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PS 110: International and Regional Organizations

Preliminaries: Academic and Non-Academic Orientation: Class Acquaintance, the Policy

(Institutional and Classroom)

Speculating World Current Issues vis--vis International and Regional


Lesson Proper:
1. The Rise of the International Organization

2. The League of Nations

3. The American-led, Cold War UN, 1945-60

4. The Third World UN, 1960-80

5. A Period of Crisis: the UN in the 1980s

6. The New World Disorder: the UN and the Maintenance of International


7. The Post-Cold War UN

8. The European Community, 1945-69: Origins and Beginnings

9. The European Community, 1970-85: Turbulence, Europessimism and

EurosclerosisWidening at a Cost

10. The European Community, 1985-92: from Community to Union

Deepening Dominates while Widening Waits

11. The European Union, 1993-2003: Deepening and Widening?

12. The New Regionalism

Incl: The ASEAN Integration

13. Towards Global Governance?

14. The Emergence of Global Governance

15. The Contemporary World Order

Course Expectations/Requirements/Evaluative Measures:

Attendance (10%); Quizzes/Exams (20%); Recitation (15%); Projects,

Assignments, Written Reports, Case Studies, Journals, Reaction Papers, Movie
and Book Reviews, Exigent and Non-Exigent Assessments (15%) and Major
Examinations (40%)

Suggested Reference(s):

Armstrong, David, (2004). International Organisation in World Politics.

Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Online Sources and Other Materials

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