3D ICT Integrated ShortAnswer

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3D Integrated

Short Answer Questions


You need to answer each of the following questions with a short answer:

1. Outline the stages in the production process, from the initial concept through to the finished

2. What are the key features of two (2) different of delivery platforms for 3-D digital modelling?

3. What are three (3) key principles of geometry as it applies to the creation of realistic 3-D
digital models

4. Outline three (3) important issues or challenges to be considered when creating 3-D digital

5. Outline two (2) work health and safety (WHS) standards, that relate to working for periods of
time on computers

6. What do each of these terms mean in relation to the design, and development, of 3-D digital
models. For each provide an example of how you would use them for effect.

a. Scale

b. Form

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3D Integrated
c. Weight

d. Volume

7. Provide an overview of two (2) copyright issues associated with designing and creating 3-D

8. Provide an overview of two (2) camera textures and two (2) filters that can be used to achieve
shading and texturing effects

9. Describe how you would approach interpreting design, texturing, and shading briefs

10. What are three (3) important considerations when undertaking digital image capture using
cameras and scanners? In your response include detail on why each is important.

11. What are two (2) shader attributes and how would you optimise them?

12. What is shader and texture mapping? In your response relate this to projection.

13. What are two (2) texturing and shading requirements that need to be considered for games?

14. What is a production brief?

15. What are animation keys and how are they used?

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3D Integrated
16. What are two (2) traditional animation processes that are still applicable to digital animation?

17. What are the principles of animation? In your response list the principles and discuss why
they are important.

18. What are three (3) key considerations when scheduling production components? For each
address why it is important in your response.

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