Mia Final Reference

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15 Gatehouse Dr.
Cambridge, ON
N1P 1C7

Principal Jeff Dinner

Vice-Principal Rob Purificato

November 7th, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter of reference in support of Maria Robson. I am employed by the Waterloo Catholic
District School Board as an elementary school teacher. I met Maria when she was placed in my grade 7
classroom at Holy Spirit School for her concurrent practicum in her 3rd year. From the moment Mia
entered my room she interacted positively through her friendly demeanor with all my students. Mia also
interacted well with all faculty and staff. The students felt comfortable to talk and approach Mia for
assistance. Her initiative to complete planning tasks before her block began was appreciated.

During her observations days, Mia was available to reinforce concepts with students while I taught. Mia
demonstrated maturity in both her professionalism and her teaching practice throughout her placement. I
would have liked to see her final practicum block during her final year since she was already so
comfortable and accomplished in the classroom earlier in her teacher education.

Mia worked hard during her teaching block to deliver well-planned, curriculum based lessons. She
incorporated a variety of teaching and evaluation techniques in her lessons. She maintained accurate
records and a well-organized daybook. Her classroom management skills improved during the block. Mia
was very receptive to suggestions for improvement on her lessons and worked to incorporate such
suggestions into her next lesson.

Mia was also a great leader for a first year teaching candidate that joined her during her practicum. She
showed the first year the ropes of the school and classroom and was able to help him navigate through
the co-planning lessons that was expected of them.

Mia maintained contact with me throughout the remainder of the year and the next few years as she
completed her studies. I applaud Mia for her insight and initiative. Mias strong interpersonal skills will
serve her well with her interactions with students and colleagues. I give Mia my highest recommendation
as she embarks on her career as a teacher and I urge you to give serious consideration to her application.

Please do not hesitate to call me if I can answer any more questions or provide more information.


Laura Lojek Smyth

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