installations
Shipbuilding, fish processing
Amenity open space, outdoor recreation
Less vulnerable Buildings; shops, professional, restaurants,
storage, distribution, assembly and leisure
Land and buildings for agriculture and forestry
Waste treatment plant
Water treatment and sewage plants
More vulnerable Hospitals, health and educational;
Residential institutions and dwellings
Hotels and nightclubs
Landfill sites and hazardous waste
Holiday caravans and camping
Highly vulnerable Emergency services and command centres
Emergency dispersal points
Basement dwellings, permanent caravans
Installations of hazardous substances
Essential infrastructure Essential transport and evacuation routes
Strategic utility infrastructure, power stations
and primary substations

Development appropriate Exception test required Development should not be permitted

Figure 10 Flood risk vulnerability and flood zone compatibility taken from PPS25

17 The Design Response

Figure 11 Land use ready reckoner
Land use category Low Medium High Very high
Agriculture and fisheries
Utilities and infrastructure renewable energy production and distribution
Recreation and leisure outdoor amenity and open spaces
Transport car parks, vehicle storage, goods and freight handling
Minerals (extraction)
Utilities and infrastructure refuse disposal
Industry and business storage and wholesale distribution
Industry and business manufacturing
Industry and business offices
Recreation and leisure indoor
Transport tracks, ways, terminals and interchanges
Residential hotels, boarding and guesthouses
Residential dwellings
Utilities and infrastructure energy production and distribution, water storage and treatment
Residential residential institutions
Community services medical, healthcare, education, and community (emergency) services

Suitable use Requires mitigation Requires defence and mitigation Avoid use

Illustrative Scheme
Low risk
Land Use Planning

Medium risk The illustration shows how the spatial

arrangement of the scheme has, to a large
degree, worked with the lie of the land.
High risk
Robust recreational uses have been located
in the most hazardous part of the site
Very adjacent to the water course, whilst land
high risk
levels have been adjusted to create a low
risk area of the site for a nursing home with
very vulnerable occupants. In adjusting the
topography of the site care has been taken
to retain at least the same level of storage
capacity of flood water as the initial
assessment identified. Ideally this capacity
should be increased.

In the area of high risk apartment buildings

with control and mitigation are proposed
and in the area of medium flood risk
Nursing home housing with mitigation.

Figure 12 Land use planning responds to the risk

18 The Design Response

Case Study The necessary 2.6 hectares of public open surface swales via petrol and oil interceptors
Land Use Planning space which have been provided for the where reed beds provide filtration and removal
Rowan Road development have been of suspended solids. Detention basins or
Rowan Road, Merton designed to provide maximum benefit to normally dry ponds provide space for the
Architect: Sheppard Robson all residents from the surrounding area. The attenuation of rainwater run-off during peak
Landscape architect: MacFarlane Wilder space has been used to incorporate amenity storm events and provide a contribution to
Client: Crest Nicholson space as well as sustainable drainage, flood the amenity space when they are dry. The
The Design for Manufacture Competition attenuation, habitat creation and a close balancing pond provides a more significant
set out to achieve new levels of sustainability integration with the urban design of the storage capacity for attenuation of rainfall
and energy efficiency in affordable housing development. Strong visual connections and during peak storm events and makes a
and to establish a delivery mechanism using natural surveillance is coupled with regular positive contribution to the amenity and
MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) for access points to ensure that the landscaped ecological value of the site. The reed shelves
sustainable communities. In their approach space is both accessible and safe to use. The that provide habitat for wildlife also provide
to all of the sites The SIXTYK consortia have overall quality of the environment stems from filtration and final polishing of rainwater run-off
strived to achieve schemes which set high a diversity of treatments that provide wildlife quality prior to discharge off-site.
standards for sustainability in both the habitat without compromising the usability
The site also provides flood attenuation to
architecture and the landscape. The Rowan of the space for leisure and recreation.
the River Wandle basin and the construction
Road site in particular provides an opportunity
Sustainable design has been embodied of a flood alleviation basin in the western
to provide a significant landscape that
as a concept throughout the scheme. The corner of the site ensures that the housing
provides both visual amenity and plays an
landscape whilst acting as a green lung for development is not at risk. This area also
active role in surface water management
the development also has a vital role to play provides an opportunity to use wetland and
and bio-diversity.
in the water management strategy of the site. marginal plant species to further enhance
Run-off from hard surfaces is directed into the biodiversity of the site.

Petrol/oil interceptor
Hard surface channels
Surface water collectors hard surface
Grass swale
Surface water collection soft areas
Balancing pond
Figure 13 Figure 14

Irrigation from rainwater

Rainwater collection storage tank

Drainage swale collection Balancing pond Discharge into ditch

from surface run-off
Petrol/oil interceptor

Foul water Hard surface run-off

Figure 15

19 The Design Response

3.0 Having attempted to avoid placing vulnerable
uses in hazardous areas the next step is to
reclaiming land in one area by providing
compensatory flood storage elsewhere

Control: reduce the probability and severity of a flood

to any parts of the scheme still at risk.
in the catchment area.

Pluvial Flood Sources and Flooding

Reducing The control measures most appropriate will
depend largely upon the source of flood risk.
from Sewers

the Risk Tidal and Fluvial Sources of Flood Risk

The risk of flooding from rainwater run-off
and exceedance of drainage capacity can
be reduced in a number of ways.
Tidal and fluvial flooding can be controlled
with costal defences, river walls, barriers and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
barrages. These measures provide a primary integrated with the building and landscape
defence against the risk. design of a scheme will help control run-off
generated by the development and also
There will, however, remain a residual risk
manage run-off from adjacent land.
of a breach or failure of the primary defence
moreover these defences can still be SuDS range from green roofs, rainwater
overcome by a severe flood. In order to control harvesting systems and permeable paving
this risk it will be necessary to raise the level through to networks of swales, filter beds
of habitable accommodation above the design and detention ponds. In many cases rainwater
flood level and provide safe access. harvesting can be incorporated into
sustainable drainage systems to help reduce
Stilts or columns should be avoided in
volumes of water entering the storm
situations where flood water flows. Debris
water system.
carried by the flood can build up and form
a dam-like obstruction which may suddenly
collapse releasing water and exacerbating Opportunities Control
the consequences of the flood.
Integrate river and coastal flood
Where it is not possible to provide safe access defences with new areas of public
it may be possible to design accommodation realm such as riverside walkways,
in such a way as to allow occupants to remain cycle routes and pocket parks
safely in place for the duration of the flood.
Sufficient emergency utility supplies including Design defences to promote
potable water will need to be maintained biodiversity and create wildlife
throughout the period of the flood. corridors

This approach will only be viable if the duration Provide additional flood storage
of the flood is limited. Tidal flooding caused by capacity by creating new
a breach in defences can be of short duration wetland areas
provided it is possible to repair the failure in Maximise visual and physical
the time between high tides. connections to rivers, coasts, wetlands
Even if this strategy can be justified buildings etc. to increase the amenity and
should be designed to allow rescue of commercial value of new
occupants by boat or air as an option of developments
last resort. Provide safe refuge on site for the
As previously discussed, it may be possible duration of a short flood by designing
to adjust land levels in such a way as to low carbon self sufficient schemes
protect some areas whilst providing flood with their own renewable energy,
storage capacity in other areas. The overall water harvesting and purification
flood storage capacity of the site must be Enhance the public and private realm
maintained or improved and there should with high quality robust landscape
be no adverse effects on neighbouring designs which promote water
properties. conservation and surface water
On a larger scale making additional space management
for water within overall river catchment areas Integrate SuDS with systems for
may contribute to a reduction in overall level the rapid retreat of flood waters.
of flood risk. It may be possible to justify

20 The Design Response

In situations where soak away is not Illustrative Scheme Control Living accommodation in the
possible and confined urban areas it may be apartment buildings has been raised
necessary to supplement the limited amount
The illustrative scheme shows how the
above the design flood level and
of rainwater storage that green roofs can contours of the site have been
they have been orientated to take
provide with over-sized drainage pipes, rain adjusted to provide additional flood
advantage of views towards the river.
crate systems and underground attenuation storage in the recreational area next to
Safe access is provided via the low risk
tanks. However even in urban developments the river. Hard and soft landscaping and
area higher up the gradient for all but
it is often possible to design sacrificial areas fixtures such as play equipment and
for water detention into public and private
the most severe flood for which safe
seating are designed to be resilient to
open space by working with the natural refuge within the buildings is provided.
inundation and easy to clean up and
topography of the land or by making small recommission. Signage to raise To control surface water run-off
adjustments to it. In this way the flood storage awareness and flood warnings and provide a route for flood waters to
capacity of the land may be directed away
will be provided. retreat, a system of drainage corridors
from accommodation and even increased
in the form of swales planted with trees
at the same time as providing high quality Many areas at risk from fluvial
landscape designs and amenity space.
have been proposed. These lead to
flooding have traditionally turned their
water detention ponds that will in turn
With all types of flooding, consideration should back on the river, choosing to put up
slowly discharge back into the river.
be given to how the design and layout can impermeable flood defences that only
assist the retreat of flood water and clearance exacerbate the problem downstream. Green roofs to the nursing home,
of debris. An integrated approach to rainwater The process illustrated here of permeable surfaces to parking areas
harvesting, bio-filtration and attenuation can river repatriation relinks the river and access drives are also illustrated.
be linked to areas of flood alleviation that to tidal/fluvial expansion zones and These devices slow down the passage
improve the quality and quantity of rainwater sets development back from the of rainwater towards the river thereby
run-off discharged into surface water or edge to create opportunities for flood helping to control flooding on site and
sewer networks. expansion, greater biodiversity and potentially further downstream too.
There is a clear synergy between SuDS amenity value along river floodplains.
systems of swales and detention ponds
primarily designed to manage surface water
and the removal of pluvial flood water. Flood
alleviation networks built into sustainable
drainage design can help absorb the impact
of tidal or fluvial surges during peak
storm events.

A wide range of technical advice and

guidance is available on SuDS from the UK
environment agencies, from the Construction
Industry Research and Information Association
(CIRIA) and others.

The following resources are available free

of charge from the Environment Agency:

Designs that Hold Water

25 minute video (or DVD) on SuDS
and their benefits

Sustainable Drainage Systems:

An introduction
20 page A4 booklet

Sustainable Drainage Systems

Raised floor levels
A Guide for Developers
Safe access
8 page A5 booklet
Dry access
Drainage, corridors and swales
Green roofs and permeable paving
Additional flood storage capacity (for fluvial flooding)
Detention ponds (for surface water)

Figure 16 Control measures to reduce the probability and severity of a flood

21 The Design Response

Case Study Control site through to the river, a feature characteristic
Albion Quayside, Gravesend of many riverside towns which also
maximises the benefit of the riverside setting.
Urban design and architecture: Surface water is managed using green and
KCA Architects brown roofs, permeable paving with rain crate
Civil Engineers: Walsh Associates underground storage and a new green canal
Assessment: Halcrow Group Limited acting as a swale which reopens the historic
Client: Feabrex Ltd tow path. In case of a breach the canal, the
excess capacity of the marina and a sacrificial
A brownfield site next to the River Thames.
area of the quayside square will provide flood
The scheme is in flood zone 3a, protected by
storage capacity to assist the retreat of flood
a flood defence wall that isolates the inland
waters. Residential accommodation is stacked
areas from the river. A range of control and
over more robust uses. Active commercial
mitigation proposals are integrated into the
uses line the public spaces and ground with
urban, architectural and landscape designs.
parking courts to the interior of each urban
The existing flood defence wall is replaced
block. Roof gardens over these parking courts
by a new terraced flood defence which opens
provide amenity space and access for
up the river frontage to the public with a new
emergency evacuation points. As the land is
landscaped promenade and also creates a
isolated from higher ground, all buildings are
new river bank rich in estuarine flora and
designed to provide safe refuge at higher
fauna. New access to the river allows the
levels and infrastructure is designed to be
scheme to be organised around a series of
robust and plant placed above the flood level.
cut through that run from the interior of the

Top Albion Quayside, Gravesend

Above Riverside promenade acting as new flood defence

22 The Design Response

Having put in place measures to control
4.0 the flood risk, the next step is to consider Opportunities Mitigation
how design proposals can minimise the
Mitigation: potential consequences of a flood upon
Put in place early warning systems,
increase awareness of occupants
occupants, property, the public realm
Minimising the and the utilities infrastructure.
and residents

Integrate escape and rescue points

Consequences Design flood risk levels are based upon
historical data and modelling of complex
into landscape and building design
hydraulic systems. At best they define an Integrate barriers and baffles into the
acceptably low risk of a certain flood event landscape design in the form of street
or worse happening. Obviously, however low furniture to reduce water speeds and
that probability is, there is still a chance that levels of hazard
a considerably worse flood will happen than
Secondary defences can be integrated
that designed for.
with SuDS systems
The consequences of climate change are
Raising ground floor levels and
as yet not fully understood. It is, however,
providing flood storage undercrofts
generally accepted that warmer winters,
drier summers and unseasonal and frequently Resistant construction for shallow
extreme storm events will put even areas not flood depths to keep water out
normally prone to flooding increasingly at risk.
Amphibious buildings designed to float
Although allowances are made for climate in the event of a flood for waterside
change in estimating the design flood height locations
we are unarguably entering a period of greater
Resilient buildings designed to minimise
uncertainty when it comes to predicting future
internal damage and reinstatement
events. Schemes should therefore as far as
costs in the event of a flood.
possible plan for the worst case in order
reduce the impact of a flood.


Clearly the most important consideration

is the safety of people: residents, workers
and visitors.

Safe escape routes should be designed and

safe refuge areas above the level of the flood
for those that are unable to escape provided.
Planning for the worst case a strategy for
emergency access by rescue services in
boats or helicopters should be designed
into balconies, roof gardens or other
suitable points.

Flooding has a disproportionate impact upon

vulnerable groups and these should be
considered and planned for. Early warning
systems and procedures must be put in place.

Identify the relevant emergency responders

and consult with them to agree viable plans
at an early stage in the design process.

As previously described, emergency supplies

of potable water, heat, light, communications
and temporary storage of sewage may also
be required.

23 The Design Response

Resistant Designs the Disabilities Discrimination Act and Lifetime
Homes guidance.
Property and internal fittings should be
designed to be resistant and/or resilient. Otherwise creating access through an
These measures are particularly relevant to otherwise resistant enclosure introduces
refurbishing existing properties which are at a weak point.
risk of flooding and in some circumstances
Demountable or automatic shutter systems
when developing properties in areas of low
are available to protect doors and openings
flood risk. Design of resistant and resilient
of buildings. However, these are reliant upon
buildings is not currently covered by the
being properly maintained and installed or
Building Regulations however they are
activated prior to a flood, leaving them open
likely to in future revisions.
to human error.
A resistant building attempts to keep any
Taking a similar approach to the design of
water from entering property. This is normally
permanently moored house boats, floating
only viable if the potential flood water is less
or amphibious houses have been developed
than about 600mm in depth. Above this the
in Holland that rise up on pontoons along
force exerted by the water is likely to cause
mooring posts with rising flood water.
structural failure and on balance it will be less
damaging to allow the water to pass through These fall into two basic categories a hull
the interior. type and a raft type. The hull type excludes
water in the same way that a boat does and
Traditional cavity masonry construction with
at a certain depth of water becomes buoyant.
ventilated suspended timber floors is not
The raft type incorporates buoyancy into a
inherently resistant or indeed resilient. To create
deep supporting foundation slab. Access
properly resistant buildings more inherently
and servicing is via flexible walkways
robust forms of construction such as tanked
and connections.
reinforced concrete or reinforced block work
may be more appropriate. Demonstration projects are located on
waterfront locations or in polders and areas
Creating acceptable access into a resistant
designated for controlled flooding. This type
structure presents a design challenge.
of resistant design is only appropriate for
Elevated access over the resilient threshold
situations where there is no flow in flood
may be possible if it can be designed to
waters and where debris will not be
comply with the principles of equal access,
transported onto the site.

Paalwoningen stilt houses, Haarlemmermeer, Waterstudio

Architects In this study, based in a water-retention area in northern
Holland, houses have been raised above the floodplain, exploiting a
site which would otherwise be uninhabitable.

24 The Design Response

Resilient Design Detailed guidance on the design and Combining a Hierarchy of Mitigation
specification of resilient buildings is available in Measures
Resilient buildings are designed in such a
the CIRIA document Development and Flood The effective mitigation of flood risk is
way as to reduce the cost and time required
Risk Guidance for the Construction Industry generally a combination of several different
to reinstate the property should it be flooded.
and Improving the Flood Performance of New measures. A hierarchy of measures should
Robust materials and finishes should be used,
Buildings, Flood Resilient Construction by CLG. successively reduce the impact of a series
including hard floor surfaces that can be
of worsening flood scenarios.
washed down, and solid wood rather than Design of Resistant Infrastructure
particle board or MDF for doors and fitted The first measure should be to raise
The infrastructure serving a scheme or wider
furniture in kitchens and bathrooms. accommodation levels above the flood
neighbourhood should also be designed to be
Alternatively, finishes can be designed level. If it is not possible to raise all the
resistant or at least resilient to flooding.
to be removable or sacrificial and easily accommodation above the design flood
replaced in the zone affected by flooding. Main utility supply routes for power, data and level because it is necessary to provide level
water should, if possible, be run in the area of access to some parts of the building then
Special vent covers can be used to close
lowest flood risk. Any electrical sub-stations these areas should be raised above the level
ventilation bricks to prevent underfloor voids
and transformers should also be placed in the of more frequent floods and designed
and cavities becoming flooded. However, solid
area of least risk and should be protected by to be resistant.
floors rather than suspended timber floors are
flood defence enclosures if necessary.
preferable. Insulation should be closed cell in Should resistant measures fail to exclude
order to reduce water take-up and minimise Within buildings pump sets for water supplies flood waters parts of the building below the
the time needed for drying out. should be raised above the design flood level worst case flood level should be designed to
along with electrical switch rooms, meter be sacrificial in terms of the use and function
Electrical and heating systems should be
rooms, oil storage tanks, lift motor rooms and of the property. In addition they should be
distributed at high level rather than under the
any other vulnerable plant. Sewerage systems designed to be resilient in order to minimise
ground floor and drop down within walls to
in areas of flood risk should be fitted with the cost of any damage and to speed up
sockets and radiators. Electrical sockets are
non-return valves in order to prevent foul recovery time.
to be set above the flood level at dado rather
water backing up into properties.
than skirting level. Within a building, whether commercial or
Public Realm and Landscape residential, high-value fittings and essential
Solid walls finished in cement render systems
The public realm and landscapes too should functions should be located well above the
or tiling, at least up to dado level, should be
be designed to withstand greater fluctuations flood level to give a degree of future proofing.
used in preference to timber stud partitions
in rainfall run-off and flooding. Native plants
finished in plaster board. Finally safe refuge and access for the
able to withstand periods of dry as well as
emergency services should be incorporated
Building fabrics and components should wet, such as Salix caprea (Goat Willow), Alnus
into the design.
be designed and specified to be inherently glutinosa (Alder) and Hippophae rhamnoides
resistant or resilient in order to achieve an (Sea Buckthorne) should be planted in or near
end product that integrates both the functions swales to prevent scouring and wash-out
required by the user and the need to mitigate of surface drainage systems and to prevent
the risk of flooding. debris from washing into and blocking
storm water culverts.

Watergaten (Waterholes) project, s-Hertogenbosch, Ronday

Winkelaar Architects The Waterhole houses do not employ
conventional foundations but instead respond to fluctuating water

25 The Design Response

Case Study Mitigation For most of the year the flood house
The Turnaround House functions as a typical house and only in a
flood does it transform and a turned around
Architects: Nissen Adams LLP living arrangement is adopted. Should water
Quantity Surveyors: Measur penetrate the ground floor occupants relocate
Services Engineering Consultants: upstairs. A robust concrete dado extending
Mendick Waring Ltd from the foundations allows easy cleaning
after the flood subsides.
Norwich Union, together with the RIBA,
launched a design competition in the Summer Provisions have been made to tailor to each
of 2008 to encourage innovative solutions to family members needs, right down to those
balance development needs with a response of the pets and car. The typical arrangement
to increased flood risk. Architects were asked of bedrooms upstairs, living downstairs is
to design a house for the future, which inverted to raise the familys most expensive
could be built on a floodplain, and took the belongings away from damage by flood
associated flood risk into account via its waters. Desks in the storage wall provide
architectural features and design. Overall, we office space in case occupants cannot get
sought designs that would help ensure that to work or school. A sunken concrete pontoon
properties built on floodplains are designed allows for the family car to be floated out of
to mitigate the flood risk, are workable, and, harms way. A small green space is provided
of course, insurable. for pets when the garden is flooded. Gabion
walls act as a filter to limit the amount of
Concentrating on resilience, Nissen Adams
debris entering the garden where children
solution applied three design principles
and pets play. Timber shutters provide
resulting in their design for The Turnaround
security to the first floor and fold down like
House. These principles were:
drawbridges to join neighbouring balconies in
Creating an adaptable house that responds a flood, thereby creating a continuous raised
to a flood, without compromising living walkway that replaces the flooded pavement
during the rest of the year below to reconnect the community.

Ensuring that occupants needs are met Image by permission of Nissen Adams LLP
at all times

Acting as a physical link to the community

and its support networks.

Illustrative Scheme
The illustrative scheme shows housing
within the area of low flood risk designed
with a combination of resistant and resilient
construction measures.

Primary utility infrastructure has been run

in the lowest risk area. An electrical sub
station has been made resistant to flooding
with a flood proof enclosure.

Within the apartment buildings pump sets

Resistant utilities for water and other items of plant have
Resilient buildings been located at high level and meter rooms
Resistant services above the flood design level.

Figure 17 Mitigation measures to minimise the consequences of a flood

26 The Design Response


2 9




1 Thickened floor structure provides an 6 Operable roof light to facilitate drying after 10 Timber storage shelves below staircase
easily accessible deep storage space a flood to a height of 1,000mm above floor finish,
for mattresses, temporary bedding and water resistant storage below
7 Water storage tanks above WC allow for
emergency drinking water
toilet flushing during a flood if water mains 11 Concrete steps to a height of 1,000mm
2 Wall hooks allow for furniture and toy boxes are shut down above floor finish with timber steps above
to be raised out of harms way during a flood
8 Storage wall emergency supplies are 12 Removable water resistant concrete
3 Electrical sockets above flood line stored in deep cabinets and accessed in plank flooring
times of flood
4 A concrete dado extends to a height 13 Sloped concrete trough below floor creates
of 1,000mm above floor finish, creating 9 Storage in drawers forming steps of a path of least resistance for floodwater.
a resilient surface staircase for shoes, board games and Also acts as a reservoir in the event of a
emergency supplies minor flood. Sloped floor allows water to drain
5 Hard-wearing screed flooring maintains its
towards WC and exit at the rear of house
integrity and is easy to clean after a flood

27 The Design Response

5.0 Finally, having developed design proposals, an
assessment of the scheme should be made
development within the floodplain should
aim for carbon neutrality to avoid further

Re-assessment in the event of a flood. This assessment will

ultimately form part of the site Flood Risk
contribution to the risk.

Consideration should also be given to the

Assessment in support of the development.
of Impact However, the process is iterative, and following
impact of proposals on local ecology and
ecosystems. It is not just a case of protecting
an initial appraisal of the proposals it may be
the development against flood waters, but
necessary to revise designs if they fail to fully
a case of protecting rising rivers against
mitigate the flood risk.
contamination from development.
The assessment must first demonstrate
that the occupants would not be placed
at an unacceptable level of risk. Opportunities
It must then demonstrate that the design Re-assessment of Impact
proposals to control and mitigate the risk
New development in the floodplain
of flooding are effective.
can be used to increase flood storage
It must also show that the proposals would capacity thereby progressively
have no adverse impact upon flood risk to reducing overall risk
areas outside of the site.
New development in the floodplain
There are also other important factors to can set high standards of sustainability
consider when assessing the impact of showing by example how drivers of
proposals. climate change can
be reduced
Climate change is likely to cause greater
frequency and severity of flooding largely as a Sensitively designed regeneration
result of unsustainable development. There schemes within the floodplain can
are strong arguments to support the idea that deliver overall environmental and
all new development and not just ecological benefits.

Illustrative Scheme
Re-assessment of Impact
The illustrative scheme shows that through
a combination of land use planning, control
and mitigation measures the risk to
occupants of the site has been reduced to
an acceptable level. It demonstrates that
the flood storage capacity of the site has
been maintained in the most severe flood
event and actually increased for more
frequent but lesser flood events.

The assessment also confirms that

neighbouring land and properties are
not adversely affected.

Figure 18 Assessment of the schemes impact

28 The Design Response

Further RIBA climate change homepage: download guidance and further information
on the RIBAs climate change programme


Association of British Insurers: information on flooding and insurance (X)

Ciria flooding homepage: advice on the repair and restoration of flooded buildings

Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: flood and coastal erosion risk

Department of Energy and Climate Change

Environment Agency flooding homepage

Flood Protection Association: information about manufacturers and installers

of flood protection products

Flood Resilient Home

Geographical Association: flood risk assessment and management

Improving the flood resilience of new buildings (CLG)

Institution of Civil Engineers

The LifE Project and Handbook
The LifE project promotes innovative
National Flood Forum
architectural and landscape solutions
for situations where it is not possible to
locate development in areas of lower The Pitt Report: Learning Lessons from the 2007 Floods
flood risk. The project presents a shift in
thinking by investigating the permitting of
Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk (Department for Communities
water into sites in a controlled manner.
and Local Government)
The LifE Handbook summarises the
principals of the LifE approach, illustrating pdf/planningpolicystatement25.pdf
strategies for sites at Hackbridge,
PPS25 Practice Guide (CLG)
Peterborough and Littlehampton.
The handbook illustrates issues at
Thames Estuary 2100 project (EA)
a range of development scales and
provides possible solutions for many
development situations. UK Climate Impacts Programme
Author: Baca Architects and the Building
Research Establishment in collaboration
with Cyril Sweett, Halcrow Group Ltd,
Fulcrum Consulting and LDA Design.
Funded by DEFRA.

29 Further Reading
Glossary Breach of defences
A structural failure at a defence allowing water
Estuarial flooding
Flooding from an estuary, where water level
to flow through. will be influenced by both river flows and tidal
of Terms Catchment
conditions, with the latter usually being
The area that is drained by a river or artificial
drainage system. Flooding
Overflowing of water onto land that is
Climate change
normally dry. It may be caused by overtopping
Long-term variations in global temperature
or breach of banks or defences, inadequate or
and weather patterns, which occur both
slow drainage of rainfall, underlying
naturally and as a result of human activity,
groundwater levels or blocked drains and
primarily greenhouse gas emissions.
sewers. It presents a risk only when people
Coastal erosion and human assets are present in the area
The gradual wearing away of the coastline which floods.
through a combination of wave attack and, in
Flood Alleviation Schemes (FAS)
the case of coastal cliffs, slope processes (e.g.
A scheme designed to reduce the risk of
high groundwater levels). This may include cliff
flooding at a specific location.
instability, where coastal processes result in
the periodic reactivation of landslide systems Flood defence
or promote rock falls. A man-made structure (e.g. embankment,
bund, sluice gate, reservoir, and barrier)
Coastal flooding
designed to prevent flooding of areas adjacent
Flooding from the sea. Coastal flooding is
to the defence.
caused by higher sea levels than normal
resulting in the sea overflowing onto the land. Flood-detention reservoirs
An embanked area designed to hold
Consequence of flooding
floodwater upstream from areas at risk
Health, social economic and environmental
and release it slowly. Embankments may
effects of flooding, some of which can be
be constructed across the river or off-line,
assessed in monetary terms, while other, less
with flood flows being diverted into the
tangible, impacts are more difficult to quantify.
reservoir area.
Consequences depend on the hazards
associated with the flooding and the Flooding from artificial drainage systems
vulnerability of receptors. This occurs when flow entering a system,
such as an urban storm water drainage
Conveyance function
system, exceeds its discharge capacity, it
When a river overflows its banks, it continues
becomes blocked or it cannot discharge
to flow over the floodplain, conveying water
due to a high water level in the receiving
down-stream, as well as storing water where
the floodplain may be obstructed and
releasing it slowly. Flood hazard
The features of flooding which have adverse
Detailed assessment
impacts on receptors such as the depth of
To assess flood-risk issues in detail and to
water, speed of flow, rate of onset, duration,
provide a quantitative appraisal of potential
water quality etc.
flood risk to a proposed or existing
development, of its potential impact on flood Flood hazard assessment
risk elsewhere and of the effectiveness An assessment of the hazards that would
of any proposed mitigation measures. arise from flooding, e.g. to identify where
flooding would occur, how deep the water
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
would be, how fast it would flow, how rapidly
A technique used for identifying the
would it rise and how long it would remain.
environmental effects of development
projects. As a result of European Union Flood risk
Directive 85/337/EEC (as amended 1997), this An expression of the combination of the flood
is a legislative procedure to be applied to the probability and the magnitude of the potential
assessment of the environmental effects of consequences of the flood event.
certain public and private projects which are
likely to have significant effects on the

30 Glossary of Terms
Flood Risk Assessment Inland flooding
(covers all scales of assessment) A study to Any flooding away from the sea, the primary
assess the risk of area flooding under both cause of which is prolonged and/or intense
present and potential future circumstances, precipitation (or the failure of water-retaining
such as changes in climate, land-use, infrastructure, such as burst water pipes or
development or flood-risk management. dam-breaks).

Flood Risk Management (FRM) Inundation

Combines the function of mitigating and Overflowing of water onto land that is
monitoring flood risks and may include pre- normally dry.
flood, flood-event or post flood activities.
Exception test
Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) An assessment of whether a development
Developed in accordance with national flood proposal within an area at risk of flooding
policy and the EU Floods Directive, provides meets specific criteria for proper planning and
the strategic direction for flood-risk sustainable development and demonstrates
management decisions in a catchment. These that it will not be subject to unacceptable risk
will describe a range of techniques from nor increase flood risk elsewhere.
traditional river defences to non-structural
Likelihood (probability) of flooding
responses, such as flood warning and
A general concept relating to the chance
resilience measures at property level. The
of an event occurring. Likelihood is generally
coastal strategies produced by DAFF will also
expressed as a probability or a frequency
follow this current thinking in managing the
of a flood of a given magnitude or severity
risks associated with coastal erosion and
occurring or being exceeded in any given
coastal flooding.
year. It is based on the average frequency
Flood storage estimated, measured or extrapolated from
The temporary storage of excess run-off or records over a large number of years and
river flow in ponds, basins, reservoirs or on is usually expressed as the chance of a
the floodplain. particular flood level being exceeded in any
one year. For example, a 1 in 100 or 1% flood
Flood zones
is that which would, on average, be expected
A geographic area within which the flood
to occur once in 100 years, though it could
risk is in a particular range as defined
happen at any time.
within PPS25.
Mitigation measures
Flooding Directive
Refers to an element of development design
An EU Directive (Directive 2007/60/EC of the
which may be used to manage flood risk to a
European Parliament and of the Council of
development, either by reducing the incidence
23 October 2007 on the assessment and
of flooding both to the development and as a
management of flood risks) to integrate the
result of it and/or by making the development
way flood risk is managed throughout the
more resistant and/or resilient to the effects
European Union.
of flooding.
Fluvial flooding
Overtopping of defences
Flooding from a river or other watercourse.
Flood defence failure or exceedance
Groundwater flooding mechanism. Flood water reaches levels that
Flooding caused by groundwater escaping are higher than the flood defence level and
from the ground when the water table rises flows over the top of the crest of the structure.
to or above ground level. The structure may remain stable however
erosion of the land ward face of the defence
Indicative Floodplain Map (IFM)
may cause the defence to collapse.
A map that delineates the areas estimated
to be at risk of flooding during an event of Pathways
specified flood probability. Indicative Provides the connection between a particular
acknowledges that such maps give an source (e.g. high river or tide level) and the
indication of the areas at risk but, due to the receptor that may be harmed (e.g. property).
scale of the exercise, they cannot be relied In flood risk management pathways are often
upon to give precise information in relation blocked by barriers, such as flood defence
to individual sites. structures, or otherwise modified to reduce
the incidence of flooding.

31 Glossary of Terms
Precautionary approach the type of development that is acceptable in we manage water bodies across Europe. It
The approach, to be used in the assessment a given zone is dependent on the assessed requires all inland and coastal waters to reach
of flood risk, which requires that lack of full flood risk of that zone (i.e. the probability of good status by 2015 through a catchment
scientific certainty, shall not be used as a flooding and the vulnerability of the based system of River Basin Management
reason for postponing cost-effective development). Plans (RBMP) incorporating a programme of
measures to avoid or manage flood risk. measures to improve the status of all natural
Scoping assessment
water bodies.
River basin management plan A generally qualitative or semi-quantitative
A management plan for all river basins assessment to confirm sources of flooding Vulnerability
required by the Water Framework Directive. that may affect a plan area or proposed Refers to the resilience of a particular group,
These documents will establish a strategic development site, to appraise the adequacy people, property and the environment, and
plan for the long term management of the of existing information and to provide a their ability to respond to a hazardous
River Basin District, set out objectives for qualitative appraisal of the risk of flooding condition. For example, elderly people may
water bodies and in broad terms what and potential impact of a development on be less able to evacuate in the event of a
measures are planned to meet these flooding elsewhere and of the scope of rapid flood than young people.
objectives, and act as the main reporting possible mitigation measures.
mechanism to the European Commission.
Screening assessment
River flooding A broad-brush assessment to identify
See fluvial flooding. whether there is any flooding or surface water
management issues related to a plan area or
proposed or existing development site that
Constructing the building in such a way that
may warrant further investigation.
although flood water may enter the building,
its impact is minimised, structural integrity is Source
maintained, and repair, drying & cleaning and Source refers to a source of hazard
subsequent re-occupation are facilitated. (e.g. strong winds, heavy rainfall).
This is sometimes known as wet-proofing.
Source Pathway Receptor Model
Resistance The representation of the components of
Constructing a building in such a way to flood risk. There are three components: the
prevent flood water entering the building source of the hazard, the receptors affects
or damaging its fabric. This is sometimes by the hazard and the mechanism of transfer
known as dry-proofing. between the two. For there to be flood risk
all three, source pathway and receptor
must exist.
Refers to those things that may be harmed
by flooding (e.g. people, houses, buildings or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
the environment). The application of Environmental Impact
Assessment to earlier, more strategic, tiers
Residual risk
of decision-making policies, plans and
The risk which remains after all risk avoidance,
substitution and mitigation measures have
been implemented, on the basis that such Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
measures can only reduce risk, not eliminate it, The assessment of flood risk on a wide
and they may not be maintained in perpetuity. geographical area against which to assess
development proposed in a district or
The flow of water, caused by rainfall, from
an area, which depends on how permeable Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
the land surface is. Run-off is greatest from A philosophy of drainage which aims to
impermeable areas such as roofs, roads and control run-off as near its source as possible
hard standings and least from vegetated areas using a sequence of management practices
moors, agricultural and forestry land. and control structures designed to drain
surface water in a more sustainable fashion
Sequential test
than some conventional techniques.
A risk-based approach to considering
development in relation to flood risk, applied Water Framework Directive (WFD)
through the use of flood zoning that gives A European Community Directive
priority to development in areas of low risk (2000/60/EC) of the European Parliament
but if no such land is reasonably available, and Council designed to integrate the way

32 Glossary of Terms

This document is based upon work undertaken

for the RIBA by Kiran Curtis of KCA architects, with contributions
by Jonathan Cooper of JBA consulting,

Project Steering Group:

Peter Borrows (NGM Sustainable Developments Ltd)
Jonathan Cooper (JBA Consulting)
Ken Glendinning (London Thames Gateway
Development Corporation)
Oliver Grant (Environment Agency)
Rachel Hill (Environment Agency)
Chris McCarthy (Battle McCarthy)
Duncan McKinnon (MacCormac Jamieson Pritchard)
Peter Phipps (Mott MacDonald)
Andy Stanford (Walsh Associates)
Peter Wilder (Macfarlane Wilder)

Edited by Ewan Willars (RIBA)

Design by Duffy
Produced with the kind support of CABE
and the Energy Saving Trust

Printed by Seacourt Ltd on Revive recycled paper, using the

waterless offset printing process (0 per cent water and 0 per
cent isopropyl alcohol or harmful substitutes), 100 per cent
renewable energy and vegetable oil-based inks. Seacourt Ltd
holds EMAS and ISO 14001 environmental accreditations.
Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place
London W1B 1AD
T 020 7580 5533

Energy Saving Trust

21 Dartmouth Street
London SW1H 9BP
T 0845 120 7799 Second edition ISBN 978-0-9561064-6-9

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