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Unit Assessment Guide

Unit details
Unit Code: CUFANM302A, ICTGAM301, ICTGAM302 and ICTGAM303

Unit name: Create 3D Digital animations, Apply simple modelling techniques, Design and
apply simple textures to digital art and Review and apply the principles of animation

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to apply simple
Unit purpose
modelling techniques, design and apply simple textures to digital art, review and apply the
principles of animation, animate simple 3D models and create 3D animations.

Elements and For further information about this unit go to:

performance criteria

Unit outcome This unit is not graded. Your result will be recorded as:

o achieved competence (AC) or not competent (NC)

Pre-requisite / Co- Nil

requisite units

Assessment plan
To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must successfully complete each of the following assessment events:

Event 1 Questions Multiple choice and short answer

Event 2 Portfolio Storyboards and planning

Event 3 Portfolio Produce models

Event 4 Portfolio 3D Animation

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Unit Assessment Guide
Assessment conditions

Submission dates Submission of assessment events are flexible to your own personal needs. You should
discuss a timeline with your facilitator in order to determine suitable dates to submit each
assessment event for marking.

Submission instructions Your assessment events must be submitted online via the TAFEnow website.

o Complete each of your assessment events and save your files with the event name
and your own name for example: Event1_john_smith.

o Upload your assessment event files and any other additional attachments to the
space provided in the TAFEnow online learning platform.

Student is required to To complete this assessment, you will need to provide:

provide materials and
equipment o A personal computer with internet access

o Commercial 3D animation tools (free software, trials and educational versions of

suitable software are available)

o Image libraries (free libraries are available)

TAFEnow is required to To complete this assessment, your facilitator will provide access to:
provide material and
equipment o TAFEnow learning resources

Additional resources Nil

Facilitator support and There is no facilitator supervision required for these assessment events. If you are unclear
supervision about any aspect of the assessment please contact your facilitator for guidance.

Student collaboration Student collaboration is not permitted.

Assessment attempts You have two attempts on each event.

General information For general information relating to assessment procedures at TAFEnow refer to

Facilitator information (Facilitator information only) For Facilitator procedures refer to the TAFEnow Facilitator
Space at

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Unit Assessment Guide
Assessment events
Assessment event 1 Questions Multiple choice and short answer

Submit responses to the multiple choice and short answer questions that demonstrate your skills and knowledge
associated with formulating service level agreements. (SLAs).

The items must address the criteria as listed in Table1

Marking criteria
Table 1

You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Submit four (4) multiple choice question sheets, as provided, with the correct answer
1. Multiple choice
highlighted for each question.
Questions Part 1 - Modelling

Questions Part 2 Textures

Questions Part 3 - Digital Animation

Questions Part 4 - Review and Apply Principals of Animation

2. All responses provided must be correct.
Note: Exceptions may be made where evidence of competence in the area of questioning
is achieved through other aspects of the assessment, as determined by the assessor.

1. Provide a response to each of the Short Answer Questions in the template provided.
2. Short Answer
2. All responses provided must demonstrate some knowledge of the concepts associated
with the question.

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Unit Assessment Guide
Assessment event 2 Portfolio Storyboards and planning

Submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your skills and knowledge associated with planning for creation of a 3D
digital animation.

Your portfolio of evidence must include the following items:

1. Task list

2. Gantt chart

3. Animation information

4. Storyboards

5. Written communication

Task Instructions

1. Read the scenario

2. Read all of assessment events 2, 3 and 4. This event (event 3) forms the basis of future events in reviewing the
assessment events consider that:

a. the other events also contain information that may support you in developing ideas

b. you do not want to submit a storyboard for an animation you are unable to implement

c. you must not make your animation too complex it can be simple but effective and still incorporate the
necessary requirements

3. Come up with your simple but effective concept

4. Produce the deliverables outlined in Table 2, below

5. Submit your work for assessment prior to commencing further assessment events for this unit. You will need to take
on board any assessor feedback before you proceed with assessment event 3.

The item must address the criteria as listed in Table 2

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Unit Assessment Guide
Marking criteria
Table 2

You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Task list Produce a list of tasks for each of the roles identified in the scenario. The list must:

a. identify at least one (1) task for each of the seven (7) animation studio roles

b. identify all key tasks that would be undertaken given the scenario

2. Gantt chart Submit a Gantt chart for the project detailed in the scenario. The Gantt chart must:

a. be prepared in an electronic format

b. be appropriate given the scenario provided

c. include

i. tasks (as identified in part 1 above)

ii. relationships between tasks

iii. durations

iv. due dates

v. roles of those responsible for completing each task

3. Animation Produce a completed Animation Information sheet using the Animation Information
Information template. The Animation Information sheet must:

a. include a synopsis of your idea that meets the requirements of the scenario

b. include which principles of animation you will demonstrate, a minimum of

two (2) must be specified

4. Storyboards Produce completed storyboards using the Storyboards template. The storyboards do not
need to be coloured but they must:

a. include a minimum of 10 storyboards

b. show the key poses of your animation, to accurately tell your story which
must be appropriate given the scenario

c. include complete the transition boxes

d. include text detail

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Unit Assessment Guide
You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

e. show a background/location shot. You may draw this or use Live Trace.

f. show different camera angles, not just long shots

g. be hand drawn or incorporate photographs of your plasticine model in

appropriate poses

Tip: If you take photographs of your plasticine model you will need to trace the photos in
Illustrator or Inkscape (free opensource drawing software) and then use the snipping tool
(or similar) to copy and paste your images into the boxes in the Storyboard Template.

5. Written Prepare a suitable written communication for Mr Wong. The communication must:
a. be formatted appropriately for provision to a client

b. address all of Mr Wongs concerns detailed in the scenario

c. provide details of appropriate processes that will be followed, with regard to

the scale and nature of the project being undertaken

Assessment event 3 Portfolio Produce models

Submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your skills and knowledge associated with production of a 3D model.

Your portfolio of evidence must include the following items:

1. Robot model

2. Channel Logo

3. Organic model

The item must address the criteria as listed in Table 3

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Unit Assessment Guide
Marking criteria
Table 3

You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Robot model Produce a model of a robot that:

a. meets the robot requirements

b. is developed using only native objects (Cube, UV Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, etc.)

c. is produced in a 3D animation tool (e.g. Blender)

d. is in the format output by the animation tool (e.g. Blender) and is also in the
final rendered JPG format

2. Channel Logo Produce a model of the 2D Channel Logo which:

a. has been extruded to be 3D

b. retains the key characteristics of the 2D model

c. is produced in a 3D animation tool (e.g. Blender) that must be the same as the
tool used for the robot model

d. is in the format output by the animation tool (e.g. Blender) and is also in the
final rendered JPG format

3. Organic model Produce an organic model, e.g. a ball, which:

a. is 3 dimensional

b. is produce in a 3D animation tool (e.g. Scultptris) which must differ from that
used for the robot model and channel logo

c. is in OBJ format

Assessment event 4 Portfolio 3D Animation

Submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your skills and knowledge associated with production of a 3D
animation, including application of textures and use of lighting (shaders).

Your portfolio of evidence must include the following items:

1. Texture Sourcing Report

2. 3D Animation

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Unit Assessment Guide
The item must address the criteria as listed in Table 4

Marking criteria
Table 4

You must meet the below criteria in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Texture Sourcing Submit a written report that:

a. identifies at least (2) techniques considered for application of a texture to
each of the three (3) models created in Assessment Event 2

b. outlines possible sources of the textures considered, as a minimum this must

include textures that are:

i. created using art media or digital paint software

ii. captured from the real world using digital means

iii. from an online library

c. includes a possible source you must provide a specific source, i.e. a specific
piece of software or a URL to a specific online library

2. 3D Animation Prepare a 3D animation that:

a. corresponds to the storyboard produced in Assessment Event 2 and the


b. all three (3) models produced in Assessment Event 3 must interact in some

c. includes application of textures to your models

d. make use of basic lighting including applying a texture to a light source


e. include at least one (1) audio sequence

f. is submitted in AVI Raw file and the format output by the animation tool (e.g.

Tip: The texture for the Channel logo may be anything you choose, with permission of the

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