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Transforming your lifestyle and body the natural way! | superrawlife.


Raw Living Expo

Lets get Clean
and Green
Ani Phyo
Inspiring People
to Launch their own Eco-green
Healthy Lifestyle Businesses 100 Day Challenge
How I lost 72 pounds
Living on the Veg in 75 days!

Issue #8 Spring 2013 Super Raw Life

Issue #8 Spring 2013

Lets get Clean and Green.............................26 47 8
The beginning of a new season is a wonderful opportunity to cleanse,
detoxify, and renew our bodies.

67 56
Living on the Veg.......................................48
Where I travel is unknown, but I lay before me a path that brings
happiness, vibrancy, and understanding.

Ani Phyo - Inspiring People.........................62

to Launch their own Eco-green Healthy Lifestyle Businesses.

Raw Living Expo............................................ 78

According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, after our physical needs are
taken care of, and assuming we are safe, our next greatest need is the
need to belong.

Raw Transformation.................................... 72
How I lost 72 pounds in 75 days.

2 Issue #8 Spring 2013



Asian Dipping Sauce................... 97
Banana Coconut Cream Pie Caesar Salad Dressing/Dip......... 92
Green Smoothie........................... 35 Herb Infused Olive Oil............... 68 Cherry Tomato Marinara............71
Fresh Spring Raw White Tea...... 115 Mexican Mayo..............................55 Garlic Wheat 76
Groovy Ginger Granny................23 Orange Vinaigrette...................... 14 grass Pesto.............. 56
Magical Spinach Apple Colon Stack Dressing.............................. 53 Marinade.......................................45
Cleansing Juice............................. 28 Strawberry Chia Dressing.......... 95 Sprouted Cashew Crme.............56
Passion fruit Oasis 59 Tomato Sauce................................67
Raw Mango Salsa 33
Bearss Lime Butter....................... 36 SALAD
Green Smoothie............................ Lisbon Lemon Butter................... 36 Baby Kale and Caramelized
Spicy Alkaline Vegetable 30 Soup Garnish................................ 50 Almond Salad...............................15
Cocktail Juice................................24 Bok Choy Salad............................ 103


Asian Cucumber Rolls................ 97
Lower Fat Taco Salad...................94
Magical Kale Salad for 2..............109
Basic Pie Crust..............................67 Cucumber Tomato Stack............ 53 Raw Beet & Basil Salad............... 105
Herb Bread Crumb Topping.......58 Eggplant Marinade...................... 56 Strawberry Pecan Spinach.......... 95
Instant Pizza Crust.......................69 Eggplant Parmigiana with

CHEESE Garlic Wheatgrass Pesto............. 76 SNACK

Candied Walnuts..........................45
Fat Free Fajitas............................. 109
Cashew Cheese............................. 58 Fat Free Savory Stuffed Buckwheat-Battered Fried
Rawcotta Cheese.......................... 56 Peppers.......................................... 93 Onion Rings..................................70
Miracle fruit have a unique glycoprotein
Fried Onion and Mushroom Zucchini Strips and Zfries.......... 47
Almond Butter Cookies.............. 13
Pizza.............................................. 68
Mac & Cheese with Herb Bread SOUP
that inhibits the tongue's perception of
sour flavors. More importantly it masks
Curried Coconut the metallic flavor food gets after a che-
Carrot Fairy Cakes....................... 38 Crumb Topping............................58
Tomato Bisque..............................50 mo treatment. There are also benefits to
Chocolate Marzipan Delight...... 102 Mexican Potato Salad.................55
Cream of Spinach Soup...............103 diabetics, and those that regularly need to
Custard Tartlets............................ 67 Succulent Citrus Pasta Salad...... 108
take bitter medications. The uses are truly
Lemon Frosting............................ 38
limited only by one's imagination.

Photo Courtesy of The Miracle Fruit Farm

Pia Colada Cheesecake............. 77 Were
Strawberries, Candied Walnuts everywhere!
Find us on: Berries are sold in quantities of 10 for
and Sprouted Cashew.................. 45
facebook $2 each for 10-99 fruit. One hundred or
Shakayas Sublime
pinterest more are $1.00 each. Shipping charges
Key Lime Mousse......................... 88 ON OUR COVER
will apply to mail orders.
Raw Living Expo
Lets get Clean and Green Call 1-305-233-5501 or email info@Mir-
Ani Phyo - Inspiring People to Launch their own your order today.
Eco-green Healthy Lifestyle Businesses Sign up for updates,
special offers, sneak
Living on the Veg peeks, download Fresh berries are picked, packed, and
100 Day Challenge How I lost 72 pounds in 75 days! the current and past
shipped daily.
issues of Super Raw
Life for free, digitally
Cover Photo: on

4 Ani Phyo, photographed by Jeff Skeirik, Rawtographer Issue #8 Spring 2013
CONTENTSTransforming your lifestyle and body the natural way! |

Founder/Editor in Chief
I love when winter fades and spring shines through, as trees bud and daffodils bloom. What lies ahead
the next few months fulfils the yearning within. Fresh fruit and vegetables in season will soon be on our
plates. They taste exquisite as we absorb the healing energy in our fresh raw foods in season. Do you love
yourself enough to heal yourself? Eating living foods packed full of vital nutrients really comes down to
Michele Marie Jeppson
those eight words. As an emotional eater, raw sometimes seems daunting even though I know I feel best
Using illness as a Springboard to when eating an abundance of living foods. As spring begins to bloom I hope you will see your natural
Copy Editor
8 ...............................................Optimum Health Brandi Franzman beauty and allow yourself to blossom as well. May your next few months be filled with endless warm
spring afternoons!
19 ..........Juice Fasting for a Super Raw Life Olive Aguas I had the opportunity to attend the Raw Living Expo in Sedona, Arizona in February with Dorothy Salva-
Regular Reviewer tori and Beverly Dunford! What a gift (Raw Living Expo Delivers Unexpected Gift, page 78). We have
Sarah Ince featured several people who were nominated for the Best of Raw 2013. This issue is packed full of delicious
36 ..........Its Spring at Four Winds Growers energizing recipes coupled with articles to help you function optimally and inspire you to launch your own
Regular Contributors eco-green healthy lifestyle business (Ani Phyo Inspiring People to Launch their own Eco-green Healthy
Beverly Dunford Mark A. Eisenhart Lifestyle Businesses, page 62).
40.............................................Tips for Longevity Four Winds Growers
Karen Ranzi, M.A.
Michele Marie Jeppson
Olive Aguas Also take note of the East Coast Raw Vegan Foods Festival, Raw on the Land, August 17 - 18, 2013. Watch
Marie-Claire Hermans Tess Masters
our Facebook page for your opportunity to win tickets to this weekend event filled with camping, yoga,
Trust begins within, a holistic approach....44 Contributing Writers meditation, drum circles, dance and lots of delicious living foods from amazing chefs (page 45).
Amanda Houle Matthew Purnell

Background image by Michele Marie Jeppson, Portrait by Bella Mahaya Carter

Ani Phyo Mick Murphy While we are celebrating the change of seasons, Ill also mention a change at Super Raw Life. After nearly
The Miracle Fruit Farm.........................................60 Bella Mahaya Carter Rachael Renee three years of efficiently managing the copy editing and serving as an invaluable member of the Super Raw
Channa Serenity Bromley Sara Siso Life family, our copy editor, Brandi Franzman, will no longer be editing articles; she is now using that time
Your Health is your Greatest Wealth........74 Dave Rayala Shakaya Leone
to inspire people world-wide with her health coaching business. You can visit
Jay T. Hunter Summer Sanders
to schedule a free initial consultation with Brandi! Thank you, Brandi, for making us a little smarter in
Support for young Adults Learning a Healthy 7 Starlight Earthfeather The Miracle Fruit Farm
everything we do. We will miss you.
Raw Vegan Lifestyle........82 Kenita Gordon-Hinson Veronica Grace

Photography Contribution
You are a Beautiful Woman Artis Hinson Jeff Skeirik, Rawtographer Olive Aguas
unlike any other......84 Bella Mahaya Carter Jenelle Ray Rachael Renee
Beverly Dunford Jim Allen Sarah Davies
Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse and Dana Patrick Kenita Gordon-Hinson Shakaya Leone
Michele Marie Jeppson,
Salt Water Flush......................89 Dave Rayala Liam Leone Summer Sanders
Deanna Rayala M. Scot Mohler Teri Meyer
Veronica Grace.................90 Ed Dasso Marie-Claire Hermans Tess Masters
Four Winds Growers Michael Carbone The Miracle Fruit Farm
A Fire is Rising..........................98 Gina Sparrow Michele Marie Jeppson

Super Raw Life Issue 8 - 2013

Chef Sara Siso......................100 Super Raw Life is published quarterly,
by Super Raw Life, LLC 2013.
Weight Loss Doesnt have to be Hard...............106
All rights reserved. Articles are copyrighted material by author/writer. Reproduction of this maga-
zine, in whole or in part, is prohibited unless authorized by the Publisher or its advertisers. The
10 Positive Thinking Tips................................110 advertising space provided in Super Raw Life is purchased and paid for by the advertiser. None
of the products or services are necessarily endorsed by Super Raw Life. Please address all written
correspondence and editorial inquires to: Editorial Coordinator, Super Raw Life, PO Box 832, Park
Valley, Utah 84329 or POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS
Using the Five Elements of Tea for Health...........112 CHANGES AND UNDELIVERABLE MAIL TO SUPER RAW LIFE SUBSCRIPTIONS, BOX 832,
Park Valley, UT 84329. The information contained in the magazine is intended to provide broad
understanding and knowledge. We recommend you consult your physician or health care profes-

sional before beginning or alternating your personal exercise or diet program.
Issue #8 Spring 2013
Using illness as a Springboard to Optimum Health
by Summer Sanders

Sickness to Health My Personal Process

It is interesting to think back to what inspired me to be- Ive been 90% raw for about 3 years now. I go in and out.
come serious about raw food and natural healing. It start- Sometimes I eat a vegan diet, but I predominately feast
ed in 2010 while I was at a Bikram yoga class in San Di- on raw live food. Since becoming raw, there are only two
ego. I had been practicing Bikram for a couple of years, times that I have become ill. Each time, I use the time
and felt pretty comfortable (as comfortable as you can be I am not feeling well to catapult me to a higher state of
while practicing in 115 plus degrees) with the flow. For health. Here is how:
some reason, this particular day was incredibly hot and
challenging for me and my body was really struggling to I never use any western medicines (pain pills). This is a
keep up. To add to the stress I was feeling, the instructor personal choice. I have found that using them only makes
that day was less of a yogi and more of a drill sergeant. He my symptoms worse. I like to treat the underlying issue,
was yelling at people who were leaving the room. I felt that not just the symptoms. My symptoms are signs. They are
I needed to get up and leave because I was overheating, but telling me something is off and needs to be looked at. I
I was so intimidated by this man, that I just stayed there, welcome these signs. I welcome sickness.
sweating on my mat, too embarrassed and self-conscious
to move. I fast. Whenever I get sick or am under the weather, I
use that time to fast. I let my body put all its energy into
Later that evening, I got really sick. I was very sick for sev- healing itself. Usually the first 2 days of being sick is spent
en days with fevers, chills, a sore throat, and migraines. in bed, reading, resting, meditating and drinking lots of
It was during this sickness that I went raw, I had no real water. I often drink warm lemon water on these fasting
choice. I was miserable and somehow my body knew what days.
I needed to do to make it better. I had been raw in the
past, but this was the first time I really put what I knew to Colonics or Enemas (a very important part of healing).

summer sanders
practice. When you are fasting or just consuming liquids, it is cru-
cial to either get a colonic or take an enema.
By the eighth day, I was finally coming out of the sickness.
I came out cleansed and detoxed. The sickness led me to a I feed my body with vibrant healing foods. After my
greater understanding and gratitude for health. I became fasting days, I start the eating process very slowly. Some-
100% raw immediately after that. I took the sickness as a times Ill just do juices or smoothies. I use foods and

Photo by Jeff Skeirik , Rawtographer

time to heal myself. I spent the time listening to what my herbs that are naturally healing, such as: Ginger, Tur-
body neededmy body needed vibrant live food. This sto- meric, Cinnamon, Garlic, Cilantro, Dandelion Greens,
ry is a reminder that everything happens for a reason. You Chaga, Barley and Wheat grass, Coconut Water and
may not realize it at the moment, but the greater spirit is Herbal Teas. I listen to my body and its needs, not my
always working miracles. I needed that class. That instruc- mind and its wants.
tor was more than just a yoga teacher for mehe was an
everyday angel, giving me a chance to change my life. This Emotional health is just as important as physical health.
man (everyday angel) also taught me a lot about my self- They both directly affect each other. When Im sick, low
esteem and need of approval. I didnt leave that room, even or just not feeling too hot, I spend my time feeding my
though I knew I needed to. Why? I was able to go deeper soul with books, meditations and self reflections. Some
into myself and face some painful but important stories I of my favorite books to read during these delicate times
had been telling myself. are: The Presence Process by Michael Brown, A Course
8 Issue #8 Spring 2013
In Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman, Power of Now by
Eckhart Tolle, and Loving What Is by Byron Katie. This
is my soul food!

By adding all these things into your daily life (sick or

not), you are sure to reach a new point of healthbody,
mind, and spirit health.

See the Blessing

In life its often hard to see the blessing and miracles in
uncomfortable situations. The way we have learned to
face our problems is by running in the opposite direc-
tion, substance abuse, food, sex, working out, you name
it, and we do it. In this article, Ive been talking mostly
about physical illness, but the theme of what I am speak-
ing of goes far beyond the body. The moment you are
able to face an uncomfortable situation, knowing that
they are there to serve you, you welcome love and healing
into your life. When you start facing these uncomfortable
and often painful situations with an open heart, non-
judgment, and reverence, your life will begin to trans-
form. You open the door for true healing and a depth of
love that you will be amazed by.

Conscious Words to
implement into your life:
I can...

Photo by Jeff Skeirik , Rawtographer

I am...
I will...
I have...
I choose...
I love...
I create...
I enjoy...

10 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Raw Organic
Almond Butter Cookies
(Fiber, Healthy Fats, Lowers LDL Cholesterol)
by Summer Sanders

1 cup almond flour

3/4 cup sprouted oat flour
1/2 cup raw organic almond butter
1/2 cup raw organic almonds, chopped
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup raw organic sweetener of choice
Celtic salt to taste

1. Mix the almond and oat flours, Celtic salt, 1/4 cup of the chopped
raw organic almonds, and set aside.
2. In your food processor, combine raw organic almond butter, ex-
tracts, and sweeteners.
3. Slowly add in the dry mix. If you find that the mixture is a bit too
dry, add a bit of water to your mix while processing.
4. Use an ice cream scoop, and place onto dehydrator sheets. Press
down with a spoon, and add reserved chopped raw organic almonds.
5. Dehydrate for 12-24 hours.

12 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Orange Vinaigrette
by Summer Sanders

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
3 tablespoons liquid sweetener of choice
1/2 clove garlic
Pinch of salt
Black pepper to taste

1. Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until well combined.

2. Chill until ready to use

raw food Almost to good to

Baby food Almost
Kale and Caramelized Almond Saladto good to
raw food Almost to good to
(Fiber, Antioxidants, Filled with Vitamins)
by Summer Sanders

raw food Almost to good to

1 large bunch baby kale or spinach

raw food Almost to good to

8 baby tomatoes, sliced

raw food Almost to good to

1 date, sliced
1/4 cup peeled cucumber, cubed

raw food Almost to good to

1/2 cup carrots, sliced
1 cup raw organic almonds, soaked

raw food Almost to good to

1/4 cup date paste
1/2 cup orange vinaigrette (recipe on page 14)

raw food Almost to good to

Salt to taste

raw food Almost to good to

1. To make caramelized raw organic almonds, soak and dehydrate a cup of raw organic
almonds, add date paste and salt, dehydrate till a caramel consistency forms.

raw food Almost to good to

2. Add dressing to greens and massage in.
3. Mix in the salad ingredients to greens, and toss. Enjoy!

14 raw food Almost to good to Issue #8 Spring 2013
Summer has long had a passion for holistic health and
fitness. Growing up in Sedona, Arizona, her love of fresh
foods, natural healing, and fitness was nurtured by her fam-
ily and the forward thinking community. Summer began
her culinary experiments in the kitchen of Sedona Raw
Cafe, now known as ChocolaTree, Sedonas first and only
raw food restaurant. She works at the Matthew Kenney
Academy as a gourmet raw food instructor. Summer also
runs a whole food cleansing and health consulting com-
pany called Radiantly Raw Lifestyles. She is a certified per-
sonal trainer, weight management coach, pre-natal exercise
coach, and fitness nutrition specialist with National Acad-
emy of Sports Medicine. She has been training for over five
years and continues to expand her knowledge through con-
stant education and trying everything out on herself first!

Constantly playing with flavors, fresh ingredients and

healthy recipes, she started to create her own raw food
manual. That manual has become a raw food lifestyle guide
called ALIVE. It is due out in late March, 2013. After go-
ing raw at the age of 18 and feeling the life jolted back into
her, she knew what it was she wanted to create and share
with the world. She works with her clients to help shift their
SAD (Standard American Diet) to a lifestyle of thriving and
vibrant health. Her goal is to provide the healthiest recipes
with the most flavor possible for you to savor and thrive
on. Summer is available for health and fitness consulting.
Visit her website at or blog
at To purchase Summers
smoothie recipe book, Radiantly Raw Smoothies, visit

Photo by Jeff Skeirik , Rawtographer

Summer Sanders
Head Instructor at Matthew Kenney Cuisine Online

16 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Juice Fasting for a Super Raw Life
Marie-Claire Hermans

The more contradiction in a society, the higher its sensi- Strictly taken, juice fasting is not fasting because you are
bility and the stronger its reaction to the problem that is still adding nutrients through juiced fruits and vegetables.
posing itself. The growing numbers of cases of diabetes, Nevertheless, compared to a diet of processed foods it is a
overweight, cancer, and other chronic illnesses is the re- true reversal and delivers amazing results in a short time.
flection of Western abundance: we all have a loved one Juice fasting is often confused with juice feasting, which
who is affected by one of these illnesses inevitable con- means you can drink as much juice as you want, which can
sequences. Half the population is obese and suffers from be a good solution if you cant clear out your work sched-
diabetes. One in seven women gets breast cancer in Bel- ule. A juice fast is more limited and therefore has a deeper
gium. In the U.S., one male out of two and one in three cleansing effect. This is also why it is recommended not to
women develops cancer. This means that at least one out of start juice fasting without any preparation.
two households is hit by horrible suffering. This is a scary
evolution that is noticed in every country that adapts to A juice fast requires a preparation phase during which
civilized food standards. you eat healthy for some time, preferably even raw, giv-
ing you a first natural detox. A good average is a period of
There has never been such abundance, yet there is more about half a year. When you shift abruptly from a Standard
malnutrition than ever. Malnutrition is the number one American Diet (SAD) to juices only, your body will ex-
cause for overweight as the body is backing up consistent- perience a culture shock. An overflow of released toxins
ly what it is lackingtrue nutrition. There has never been can overwhelm you with their side effects, which are not
more pollution, never been more civilization-related dis- what you originally imagined and therefore are often mis-
ease (toxicity). A majority of people are fatigued, stressed, understood, scaring and discouraging you. Many people
overweight, overwhelmed, and close to depression. This stop their fast because they dont understand what is going
evolution is showing a clear messagethe longer the shelf on and dont know how to handle the first flow of physi-
life of our foods, the shorter our own. The further away cal and emotional sensations. When you start eating nor-
from what nature intended for us, the closer we stand to mal again, the side effects stop, you will feel better again
health risks. The more manufactured foods we eat, the less and conclude that fasting is not your cup of tea. Healing
joy we live with. If this is you, be aware that the solution always comes with an inevitable healing crisis. You will
can be very simple and effective. feel worse before you get well. Being prepared and aware
of this process will strengthen your mindset and reveal the
Awareness is growing and clearly visible in the huge influx other side to you quicklyenergy, mental clarity, clear fo-

Photo by Jeff Skeirik , Rawtographer

of whole food stores, popping up in almost every street in cus, good mood, and a light feeling.
New York, offering organic products. Raw food shops, ca-
fs and restaurants, juice and smoothie bars are booming Detoxification and healing happens in layers. A lifetime
in the U.S. Next to disease grows the cure of processed foods simply cant be cleared out in a few
days or weeks. It needs consistency and timedepth. As
Detoxification is the simple answer to the underlying soon as you start fasting and detoxifying, it is essential to
cause of most diseases (toxicity). The most effective way cleanse your elimination systemsthe filters where toxins
to remove toxins is fasting, which is a very natural cleans- often get stuck and cause daunting symptoms. It is key to
ing process. The true meaning of fasting is, breaking with remove the obstructions of your health by supporting your
abundance by drinking water only, giving your body a skin, the lungs, the colon, the liver and kidneys. Juice fast-
complete rest from food to restore itself. The simplicity of ing is so much more than just drinking water and juices,
this concept has many healing properties and brings men- which is a misleading misconception. Paying attention to
tal clarity as pure as water itself. the thorough removal of the released toxins is essential for
18 Issue #8 Spring 2013
a successful fast. Skin brushing, colonics, home enemas, massaging, in-
frared sauna, yoga, deep breathing and walking in nature are some of the
daily activities that accelerate your detoxification and bring you closer
to a harmonious feeling of wellbeing. Dont see fasting as a one-off hap-
pening. When you intend to reach deeper levels of cleansing and better
health, make it a habit to fast twice to four times a year, when seasons
change. A very nice way to keep up with consistency is creating a routine
of a one-day fast on a fixed day every week. At the end of the year you will
have fasted 52 days pretty much effortlessly.

Toxins enter all levels in lifephysically, mentally, spiritually, emotion-

ally, and in your relationships with people. The cleaner your diet, the
more naked and pure your emotions become. They appear to the surface
when no comfort food is left to cover them up. Emotional side effects will
arise as a symptom of bad eating habits that are emotionally related, such
as addiction to cooked and processed food. Dont forget that these are
packed with chemicals that attach you intentionally. The industry figured
out precisely how to addict us to its food as soon as we take the first bite.
Be aware that this is a withdrawal effect you will have to face and it will
be much easier to handle it. The reward is immenseemotional freedom
of food. Be gentle to yourself, have compassion, take specific attention
and care. Cleansing is an act of love towards yourself. You are breaking
with old patterns and poor eating habits. You are letting go of emotional
eating, and you are shifting the perception of yourself and others. It is the
initiation of change that improves your health and life, bringing more
depth and personal growth.

Just as your previous lifestyle may have been determined by take-away

food, microwave dinners, canned vegetables, French fries and reflected
in the fatigue, the swollen joints, the irritability, the lethargy, and the de-
pression that has been clinging you to your television, healthy food will
now determine the new vibration in your life. Once you finish a first suc-
cessful juice fast, you will have built a solid foundation for a new lifestyle,
because this is what raw food diet ultimately means. It reflects how you
choose your food, what you eat, your consciousness, the closeness to na-
ture and its creatures, the way you perceive life, how you think and act,
what kind of relationships you attract, and how you create the optimal
conditions for your happiness. A lifestyle is the result of your daily natu-
ral commitment to making healthy choices on all levels, diet included.
Being healthy sets the tone of your entire existence and being. It is: Fun.
Fulfilling. Attractive. Sexy. Hip.

Marie-Claire Hermans
Author, Ravishing Raw Chef & Coach

20 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Groovy Ginger Granny
by Marie-Claire Hermans

The most simple foods in our diets are often the ones that can make the most es-
sential differences to our livesapples, for instance. They became so common that
we hardly ever think of the impact they can have on our health. Did you know
that one apple a day decreases the risk of diabetes type 2? Or that they whiten
your teeth? That the fiber helps you control your weight and cholesterol, keeps
your colon healthy and protects you against Parkinsons? That you can prevent Al-
zheimers by drinking fresh apple juice every day? Here is a delicious special treat
that will age you as a spicy, smart, groovy granny!

A juicer (any juicer will do)


4 Granny Smith apples
1-inch piece of ginger
1 lemon

1. Cut everything into pieces
2. Juice while singing
3. Take out your favorite glasses
4. Finish with ice and a green touch

Always buy organic fruits to juice
Organic lemon can be juiced with the peel
The skin of organic apples and lemon helps prevent cancer
Make your ice of spring water and add edible flowers
Turn this juice into healthy ice popsicles in summer

Eat Raw, Be Ravishing!

22 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Wild Juice
by Marie-Claire Hermans

One is tempted to say that the most human plants, after all, are the weeds. John Burroughs

Go wild and drink your weeds! These are your true medicines and they are for free. If you are trying
to coop with a tight budget, wild edibles are the ideal solution to nourish your body, to regain or sus-
tain your health without robbing your purse. So what are you waiting for? Take a hike through the
woods, the fields or if you have a garden, have a close look at what is growing right under your nose.
Dandelion (you can use everything. Juice the Wheat grass
roots with the leaves to ground so you dont Clover
get too high on juice) Chickweed
Lambs quarter Barley
Stinging Nettles (use the tops, dont use any- Purslane
more when they produce seeds; the kidneys Cattail
cant handle these well) Mallow or Malva Neglecta
Wild grasses (all cereal grasses with wide Plantain
blades are good, not the ornamental grasses
from your lawn)


A slow juicer
If you dont have one, blend the greens with a little bit of water and strain it through a sieve or nut
milk bag

A bunch of stinging nettles (they have a soft spinach-like taste so you can use as many as you like)
2 dandelion plants with roots
A whole bunch of wild cereal grasses!
2 to 3 narrow plantain plants or 1 wide blade plantain (more bitter)
2 hands full of chickweed (soft taste)
A hand full of clover
4 stalks of white celery
1 cucumber
2 apples
About a one inch piece of ginger (to taste)
1 fennel (juice their stalks with greens as well)
1/2 head of broccoli
1 lemon with peel (only if it is organic!)
1 tablespoon Spirulina (optional but great)
Some greens such as collard greens, a few kale leaves,

1. Start with juicing the grasses, stinging nettles and throw this pulp on your compost
2. Juice all the other ingredients (you can use this pulp for crackers)

24 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Lets Get Clean and Green in 2013
by Tess Masters

The beginning of a new year is a wonderful opportunity In this juice blend, we combine equal parts spinach and
to cleanse, detoxify, and renew our bodies. We all want to apple juice to heighten the laxative properties of apples
get a great healthy start and feel strong. One of the best even further. The oxalic acid in the spinach mixes with the
ways to do this is with a raw juice fast or green smoothie pectin and mineral salts in the apples to create a spectacu-
cleanse, so I thought I would share some of my favorite lar concoction that is AMAZING for scraping off impact-
green juice and green smoothie recipes to get you started. ed fecal matter from the walls of the colon. Just note: drink
I have a motto for this year, "Let's Get Clean and Green in only one cup of this mixture every four hours or you will
2013, and I want to spread the love! need to stay very close to a restroom.

I often get asked about juicing versus blending: Which is If savory juices are more your style, then you will LOVE
better? I prefer not to engage in this debate, as I believe this Spicy Alkaline Vegetable Cocktail Juice. This is my
there is a place for both in any healthy eating regime. Yes, go-to detoxifying agent, and the most amazing nutrient-
the whole fiber contained in green smoothies and whole booster juice I whip up whenever I am feeling a bit slug-
blended juices are hugely beneficial to health on an ev- gish. The heat in this blend really gets your system mov-
eryday basis, as they enable a slower absorption of sugar. ing. This juice tastes like a refreshing tomato gazpacho,
However, during periods of detoxification, cleansing and and is loaded with live enzymes, alkaline buffers, essential
illness, both pulped and pulp free juices are preferable, as nutrients, and antioxidants.
they allow a more gentle digestive process, which leaves
more energy for detoxification, cleansing, and regenera- Tomatoes are widely known for their outstanding phyto-
tion. nutrient and antioxidant content and for their rich lyco-
penes that have linked to bone and heart health. Tomatoes
I blend and juice on a regular basisI blend every day, and are also an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-caro-
juice every week. I also juice fast at the beginning of every tene, a very good source of manganese, and a healthy dose
new season, and also just fast for one day of each week to of vitamin E.
empty and strengthen my system. This is, of course, ac-
companied by regular colonics, lymphatic drainage mas- Carrots contain loads of health promoting carotenes and
sage, dry skin brushing, infrared saunas, detox baths, and minerals, as well as powerful anti-oxidants. Carrot juice
so forth. boosts the immune system, helps with the production and
performance of white blood cells, helps lower cholesterol,
So, I thought I would share a couple of simple juice reci- strengthens the respiratory system, and much more.
pes, and some green smoothie recipes to get you off to a
green dream start! Throw in some celery for good measure, which is also ben-
eficial for respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis and
Firstly, I want to share this Apple Spinach Colon Cleansing asthma. Celery is also a natural laxative and diuretic, and
Juice that is not only simple and delicious, but an incred- is great for kidney health. Celery contains valuable organic
ible detoxification aid. Sometimes the most simple juice sodium, and is rich in potassium.
Photo by Dana Patrick

blends are the most powerful. This is certainly the case

with this magical elixir. Kale comes to the party rich in phytochemicals to protect
us from cancer, and provides highly absorbable calcium.
For detoxifying purposes, apple juice is fantastic for Kale can also lower the risk of colon, breast and lung can-
cleansing the colon, and is a wonderful natural remedy for cer, as well as fight osteoporosis, macular degeneration,
constipation. The high pectin content in apples and their
mineral salts combine for a potent laxative effect.
26 Issue #8 Spring 2013
support the cardiovascular and immune systems, and as- Make sure you use really ripe bananas or freeze ripe ba-
sist in energy production. It also contains huge amounts of nanas to get the most out of their natural sweetness. Then
chlorophyll and is a powerful alkalizer. you won't have to add any dates or stevia. If you want to
make this nut free, you could use soy milk or rice milk in
Parsley is a wonderful blood purifier, rich in antioxidants, place of the cashews and water. You won't get exactly the
vitamins, and minerals, which helps control blood-choles- same flavor (I LOVE cashews for replicating the taste of
terol, prevents constipation, and protects the human body pastry), but it still tastes pretty spectacular.
from free radicals. Cilantro is also rich in antioxidants
and many essential oils and is a good source of potassium Either way, this green smoothie is a stunner, a winner, and
(helps control heart rate and blood pressure), calcium, not to be missed! WOW!
manganese, iron (essential for red blood cell production),
and magnesium.

Toss in some garlic and onions for their anti-viral, anti-

fungal properties, as well as for a flavor blast, and you hav-
ing a winning combination. Not only does this juice taste
like a gourmet soup, it packs in your daily serving of veg-
gies for the day. You cant beat that!

a l S p i n a c h A p p le Now, for green smoothies. I couldnt write my first post

Magic for the year and not include what I think might be one
of my best green smoothie recipes ever. This mango salsa
Colon Cleansing Juice smoothie strikes a beautiful balance between sweet, spicy
by Tess Masters and savory, and is not too rich or pungent.
(Makes approximately 2 cups of juice)
This delightful blend bursts with complex flavors that
6 cups organic spinach dance on the tip of your tongue and tickle your throat long
3 organic green apples after they have massaged your belly. If you are a mango
2 handfuls Italian parsley (optional) salsa lover, you are going to be doing the tango over this
1. Place the apples and spinach through your juicer.
2. Consume 1 cup of juice every four hours unstrained Now, we are going to end with a sublime green smooth-
for maximum benefit. However, strain if preferred. ie dessert! At the risk of tooting my own horn, this raw
smoothie tastes like a blendsational melted banana coco-
nut cream pie in a glass!

While this raw vegan coconut cream pie smoothie is cer-

tainly not the most low calorie green smoothie I have ever
created, it certainly has the "WOW" factor. This smoothie
is all about FUN, and is a fantastic way to introduce skep-
tic adults and children to the wonderful world of green

I have used romaine lettuce in this blend, but you could

also use spinach. They are both mild-tasting leafy greens
that are fabulous for green smoothie newbies.

28 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Spicy Alkaline Vegetable Cockta
il Juice

Spicy Alkaline Vegetable Cocktail Juice

(Serves 1-2)
by Tess Masters

5 tomatoes
2 ribs celery
2 green onions
1 handful kale leaves
1/3 cup Italian parsley
1/3 cup cilantro
1 carrot
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 peeled lemon
2 cloves garlic
pinch Celtic sea salt or more to taste
smidgen cayenne pepper (optional)

1. Process all ingredients through

your juicer.
2. Drink strained or unstrained
depending on your preference.

30 Issue #8 Spring 2013

raw food Almost to goo
raw food Almost to goo
Raw Mango Salsa Green
(Makes three 16-ounce glasses)
S m o o t hie
by Tess Masters

4 cups fresh or frozen ripe mango

2 cups filtered water
2 cups ice (if using fresh mango)
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 cup dandelion greens (optional)
1/4 cup peeled chopped cucumber
2 1/4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 or 3 teaspoons finely chopped jalapeno pepper
depending on heat of pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped red onion
1/4 teaspoon Celtic sea salt or more to taste

1. Place all the ingredients in your blender (I use

a Vitamix) and puree until smooth and creamy.
2. Tweak flavors to tasteyou might want some
more chili pepper, onion, lime juice or salt.

32 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Banana Coconut Cream Pie
RAW ==> (Makes three 16-ounce
by Tess Masters

2 cups chopped romaine lettuce

4 large fresh or frozen ripe bananas
2 cups raw coconut water or filtered water
1/2 cup dried unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 cup raw cashews
1 or 2 chopped pitted dates or 4 drops of liquid stevia
(optional if needed to sweeten fruit)
1 teaspoon non-alcoholic vanilla essence
pinch Celtic sea salt

1. Place all the ingredients in your blender (I use a Vitamix),

and puree until smooth and creamy.
2. Tweak flavors to tasteyou might want to add dates or
stevia to heighten the banana flavor depending on the ripe-
ness of your fruit.

Tess Masters(the Blender Girl) is a regular contributor

to Super Raw Life Magazine.

Photo by Jenelle Ray

34 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Its Spring at
Four Winds Growers
grow your own raw food
It's Spring, a time of wonder, transition and opportunity! Citrus trees smile with exploding blos-
soms of fragrance and form. Stylish clusters of sweetly aromatic petals entrance the senses .......
evoking joys of a simpler time.

Spring Growing Tips!

Spring is a safe time to prune citrus roots if necessary, when transplanting into larger pots for a new
season of growth. Assure free drainage! Always fully saturate the pot with each watering and wait
for the roots to get about 50% dry between waterings. Provide full sun, and never let the bottom of
the pot sit in drainage water.

Bearss Lime Butter

1/4 cup coconut oil, at room temperature
Salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon minced lime zest
1 tablespoon fresh Bearss lime juice

1. Cream ingredients together in food processor.
2. Cover and refrigerate or freeze.

Lisbon Lemon Butter

4 tablespoons coconut oil, softened
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 tablespoon Lisbon lemon juice
Quick Links to
Optional Four Winds Growers...
1 teaspoon minced herbs: tarragon, oregano or basil
Citrus Recipes:
garlic or chives, minced
salt and fresh pepper to taste
Our Website:
Citrus Variety Information Chart:
1. Rinse and dry a home picked or organic lemon.
Our History:
2. With zesting tool or grater, remove 1 teaspoon of the yellow portion of the rind.
3. Squeeze lemon for juice.
4. Working with softened coconut oil, blend in other ingredients.
5. Refrigerate covered until ready to use. Issue #8 Spring 2013
Spring is in full swing here! Flowers everywhere you look are in full
bloom, the trees are no longer bare and everyone is out riding their
bikes in Amsterdam or having picnics in the park. One weekend
while my cousin Henri was visiting from Berlin, he asked if I would
make him more raw desserts to try. Always eager to feed people
my raw food creations, I whipped up a batch of these little Carrot
Fairy Cakes (mini cupcakes). These are the perfect double bite-sized
treats. He couldnt believe how flavorful and sweet they were. He
kept opening the fridge and snatching up another one. This raw car-
rot cake recipe is just like the baked version with a soft fluffy sweet
carrot cake, raisins and walnuts but frosted with zingy lemon cream
frosting. The only thing missing from these delectable little fairy
cakes is the guilty conscience!

Carrot Fairy Cakes with Lemon Frosting

(Makes 18 Fairy Cakes)
by Olive Aguas

Carrot Fairy Cakes

1 1/2 cups carrot pulp, from juiced carrots
1/2 cup almond meal
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/3 cup walnuts, chopped
1/3 cup raisins, chopped
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 teaspoon stevia powder
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice or 1/2 cinnamon + 1/2 nutmeg
2 pinches vanilla powder

1. Add all the ingredients in a bowl and massage together to blend.

2. Shape into 1-2 tablespoon-sized balls and lightly press into the
fairy cake molds.
3. Set in the fridge until ready to frost.

Lemon Frosting
1/4 cup cashews
1/3 cup lemon juice
2 1/2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
1 tablespoon raw honey
1/2 teaspoon stevia powder

1. In a personal blender, process the cashews into a flour.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend for a few seconds.
The frosting should have the consistency of yogurt.
3. Using a teaspoon, spoon the frosting over the top of each fairy

raw food Almost to good to believe

cake and smooth over with a spoon.
4. Place in the fridge until ready to eat.
38 Issue #8 Spring 2013
raw food Almost to good to believe
Tips for Longevity
by Channa Serenity Bromley

The New Wave of Health & Fitness

In todays world of goal oriented and ambitious people, it When we consume clean, raw, living foods, our vibrational
is vital to accomplishing our endeavors that our health is rate increases, impacting all areas of our lives. Pure living
strong now and strong years from now. There is much to foods bring purity and calmness to our minds.
accomplish in life and living a life of vitality and longevity
is essential. Here are some tips to assist you: 3. Reduce your protein intake. Protein cannot be stored
in the body like carbohydrates and fats can. Extra protein
1. Fitness is not an eventit is a lifestyle. So often we see will just take up space in your stomach until it is expelled.
time-based programs to obtain a specific result, a desired While that extra protein sits around, it is very hard on
physique. Remember the tortoise and the hare? Slow and your kidneys and liver because it is acidic. It takes a lot of
steady wins the racenot a rush to the finish line. I be- energy to convert that extra protein into energy, and when
lieve it is very healthy to have a desire to have a strong and it is finally converted into energy, it doesnt burn clean. It
healthy body, but when we start taking the healthy out, leaves a toxic residue that sits in your intestines, causing
problems arise. A successful long-term fitness program a buildup that will only go away with a strict detox regi-
should be one of grace thats 365 days a year and optimizes men. The protein requirement in a healthy adult is simply
inner health. It should be about self-awareness and mind- the amount needed to replace obligatory losses. Basically,
body connection. The very best doctor and nutritionist the only way to be low on protein is if you just arent eat-
in the world is yourself. Only you know whats right for ing enough calories in general. In fact, the more raw foods
your body, and only you know how you feel. Cut cycles, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, etc., you eat, the
dehydration to show vascularity, weighing your food for less protein your body will need to perform at its peak.
speedy contest prep weight loss is all mentally, emotion- Our body is an amazing recycling machine, and is able to
ally and physically taxing on the body and will not sustain turn over 100-300 grams of our own protein every day.
your health long term. Healthy exercise is about doing Consuming 10% of our daily intake from protein is suf-
what feels right for you and your body today. Its also about ficient. The RDA is 0.8 grams per kg of body weight.
gratitudebeing grateful for the opportunity to exercise
and the ability to physically move your body, and having 4. Meditate. Meditation helps us to escape our thoughts
the energy needed to accomplish it. Working out should and the ongoing hamster wheels of the mind. It helps us
be like having a conversation with your body and spirit. to understand who we really are, to be aware of how we
It should be personal, intimate, and holynot boring and feel, and it teaches us to react intelligently to lifes expe-
painfully repetitive. riences. It is pivotal in developing self-awareness and a
strong mind-body connection. Through this connection
2. Cut the Meat! Adopt a plant-based nutrition program. we are able to know what is needed to nourish our minds,
Meat and dairy products contribute to high cholesterol bodies and spirits, and mediation will allow us to learn to

Photo by Michele Marie Jeppson

levels and leave the body acidic. Energetically speaking, trust this guidance. As I mentioned earlier, the best nutri-
the body was not intended to be a cemetery. Meat is dead, tionist and doctor in the world is you and not a program
and it has a vibrational frequency of a whopping zero, written by someone else. Programs can be excellent guides
which is going to drag you down (mind, body and soul). in establishing your nutritional routines, but that piece of
Its also taking energy away from you in the amount of ex- paper does not know what is specifically needed for your
tra work your digestive system will have to do to properly body at this specific time in order to attain optimal health
digest it. Choose nourishing highly vibrational foods such and longevity.
as fresh fruits and vegetables. These are also jam packed
with antioxidants, nutrients and enzymes. They are also 5. Hydrate. Drink plenty of water between meals and not
rich in pure water, which cleanses the blood and lymph. during meals. Drinking fluids with meals dilutes digestive

40 Issue #8 Spring 2013

juices and impairs digestion. Using chlorophyll in your Other studies have shown that periodontal disease Conscious Words to
water will alkalinize the body and assist with absorption. leads to a higher white blood cell count, which is an implement into your life:
indicator that the immune system is under increased I can...
6. Get sufficient sleep. Your body can only heal when stress... Poor oral hygiene and particularly increased I am...
youre asleep. Try to get 8 hours of deep, restorative sleep tooth loss are important indicators of your risk. The I will...
every night. Shut your eyes and awaken the dreamer in- fewer teeth you have, the greater your risk of gum I have...
side of you. infections." I choose...
I love...
7. Choose organic products when possible. Studies show 12. Dry Brushing. This simple process only takes I create...
that people who eat commercial produce have five times 5 minutes a day and has monumental health ben- I enjoy...
the pesticide levels of those eating organic produce. Stud- efits. It deals with detoxification of the skin, but as
ies also show that organic produce has significantly higher
levels of nutrients than commercial produce. This goes for
the skin is linked to the inner organs, it helps for a
detox of the whole body because it provides a gentle Printed
We are happy to announce Super Raw Life
skin, body and beauty products as well. If you wouldnt put internal massage. Dry brushing removes cellulite,
it in your mouth, dont put it on your body. Our skin is our cleanses the lymphatic system, removes dead skin Magazine is now also available in print!
largest organ and everything gets absorbed into it. layers, strengthens the immune system, stimulates Have you thought about giving Super Raw
the hormone and oil-producing glands, tightens the Life magazine as a gift? Share the love and
8. Practice Deep Breathing. Deep breathing allows us to skin preventing premature aging, tones the muscles, knowledge within our pages by subscribing
increase our energy levels by increasing our oxygen intake. stimulates circulation, improves function of the ner- to a gift subscription for a friend! You can
It increases our endorphins throughout the body having a vous system, helps digestion and nurtures the skin. choose to have it shipped directly to them or
calming effect and allowing feelings of stress, fear, anger, to yourself so you can give it to them directly.
etc., to dissipate. It also promotes better blood flow. Order online at
9. Fasting. There are many forms in which to fast. Since
this article is intended for fitness and health enthusiasts, I
dont believe long fasts are in order, so I will focus on short
fasts. Personally, I choose to do a juice fast on my off
day from training. I have nourishing green veggie juices,
lemon with cayenne, red grape and lemon, etc., all day
long with no solid food matter. Short fasts improve insulin
sensitivity and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation
in cells. It also gives your digestive system a break from the
heavy workload we so frequently put upon it.

10. Yoga. Yoga has many health benefits such as flexibility,

muscle toning, strength, pain prevention, better breathing,
body awareness, stress reduction, mental calming and es-
tablishing a stronger connection to source.
available in California nurseries
11. Floss your teeth. On flossing, the book, RealAge: Are or shipped direct to your door!
You as Young as You Can Be? by Michael F. Roizen, MD,
states that, "Flossing your teeth daily can make your arter- To order, go to
ies younger. The probable reason: Flossing helps keep your
immune system young... the same bacteria that cause peri-
odontal disease also trigger an immune response, inflam- Featuring Growing Tips, Recipes & More

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mation that causes the arteries to swell. The swelling of the
arterial walls results in a constriction of blood flow that
can lead to a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease.
NOW: Organic Meyer Lemon Trees!
42 Issue #8 Spring 2013
satisfied. As we feed ourselves things which lack energy, chemist of life have given me great insight regarding the
our bodies begin to numb its self in defense. Our signals aura. Please quote me in the future (smile). The power
become crossed as we spray ourselves with chemical per- of life within us (the aura) is designed to protect us and Join us for:
fumes, congest our bodies with fermented animals, ani- to magnetize agreeable energy and experiences into our
mal by-products, processed junk, alcohol, smoke and jobs life. The aura radiates from our cells. As the aura pushes
which we hate which are all sad attempts at creating joy, forward it radiates upon our physical matter which re-
yet these things never feed our cells or satisfy our souls. flects wellness of the skin, eyes, hair, and so forth. With
Our inner-self is screaming, help me, yet many never balanced energy flow ones aura can expand far beyond
hear this calling until the inner-self begins to manifest the body providing greater protection, and a stronger
sickness. Our body is our vehicle for this earthly walk, it magnetic field of purpose. As one connects to the cells
wants to trust in us, yet ignorant activity continues to keep of the body and creates a joyful environment for them of
the alignment from happening. When the spirit and the wellness and pure internal water, the cells are programed
self-unify in oneness, a joyful day it is, as one no longer in joy and reflect in ones life joy. In opposite the cell can
harms ones self with thought or action. I call this pleasing be programmed with fear and sickness which only rep-
the Gods. My perceptions are that the gods exist within licates the same. If one ever wonders about the wellness
us; some also call this the Universe within and say we are of ones cells, just reflect on the physical body which is
the Gods and Goddesses of it. The gods or the internal a mirror to cellular wellness. In reflecting on myself in Website:
universe is created from these billions of cells, and the my many phases of cleansing I have learned so much Facebook: Raw on the Land
happier the cells are in a pure internal environment, the about what the cells need and the mirror never lies. A Event Name: RAW on the Land
more blessings of wellness, joy and love that are bestowed weakened aura is produced from a toxin internal envi- Location: Alton, Virginia
upon our lives. Scientifically, cells are clumped together ronment of mucous and the congestion of fermented Tickets: $25 for the weekend, and free for all
due to a filthy internal environment; this creates cancerous animal bodies and un-passed fecal matter of processed children under 18
growths and breeds all disease. We all know detoxification junk, it cannot provide much protection which is why Camping, yoga, meditation, drum circles, ec-
is important, and it is in my opinion that it is the most many purchase insurance and seek something outside of static dance, and lots of delicious living
Trust begins within, a holistic approach spiritual, responsible practice. themselves to save them. foods from amazing chefs!
by 7 Starlight Earthfeather aka Kenita Gordon-Hinson
Self-trust is essential to mastering ones life from the inside Trusting in ones self starts in the temple. Society is de- The power is all yours. The power is all mines. I did not
out. Trust begins within and is void of self-inflicted harm. signed to keep the focus external with fancy degrees, titles, grow up with knowledge of this, yet I took the path of
My many attempts at finding trust within myself, has led fancy cars, and big houses. At the same time many are seeking to be the best to me that I can be, and in re- Strawberries, Candied Walnuts
me to share my findings and how ones life style can im-
prove ones relationships to ones self. Self-trust starts from
plagued with cancers, illnesses, and depression although
they are living well-off. The focus must be internal if one
flection the best I can be for humanity. I went through
many uncomfortable cleansing episodes, but I havent and Sprouted Cashew Crme
the womb. As we adopt our parents misunderstandings of seeks peace, wellness, and a life of purpose. Many spiritual given up. I continue to consume 100% living foods for
the laws of nature through unnatural habits, we continue doctrines say that ones have no control over their lives and now over 5 years. I removed old immunizations, para- Ingredients for crme
the lifelong process of self-inflicted harm. Existing within I disagree. We each have a choice and many make unin- sites and residues from my temple and my cells love me 1 cup of soaked cashews (soak for at least 6 hours)
our bodies is a family of billions of cells, these cells are the formed choices every day. We have always had the power for it; and I in reflection I am loving my life! I trust me! Vanilla bean (1/2 bean scrapped from the inside)
electric building blocks to creation, and they project our to create a reality of wellness, joy, peace and love. As we Organic agave nectar to taste
reality through our aura. An electric aura is responsible
for our wellness of body and mind. Our society primar-
continue creating a joyful reality our inner self fuses more
and more with the outward self, which is why the body
Peace, Life and Power Ingredients for candies walnuts
Walnut pieces broken apart
ily breeds outward seeking and gratification, which only when detoxifying and consuming live foods is so beauti-
7 Starlight Earthfeather aka Kenita Gordon-Hinson, is Toss with agave and cover all walnuts
subtracts from ones ability to trust in ones self. I find self- ful. Building trust in ones self is a real process. Even if one
a holistic life guide and director of operations at www.
trust to be a powerful force that creates euphoria in my eats live foods, one can over consume or eat that which is and Reflective Gateways. Kenita is also Next chop some mini bananas and minced strawberries
mind/body and beauty all around my life. not good for the cells, which is self-inflicted dis-comfort.
chef at Body Ecology Life Sciences Attunement Center and combine the walnuts, and crme with the fruit. This
Self-inflicted pain continues to tear the inner-self from the
as well as director and instructor at The Art of Living makes a wonderful dessert or breakfast.
From the womb we were taught how to care for ourselves. outward self, while true self-care fuses the selves together
Foods Institute. Kenita works aside her husband Artis
As we grow and are able to groom ourselves we start the in beautiful oneness.
Hinson who established Body Ecology Life Sciences At-
process of ripping the fabric of self-trust apart. This lack of
tunement Center in 1975.
self-trust creates unhappy people who are un-responsible We each know that our aura exists, but just where does it
for themselves, unhealthy, constantly seeking, and un- come from? My personal studies and meditations as an al-
44 Issue #8 Spring 2013

raw food REAL FOOD

Zucchini Strips and Fries
1 cup of sunflower seeds
1/2 cup of golden flax seeds
1/2 tablespoon of garlic powder (more or less depending on your preference)
1/2 tablespoon of onion powder
2 pinches of cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt a shake less, as the fries dry the salt taste will increase
a pinch of cayenne powder
1 teaspoon of nutritional yeast

1. Grind all dry ingredients into a powder using a blender.

2. Taste the mixture and adjust seasonings to your liking, just be easy on the salt!

Fries or Strips

1. To make fries peel zucchini using either a french fry maker or a knife and cut pieces to emu-
late fries. You may make them thick and or small, the next time you make them you will know
what you are looking for based off of what you preferred the time before.
2. Using separate bowls, place fries into one bowl and strips into another. Squeeze about 1
lemon over the bowl, and about 1 teaspoon of olive oil, then mix with hands to cover all pieces,
this will help the batter to stick.
3. Next, in a bowl place a bit of the batter and begin to bathe the strips or fries in the batter
covering them completely.
4. Carefully place them separately onto the dehydrating sheet/pan.
5. Dehydrate for up to 4 hours at a low temperature to remain raw.

I like my fries soft in the middle which usually takes about 1-1 1/2 hours. If you like your strips
crunchy you may want to leave them for about 4 hours or more depending on your dehydrator.

Now to switch this meal up, just wrap strips in lettuce of choice (romaine or red leaf), add some
homemade sauce of choice or seed cheese with veggies and create a simple delicious wrap.

Have you ever heard of a wooden dehydrator? To learn more about the dehydrators we make
visit To purchase your own wooden dehydrator visit http://

Enjoy, from our heart to yours we share LIFE~

46 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Living on the Veg by Chef Matthew Purnell
When I was a child the world revolved around our kitch- look my testimony to what I feel is an amazingly easy way
en. Growing up in a Filipino household the rice cooker to find vitality and reverse many health issues. I eat this
was always full and warm, with a back-up rice cooker in way because I feel my best when my body functions on
case the first one ran out. In a multi-generational house clean foods.
someone was always cooking and I, a hungry kid, was al-
ways looking to eat. My family continues to have the rice cookers going and I
have learned too that because you have found something
I started lifting weights as a pre-teen after school listening that has changed your life does not mean that your friends
to Wu-tang Clan and admiring the drive and determina- and family who might be suffering from illness will jump
tion I saw in the posters I had of Bruce Lee. I possessed the on this journey with you to change their life as well. Since
energy of youth and remained dedicated to what I thought I have found the amazing benefits of raw food my mother
was a future of health and super capabilities. has suffered a debilitating stroke at the age of 57 with pa-
ralysis on her left side that interrupts her gait and leaves
As I grew my appetite for creation in the culinary arts led her dysphasic. The initial sadness of this event was brutal,
me to be in many kitchens throughout San Diego. I stood but I knew I could help my mother with all the accumu-
alongside some great teachers who introduced me to foods lated knowledge I had used to optimize my being.
that are brilliant in the context of flavor in the world of
cuisine. I persistently pushed my body to new levels of fit- I was there with books, internet information, testimonies,
ness, following the path of protein laden health foods my everything. I was so excited to bring my mom and family
body was not keeping up. It was at this time while working healing. Sadly, they were not ready for what I had to offer.
at a high end La Jolla Fitness Club Caf that I met a chef It is especially distressing to have this wonderful pocket
who made Raw Foods. full of healing and to be turned down for that which has
put the illness into those I love. I have learned from this
I was looking for the next level and I felt this was it. I began experience to be there without pushing my feelings onto
to learn all I could and soaked up these new techniques those closest to me, yet remain knowledgeable and will-
with foods I had been using, but never in such ways and ing to jump when asked at anytime for help. I must be the
also new super foods, exotic foods, and algae; the flavors example and I have learned that the only control I encom-
that could be brought and arranged in complex ways pass is that which I have over myself and my actions.
through simplicity or the delicate method of flavor con-
centration in dehydration. I was learning to create all over I am so happy to be a part of this movement. My eyes have
again and my body loved it! opened up to so many things connected to life and that
which nurtures it. Where I travel is unknown, but I lay
I implemented my years of learning with my hands the fine before me a path that brings happiness, vibrancy, and un-
art of food conception to bring not only magnificent flavor derstanding. I am joyful to connect with those that seek
but also the explosion of nutrient dense vibrant dishes. I out what I have learned and remain open to learning from
could not wait to share this with my family, friends, and others. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be able to give
community. I was asked by the Center for a Healthy Life- what I have.
Photos by Sarah Davies
style in Solana Beach to begin just that path. I began to
teach the youth that we can eat delicious foods that nur-
ture our bodies and they ate it right up.

In my journey I began to fine-tune my exercise routines

with this lifestyle. My muscles have been rebuilt on a foun-
dation of strength with a faster recovery time. I feel and

48 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Curried Coconut Tomato Bisque
by Chef Matthew Purnell

3 cups tomatoes, roughly cut
4 young coconuts, meat (reserve water)
1 cup red bell pepper
1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes (in olive oil)
1 tablespoon garlic
1 tablespoon lemongrass (ground)
1 tablespoon curry powder
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon sea salt

1 ripe avocado
1/2 cup red onion, finely diced
2 tablespoons cilantro, thinly shredded

1. Blend all ingredients in high speed blender until warm.

2. Add coconut water for desired thickness and consistency.
3. Garnish with onion, cilantro and avocado.
4. Now you can spoon into this creamy and aromatic recipe
sure to delight any soup lover.

50 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Cucumber Tomato Stack
by Chef Matthew Purnell

3 cups cucumber, diced small
3 cups tomatoes, diced small
1 cup yellow bell pepper, diced small
1/2 cup fennel bulb, diced small
1/2 cup red onion, finely diced
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon fresh dill, chopped
1 teaspoon oregano leaves

Stack Dressing
1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons garlic, minced
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

2 cups sunflower sprouts
2 cups lettuce
1-2 ripe avocado
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Prepare the recipe first by cutting all veggies to measurements and place in
medium bowl, toss well to coat herbs.
2. Next, whisk together the dressing ingredients and pour over veggies to coat.
3. Place dressed salad into ring mold and press down gently to compact.
4. Serve this creation with shredded lettuce, sprouts, avocado and a drizzle of
balsamic vinegar.

52 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Mexican Potato Salad
by Chef Matthew Purnell

6 cups jicama, diced
3 cups fresh corn
3 cups celery, diced
1 cup red onion, diced small
1/2 cup chives, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped

Mexican Mayo
2 cups macadamia nuts, soaked
1/4 cup filtered water
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons garlic
2 tablespoons paprika
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon chipotle powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

2 cups spinach
lime juice, to taste
black pepper, to taste

1. Prepare mayo ingredients in blender and blend high until smooth consistency; same
as a mayonnaise would be add more water as needed for blending. Set aside for later use.
2. Next prepare potato salad ingredients and mix together in large mixing bowl.
3. Then mix in the desired amount of dressing you like and mix well.
4. Serve over spinach leaves and enjoy this south of the border potato salad.

54 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Rawcotta Cheese
2 cups macadamia nuts/cashews (soaked)
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons garlic
2 teaspoons sea salt
filtered water as needed

1. Combine all ingredients in food processor
and process until well blended.
Eggplant Marinade
by Chef Matthew Purnell
Other Ingredients and Garnish
3-4 eggplants, sliced thin 3 cups spinach (shredded)
2 tablespoons basil leaves shredded
Marinade 2 tablespoons aged balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and black pepper to taste
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup basil, shredded thin
1. Start by preparing each component of dish
1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped
before beginning the assembly of rolls.
1/4 cup coconut aminos
2. After marinating eggplant, remove gently
1/4 cup coconut vinegar
from marinade and dry slightly with paper
2 tablespoons garlic, minced
towel, set aside.
1 teaspoon sea salt
3. In small mixing bowl combine cheese, spin-
1 teaspoon black pepper
ach, sea salt and black pepper if needed, and
mix well, set aside.
1. Combine all marinade ingredients in
4. Then take eggplant pieces and spoon a small
blender and blend until smooth.
amount of cheese mixture in and roll up into
2. Marinade sliced eggplants.
small packages. Plate individually or on large
Tomato Sauce
3 cups tomatoes (your choice)
2 cups sun dried tomatoes
2 cups basil
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup parsley
1/4 cup onion
2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons garlic
1 tablespoon coconut nectar
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

1. Combine all ingredients in blender and

blend until smooth.

56 Issue #8 Spring 2013

aw food Almost to good to believe
aw food Almost to good to believe
Mac & Cheese with Passion fruit Oasis
by Chef Matthew Purnell moothie
Herb Bread Crumb Topping S
by Chef Matthew Purnell 3 cups coconut water
1 cup coconut meat
Mac Noodles 1 cup frozen mangoes
3-4 zucchini (peeled) 1 cup frozen bananas
1 cup frozen pineapple
Cashew Cheese 1 cup frozen peaches
1 1/2 cups cashews (soaked 4 hours) 1/2 cup passion fruit
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 2 tablespoons lecithin powder
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3/4 cup filtered water (or more) 1. Combine all ingredient, in a high speed blender.
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 2. Use the blend stick to assist the frozen fruit and
1 tablespoon mellow white miso blend to your favorite consistency.
2 teaspoon garlic (chopped) 3. Ensure that passion fruit is completely blended
1 teaspoon turmeric powder before serving.
sea salt and black pepper to taste 4. Pour in your favorite smoothie glass. Relax and
sip on a tropical oasis to quench the heat.

1/2 cup almond meal
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons parley/basil
2 teaspoons garlic powder/thyme/rosemary
To taste sea salt/black pepper

1. Prepare the mac noodles by first peeling the zuc- Chef Matthew Purnell became drawn to preparing food since childhood,
chini, then using a spoon or melon baller, scoop enveloped in a multi-generational family that centers itself in the kitchen and
out seeds. Slice into medium thickness to resemble around the table. His eagerness to learn had him under the wings of many
half moon shapes or macaroni. Place on clean top San Diego chefs. He sprouted by cooking in local cafes, and grew to be-
towel to let noodles exude some moisture, set aside. come an Executive Chef at a busy La Jolla Italian restaurant. His zest for life
2. Next, in high speed blender add cashew cheese has brought him to eating fresh foods, and gravitating to a vegan lifestyle fo-
ingredients and begin to blend until youve cusing primarily on raw foods. Combining experience in traditional kitchens
achieved a smooth and thick texture. Use more wa- with health stimulating vegetables has brought him to a take on food that is
ter if needed. Add salt and pepper to taste. conscious, creative, and captivating.
3. Now you can prepare bread crumbs by combin-
ing all crumb ingredients except oil and mix thor- Connect with Chef Matthew Purnell:
oughly before adding oil, coat evenly. Email: or
4. Now in a large mixing bowl you can mix noodles Facebook:
and cashew cheese to coat to desired thickness. Upcoming events:
5. Transfer to serving dish and finish by topping Soon Available:, staying connected to conscious-
with the herb crumbs. Now this mac & cheese is ness everyday!
ready to serve or place in the dehydrator to warm
through. Garnish with a sprinkle of paprika!

58 Issue #8 Spring 2013

The Miracle Fruit Farm

The Miracle Fruit Farm is located twenty miles Miracle fruit are native to Ghana, West Africa, where they
southwest of downtown Miami. It is a family owned and
operated grower, packer, and shipper of fresh berries to
are known as Agbayun, which translates literally to mi-
raculous berry. Native West Africans commonly used the Planting Instructions
both retail and wholesale customers. The farm supplies berries to make soured maize bread more palatable and to
users nation wide with the freshest, highest quality fruit sweeten their home brewed beer and wine. By simply mov- 1. Miracle Fruit bushes are great contain-
year round. The farm is owned by brothers Erik and Kris ing the pulp of the pleasant tasting fruit over the tongue er plants and they can be grown in all 50
Tietig, and Eriks father-in-law Larry Caudle. The three sour flavors are instantly disguised as sweet. The glyco- states with minimal effort. They should be
handle the daily farm operations with their respective protein called miraculin coats the tongue with an invisible stepped up gradually. Go from a 1 gallon to
wives Heather, Mary Jo, and Melissa. Together they as- barrier only allowing sweet sensations to be transmitted to a 3, then 7, and ultimately a 15 gallon pot.
pire to popularize the miracle fruit with all potential us- the brain from the sour taste buds. The effects can last 1-2
ers, but especially chemo patients, by consistently and hours and are slowly diminished by saliva and drinking. 2. Use a high quality mix that is a blend
reliably delivering an all natural solution to a terrible of Canadian peat, pine bark, and sand. It
side effect of the chemo treatment. The uses for the fruit are truly limited only by ones imagina- should have a ph of close 6.0. The soil and
tion. As a novelty they can be used to make sour fruits like the container should drain well.
The fruit has a unique glycoprotein that has the amazing lemons taste like sweet lemonade. They can enhance the
ability to make sour flavors taste sweet, but more impor- flavor of sweet to sub-acid fruit like grapefruit, strawber-
tantly the fruit can mask the metallic flavor food gets af- ries, and lychees, making them taste like they are dowsed 3. Use a high quality controlled release fer-
ter a chemo treatment. One terrible side effect of chemo in confectioner sugar. Other foods commonly consumed tilizer with a formula of 18-6-8 or similar.
is that food gets a strong metallic flavor after treatment. with miracle fruit are pickles, cheeses, and straight vin-
For many the flavor is so nauseating that they vomit or egar. Diabetics can use the fruit as a natural sweetener and 4. Keep in the shade and protect the plants
avoid eating altogether. By masking that metallic flavor simply leave sugar out of their drink and dessert recipes. from temperatures below 32 F.
miracle fruit acts somewhat like an appetite stimulant The fruit are also great for those that simply want to reduce
as it allows a patient to enjoy a meal and therefore helps their sugar intake. From getting kids to eat their vegetables Common name: Miracle Fruit
speed recovery. to showing off to friends the possibilities are endless. Botanical name: Synsepalum dulcificum
Family: Sapotaceae
Origin: Ghana W. Africa
Avg. Height X Width: 6' X 2'
Season: All year
Damage temp: 28 F

Photos Courtesy of The Miracle Fruit Farm The natural healing force within each of us is the
greatest force in getting well. - Hippocrates

60 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Ani Phyo - Inspiring People to launch
their own eco-green healthy lifestyle businesses
The Best of Raw
The Best of Raw gives us an opportunity to take a moment from our busy lives to ac-
knowledge the wonderful people in our community (including Laura Fox for spear-
heading this event over the past several years). Many have helped initiate positive
changes by making the healthiest food choices and lifestyles available to more people
around the world. By working and joining together, we are able to create a bigger and
more inspiring presence. From this place, we can raise consciousness and awareness
for issues like food safety, security, availability, and justice to help make healthy, fresh,
whole food available to all people in all communities.

We each have our own unique brands, styles, tastes, and voices ...and there is only one
of each of us in our world. Therefore, I don't believe in competition. I remember Juliano,
as he was opening his restaurant in Santa Monica, asking me to open my restaurant next
door. This surprised me, but then he explained firstly how he wanted to be able to come
to my restaurant to eat food other than his own. Secondly and more importantly, having
two raw restaurants on one block would bring visibility to both our businesses and for
the Raw Food movement in general.

As I'm now launching an international trading platform, it becomes even more clear
how companies and friends who could have be seen as competitors in the U.S.A. mar-
ket now become allies and partners. By entering the global market together on one plat-
form, we are able to share resources and lower export expenses that make it challenging
to enter new markets independently.

Though I was raised on what I call functional Raw Food 1.0, when I first discovered
gourmet Raw Food 2.0, it changed my life. Instantly, I became passionate about shar-
ing my experience with others because I wanted to help people get healthier and feel
happier while looking and feeling their best. I launched SmartMonkey Foods, which
offered live events, catering, prepared and packaged foods, weekly pop-up restaurants,
classes and retreats, and the first organic fruit and nut bar. SmartMonkey Foods was my
platform enabling me to speak, teach, write books, and share information that seemed
to be lacking in the world about nutrition, health, fitness, longevity, and natural beauty.

As we discover Raw Food and our eco-green conscious lifestyle, and then see and feel
the positive affects Raw Food has on our health, body, mind, and soul, we can often
Photo by Tyler Golden become passionate to share with others that we've discovered the Fountain of Youth.
Sometimes, people may ask us for help because they notice our glow! We may wish to
live and breathe this lifestyle 24/7, in work and play. I believe the best way to do this
is by launching our own conscious business, whether it be a catering company, writ-

62 Issue #8 Spring 2013

ing books, speaking, teaching, launching a packaged food Ani Phyo is an author, nutritionist, health coach, business con-
line, or opening a cafe. This business gives each of us a sultant, TV host, and entrepreneur whose passion lies in design-
platform from which to share our experiences to inspire ing and creating socially and environmentally aware communities
around cutting-edge technology, immersive experiences, eco-green
people to live their best lives. products, and healthy lifestyles.

Personally, I want to see more conscious, eco-green, Anis written six award-winning and best-selling books, including
healthy lifestyle businesses launch because this will help Anis 15-Day Fat Blast, Anis Raw Food Essentials, and Anis Raw
catapult positive shifts towards a world of healthy, happy Food Kitchen, awarded Best Vegetarian Cookbook USA 2007 by
Gourmand International. She was the founder of SmartMonkey
people who feel great and look amazing. When everyone Foods, and the creator of the first organic fruit and nut bar. Ani has
is nourished with clean, fresh, healthy food, and is sup- been inspiring audiences on healthy living and raw food nutrition
ported by a strong community (like our Best of Raw), I of over 15 years, and is the host of Anis Raw Food Kitchen on
believe it becomes difficult to make choices that harm peo- YouTube, the award-winning raw food show online.
ple, animals, and our Planet.
Ani offers Raw Food Certification Courses to help people learn
how to make delicious, healthy food at home and/or for business
This is why I've launched my Raw Food Certification while providing guidance to students who wish to start their own
Courses. I'm offering courses monthly to inspire healthy small business in the wellness and natural food categories. Shes
life mastery. Level 1 focuses on the Home Chef, along with passionate about helping bring more conscious businesses into the
my eco-green living, detox, and healthy lifestyle philoso- marketplace because by offering products that reflect our lifestyle,
we bring awareness and inspire others to do their best each and
phy. Using only a food processor and blender, I focus on every day.
easy, simple, fast recipes that are elegant, delicious, and ac-
cessible for everyday. Before each class, I send out a survey Ani graduated from Cornell University in 1990, where she majored
that helps me to tailor each course to include topics stu- in Business Management along with Design and Environmental
dents want to learn about. I offer upper level food prep and Analysis, with a minor in Nutritional Sciences. She studied Inter-
national Business Management at Yonsei University in 1989 and at
planning courses for those who want to launch catering Ewha University in 1987. In 1992, Ani studied Computer Art, Ani-
businesses and cafes. Mastery level courses will focus on mation, and Social Psychology at SUNY Buffalo until she relocated
developing clarity around, and then creating a road map to San Francisco in 1994. Ani is an advisor to LMUs Entrepre-
for launching your business. Classes are intimate, with neurship Program and is a Network of Korean American leader-
only 15 students. Level 2 will be offered in June in Santa ship Fellow at USCs School of Social Work and Marshall School
of Business. She sits on the board for the Cancer Care Foundation.
Monica, CA. And, my level 3 Teacher Training Certifica-
tion will be offered in June and September, immediately Today, Ani lives in Los Angeles with her Rhodesian Ridgeback,
following Level 2. Youll leave with the necessary tools Kanga, who she rescued 10 years ago and healed back to health
to start teaching your own classes right away including a using the same Raw Food principles she advocates for humans. She
menu plan, recipes, shopping lists, an outline of speaking enjoys volunteering, staying active outdoors, body building, power
lifting, and kickboxing. Ani is developing innovative plant-based
points, and an understanding of branding and marketing. protein snacks for SmartMonkey Foods, is working on her next
book, and planning projects for TV and Web.
I decided to host these courses in Los Angeles since LA is
the raw food capital of the World, a culinary tourism city, To watch Anis videos, to learn more about her Raw Food
and popular vacation destination. I've teamed up with the Certification Courses, and to keep track of her latest projects,
newest LEED certified eco-luxury boutique hotel in Santa visit her at:
Monica on the Pacific Ocean and Delmar Events to make

Photo by Jeff Skeirik , Rawtographer

these courses available. I will also be launching 5-day Blog:
global detox retreats in the autumn.
May we all work together to uncover the truth about food; Facebook:
to continue to improve our health through whole food nu-
trition; to inspire our friends, family, and communities to Twitter:
live a life they love; and to heal our Earth. YouTube:

64 Issue #8 Spring 2013

aw food Almost to good to believe
aw food Almost to good to believe
RECIPES Custard Tartlets
From the book Ani's Raw Food Essentials: Recipes & Tech- by Ani Phyo
niques for Mastering the Art of Live Food by Ani Phyo. Ex-
Makes about 6 tartlets
cerpted by arrangement with Da Capo Lifelong, a member
of the Perseus Books Group. Copyright (c) 2010.
To make tartlets, which are traditionally small pastry
crusts, divide and press Basic Pie crust into the com-
partments in a tartlet pan to make individual mini pies.
These tiny pies are filled with Whipped Cashew Kream, Basic Pie crust
and topped with a variety of fruits for a beautiful display.
This is the simplest way to make a fast pie crust. Its
1 recipe Basic Pie crust, made with almond meal made with chopped nuts that are bound together,
2 recipes Whipped Cashew Kream using sticky dates. I recommend lightly chopping
Your favorite small fruits for topping each tartlet, such the nuts for texture, but you can also grind them
as 1 blackberry, 3 blueberries, 1 raspberry, or cacao nibs into a powder for a smoother crust texture.

1. Line the compartments of a tartlet or multiple bri- Try using different varieties of dates and nuts to
oche pan with plastic wrap first, then press the pie crust change up the flavor and texture. You can swap out
firmly into the pan. Remove by gently lifting up the plas- the dates for raisins, cranberries, and other sticky
tic wrap. dried fruits, and the nuts for seeds, coconut, and
2. Next, spoon the whipped kream into each tartlet. other dry ingredients.
3. Top each tartlet decoratively with one type of fruit or Ingredients
the cacao nibs. Serve immediately, or keep in the fridge. 2 cups nuts, such as almonds, pistachios, pecans, or
Will keep for 2 or 3 days in the fridge. walnuts
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups pitted dates (any type, preferably semisoft,
Whipped Cashew Kream such as Medjool)
Makes 1 1/2 cups
Note: If using drier dates, soak them first in filtered
water for at least 15 minutes to hydrate before using.
A white, rich kream to enjoy on top of your pie, ice
kreams, and as a dip for berries and sliced fruit.
Pulse the nuts into small bits with salt in a food pro-
Ingredients cessor. Make sure not to over process nuts unto a
1 cup cashews powder; you want small chunks for texture.
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon alcohol-free vanilla extract Flour the bottom of your pie dish with some of the
1/2 cup filtered water finer nut powder to keep the crust from sticking to
the pan.
Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender and
blend until smooth. Transfer to a small bowl and place Add the dates to the food processor with the nuts
in the center of a serving try or platter. Will keep for 4 and pulse to bind into a dough. If the dough is too
to 5 days in the fridge. crumbly, add a few more pitted dates. Process until
you get a dough that stays together.
Servings Suggestions: Serve with 1 pound of
strawberries, blackberries, or sliced peaches or apples.
Spread the kream inside your pie crust, then top with
the fresh fruit to make a kream pie.

66 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Fried Onion and Mushroom Pizza
by Ani Phyo
Makes 4 servings

Here, mushrooms are marinated with rosemary, then placed

on your favorite pizza crust with marinara and Buckwheat-
Battered Fried Onion Rings. If you want to avoid marinat-
ing in salty Nama Shoyu or Bragg Liquid Aminos, try using
Herb-Infused Olive Oil
You may have noticed that I love to driz-
citrus juice and olive oil, or dehydrating.
zle olive oil over my pizza just before
serving. Its to create that greasy feel on
If you can wait, let the pizza marinate at room temperature
your lips similar to when youre eating a
for an hour after its assembled. The crust will soak up the
sauce and marinade from the mushrooms. Another option is
baked dairy pizza. Instant Pizza Crust
by Ani Phyo
to put the assembled pizza into your dehydrator to warm up
A delicious idea is to pour about 1/4 Makes 4 servings, or crust for one 12-inch pie
for an hour or two at 104 degrees F before serving.
to 13 cup of olive oil into a small glass
jar or bowl, and add fresh herbs and To make this simple crust, mix the ingredients together, form the batter into
For a thicker marinara, add 1 tablespoon of chopped sun-
spices, such a tablespoon of torn fresh your desired shape, and then add your favorite sauce and toppings. No dehydra-
aw food REAL FOOD

dried tomatoes when blending your sauce.

basil, thyme leaves, chopped rosemary, tion required. Seasoned with oregano, garlic, and olive oil, this is a moist, soft
Toppings minced garlic, and/or diced chiles. Then, crust with a texture and consistency similar to that of a whole-grain, seeded,
2 cups sliced mushrooms (any type) cover and set aside for an hour or more, handmade tortilla. You can form the batter into four individual pizzettes, or into
2 tablespoons Bragg Liquid Aminos or Nama Shoyu to infuse and mix together all the flavors. one larger pizza crust.
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
12 teaspoon fresh chopped rosemary or 14 teaspoon dried Use this infused olive oil to drizzle over
1 recipe Cherry Tomato Marinara (page 71) your pizza. Dont bother to strainin-
1 cup sunflower seeds, ground into powder (about 1 14 cups, ground)
1 recipe Buckwheat-Battered Fried Onion Rings (page 70) clude all the herbs and spices.
1 cup flax meal
Olive oil or Herb-Infused Olive Oil
2 teaspoons dried oregano
Crust 5 tablespoons filtered water, plus extra if needed
Instant Pizza Crust (page 69) 12 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon minced garlic (about 1 clove)
1. Place the sliced mushrooms in a mixing bowl with the 2 tablespoons olive oil
Bragg, olive oil, and rosemary. Toss to mix well, and set aside
to marinate.
2. Assemble by spreading the marinara on your pizza crust.
1. Place the sunflower and flax meal, oregano, and salt in a mixing bowl. Toss
3. Next, squeeze the liquid from the marinated mushrooms
to mix.
and discard the marinade. Add the mushrooms to your pizza.
2. Add the garlic, olive oil, and water, and mix well. You can add another table-
4. Lastly, sprinkle with your onions. Drizzle with several ta-
spoon of water if needed to help batter stick together, but be careful not to add
blespoons of olive oil before serving.
too much water so your crust doesnt get mushy.
3. If making individual pizzettes, scoop 13 cup lightly packed portions onto
Serving suggestions: Sprinkle with microgreens, arugula, each of four serving dishes. Press each into a circle about 4 inches in diameter,
and/or Cheezy Sprinkle (page 106 of Anis Raw Food Essential with a raised edge around the circumference. Or, on a serving tray, press the
recipe book). entire batter into one large pizza crust with a raised edge.

Will keep for 1 to 2 days in the fridge.

68 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Buckwheat-Battered fried Onion Rings
by Ani Phyo
Makes 4 Servings

Thinly sliced onion is dipped into buckwheat batter and dehydrated to create a battered and fried,
delicious onion ring. The texture is similar to that of a lightly fried tempura batter, and the flavor is

The longer the onions are dehydrated, the milder the onion flavor will become. Using a sweet onion
gives a milder onion flavor.

raw food REAL FOOD

4 cups thinly sliced sweet onion
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Cherry Tomato Marinara
by Ani Phyo
2 tablespoons filtered water Makes 1 cup
1 recipe basic Buckwheat batter
The easiest marinara sauce to make ever. Just blend to-
1. Prep the onions by tossing in the oil and water. matoes with a date for sweetness and herbs for flavor.
2, Then, dip the onions into the Basic Buckwheat Batter to coat well. The dried herbs will help to absorb excess tomato
3. Gently place the onions in a single layer on two lined 14-inch-square Excalibur Dehydrator juice, and the date helps thicken the sauce, too. The oil
trays, and dehydrate at 104 degrees F for 4 to 6 hours, or until completely dried and crisp. helps smooth everything out to a rich consistency. Try
making this using Roma tomatoes, as they are another
lower juice 178 tomato, like cherry tomatoes.
Basic Buckwheat Batter
by Ani Phyo
Makes 4 Servings Ingredients
1 12 cups cherry tomatoes
Coat any vegetable with this basic batter and dehydrate, to add a light and crispy crunch to the 13 cup olive oil
outside -- similar to a tempura or panko (Japanese bread crumb) batter, but lighter and healthier for 2 teaspoons pitted Medjool dates (about 1 whole)
you. If you dont have Buckwheat Crispies on hand, just use buckwheat groats instead. 1 teaspoon dried oregano
12 teaspoon dried rosemary
12 teaspoon salt
2 cups Buckwheat Crispies (page 63 of Anis Raw Food Essential recipe book), ground into a powder
1 teaspoon sea salt Instructions
1/2 teaspoon cayenne 1. Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender
2. Blend until smooth.
Place the buckwheat powder, salt, and cayenne in a bowl and mix well.
Will keep for 2 to 3 days in the fridge.
Options: Dip slices, sticks, or spears of your favorite vegetables and even fruit into this batter, and
dehydrate to add a crunch outer layer. To help the powder stick better, you may want to toss your
veggies with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil first.

70 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Raw Transformation
by Michele Marie Jeppson
Have you ever been so lost that you just need to get You really can make meals all raw to emulate almost any
away? I know its not healthy to feel that way but what is recipe. I even found a raw vegan recipe for raw thin mint
to follow will explain how I got lost in order to find myself. girl scout cookies.
What started out as a break to get away and just have time
to clear my thoughts turned into a major life changing Around day 15 I woke up feeling refreshed and alive. I felt
transformation for me. I started the 21 day cleanse with so healthy and good. My body had spent the last couple
the attitude I could try it out and commit myself for the of weeks detoxifying and was now able to function at a
21 days. What else did I have to lose, right? I was gaining higher optimal capacity. I was happy, laughing and full
three weeks in Idaho with my mom and boys and in the of energy. Still to this day it is hard to explain the way I
process I would get to relax with bodywork and soaking feel when eating completely raw. It is like experiencing
in the hot springs. something I had never experienced, feeling something I
had never felt before. Ive grown to have a better under-
I told myself I would do everything her cleanse outlined standing of the science behind our body and the way we
for the 21 days. It was not a lifetime commitment or absorb nutrients. The enzymes are one of the life forces
change, just trying something new out. Within the first in raw foods, which attributed to experiencing a different
several days I started to get really sick. I had a cough, lost level of living!
my voice, got diarrhea and my body and head ached. I
just felt down right miserable. It was my bodys way of Through research and personal experience I have learned
releasing many of the toxins that had accumulated over the benefits of the living enzymes verses when the food is
the years. heated above 118 degrees F. Internally I felt so alive and
After day ten I sat down to eat another raw salad with my system appreciated it. To me, my body was working
the infamous olive oil and herbs salad dressing. Just the hundreds of times less to process the food and in return it
thought of tasting it again made me want to throw up. thanked me with the way I felt!
How could I continue eating the same taste day in and
day out for 21 days? I picked at my plate and took a cou- I am so thankful for what raw foods have done in my life.
ple of bites. I looked over at my mom and told her I am I want to assure you, you have the power to heal.
done; I cannot do this anymore! Cant we get creative and
come up with some other ideas for meals? If we could just We offer an e-workbook called, The Super Raw Life 100
change the texture and taste to emulate something else, Day Challenge. This e-workbook includes a step-by-step
I could trick my mind into liking the taste. I had eaten PDF workbook taking you through each day of the chal-
more fresh vegetables in the last ten days, than I had the lenge. It is a proven way to change and heal from the in-
previous 10 years! side out. In order to transform your lifestyle and body on
the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge we show you a way
I brought up the idea for lettuce wraps and raw guaca- to not only modify eating habits but your lifestyle as well.
mole. Why not, it was just assimilating the food in a dif- The Challenge covers all aspects of your senses, to enable
ferent manner. So we tried it, they were heavenly. Oh, I a total inner and outer body transformation. We pro-
still remember our reaction to the taste as if it were yester- vide you with the knowledge on a proven way to change At my heaviest, I weighed over 300 pounds. It took me years to realize I
day. Mmmmm, so divine it almost melted in my mouth. your lifestyle and body. To take part in the challenge visit gained weight as a subconscious protection mode. What once protected
I came to the realization that sticking to eating this way me now bound me! When I resolved things emotionally I was finally able
would be a lot more manageable with meals like this. Food-Weight-Loss-Challenge.php. to break past the plateau and free myself from myself!
- Michele Marie Jeppson, Founder/Editor in Chief, Super Raw Life magazine
I started to research and found the term raw vegan and I know this can change your life, it changed mine!
living foodist. There were thousands of recipes available
on-line. Just the thought of these raw food recipes started
to excite me and make my mouth water.
72 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Your Health is your Greatest Wealth
by Dave Rayala

Growing up, I never believed in working for someone else.

The idea of putting my life in someone else's hands in or-
der to put food on the table and a roof over my head never
clicked for me. I was very entrepreneurial growing up and
in high school I started a wristband business which took off
very well. Alongside with business, I developed a love rela-
tionship for bodybuilding and the lifestyle it provided.

My parents purchased a gym membership for me to Gold's

Gym when I was in the seventh grade. Being the youngster
in the gym, the older guys invited me join them and would
teach me what they knew; from repetitions, cardio, lifts to
how to eat a 'clean' diet. From there, I fell in love with the
lifestyle, getting my own groceries when my parents would
go grocery shopping and prepping my meals for the week.
When the time came to go the gym, my parents would drop
me off and pick me up a couple hours later.

After high school, my mom kicked me out her house. I decid-

ed to stay with my brother up in the mountains of Northern
California and from there my knowledge of a vegetarian life-
style began. Rooming with my brother, was Ron, a 40-year-
old vegetarian that was an ex Navy cook. Being vegetarian for
10 years, he introduced me to David Wolfe, supplements like
chlorella and maca, and the importance of structured water.

I returned back to my mom's after staying a few months with

my brother. When I returned, I applied what Ron taught me.
I became 100% raw vegan within a couple of weeks and here
I am now, three years later, still eating a 100% raw vegan diet,
teaching and inspiring others not to become raw vegan, but
to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

For my love of business and health, one thing I have learned

is you cannot depend on others to live your life for you. You
are your own individual corporation. You have to make the
decisions you stand upon and what you know is right for you
and your health because at the end of the day, your Health is
your Greatest Wealth!

Dave Rayala
Vallejo, California

74 Issue #8 Spring 2013

There are no measurements included with the following two recipes. Dave Rayala does not measure when creat-
ing dishes! Get creative, bring out the chef in yourself as you re-create these nutrient filled decadent recipes!

Eggplant Parmigiana with Garlic Wheatgrass Pesto

by Dave Rayala

Ingredients: eggplant, kale chips, walnuts, olive oil, basil, freeze dried
wheatgrass powder, lemon, garlic, water and Himalayan salt
1. Cut eggplant into slices
2. Rub Himalayan salt onto the eggplant and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour (to extract the water)
3. Rinse and dry eggplant slices
4. Process walnuts and kale chips for the "bread" crumbs
5. Coat eggplant slices in olive oil and batter it with the bread crumbs
6. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 3 hours (optional)
7. Blend olive oil, lemon juice, walnuts, garlic, and Himalayan salt for the cheese
7. Blend olive oil, freeze dried wheat grass powder, basil, garlic, and Himalayan salt for the pesto

Pia Colada Cheesecake

by Dave Rayala

Ingredients: coconut oil, pineapple, bananas, and walnuts

1. Melt coconut oil at room temperature
2. Process walnuts and a little coconut oil
3. Mold to the bottom of a lined baking tray or a spring form pan
4. Blend coconut oil, pineapple, and bananas & pour over crust
Photos by Dave Rayala

5. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours

l i u s C a e s a r
e e s s e n c e o f life.- Ju
st h
Creating i
76 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Raw Living Expo Delivers Unexpected Gift
by Bella Mahaya Carter Over 300 people attended the first Raw Living Expo in Se- Although I knew what I had to do to heal, adopting a raw
dona, Arizona, last month, held at the Hilton Sedona Re- food diet was a lonely choice. My parents, siblings, and
sort and Spa. The event brought together a diverse group in-laws thought I was crazy. I was no fun at dinner par-
of people with one thing in common: an interest in raw ties, and eventually my friends stopped inviting me. Peo-
and living foods. Some attendees had been living a raw ple warned me about my weight. Youd better be careful,
food lifestyle for years, while others came looking for in- my sister said, or youll end up looking like Popeyes girl-
formation about how to incorporate raw and living foods friendwhat was her name?
into their diets. Some suffered diseases, such as diabetes
and cancer; others wanted to lose weight; and some sim- Olive Oil, I replied.
ply wanted to learn how to live vibrant, healthy lives. The
weekend offered lectures, workshops, chef demos, discus- One day, as I stepped into my in-laws Jacuzzi, my father-
sion groups, interviews with raw food luminaries, panels, in-law said, Youd better watch out or your husband might
film screenings, yoga and meditation classes, spa treat- find himself a fleshier gal.
ments, hiking, live performances, dance parties, an open
mic, and more. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs, after our physi-
cal needs are taken care of, and assuming we are safe, our
But perhaps the best part of the weekendand for me, the next greatest need is the need to belong. I hadnt realized
most surprisingwas the gift of community. the extent to which I felt like an outsider in social situa-
tions until I showed up at the Raw Living Expo and found
Ive lived a raw foods lifestyle for eight years. I began eat- myself surrounded by people who eat the way I do! This
ing this way because I had Gastroesophageal Reflux Dis- was the unexpected gift the Raw Living Expo gave me: a
ease (GERD) and chronic stomach problems. The only feeling of belonging.
thing my doctor could do for me was prescribe drugs, but
my intuition told me that this would only make my dis- In the early days I hadnt been aware of any raw food com-
ease progress. I wanted a cure, not a cover up. So I read munities. But later, as people began healing and sharing
dozens of books on health and nutrition, and learned that amazing stories, a community sprung up. I was reluctant
people had used raw food to cure GERDas well as con- to align myself with those people, because I thought the
ditions such as diabetes, acne, migraines, back, neck and raw food community was filled with airy-fairy types. But
joint pain, asthma, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, I was wrong. The Raw Living Expo showed me all the ways
hypoglycemia, colitis and diverticulitis, candida, arthritis,in which the raw food community is broader and deeper
allergies, depression, anxiety, rashes, menopausal symp- than I imagined. It consists of grounded, intelligent men
toms, chronic fatigue, cancer, and more. and women who have made the same choice I've made: to
listen to their bodies and heal themselves with food. I met
In 2004, Whole Foods didnt carry prepared raw foods. scientists, psychologists, doctors, journalists, and many
The only people I knew of who ate this way were the folks other bright, educated, and courageous people.
whose books I read: Norman Walker, Ann Wigmore, Dr.

Photo by Michele Marie Jeppson

Gabriel Cousens, Steve Meyerowitz, and the Boutenko Paula Branson was one of them. A former attorney, Paula
family, to name a few. For the average person, someone like manages an Impacted Chiari Malformation, a debilitat-
me, this lifestyle posed a challenge. But once I made up my ing brain condition, with raw and living foods. After a
mind to do it, I changed my diet overnight. I was desperate decade under the care of doctors who could neither heal
to heal, and I genuinely believed what Hippocrates, the fa- her nor relieve her suffering, taking over eighteen different
ther of modern medicine, had said thousands of years ago: meds at one time, including fentanyl, a painkiller stronger
Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help than morphine, she checked herself into the Hippocrates
it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of
us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be
our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.
78 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Institute and surrendered to their program, which was Deanna plans to study at the Institute of Integrative Nutri-
radically different from anything she had ever experienced tion in New York. She hopes to use what shes gone through
before. At first she thought she had fallen into a cult and as a means to help others. Her intention is to let people
wanted out, but then she met a Harvard medical professor with cancer know that theres another way; that there are
who had access to the best medical care in the world. And alternatives to chemo and surgery. Deanne is now a certi-
he had chosen to bring his wife, who had a rare, untreat- fied Hallelujah Acres health minister. I felt the peace of Bella's mission is to heal and transform
able cancer, to the Hippocrates Institute. Paula spent three God in that house, she told me while describing her first
weeks taking classes, eating raw vegan food, and undergo- visit to Hallelujah Acres, a raw vegan healing center that herself and others through creative work.
ing a rigorous detoxification process. empowers people to take control of their own health. I
felt the fear leave my body.
Its not a diet, Paula told me, its a lifestyle change. I
was making my body so toxic that it couldnt heal itself. Deanna told me that she was undergoing emotional as
While at the institute, Paula weaned herself off seventeen well as physical healing, and discussed how the two are
of her eighteen medications. Today shes a certified holistic linked. My own understanding very much mirrors hers.
health coach who teaches classes to people with chronic Healing on one level leads to the nextbody, mind, and
illnessesand facilitates extraordinary healing. spirit are inextricably connected. Attempting to treat one

hrough creative work

without taking into consideration the others renders deep
healing impossible.

eal and transform

Bella Mahaya Carter is a poet, writer, teacher,
editor, and coach. She is the author of Secrets of My
Sex, a collection of narrative poems (Bombshelter
Press, 2008). Her poems, stories, essays, and articles
appear in dozens of print and online journals. Her
current writing project is a memoir titled, The Raw
Years: How I Cured Chronic Stomach Problems &
Began Living My Dreams. A practicing Spiritual Psy-
On the Saturday morning of the Best of Raw Expo, I went chologist, Bella works with clients across the coun-
hiking with four women. One of them was Deanna Won, try as both a writing coach and life coach. She fa-
an air force colonel with ovarian cancer who refused sur- cilitates writing workshops, writing with movement
gery and chemotherapy and instead chose to treat her dis- workshops, leads creativity retreats for women, and
ease with a raw vegan diet. She spent two weeks at a Hal- blogs about body, mind, and spirit. Her mission is to
lelujah Acres Lifestyle Center in Plant City, Florida, and heal herself and others through creative work.
three months later learned that her tumor was shrinking.
She later participated in the Hippocrates Institutes Life Website:

Photos by Michele Marie Jeppson

Connect with Bella

Transformation program. When she returned home her Blog:
CAT and PET scans both confirmed what shed suspected: Email:
her tumor was dying. Facebook:
Overjoyed, Deanna went back to working eighteen-hour LinkedIn:
days. Business travel took her oversees. In Asia she had carter/14/709/185
limited access to green juices, sprouts, and other raw You Tube:
foods, so for three weeks she ate cooked foods. Predict- Vimeo:
ably, her tumor returned. But Deanna is undaunted; she
knows what to do and is determined to do it.
80 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Support for young Adults Learning a Healthy Raw Vegan Lifestyle
by Karen Ranzi, M.A.
The Raw Living Expo in Sedona was a lively three-day event food meals daily, sprouting and talking about the benefits
attracting individuals of all ages and various backgrounds of the raw food lifestyle.
sharing an interest in the raw living lifestyle. The large
number of young adults attending the Expo was exciting Another semester, Gabriela interned at Turtle Lake Refuge
to observe, as they are the current generation of upcoming in Durango, Colorado. I had met the Founder of Turtle
parents who will incorporate a healthy raw vegan diet into Lake Refuge, Katrina Blair, at the 2007 Raw Spirit Festival,
their lifestyle and pass it on to the next generation. and asked her if she took interns to work with her. Katrina
and Turtle Lake Refuge have been another excellent model
I have lived the raw vegan lifestyle for almost two decades. of natural living through wild foraging, raw food, and en-
My daughter Gabriela attended the Expo as part of Turtle vironmental education. Gabriela has remained there for
Lake Refuge three years as an employee. The mission of Turtle Lake
Refuge is to celebrate the connection between personal
I have watched Gabriela grow up healthy as a raw vegan, health and wild lands.
and then decide to experiment with processed and refined
foods and animal products as a vegetarian during the teen Internships such as these provide support for young adults
years to fit in with her mainstream peers. Then I witnessed wanting to return to their natural roots. Raw food lifestyle
her return to vegan and raw vegan as a junior in college who festivals and expos such as The Raw Living Expo 2013 in
became fed up with being sick and watching her friends live Sedona provide much needed support for these young
unhealthy lives. She began to view the vegan diet as the pri- people desiring to learn about the healing power of raw
mary path to healing our world and she saw the raw vegan foods, raising healthy children, creating delicious raw veg-
lifestyle as a door to healing the human body. This vision an recipes, and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle as they
motivated her to major in Global Environmental Studies move away from societal pressures to live with conven-
while in college. This close look at what was happening to tional processed and refined foods, animal products and
our environment gave her an even larger view of the real medications.
situation occurring in the world today.
In my workshop, Disease-Free Happy Families, many
At age 21, Gabriela listened to her inner wisdom rather of the attendees were single young adult women who
than simply following the crowd. She compared how she were fascinated with the topic of raising healthy children
felt on raw vegan foods when growing up at home to the through attachment parenting and raw foods. So many of
standard dietary indoctrination surrounding her away at these young women were grateful for the valuable infor-
college. Questioning what she observed of everyday stan- mation focused on following the physical, mental, emo-
dard lifestyles, she came to a conscious realization - re- tional and spiritual needs of children from the time of
solving to return to raw vegan foods. She also learned the conception throughout the growing years.
truth about the torture of animals in factory farms and pro-
foundly understood being vegan is fundamental toward re- Gabriela, who is 25 now, has gained much confidence in
ducing global warming and healing our planet. Her return maintaining this healthy lifestyle over the years through
to always feeling wonderful on raw foods has given her a being raised vegan and raw vegan and then given support Karen Ranzi, M.A.

Photo by Michele Marie Jeppson

deep insight - fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds are through volunteer work, internships and events like the Author: Creating Healthy Children: Through
the optimal species specific foods for humans. Raw Living Expo. Attachment Parenting and Raw Food
During her later college years, Gabriela interned at Au- In this sometimes very confused world we live in, we must To receive Karens monthly newsletter on Su-
roville Ecovillage in India and was able to remain eating teach our young adults, the future parents, how to nourish per Healthy Children, with recipes, health
raw vegan foods for the entire semester even though green the next generation with the superior raw living foods. I tips, and articles, sign up at www.super-
leafy vegetables were not plentiful when traveling there. am grateful to Laura Fox and Nathan Crane for organiz-
Coincidentally, an Indian woman named Anandi lived at ing The Raw Living Expo, an event that gave tremendous
Auroville and had studied at Dr. Gabriel Cousens Tree of support to young adults and people of all ages for creating
Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona. How wonderful for a healthier future.
Gabriela to spend the semester with Anandi, preparing raw Issue #8 Spring 2013
You are a Beautiful Woman unlike any other
by Shakaya Leone
Every woman is beautiful. Woman and beauty are
synonymous. Buuuut, that just sounds like a lofty plati- tude when we are overworked, overtired, overweight and
overwhelmed! Then, we are not in touch with our sacred
feminine energy. What we are in touch with then, is want-
ing some much needed pampering!

Goddesses dont neglect themselves like that. Goddesses

take exquisite care of themselves and invite in whatever
makes them feel beautiful and powerful. No excuses, no
apologies. Because they are WORTHY.

There is nothing more beautiful and powerful than a wom-

an who is connected to and embraces her own unique,
snowflake beauty. A woman like that can inspire a thou-
sand women, and heal a thousand men.

What is Beauty?
Beauty isnt vanity, it is virtue.
Beauty uplifts the spirit wherever it is encountered. True,
naked beauty comes from your essence and is a gift to the
world. Beauty illuminates your features and ennobles your

Your capacity to appreciate beauty within and

all around = your sensual beauty as a woman
Beauty is a spark that refreshes your spirit and melts away
stress. Beauty is the face of your natural radiance when
you have vibrant health.

Health and beauty are two sides of the same leaf. They are
your Birthright, and every woman deserves both. In fact,
they are your sacred nature. But when we lose connection
to Nature, we lose connection to our natureDiscover the
gifts of Nature to enhance the gifts of your nature.

When it comes to natural beauty, Mother Nature holds the

keys to the Queendom But, like any sovereign female
Photo by Liam Leone

she refuses to just spill her secrets- we must honor her wis-
dom before she will allow her veils to be lifted!

84 Issue #8 Spring 2013

As an Aesthetician, Colon Hydro-Therapist and Raw We bring the calm. We bring the wild. We bring the pos-
Foodist I have explored beauty from inside-out for two de- sibility. We bring the flirt. The tease. The adventure. We
cades. In my own questing for vibrant health and beauty bring the stability and the flexibility. We bring that divine
I have been gifted precious pearls which I will pour onto rock-star, that cosmic creatrix. We bring our dreams to the
you here like a spring shower surface and live the life we love to live!

I have discovered what makes all the difference in how we Eating this way, living like this is gigantically HOT! Its
look and feel in our 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, is our food. anything but ordinary. But if you are like me, ordinary
Food- natural, whole, fresh food- is a sacred gateway to never spoke to you anyway. You know there is something
uncovering your sensual beauty. more

Food is about who we are and who we want to become.

Knowing how to take care of your flower-face Iwider, want to help you open your mind wide and your heart
to sign your name on your own life-changing leg-
and body-temple is a skill acy. I will bring you to places you least expect on an ad-
The simplest yet most empowering choice you can make venture of trying new things and eating food filled with
in your life is how you eat. enchantment.

Food is a magical substance. It contains not only the en- I invite you to savor pleasurable foods with ancient, glori-
ergy of Earth and Sun, but also YOUR energy. The fastest ous wisdom that will keep your eyes and heart open and
way to transform yourself is simply by eatingisnt that so your body fully rocking, radiant, sexy and strong.
simple and amazing!

Foods carry energy...fruit carries the sweetness of life,

abundance, fun and beauty; veggies bring balance, clar-
ity, refreshment and calm; grains bring strength, kindness,
variety and comfort.

Do you want to be a Sorceress of Power and Love

and Prosperity?
Then eat your greens! Do you want more sweetness in
your life? Eat fresh fruit!
The juicier your foods, the juicer you and your life will

Food is a love letter.

Whole foods, a gift from the earth infuses our being with

Photo on right by Gina Sparrow

the shimmery and delightfully open energy of our inner
goddess. Your shakti will rise. You will stand tall in who
you are like a queen. When we walk in our goddess bod-
ies we inspire others to do the same. We are all worthy of
For generations grandmother, girlfriend and sister Di- health.
vas have passed down Natures beauty secrets using aloe,
fruit, herbs, spices, yogurt, special oils, honey and flowers With this amazingly sensual, brilliant and confident en-
to scent their bodies, soften their skin or color their hair. ergy that is wholly ours, we bring so much to the table
And they did so without using artificial ingredients and besides amazing and healing food.
toxic chemicals. And so can you.
86 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse and Salt Water Flush
by Michele Marie Jeppson
Healing with the seasons is our optimal right. Mother Nature has a way of providing for us what we need in any
given season. The Super Raw Life Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse and Salt Water Flush takes healing to a whole
new level, it gets back to the foundational principles which are all around us as we learn to live in harmony with
the natural cycles of our environment. This e-book covers all aspects of the Super Raw Life Seasonal Detoxification
Cleanse and Salt Water Flush enabling you to cleanse and flush out as the seasons change. Included is information
on the Super Raw Life Seasonal Detoxification and Salt Water Flush, recipes, and step-by-step worksheets taking you
through each day of your Salt Water Flush and Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse. (Recommended time frame each
season, 3-10 days)

"Although I like how I feel when I eat all raw there are times, as an emotional eater, I go back to my old habits.
One time I was left feeling bogged down and needed a pick me up as the seasons changed. I did the Super Raw Life
Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse and Salt Water Flush and it left me feeling energized and revamped. To top it off I
released 12 5/8" in 7 days!" --Michele Marie Jeppson, Founder/Editor in Chief, Super Raw Life Magazine

Recommended Seasons:
The spring season is one of the most significant of the season changes; it
Shakayas Sublime Key Lime Mousse symbolizes the start of new life and regeneration of nature. Good season for
taking care of your eyes, muscles, liver and gallbladder.
by Shakaya Leone

Squeeze limes, into a juicy pool of goodness. The scent of citrus fills the air and The earth has its most direct tilt into the sun; summer is when our energy
entices him to peek over your shoulder. Swirling a creamy, delicious dab of thrives the most! Good season for taking care of your speech, blood vessels,
green goddess vibrancy, he licks it off your finger. Is it too sweet or too tangy? heart and small intestine.
You loosen your silk scarf from your hair and wrap it around his neck to pull
him close, very close. You whisper to him that you are taking him somewhere Late summer normally leaves a feeling of heaviness in the air and parallels with
exotic. Somewhere fresh. Somewhere he has never been before. He agrees. the way our bodies feel. Great season to do a salt water flush and get revitalized!

Fall is a time to harvest, gathering and elimination are key elements with this
Ingredients season.
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
2 ripe avocados The cold and darkening of the winter season tend to make us want to slow
1/4 cup agave nectar, raw honey or 8 pitted dates down. Now is a great time to conserve your strength and replenish your energy. The Super Raw Life Seasonal
1/4 cup baby spinach, optional Detoxification Cleanse and
a dash of pure vanilla powder While doing the Super Raw Life Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse and Salt Water Salt Water Flush e-workbook is
Flush you will enable your body the opportunity to flush out, lower your LDL available at www.superrawlife.
1. Process until smooth and creamy bringing all the tangy goodness together (bad cholesterol), raise HDL(good cholesterol), naturally help prevent dental com for $9.95
2. Enjoy as a fun-do to dip fresh fruit slices into, or layer with fresh berries in plaque, help prevent plaque from building up in your arteries and also may be
a tall parfait glass
Photo by Shakaya Leone able to reverse previous plaque buildup. These are just a few of the many health
benefits of doing the Super Raw Life Seasonal Detoxification Cleanse and Salt
Water Flush.
Shakaya Leone is an Earth Empress who elevates a woman's life into an ex-
perience of exquisite, sensual, feminine beauty. Shakaya is the author of Nude
Food and Naked Beauty and is a trusted voice in the Raw Food world com-
munity. Shakaya works with radiant, iconic women who require Exquisite Self
Care to live their Legacy and can be found at
88 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Veronica Grace
I promote a high raw, '100% oil-free diet' to
So the question shouldn't be, Should I consume olive oil, Check the Ingredients
coconut oil or flax oil for a healthy diet? Instead, it should Eating out is another challenge for raw food enthusiasts
be, What sources of fats are healthful, whole, and intact? when it comes to eating healthier. Gourmet raw food res-
my readers. I'm often asked why, so here are taurants and cookbooks are popping up everywhere and
my reasons: Omega Ratios while the food looks delicious, it's not always healthy.
Most sources of fat have far too many omega-6s and few Some raw food chefs have little or no nutritional training.
Omega-3 & Omega-6 to no omega-3s. This is one major reason why inflamma- 'Gourmet' raw food recipes often contain nuts, seeds, oils,
Starting out on a raw or high raw diet, many tion and disease is so predominant today. For optimum salt and sweetener all in one recipe, trying to mimic the
people switch their butter, margarine and olive health we want to strive for a ratio of 1:1 omega 6:3 or at taste and texture of cooked foods - but just because the
oil for raw olive oil or raw coconut oil - try- the very least 4:1. ingredients are raw, doesn't mean it's healthier. Don't let
ing to get closer to nature. While trading pro- your eyes deceive you at that raw food restaurant - look
cessed and denatured foods for less processed Olive oil has a 13:1 ratio of omega 6:3 and coconut oil is at the ingredient list. And in a store, with packaged raw
ones is a good idea, many people believe oil is 4% omega-6 and contains no omega-3 at all. As a result, foods, read the back of the package before you buy!
necessary for health. Omega-3s are beneficial consuming these items regularly - while eating nuts &
for health, but the misconception is raw oils seeds other than walnuts - means your diet will be high in Quick Tips
are the best way to get it. omega-6 and low in omega-3. 1. Regularly incorporate chia and flax seeds into smooth-
ies, dressings, or entrees.
Thats simply not true. Too many omega-6s in the diet promote inflammation 2. Consume whole foods such as olives or young coconut
in the body as well as in the endothelial cells in the heart instead of their oils.
Scientists and nutrition experts have drawn (which can lead to heart disease). Heart disease can still 3. Flax oil is not necessary for health, it spoils quickly and
our attention to 'healthy fat'. Although experts occur in vegans and raw vegans because of a high fat diet. youre better off with the whole food.
disagree about the amount and types of fats 4. Stick to one type of fat per meal - don't mix nuts, seeds,
in the diet - they do agree fats from omega-3 and avocado together.
sources - which the body converts into EPA Good Omega-3 Sources 5. Use water, fresh fruit, or juices as a base for salad dress-
and DHA - are important and must be includ- The best sources of omega-3 come in the form of whole ings - not oil.
ed in a healthy diet. foods in there natural state. The top three sources of ome- 6. Use more leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits in your
ga-3 (which have a better omega 6:3 ratio) are: chia seeds, meals instead of nuts, seeds and oils
We hear a lot about omega-3 - found in fish flax seeds, and walnuts. 7. Read the ingredient list before you eat, or buy any raw
oil & flax oil - being 'good' for us, because foods.
most Westerners get too much omega-6 in Consume quality chia or flax seeds in small quantities reg-
their diet from meat, plant oils and nuts. Too ularly. You can grind them up and store them in the freez- I hope I've given you some insight and clarified some of
much omega-6 promotes inflammation of our er to stay fresh. Sprinkle them into smoothies and salad the confusion on this hot topic in the raw food movement!
tissues - omega-3 helps reduce this inflamma- dressings and into dehydrated recipes. Choose whole ol-
tion. While raw foodists avoid many of the
worst forms of omega-6, they still get a lot of it
ives or young coconuts for their health benefits instead us- Veronica Grace runs and
ing there refined oils. Oils have only tiny trace amounts of is a self taught chef and food enthusiast who focuses on
in olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds. vitamins - the whole food contains not only vitamins and promoting a low fat vegan approach to a whole foods diet
minerals, but water and fiber as well. Walnuts can be used and lifestyle.
Omega-3 comes in the form of polyunsaturat- whole or crushed.
ed fats. Olive oil - which has a little omega-3
- is primarily a monounsaturated fat, while co- She teaches and encourages people to eat fresh plant based
conut oil is primarily a saturated fat. Coconut Oil Alternatives for Salad Dressings foods as much as possible and stays up to date on current
oil is all the rage now as it's readily available In a blender, use a bit of water, fresh squeezed orange juice research in the natural health and plant based diet world.
at the health food store. However, coconut oil or ripe berries as a base. Add in: apple cider vinegar, pit-
has no omega-3 at all, and a lot of saturated fat! ted dates, a tablespoon of seeds or nut butter and some The following recipes shared by Veronica Grace are all fea-
You see, those healthy, traditional islanders ate fresh seasonings like garlic, ginger, green onions (scal- tured in Savory Raw Dinner Recipes. For more information
lions), dill, cilantro or parsley - and blend it all together! visit

Veronica Grace
coconut flesh, not coconut oil. They also ate a
lot of fish, which contained the omega-3 fats Raw dressings are easy to make and you can season them
they needed. to suit your taste and your needs.
90 Issue #8 Spring 2013
raw food Almost to good to believ
raw food Almost to good to believ
Caesar Salad Dressing/Dip
by Veronica Grace
Fat Free Savory Stuffed Peppers
By Veronica Grace
Featured in Savory Raw Dinner Recipes
Yields about 1 cup, which covers more than 2 heads of romaine hearts chopped. 4 bell peppers, tops cut off and deseeded (save tops)

Ingredients Stuffing
1/2-2/3 cup filtered water (to thin as desired) 1 bell pepper, top cut off and de-seeded
1/4 cup raw cashews (or raw sunflower seeds) 1 carrot, peeled
1/8 cup raw sesame or 2 tablespoons tahini 1 stalk of celery
1/8-1/4 cup sunflower seeds (depending how thick you want it) 1 cob of corn
3-4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1-2 medium garlic cloves, chopped Sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons mild miso (I use Genmai soy and brown rice miso) 2 medium tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon kelp granules or other seaweed seasoning (optional) 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup cilantro (fresh coriander)
1/2 teaspoon dill, dried 1/4 cup dehydrated tomato pieces
2 pitted dates or 1-2 teaspoons liquid sweetener of choice 1/4 cup dehydrated red pepper (or use more tomato and a little fresh red pepper)
freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/4 cup onion, diced
4 dates, pitted
1/2 lime, juiced
Directions 1 garlic clove
1. Using a hand blender or in a regular blender, combine all ingredients (starting 1 teaspoon cumin
with 1 date or 1/2 teaspoon liquid sweetener) and pure until very smooth. 1/2 teaspoon salt
2. Taste test. Add additional dates or sweetener, garlic or lemon if desired to 1/2 teaspoon herbs de Provence or Italian herb mix
achieve the taste you are looking for. Dash of chipotle or chili pepper powder
3. Add additional water to thin dressing if desired.
Additional Tips 1. Place empty bell peppers on a dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 115 F for one to three
This dressing will thicken after refrigeration; you can thin it by stirring in 2-3 tea- hours depending how soft you want your peppers.
spoons water if desired. When thick, this dressing can be used as a veggie dip. 2. For the filling, take the tops of the bell peppers, remove the stems and using a veggie
chopper (or hand dice) into cubes. Take the remaining pepper and dice into cubes.
3. Cut the carrot into 2 or 3 chunks and slice into 1/2 inch thick pieces. Use a veggie chop-
per (or hand dice) to cut into cubes.
4. Cut the celery down the middle and use a veggie chopper (or hand dice) into cubes.
5. Place all veggies into a large bowl.
6. Cut the corn off the cob and place into the bowl.
7. For the sauce add the above ingredients except the cilantro to a Vita-Mix (or food pro-
cessor) and process until smooth and thick.

Photos by Veronica Grace

8. Pour over veggies in bowl and mix to combine.
9. Get out a shallow dish or spread onto a teflex tray and put in the dehydrator along with
pepper shells to soften. (Alternately if you dont have a dehydrator you can serve the stuffed
peppers at room temperature.)
10. When shells and veggies have softened a bit from the dehydrator remove them, chop up
the cilantro and combine with the filling mixture. Spoon the filling into the peppers.

92 Issue #8 Spring 2013

raw food Almost to good to believe
LowerfoodFat Taco SaladAlmost to good to believe
raw food
By Veronica Grace
Almost to good to believe
Salad food Almost to good to believe
Strawberry Pecan Spinach Salad
raw food Almost to good to believe
2 large heads of romaine
4 tomatoes, diced (or raw salsa)
By Veronica Grace
Makes 2 dinner servings or 4 side servings

raw food Almost to good to believe

2 bell peppers, seeded and diced
2 cobs of corn, kernels cut
Meat Almost to good to believe
Strawberry Pecan Spinach Salad
11 oz./312g container baby spinach leaves

raw food Almost to good to believe

3/4 cup carrot, peeled and chopped
2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced
1/2 cup red onion, diced or sliced

raw food Almost to good to believe

1/2 cup walnuts, soaked 2 hours
1/2 cup dehydrated or sun dried tomatoes, soaked 30 minutes, save water
1/3 cup raw pecans

raw food Almost to good to believe

1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
1 teaspoon cumin Chia Dressing
raw food Almost to good to believe
1/4-1/2 teaspoon chili powder
12 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup fresh sliced strawberries
1/4 cup clementine, mandarin, or orange juice (use the sweetest oranges you can find)

raw food Almost to good to believe

1/3 cup sun-dried tomato water (or more to blend)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
4 small dates, pitted (or 1-2 tablespoons of liquid sweetener)
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

raw food Almost to good to believe

1 tablespoon chia gel (or 1 teaspoon chia seeds)

1. Arrange salad ingredients over 2 large bowls. Directions

2. In a food processor, combine all the walnut meat ingredients. Start with only 1 garlic clove if desired. 1. Slice pecans lengthwise on a cutting board so they are in long halves. (This makes
3. Pulse chop until combined and it creates a meaty texture. them go farther and youll use less in the recipe)
4. Spoon walnut meat over salads. 2. Arrange salad ingredients into 2 large bowls or 4 medium sized bowls for starter
5. Top with tomato salsa or any other dressing of choice. salads.
3. Blend dressing ingredients together and drizzle over salad.
4. Serve immediately.
Additional Tips
You do not have to use all of the walnut meat, you can save some for tacos or burritos if you wish.
Additional Tips
You can make this dressing and keep it for 2-3 days in the fridge. Raw dressings are
perishable so this is best enjoyed soon after making it.

How to Make Chia Gel

Mix 1/3 cup chia seeds into a container (that can go in the fridge) with 2 cups of
water. You have to add chia to the water, and not pour water over the chia to prevent it
from clumping together in uneven clumps.

This lasts for 2-3 weeks in the fridge and you can add a tablespoon or two to your
dressings or smoothies to get some whole food omega-3s into your diet.

94 Issue #8 Spring 2013

aw food Almost to good to believe
aw food Almost to good to believe
Asian Cucumber Rolls
By Veronica Grace

English cucumber cut into 6 long sections

Carrot, julienned
Zucchini, julienned
Red pepper, julienned
Sprouts (I used sunflower)
Green onion/scallions, sliced

Dipping Sauce
2 tablespoons tamari, nama shoyu, or soy sauce
1/2 cup water
7 tablespoons raisins
1 tablespoon fresh ginger
2 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1. Using a mandolin, slice the cucumber lengthwise into
thin sheets.
2. Lay two slices of cucumber slightly overtop of each
other vertically.
3. Choose your vegetables and sprouts and place on a
cucumber slices and roll up and away from you.
4. Place sauce ingredients in Vita-Mix or blender and
process until smooth.
5. Arrange rolls on a plate and pour sauce into a shallow
dipping bowl.
6. Serve immediately and refrigerate any leftover fillings.

96 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Every once in awhile someone comes along who sees until being strong is the only choice they have. Mark got to
has made a difficult but informed decision. The vegan diet
that served him so well and was a catalyst to his weight
mitment to affirm his goals and career trajectory every day
are all working together to help Mark create the best, most
loss and transformation now stands in the way of him physically fit, healthiest version of himself that he can pos-
things differently than others. He sees things as they are, find out how much strength he had in reserve. He decided
moving forward and getting to the top of his game. He is sibly be. This includes an informed decision to responsibly
not as he is. He has become the observer. He stands alone, to climb. To take a leap of faith. To jump and believe the
no longer recombinating plant based proteins. So, after a include animal based proteins in his diet and to do so in
in the shadows, and yet mindful of his connection to ev- net would appear. And as it turns out, IT DID. He is proof
complete set of labs including blood work, saliva, urine, a way that honors and respects the interdependent web of
eryone and everything. He is poised, coiled, and ready to that your whole life can change in an instant.
and skin samples Mark is no longer vegan. A totally plant creation, reduces his carbon footprint, leaves no trace, and
engage. Silent and invisible, yet when the time is right, he
based diet is clearly not what is in his best interest given
advocates for the humane treatment of animals. Opting
launches. <<<To Rattle the Cages>>> He does this with- By committing to an immersion program he created for
his genotype. The decision to reintroduce wild caught and for only wild caught or responsibly farmed fish, organic,
out you ever knowing he is in the room with you while it himself, Mark did in one year what western medicine
responsibly farmed fish, organic, cage free or free range, cage free or free range, preferably fertile, soy free eggs, and
is happening. hadn't been able to accomplish in forty. He lost 215 pounds
preferably fertile, soy free eggs, and organic whey proteinorganic whey protein Mark thanks the animals for their
without surgery and eradicated all twenty states of disease.
has made a tremendous difference and given Mark the le- sacrifice and gives his food Reiki to clear away any nega-
Mark A. Eisenhart is a Man on Fire. Redefining Possible. What was integral to that transformation was a partly raw,
verage he needs for his goals. Still on a partly raw, planttivity that might be present. Virus performance wear helps
He is a survivor and a true warrior. His name Mark means plant based, whole foods diet that eventually gave way to a
based, whole foods diet that is gluten, soy, and agave freeto compress, protect, and support Mark during training
brave. His surname translates to Ironheart. This is not a vegan diet. Marks transformation is a testament changing
Mark is dropping weight and leaning out faster than he and recovery and the cooling vest helps Mark to burn fat,
coincidence. On October 7th of 2009 he watched his fa- what you eat changes who you are. He has literally become
can keep track of. maximize gains, and recover faster. The two combine to
ther, Bud Eisenhart, beat cancer to die of liver disease. a different person.
give Mark not only a sleek look but a real edge when it
Mark was gutted. His spirit broken and heart empty, Mark
Mark is proof, changing what you eat changes who you are. comes to training and recovery.
finally let go. On November 28th of that same year he Embarking on a second transformation, Mark has aligned
One of the best perks of being a Sponsored Athlete is that
did something he had not done in eleven years; he said a himself with a team of expert professionals, including for-
Mark gets to eat some of the cleanest and most nutrient Mark is committed to being the best he can be and also to
prayer. He directed that prayer to the spirit of his deceased mer Mr. America and two time Mr. Olympia contender
dense foods, and super foods available on the market. He Rattling The Cages along the way so others might be in-
father. What happened next was extraordinary: Tom Terwilliger, National Level Figure Competitor, Head
also endorses some of the best plant based supplements in spired to make positive changes in their lives as Mark did
Trainer and Lifestyle/Fitness Coach Traci Lynn Cowan,
circulation. To learn more about the 25+ companies that in his. And to do in such a way that you never even know
Andrea Nakayama, a Functional Nutritionist, Raw Food
sponsor Mark visit the sponsorship page on his website. he is in the room with you while it is happening.
Chef and Culinary Genius Joy Houston, Peak Perfor-
mance Specialist Dino Paris, Intuitive Strategist J Mathias
The raw, organic tonic herbs, longevity tinctures, and A Fire Is Rising-An uncontrolled burn is a hazard to ev-
Bennett, Anti Aging and Detox Specialist Wendy Amstad,
wildcrafted super foods of Sun Potion round out Mark's eryone around it and one of the most destructive forces in
TLT Talent Manager Meredith Kelley, and many others.
diet and help to build up and maintain his immune sys- nature. But a fire that can be contained, harnessed, manip-
To learn more about the members of his team visit www.
tem, are great for anti- aging and recovery, hormone bal- ulated, and transmuted into something more, something
ancing, improved sexual performance, increased stamina useful, something positive, something inspiring and em-
Bud Eisenhart Mark Eisenhart and athletic gains, they are a rich source of anti-oxidants powering is the most unstoppable force in the entire uni-
Mark will be dropping from his current weight of 249
and anti-lipids and are great for healthy skin. The most verse. Mark A. Eisenhart is that force. He is a Man on Fire,
Mark died and it nearly killed him. His father was his best pounds down to 210 pounds and 7% body fat to advance
important appliance in Mark's kitchen is his Vitamix. The Redefining Possible, and Rattling The Cages along the way.
friend, his greatest teacher, his hero, and his true north. other aspects of his career, including a climb of Acon-
versatility of this machine combined with bombproof en-
The experience of watching his dad become a wraith was cagua, a 7000 meter peak in Argentina. This will be the
gineering make it an integral part of Mark's diet and busy To learn more about his journey please log onto www.get-
excruciating. Mark found himself in darkness, visible in subject of a book and documentary film titled: Rattle the
lifestyle. Since he can be a beat of a bull in a china closet it, subscribe to his newsletter, follow
the hell of his own creation. The fires burning so bright Cages. It has been said it takes a village to raise a child
is a good thing that their machines are built to last! Mark his blog, and click on the links to join the group Rattle
they could be seen from thousands of miles away. His and Mark is incredibly blessed and grateful to be work-
uses his Vitamix to make soups, smoothies, desserts, sauc- the Cages on Facebook, subscribe to his Youtube channel,
friends and family no longer recognized him, and he no ing with so many talented experts. The timeline for all this
es, pancake batter, and whatever else he can come up with. and follow him on Twitter and Google+. There are links
longer recognized himself. At 455 pounds, with twenty will land on June 26th, 2013, as a way of honoring his fa-
on his website in case you are interested in buying any of
different verifiable clinical states of disease Mark landed, ther. This is his father's birth date; he would have been 76
All of these components: teamwork, discipline, a super the products he uses. In late February Mark began hosting
after falling to the depths of the abyss he had manifested, years old. Whats really driving Mark is the commitment
clean, plant based, whole foods, partly raw diet, expert his own radio show titled Rattle the Cages. In 2014 he will
squarely at deaths door. Ironically, in that stillness envel- he made three years ago. Not only to himself, but to his
guidance and supervision, intense training, rest and recov- publish a book by that same name.
oped in total darkness, completely and totally alone in a father, Bud Eisenhart, Bud was an extraordinary man who
ery on an Amethyst BioMat (a device that combines NASA
place where light goes to die, Mark found himself. In a never let Mark down. When he told his son he was going
far infrared and negative ion technology), therapeutic In his heart Mark knows he is something more. Now is
moment of great strength, courage, fortitude, determina- to do something, he did it without fail. Mark believes the
bodywork to include Reiki, aromatherapy, acupuncture, his chance to prove it
tion, and resolve Mark made a choice. He released every- best parts of who his father was lives on in him.
massage, physical therapy, nutritional supplements that
thing that did not best reflect who he was and that stood in
are free of synthetics, fillers, and additives, meditation,
the way of him becoming his true and authentic self. It has In order to accomplish his goals Mark has had to re- evalu-
positive affirmations, visualization techniques, and a com-
been said that a person doesn't know how strong they are ate his diet and training. After two full panels of tests Mark
98 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Chef Sara, Raw Food Master, Coach, Author &
Founder of the 3 Weeks Back to Health Program.
I began my journey of discovering the disease-preventing and
healing power of raw, plant-based food at the #1 alternative medi-
cine facility in the world, Hippocrates Health Institute. I was so
impressed with the program that I not only enrolled in the pro-
gram immediately but also, upon graduation, I accepted an offer to
work at the Institute. Dr. Brian Clement, director of HHI, offered
me the opportunity to put into practice everything I had learned.
This experience taught me the powers of consuming living foods
that nourish, cleanse and alkalinize the body; the importance of
food combination; and the powers of wheat grass. During my stay
at HHI, I have witnessed remarkable transformations of peoples
health, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Conventional medi-
cine doctors would call these recoveries from "terminal illnesses" a
miracle. I, on the other hand, call it the power of raw, plant-based
foods "God's Medicine". I believe the food we choose to consume
plays a vital role in healing the body, mind, and soul.

I had a personal experience with the deadly disease of cancer. At

my yearly checkup, the gynecologist told me I had cervical cancer
and the growth was the size of a golf ball. I looked at her and smiled.
Confused as to why I was smiling, she said, Nobody smiles when
I deliver this devastating news. Why are you smiling? I looked in
her eyes, and with a smile still on my face, I said, Thank you for
telling me. Now I can go home and do the right thing. I can assure
you that within a month, it wont be there. When I told her what
I was going to do to get rid of the cancer, she thought I was crazy.
She didnt believe it was possible, because all she knew was the
traditional way of treating cancer with chemo and radiation. In my
eyes, traditional medicine only puts a Band-Aid on the symptoms.
It does not cure the cause, and therefore, most of the time, the dis-
ease returns.

Without wasting time, I immediately started my detox with wheat

grass juice and green juices. Within a month of cleansing, I knew I
had gotten rid of the cancer. I made an appointment to see my gy-
necologist, and when she examined me, she couldnt see the tumor
anymore. I couldn't help myself but say, You see. I told you so. Of
course, she hated to be wrong, so she said, Just because I dont see
it, that doesnt mean that you got rid of it. The only way to know
for sure is by doing a blood test. I gave her my arm so she could
draw blood, confident that the test would come back negative. And
guess what? It did. She called it a miracle.

100 Chef Sara Siso Issue #8 Spring 2013

Cream of Spinach Soup Bok Choy Salad
by Chef Sara by Chef Sara

Ingredients Ingredients
Chocolate Marzipan Delight 1 bunch of spinach 2 pounds bok choy, julienne cut

by Chef Sara 1 avocado

1 young coconut meat & milk
Marzipan 2 celery stalks, chopped Dressing
3 cups raw almonds flour 1 cucumber, chopped Garlic, to taste
1/4 cup coconut nectar 1 cup parsley, chopped Ginger, to taste
1 teaspoon almond extract 3 garlic cloves 2 tablespoons coconut amino
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 lemon, freshly juiced
1. In a bowl mix ingredients well and form into a dough 1/2 teaspoon cumin 1 tablespoon coconut nectar
2. Add more almond flour if needed to avoid stickiness, then transfer into a pie 1 tablespoon coconut amino 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
dish and press firmly Juice of 1 fresh lime juice cayenne pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon sesame oil

Chocolate Directions 1. Place all ingredients in a large bowl

1 cup coconut butter 1. Place all ingredients in a high speed blender, and and mix well.
3/4 cup raw cacao blend until creamy.
1/4 cup chocolate nibs
1/4 cup yacon syrup Notes: Researchers have identified at least 13 different
1 tablespoon vanilla flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-
1 tablespoon mesquite powder oxidants and as anti-cancer agents. Spinach provide car-
1 tablespoon hemp seeds diovascular, atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease
protection, and it is an excellent source of vitamins A,
1. In a food processor process all ingredients until well combined. B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K, and minerals like manganese,
2. Place on top of the marzipan and press firmly. magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, tryptophan, cop-
3. Sprinkle with cacao powder, and place in the freezer to set. per, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, protein, omega 3 and
4. Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving, and cut into slices. dietary fiber. Excellent source of folate that is needed by
the body to help convert a potentially dangerous chemi-
Note: To make the marzipan chocolate balls, take a scoop of chocolate and flatten cal called homocysteine that can lead to heart attack or
in a circle shape on the palm of your hand. stroke. Spinach also contains lutein, a carotenoid protec-
tive against eye diseases such as age-related macular de-
generation and cataracts.
102 Issue #8 Spring 2013
aw food Almost to good to believe
aw food Almost to good to believe
Raw Beet & Basil Salad
by Chef Sara

2 red beets or golden beets or one of each

1/2 bunch basil, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 inch fresh ginger, peeled and minced
2 tablespoons coconut amino
Juice of one lemon
1/8 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt or Celtic salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper

1. Peel and wash beets.

2. Place them on spiralizer one by one, and spiral away.
3. Place on a dish, add remaining ingredients, and mix well.

Option: You can use a food processor with the slicing blade
or a mandolin to slice the beets thinly.

"Let raw plant base food be your medicine and

let the medicine be your raw plant base food"
- Chef Sara Siso

104 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Weight Loss Doesnt have to be Hard
by Rachael Renee

changes werent yielding me the results I wanted, which is

why I was still looking for additional answers.

This new book by Rory Freidman and Kim Barnouin was

a game changer for me. It didnt take me long to break
down as I read the pages of that book, and to really think
about what I was putting in my body as well as the impact
I had on the earth and other living beings we share it with.
I put Rory and Kims book down, walked over to where my
I know first hand what its like to be the chubby kid, the fat husband was woodworking, and told him point blank Im
teenager, and the obese adult. Ive been overweight for as a vegetarian now.
long as I can remember. In fact, I accepted it as a part of
life. I actually used to think I was supposed to be fat! This He asked a few questions and after about 5 minutes of
kind of thinking came to me in my late twenties after sev- conversation he said he was on board as well. We made
eral failed attempts at different diet and weight loss plans I the change overnight and havent looked back. Our lives
I just turned thirty six and aside from being free from any ail-
found on the market. have never been the same since! Within that first year, I
ments, including high blood pressure, I have learned a lot of
dropped 60 additional pounds and found the raw vegan
lessons and crossed a lot of bumpy roads since I started this
It wasnt until later when I realized that kind of thinking lifestyle which has catapulted my weight loss, health, spiri-
journey six years ago. One of the biggest lessons Ive learned
meant I simply gave up on myself. It took a couple of doc- tuality, and compassion ten-fold.
throughout is weight loss does not have to be hard. Its not a
tors visits and threats of getting put on blood pressure
sacrifice, its a blessing! It is something that can be done with
medication, as well as being warned about a host of other After lots of research which included reading all the books
love, joy and inspiration.
health issues before I decided I might want to give weight ever written by doctors like John McDougall, Neil Bar-
loss another try. I was thirty years old and at 54 and 245 nard, Joel Furhman, and Doug Graham, My husband and
You need not starve or follow absurd rules and guidelines. You
pounds, I had a lot of weight to lose. I was motivated again I now eat mostly fruits throughout the day with a vegetable
do not have to kill yourself in the gym everyday to get the
for the first time in many years. dinner which might be something like a simple salad, or a
body and life you would love to have. It really comes down to
gourmet yet low-fat raw vegan meal such as citrus pasta
being kind to yourself in many ways, including offering your
My doctors had no lifestyle advice for me other than to made with carrot and parsnip noodles. Our diet consists
body the right fuel for optimal performance. This is about an
start walking, which I did. I knew there was more to it of 90-percent fresh, raw fruits and vegetables with the re-
abundance of fruits and vegetables, not a mediocre helping of
than that. I was not interested in any fad diets because I mainder being the occasional steamed meal of potatoes
fat free yogurt. Im living proof that living Your Best Life isnt
knew first hand most didnt work, and the ones that did and veggies.
a chore, its an honor!
couldnt offer long lasting results. After all, I experienced
multiple successes with certain diets and pills on the mar- We own a homestead on the Big Island so we have no
ket yet the weight always came back. problem finding something physical to do whether its About the Author
building, gardening, weeding, or playing with the animals Rachael is a vegan and raw food chef, lifestyle coach, and
At this point, I began looking at lifestyle changes I could that share the land with us. We threw away our television homesteader who has a passion for enjoying life and taking
implement and actually stick to. I scoured books and the and we try our best to enjoy every moment as if its our adventures. For only $4.99 you can purchase her inspiration-
internet to learn more about nutrition and fitness. One last. I have to say Ive never been happier in my life. al e-book Easy Fruit and Veggie Recipes for Optimal Health.
day I came upon the book Skinny Bitch in the library Get your own copy now at
after already making several changes to my diet as a meat I love the lifestyle so much I quit my day job years ago Connect with her on Facebook, YouTube, and on her Raw
eater. to work as a private vegan and raw food chef, a lifestyle High Life website:
coach, and food writer. I am currently working on a plot
These changes included cutting out red meat, switching to of land in Hawaii which will eventually become a retreat
whole grain breads and pastas, using fat-free dairy prod- to help others jumpstart their new lifestyles into freedom,
ucts, and cutting out the fried foods. Needless to say these weight loss, and true happiness.
106 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Fat Free Fajitas Magical Kale Salad for 2
by Rachael Renee by Rachael Renee

Ingredients For the Salad

1 head savoy, green, or red cabbage (romaine leaves 1 big bunch of kale, any variety
can be substituted with excellent results!) 1 cup shredded red cabbage
1 pound baby portabella or crimini mushrooms 2 apples, finely diced
1 medium carrot 2 stalks celery, finely diced
1 medium red, yellow, or orange sweet bell pepper 1/8 cup currants or raisins
1/8 cup diced green onion 1 tablespoons sesame seeds

Succulent Citrus Pasta Salad 1/8 cup water

by Rachael Renee Handful fresh basil
(Serves 2) 1/8 cup fresh squeezed lime juice plus 1 lime cut in
For the Sauce
Juice of 1 orange
to wedges
Juice of 1 lemon
Ingredients 2 teaspoons cumin
1 clove garlic, mined or finely chopped
2 medium carrots 1 teaspoon garlic powder or 1 clove fresh minced
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
2 parsnips garlic
1 tablespoon EVOO (optional)
2 collard greens or a handful of your favorites 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/2 cup shredded red cabbage (optional)
1 apple Heres how to put it together For the Topping
1 cucumber 1. Slice the mushrooms about 1/8th inch thick. 1/2 avocado, chopped in to small pieces
1 celery stalk 2. Peel the carrot into short ribbons about an inch 1/2 cup sunflower sprouts (optional)
long each and slice the bell pepper into thin strips.
3. Place the vegetables in a large bowl and set aside. 1. Wash the kale and cut the leaves into
For the Sauce 4. In a small mixing bowl stir the lime juice, cumin, bit size pieces.
1 tablespoon tahini
garlic, red pepper flakes, and water until thoroughly 2. Toss the kale and cabbage together
1 orange
combined and then pour the sauce over the veg- in a big bowl and add the apples, celery,
1/2 lemon
etable mixture. currants, and sesame seeds.
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (optional)
5. Lightly stir the mixture with a large spoon while 3. Stir the sauce ingredients together in
Cayenne pepper to taste
folding in the green onions. a small bowl until well combined and
6. Marinade the mixture for about an hour, stirring the toss it with the salad until every-
Directions every 10 minutes to ensure thorough saturation. thing is coated.
1. Start by juicing an orange and half a lemon into a small bowl. 7. Break your cabbage or romaine head in to sepa- 4. Let the salad sit for about 15 minutes
2. Add the tahini, garlic, and cayenne pepper . rate leaves and place a spoonful of mixture in to so the flavors can intensify and then
3. Stir vigorously until smooth, set aside. each leaf to serve. serve on 2 large plates, topping each
4. Sprialize or shred your carrots and parsnips into pasta pieces 8. Garnish with a lime wedge and fresh basil! salad with 1/4 of a diced avocado and a
and throw them into a big bowl . 1/4 cup sunflower sprouts.
5. De-stem the collard greens and thinly slice them longwise to get If you want you can make a fresh avocado and salsa
strips (you can roll them up tightly like a burrito for easier slicing). to top these with for even more flavor! Thats all there is to it! This is a salad that
6. Add the collards and shredded cabbage to the bowl of carrot will enliven your taste buds
and parsnip noodles.
7. Cut the apple, cucumber, and celery into small and thin bite-
size pieces, then toss those in the bowl. Garlic has been used as both food and medicine in
8. Add your sauce and mix thoroughly until everything is coated.
9. Let it marinade for at least 15 minutes before serving. Enjoy!
many cultures for thousands of years, dating at least
as far back as when the Giza pyramids were built.

108 Issue #8 Spring 2013

learned forgiveness, Mick made it his absolute life purpose
10 Positive Thinking Tips
by Mick Murphy
to impart what he has learned onto others, and his mission
is to help others overcome adversity. Through his story,
Positive thinking adds many benefits to your lifeyou feel go deeper into each moment. This allows peace into your others are able to relate to the message, and people feel safe
good about yourself, youre optimistic about your future, life. Each moment gives you an opportunity to create in- talking to him, as they dont feel judged. Mick has learned
and you attract other positive people into your life. A per- ner peace and joy in your life. to thrive in life, and it shines through in his enthusiasm,
son who thinks positively also tends to live a healthier life- passion and way of speaking.
style. You are what you think. 8. It helps to look for the good in everything. By doing
this you become more aware that it is important to feel As a Life Coach, I help you build a healthy self-esteem by
good about your life and feel good about others. The out- rebuilding your core values through positive thinking. You
Ive compiled 10 positive thinking tips for you. come of seeing the good in everything will always benefit get to learn to live in this very moment by letting go of the
your life. This also allows you to be a positive role model past and staying aware that the future has not been created
1. Always do your best at being aware of what you are yet. You learn how to love and accept yourself, you also
for others to follow.
thinking, and remember that you are in control of your learn to love and forgive others. Can you imagine living
thoughts. You have the choice to think positively or nega- your life with so much inner peace, happiness and clarity
9. If you want happiness in your life, dont look for it any-
tively. The key is to be consistent with your positive think- that any decision becomes easy?
where else but inside of yourself. If you have inner happi-
ness you wont look for others or things to make you happy.
My positive thinking methods have helped hundreds of
2. Surround yourself with positive people. By doing this people whom Ive met through social media, Facebook,
10. Focus on your goals in life. Following goals and reach-
you are reinforcing a new way of living through other peo- Twitter and Blogging.
ing them will give you feelings of success, and this will also
ple who inspire you.
raise your self-esteem.
As a Life Coach, I support you in every aspect of your
3. Fill your life with as much knowledge about positive memory loss of the first 12 years of his life. To this day, he life to make sure everything is in balance with your core
Positive thinking can change your life. I believe that ev-
thinking as possible, through reading self-help books, has only been able to piece together the early years of his values. Once you achieve balance, choices become easy
eryone has the capability to change their thought patterns,
talking to positive people, and watching positive program- life by researching case files from Child Protection Servic- and your life path becomes clear. I coach people online
but it takes commitment and determination. It is also im-
ming on TV. Do whatever it takes to keep motivating es. Once a teenager, Mick continued to experience severe through Skype, person-to-person, in groups, and clients
portant to have trust in the process. Anything worth hav-
yourself towards a positive thinking mindset. sexual and physical abuse from his foster families. contact me through e-mail and Facebook.
ing is always worth working toward. These positive think-
ing tips will help you in your search for the happier and
4. Calm your mind through meditation. Learn to relax In 2006, Mick Murphy was destitute, at the brink of tak- I am branching into motivational speaking from coach-
healthier life that you deserve.
your thoughts and bring yourself to a peaceful state, even ing his own life, felt he was completely alone, unloved and ing. My goal and focus, is to reach a large mass of people
if its only for a few minutes. Its these few minutes that will unwanted, and began a series of failed suicide attempts. to speak about how to change their lives for the better.
get you feeling grounded again.
Micks Motto: You are what you think. Finally he realized that he had to believe in something or Through my life story, people are constantly amazed with
he would die. This was Micks branching point in his life. how far Ive come and ask how they can be happy too.
5. Remember to always be grateful for everything you His new journey was about to begin...
have in your life. This will allow more of what you want to Mick Murphy has dedicated his life to motivating and Set up an appointment with me and find out how a Life
come into your life. inspiring others to believe that in choosing to love yourself
He began his healing journey by enrolling in Vancouvers Coach can transform your life!
and adopting positive thinking techniques and mindful-
Rhodes Wellness College and completing the life skills
6. Repeat positive affirmations throughout your day any- ness, you have the power to profoundly affect the outcome course. Because of the severity of his life story, trauma and Contact Mick Murphy
time you need them. It is most important to repeat them of your life and manifest your dreams. the extent of emotional, physical and sexual abuse he had Skype: mickmotivationalspeaker
when you wake up first thing in the morning and before suffered from birth, it took Mick several attempts to fin- E-mail:
you go to sleep at night. An example is: I love myself, I Mick Murphy was born in Edmonton, Alberta on January ish the course, but ultimately, he persevered and became a Facebook: You Are What You Think
am happy, I am successful, and I am beautiful. Always use 15, 1969. When he was just two weeks old, he was taken certified life skills coach. This process, as painful as it was, Twitter: LifeCoachMick
present tense (I have). This convinces your subconscious away from his alcoholic birth mother and father due to allowed Mick to realize that he did not have to bring his
that you have it, and by being consistent with your affir- severe neglect. By the time he was 12 years old, he had past thoughts into the present moment of his life, and he
mations, you will attract this into your life. been through 37 foster homes. During this time, he was
learned to own his feelings, to love who he is, and to think
exposed to severe physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
positively. Mick finally began to believe in himself.
7. Live in the present moment. Remember that the past He spent his childhood without a stable, loving family and
is over, and it doesnt have to define who you are. Set an experienced severe emotional trauma and abandonment Mick used to call himself a survivor, but he learned that
intention each day to stay focused on the present and to from birth. As a result, Mick experienced almost complete if you are a survivor, you are going to be a victim. Having
110 Issue #8 Spring 2013
Using the Five Elements of Tea for Health
by Jay T. Hunter with Amanda Houle
Tea is consumed more and more for its health related pur- some confusion. My own conclusion is based on the ac-
poses. One of the things Ive realized during my time in tual Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors and Qigong
China is the way people drink tea for health in the United masters who also do the tea business, along with my own
States is often times very different than the reasons why study of Chinese Medicine.
the Chinese drink tea for health benefits. In order to un-
derstand how the Chinese view tea in relation to health we My recommendation of teas according to the Elements:
must understand how they see tea in relation to medicine.
Wood Ancient Artisan Bi Luo Chun Tea which is as-
sociated with birth, new beginnings, and healing for
One of the foundational theories of Traditional Chinese
your liver. I recommend drinking this in the Spring
Medicine is the Wu Xing or Five Element Theory. Accord-
through early summer.
ing to the Five Element Theory each element is related to
an internal organ, the time of day, season, temperature, Fire Black Needle Pagoda Tea which will get your heart
sound, taste, direction and sense (see the table below). Ac- pumping and your juices flowing. This is a great winter
cording to the Chinese, each tea has a temperature. For drink as it will warm your body and burn the cold right
example, green tea is related to the Wood element. Wood out of you.
is related to the liver, the gallbladder a sour flavor, the col-
or green, the season of the spring. This might sound con-
Metal Organic Silver Needle Premium Tea is really
good for your skin and hair. Metal is cleansing and Sil-
fusing as you might ask how does sour apply to green tea?
ver Needle is renowned for its many cleansing benefits.
Although Metal is recommended in the fall, I person-
How do you use the five elements of tea for healing?
ally recommend this as a summertime drink as it is
cooling and refreshing.
Green tea is not a sour taste, but if you have a sour taste
in your mouth, green tea will turn this into a slightly bit- Earth Ancient Phoenix Fermented Puer Tea as it will
ter taste. Green tea tends to be more on the bitter side of center, ground and root your energy with the calming Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
tea tastes. If you drink too much green tea without bal- energy of the earth. It will improve your digestion leav- Flavors sour bitter sweet pungent salty
ance it can disrupt your Earth element which is related to ing you with a feeling of centeredness. Yin Organ liver heart spleen lung kidney
the digestive system. This is why many Chinese preach not
to drink green tea if you have digestive troubles. Instead
Water Ancient Purple Leaf Raw Puer as the water Yang Organ gall bladder s. intestine stomach l. intestine urinary
element is associated with the colors black, blue and Senses eye tongue mouth nose ear
drink more fermented puer tea which is related to the Tissue tendon vessel muscle hair/skin bone
purple. It also can be cleansing for the kidneys, which is
Earth element. The Chinese commonly drink fermented Directions east south center west north
the Yang organ associated with Water.
puers to ease and soothe digestion. Just go to any dim sum Changes germinate grow transform reap store
in Guangdong and you will see most people drinking fer- Color green red yellow white black
mented puer with their meal. Tea Green Black Fermented Puer White Raw Puer

Black tea is translated in Chinese as hong cha which lit-

erally means red tea. Red is also under the Fire element
which is exactly where black tea belongs. I have grouped
most of our teas at Wild Tea Qi according to their element
on our website (also see below). I have been researching
the subject of teas and the Five Elements for the past 3
years and have discovered a lot of differing opinions on the
subject. I have consulted with Traditional Chinese Medi-
cine doctors, Qigong masters, I Ching masters as well as
extensive research in books and on the web. I have seen
people place different teas to different elements creating
112 Issue #8 Spring 2013
White Teas differ from green teas in that they are allowed to sun or air dry rather

Green Black Fermented Puer

than frying or roasting. This results in a softer, sweeter tea that is higher in antioxi-
dants. It is also easily prepared as a raw drink by using room temperature or cold
water for seeping the leaves! The first time I drank our Organic Silver Needle, my first
thought was to pair it with a delicious raw cacao pie!

Organic Silver Needle (Bai Hao Yin Zhen) is the premium grade of classic white tea
and consists only of the first flush spring buds of the tea plant. It usually takes more
than 4,500 hand-sorted buds to make just one pound of this very rare tea. Our Sil-
ver Needles are hand harvested from Fujian's unique Fuding Da Hao varietal that is
prized for its large silvery buds and delicious sweet flavor. This tea is gathered for only
a few days in the early spring.

This is among the finest certified organic, handpicked and processed Silver Needle
available. Silver Needle is one of the most revered teas in China and is considered
the champagne of white teas. In ancient times the emperor of China ordered Silver
Needle to be only cut with gold scissors and handled with silk gloves.

Fresh Spring Raw White Tea


by Amanda Houle

-A handful of raw Organic White Peony Premium or Silver Needle Premium.
(explore with different amounts of tea to determine your favorite strength of drink)
*The Peony will be slightly less bitter and more floral as it is 50% leaves and 50%
buds. The Silver Needle is pure white buds. They are both air or sun dried and
considered a raw or living food!
- 1 gallon of fresh spring water
- One lemon or cucumber, sliced

1. Seep the tea in the spring water in a glass container for a few hours or overnight
in the fridge.
2. Add cucumber or lemon slices at least 30 minutes before serving.

Photo by Michele Marie Jeppson

3. Dispense into your glass tea cup and sip throughout your day!

This tea is very energizing so is best enjoyed from morning until afternoon.

To learn more about Wild Tea Qi and to order your own raw organic teas visit

114 Issue #8 Spring 2013

I believe the children we bring into this difficult
world deserve the best care to help them grow up to
become healthy vibrant exemplars of their true po-
tential. It is our responsibility as parents to nourish
them ideally, and to teach them to nourish them-
selves with Natures superior foods. Our duty as
parents is in every way to provide them with loving
care and closeness throughout their growing years.
By not following the standard processed food diet
inexorably linked to medical treatment so accept-
able in our society, children learn to listen to their
bodies and to nature; they will know its all right to
stand independently, and they will be empowered.
- Karen Ranzi, M.A.,CCC-SLP; author of Creating
Healthy Children

Photo by Michele Marie Jeppson

116 Issue #8 Spring 2013

What others are saying about the
Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge:
Hey I thought I would let you know how my weight loss is go-
Pine Island Nursery ing. I am so stinking excited to say that I have lost my full 50
*Finest Quality Fruit Trees for the lbs!!!! I am now finally after 10 years of being over weight back
Landscape Garden Center & Grove* to my normal size. Thank you so much for being so inspiring. Youre amazing! BreAna
I absolutely love SUPER RAW LIFE. Its a beautifully done and
inspiring magazine! I decided to give the raw lifestyle a try after Pomegranates by the case e-book is filled with over
reading your very first issue. Thank you! Youve been such a 15 antioxidant packed raw vegan recipes created by
positive influence in my life. And when you consider how much Michele Marie Jeppson. Learn how to benefit from
more productive and energetic I am (and illness free) since do- both the savings and nutritional value in buying
ing the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge...Im certain this life-
style is going to save me money in the long run. And add a few
pomegranates by the case! Available now! $4.95
productive years to my life! - Richard Dutcher, Film Maker You must learn a new way to think

before you can master a new way to be.
- Marianne Williamson


118 Issue #8 Spring 2013

Incomparable is the joy that Man finds in this world of a
thousand wonders when he lives in communion with Nature.
- Zoroaster (The Greek name for the Prophet Zarathushtra)

Photo by Michele Marie Jeppson


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