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Inicio del concepto de discurso

para entender la lengua en uso

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011


Paradigmatic c. Syntactical c.
To be S
am,is, are NP + VP
This, that
martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
Speech acts
Adjacency pairs ;Asociated pairs of speech
acts Ex. Question and answer
Speech events

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
cold, very, coffee, tea, biscuits, sandwiches,
toasts, close, door, prefer
It, is, please, yes/yeah, not,much, do, the,
very, what,

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

cold, very, coffee, tea, biscuits, sandwiches,
toasts, close, door, prefer
It, is, please, yes/yeah, not,much, do, the,
very, what,
-Very much
-tea, coffee
-yes, please
-close the door please!
-do you prefer biscuits, toasts,sandwiches
martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
To put all this together we need discourse
Vivian:Very much; ... tea, coffee...
J: tea!
V: tea?
J: yes, please
V: close the door, please!
J: Ok
V: do you prefer biscuits, toasts,sandwiches...
J: toasts, please.
V: Ok

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Discourses occur always in context

Scene, setting
Ingredients of context : Acts

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Discourses occur always in context

Ingredients of context
Scene, setting:Vivians kitchen, making tea
Participants:Vivian, Jane, friends (?),
Ends: Social speech and prepare a hot drink
Acts: General commentary, invitation, acceptance, .....
Key : Informal register
Instruments: Human voices, face to face
Norms: Good understanding of message
Genre : Friendly gathering

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Discourse : Minimum unit -> Speech act
Jane:Cold! ( General commentary)
Vivian:Very much; tea, coffee... ( Agreement) (Offer)
J: tea! (Acceptance and informative)
V: tea? (Ask for confirmation)
J: yes, please (Confirmation, Expression of politeness)
V: close the door, please! (Request, E.of politeness)
J: Ok (Agrees to fulfill the demand)
V: do you prefer biscuits, toasts,sandwiches... (aks for information)
J: toasts, please. (provides information , E. of politeness)
V: Ok. (Acknowledge of information)

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Speech acts
Speaking is doing

utterance + intentionality : Its cold here!

School teacher looking at children close to

an open window -> It is a request
Three levels of meaning : Locutionary
meaning, illocutionary, perlocutionary

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Speech acts
utterance + intentionality : Its cold here!
School teacher looking at children close to an open window -> It is a request

Three levels of meaning : Locutionary meaning, illocutionary, perlocutionary

Locutionary meaning: it refers to literal meaning,

Illocutionary meaning , also called Illocutionary
force : It is a request to pupils; they have to
comply with.
Perlocutionary meaning : It refers to the
consequences for the adressees [ they have to
close the window next to them]

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Speech acts in the discourse of
the classroom
J.M. Sinclair and M. Colthard (1975) Towards an Analysis of discourse
1. Well, Mm oK ( ma)
1. Marker
2. Peter, lets... (no)
2. Nomination
3. Open you books at page 32 (st)
3. Starter
4. What are these letters, vowels or
consonants ? (el)
5. Did you say consonants... (ch)
6. Directive
6. Look at the screen.(di)
7. Informative
7. Our body contains 80% of water (In)
8. Prompt
8. What do you see on that picture...(pr)
9. Clue
9. This animal is a mammal from Austalia
10. Cue
10.Your turn! (cu)

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Speech acts in the discourse of the classroom
J.M. Sinclair and M. Colthard (1975) Towards an Analysis of discourse

11. bid: ..raise your hand... (bi)

12. Acknowledge: yes thats it (ac)
13. Respond : they are vowels (re)
14. React: Students open their books ( rc)
15. Comment: There are more vowels in English (co)
16. Evaluate: Very good answer(ev)
17. Accept: Thanks for your help (ac)
18. Metastament: Today we are going to see the
19. Conclusion: Lets finish for today (co)
20. Loop: vowels, arent they, and how many vowels are
21. Apart: Where have I left my usb pen?(ap)
martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
Teacher: Well done, Toni... ev, no
and now, Angela, lets see how do we call
this book? ma, no, el
A : Its a dictionary re

T Good! A dictionary; ev, lo

and why do we use it? .David! el, no
P Sometimes we dont know what a word
means or how it is written re
T: Good, David. ev, no
Can you pass me the one that is just behind
you di
D: Here you are re, rc
martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
Classroom discourse
Teachers do their teaching by

Control of interaction
Speech modification

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Teachers do their teaching by

Control of interaction
Speech modification

Control of interaction :

Classroom discourse is asymmetrical , ex.,

Angela, let see, how do we call this book? ....Good, a

Introduces new activities and information,

instructions on what to do, when to stop and who
has the floor. Ok, now, so, alright are very frequent

It evaluates and rephrase students responses. See


It controls contents and procedure of lessons. ex.

do you remember in, on, under, above, ...?

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Control of interaction through
speech acts
1. Marker
11. bid:
2. Nomination
12. Acknowledge:
3. Starter
13. Respond : *
14. React: *
15. Comment:
6. Directive
16. Evaluate:
7. Informative */
17. Accept: */
8. Prompt
18. Metastament:
9. Clue
19. Conclusion:
10. Cue
20. Loop: */
21. Apart:
* produced mainly by students
/ produce also by students
martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
The most frequent model of interaction
Moves in classroom : The IRF exchange structure

T. :and now, Angela; lets see how do we call this

book? Initiation
A. : Its a dictionary Response
T. : Good! A dictionary; Feedback

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Teacher: Well done, Toni... and now,
Angela; lets see how do we call this book?

A : Its a dictionary

T Good! A dictionary; and why do we use

it? .David!

P Sometimes we dont know what a word means

or how it is written

T Good, David. Can

you pass me the one that is just behind you

P Here you are

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

T. : So you can read question two, Junya I

J. : Where was Sabina when this happened ? R

[ Reading from a book]

T. :Right, yes, where was Sabina. F

In unit10, where was she? I

J. : Er, go out.. R

T. : She wet out, yes F

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Classroom discourse modification to enhance

Speech modification : Students sometimes

get lost in the flow of discourse. Teachers
develop strategies to help them. Students
have to navigate the discourse.

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Classroom discourse modification to enhance

Speech modification :
Ex. of speech modification:
- simplified vocabulary and grammar;
pronunciation is often clearer, deliberate
articulation, wider use of standard forms
- use of modified interactional resources:
frequent use of discourse markers Well, ok,
here we are, thats it. Use of expressions such
as lets see it again; go back to line 17; here,
pay attention; something different now,

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
Speech modification :
-confirmation checks; do you mean H2 O?
-comprehension checks, Do you see it?
-clarification requests, What do you mean exactly?
-Backtracking, Look two lines above!
-Shaping learners contributions : rephrasing a
students utterance: -St: policeman,er
give me give me
-T: gives me
- St: gives ? gives me

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Teachers do their teaching by

Control of interaction

Speech modification



Elicitation : Teachers make students say something


Georges, your turn! ; Tell me how is it that you dont like

ice creams?, Who didnt go to the beach?

Display questions : *I will can go to Barcelona*, its

impossible in English; Anna, which expression do you
have to use? Yesterday I [to read] an interesting novel;
How do you pronounce here to read .

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Questions and answers occupy a large amount of time in
classerooms. 120 questions in 50 are frequent.
Why do we ask so many questions?

To provide a model
To check comprehension
To test
To activate learners response
To stimulate practice
To ask for genuine information
martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
Teachers do their teaching by

Control of interaction

Speech modification



Repair : The way teachers deal with errors

or misunderstandings. Ex. : Repetion?
repetition you mean!

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

Teachers do their teaching by

Repair, different ways of doing it :

Control of interaction

1. Ignore the error;

Speech modification

2. Indicate the error and correct it.

3. Indicate the error and get the learner
who made it to correct it.
4. Indicate the error and ask other students
to correct it.
5. When interaction is finished the teacher
points out the errors on the whiteboard.
6. Non linguistics means of indicating the
7. Ask students to repeat, to reformulate,

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011
How do we do the teaching

Interaction is the answer

Good interaction competence is crucial for
effective teaching.

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First approach to discourse

We teach so that students can build and

understand contributions while using
languistic interaction
We refer to discourse when we mean
language in use and not as a system
We teach to help students to participate in
conversations, to understand spoken
discourses on Tv, radio, etc and to
understand written texts.

martes 29 de noviembre de 2011

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