HTT View Factors

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Perpendicular Rectangles

Viewfactor Calculation for Perpendicular Rectangles with a Common Edge

Copyright 1999, 2015 Robert J. Ribando

X= 6
Y= 1
Z= 3

H (=Z/X) 0.5
W (=Y/X) 0.166667

F12 = #VALUE!

Hi-Res Chart (online)

Prepared by Robert J. Ribando

Perpendicular Rectangles

Hi-Res Chart (online)

Prepared by Robert J. Ribando

Coaxial, Parallel Disks

Viewfactor Calculation for Coaxial, Parallel Disks

Copyright 1999, 2015 Sean R. Travis

Radius of Receiver (Rj) 3

Radius of Emitter (Ri) 1.5
Separation Distance (L) 2

L / Ri = 1.33
Rj / L = 1.50

Viewfactor = #VALUE!

View Angle 40

Prepared by Sean R. Travis

Coaxial, Parallel Disks

Prepared by Sean R. Travis

Coaxial Finite Cylinders

Viewfactors for Coaxial, Finite Cylinders #VALUE! To #1 To #2 To #3 Check

Copyright 2000, 2015 John K. Koehler From #1 0 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Outer Radius: 1.2

Inner Radius: 0.9
Cylinder Height: 1

Surface #2

Surface #3

Surface #1

Prepared by John K. Koehler

Parallel Rectangles

Viewfactor Calculation for Aligned Parallel Rectangles

Copyright 2009, 2015 Robert J. Ribando

L= 1
X= 5
Y= 2

Xbar (=X/L) 5
Ybar (=Y/L) 2

F12 = #VALUE!

Prepared by Robert J. Ribando

Parallel Rectangles

Hi-Res Chart (online)

Prepared by Robert J. Ribando

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