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A new understanding of water.

And its relation to health and the human body.

Discovery consist of seeing what everybody has
seen, and thinking what nobody has thought

Albert Szent-Gyrgyi,
Nobel laureate (1893-1986)
Unexplained Water Phenomena
While much is known about water there are many
phenomena that have not been answered properly.

Water exists all around us in our everyday life. It is so

normal that we mistakenly assume that we know all there
is to know about water.

But ask any serious scientist if he knows all about water

and you will find out that very little of waters functioning
mechanisms are fully understood.
A few examples

Have you ever asked

yourself any of the following
Question How do clouds form?
Water evaporates evenly into the atmosphere and condenses. But what is the force
or mechanism that pulls the tiny droplets of water together and forms them into a
cloud? This attraction of droplets into clouds occurs. We can all see it. But the
underlying mechanism is missing from all our science text books.
Question Wet vs Dry Sand.
Why is wet sand firm and dry sand loose? Wet sand can be used to create fantastic
sand sculptures whereas dry sand falls apart with no resistance. What mechanism
in water makes it act like glue?
Question Breaking concrete?
Tree roots are mainly water; we have all seen tree roots break apart concrete
pavements and walls. What is the mechanism in water that allows for the buildup
of enough pressure to break concrete?
Question Gelatin desserts
Gelatin and gelatin desserts are mainly water. Even within gels that consist of 99.95
percent water, we have little to no water leaking out of the gel. Why doesnt the
water leak out, what force is at work that keeps this together?
Question Walking on water?
Many insects can walk on water; a more outrageous example is the Jesus Christ lizard
found in Latin America. It can run from one end of a pond to the other, on top of the
water. Surface tension comes to mind as the scientific explanation. Surface tension,
however, is established by the top few molecules only. An honest look exposes that this
explanation lacks credibility. Is surface tension theory incomplete?
These are but a few examples of anomalies that lack
concrete explanations. This is probably why they are
referred to as anomalies. No one has had a good answer as
to why? Thus a multitude of opinions and theories can
develop as to why and how.
Laboratory mysteries

In a laboratory environment we
have more unanswered questions.
Question Water bridge?
For over a century we have been able to excite students and scientists by creating a
solid water bridge between two glasses. This is accomplished with an electrical
current. This exciting novelty has never been adequately explained. What process
allows fluid to take on this solid-like state?

Photo by Medical Physics Lab at Sharif University of

Question Why does vortexed water drop in temperature?
Vortexed water will drop as much as four degrees Celsius. What molecular action
allows water to drop up to four degrees below the temperature of the surrounding
environment when it is vortexed?

Vortices produce friction in water. Logic

tells us that friction produces heat; it
therefore follows that
a vortex should increase
the temperature
in water.
Question Exclusion zones?
Exclusion of particles next to surfaces: over the past few decades several
researchers have observed what is now called the exclusion zone. Tiny layers of
water near surfaces, that clear of any foreign particles. What is this phenomenon
and how does it form?

Photo Credits, professor Gerald H. Pollack,

Washington University
Many more unexplained laboratory phenomena can be
listed that seem to defy the laws of physics.

But do they defy the laws of physics? Or have we simply

been overlooking a basic principle of water behavior?
What do we know about water?
We do know the basic layout of the water molecule.
The single water molecule
has been extensively
studied. It consists of:

A single oxygen molecule

with a negative electrical
charge charge of -2.
Two hydrogen molecules
with a positive charge of
+1 each.
This gives us an evenly
balanced molecule: a
Open question:
How water molecules interact in a body of water is still up
for debate, and many theories fail the litmus test* as they
do not answer all questions or account for anomalies.

It could be said that for a

theory to be valid, it can
not violate the basic laws
of physics or nature.

A partially correct or
incorrect theory will have
exceptions to the rule.
A correct theory has no
exceptions to the rule.

*Litmus test: a decisively

indicative test.
Interaction of H2O molecules
We start to get workable answers the moment we
recognize the fact that water is capable of charge
Electrons and protons are
the elementary units of
They attract one another
_ +
because one is positive
and the other is negative.
Electrons and protons
play central roles in
waters behavior.
Groups of water molecules are capable of
charge separation, and can and do form
distinctly charged regions.

Negative region

Body of water

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering university of
Early scientific proof that water is capable of separating
charges came from Lord Kelvin with his invention of the
Kelvin Water Dropper in 1867.
Of note is that the
Kelvin Water Dropper
achieved charge
separation from a single
source of water.

Thousands of volts can

be generated by these
drops of water.

Credit: William Thomson, 1st Baron

How does charge separate in water?

Professor Gerald H. Pollack, of

Washington University, made a
breakthrough by isolating that negative
charge builds at the location where
water comes into contact with another
material or element.

How large this zone of negatively

charged water is depends on the
material it is in contact with.

The size of this negatively charged zone

of water depends on several factors. The
more hydrophilic (water-loving) the
material, the larger the negatively
charged zone.
This negatively charged zone of water has been named
exclusion zone water.
This image shows an enlargement of gel
in a dish of water.

The water has been contaminated with

microspheres to show any change of
state in the water.

As can be seen in the image, the

microspheres have been pushed away
from the surface, leaving an area free of
10 m

Water zone free Water

Gel surface from contamination: contaminated with
exclusion zone
Video link to Washington
university website Photo Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -
Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Another example of exclusion zone generating around
Nafion (an extremely hydrophilic material):

The size of the exclusion

zone in this image is
roughly 100 m.

This is the equivalent of

millions of layers of water

You can see that this is a

significant portion of
water that behaves
differently than the water
around it.
Exclusion zone
100 m.
Photo Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -
Professor of Bioengineering, University of
How do we know the exclusion zone is negatively charged?
Electrical potentials measured in the
vicinity of Nafion and PAAc gel surfaces.
A simple test of placing
an electrode in the +
exclusion zone water, and - - +
another electrode in the +
- -
main body of water -
beyond the exclusion
- - +
zone, produces evidence -
of charge potential. - - +
- +
- - +
Exclusion zone water -
holds negative charge.

Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -Professor

of Bioengineering, University of
Charge separation confirmed by current flow

Control Current vs. Time

Current flow between exclusion zone and water


Current (uA)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (s)

Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -Professor

of Bioengineering, University of
Another experiment with pH sensitive dye shows the same
Adding a pH sensitive dye pH-sensitive dye added to sample
to the water confirms the
negative charge of the -
exclusion zone.
The strongest positive
zone is right next to the
- H+ H+ H+
exclusion zone. Note that -
positive charge in water
diminishes the further -
away you get from the
exclusion zone.
White layer,
Nafion dye excluded

Photo Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
The exclusion zone forms next to the surface of objects
and materials in water.
Exclusion zone next to zinc
The exclusion zone forms
next to the entire surface Exclusion
of materials in water. Zone

Note how the Gel

microspheres have moved bead
beyond the exclusion
zone surrounding the gel

Microspheres in water
beyond exclusion zone
Photo Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -
Professor of Bioengineering, University of
What range of materials are excluded from the exclusion
There is a huge range of excluded particles.

Microspheres of all kinds and sizes were excluded, ranging in

size from 10 m down to 0.1 m: even red blood cells, several
strains of bacteria, and ordinary dirt particles.

The protein albumin was excluded, as were various dyes with

molecular weights as low as 100 daltons only a little larger
than common salt molecules.

The span between the largest to the smallest of the excluded

substances amounted to a thousand billion times.
Has this discovery of the exclusion zone been confirmed?
Yes, the following scientists have looked at these findings
and validated them:

FelixBlyakhman (Ural State University)

Wei-Chun Chin (U. Cal. Merced)
Toshio Hirai (Shinshu University)
Mark Banaszak Holl (Univ. of Michigan)
Tom Lowell (Vermont Photonics)
Diedrich Schmidt (Tsukuba)
Gerhard Artmann (Aachen)
David Maughan (U. Vermont)
Miklos Kellermayer (Budapest)
Fettah Kosar (Harvard)
Jacques Huyghe (Eindhoven)
Nikolay Bunkin (Moscow)
The exclusion zone grows over time.

10 seconds 2 minutes 5 minutes

gel gel Zonegel

Microsphere-exclusion zone (EZ) next to a gel surface.

The zone grows with time and then remains relatively

stable after about five minutes.

Photo Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
For work to be done or for motion to occur, energy is needed.

What form of energy

drives the growth of an
exclusion zone? Exclusion

Radiant energy (light)

builds exclusion zone. Gel

Any light source causes

it to expand.

Photo Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Light provides the energy to build exclusion zone.
Visible light as well as the non-visible spectrum of light produce
exclusion zone in water.

Infrared light at the 270 nm wavelength produces the largest exclusion


Conversely, a lack of light will cause the water molecules in the exclusion
zone to return to their neutral, chaotic state of regular water.

Videos of this experiment can be viewed online at:

The water molecule is dipole

By itself it has a neutral

Oxygen -2
Hydrogen +1
Two hydrogen
molecules produce a net
charge of +2, thus the
water molecule is evenly
balanced (dipole).
To get a negative charge, and to establish a stable zone in water
capable of holding this charge, something has to change.

Professor Pollack
suggests the following Exclusion
ordering of water Zone
molecules in hexagonal
sheets, which stack in
layers. Gel

A group of water
molecules interacting
this way would provide a
negative charge.

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
A hexagonal structure of sheets of ordered water
molecules is possible if a few hydrogen atoms are shared.

The construction of
hexagonal rings of water Exclusion
molecules results in Zone
each ring having a net
charge of -1.
A region of billions of
water molecules so
arranged would thus
explain how a region of
water can hold and
retain negative charge.

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Is there other evidence of this structure?

Ordered hexagonal sheets of water

In research by McGeoch JE,
McGeoch MW, Department of
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Exclusion
Harvard University: Zone
Sheets of water surrounding a
protein were photographed using
electron diffraction. The Gel
hexagonal arrangement of water bead
is clearly visible.

The full study can be found at:

esult.php?img=2500151_rsif2007 Entrapment of water by subunit c of ATP
1146f06&req=4 synthase. Photographed using
Electron diffraction.

Image Credit: McGeoch JE, McGeoch MW - J

R Soc Interface (2008), Department of
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard
More evidence in support of this

A slight shift of stacked exclusion zone

Exclusion zone water is layers allows for stable bonding.
denser and more tightly
arranged than regular water.

Possibility for stacking arises

through a slight shift in
position by each successive

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
This arrangement allows for helical stacking, which could
be relevant to biology.

The shift in stacking need

not be to the left or right, it
can shift any of the six
directions of the hexagon.
Such a shift would allow for
the helical stacking so
familiar to biology.

Is there more supporting

evidence of this? See the
next slide.

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Stable Water Cluster, photographed with an atomic force

Research at D&Y Laboratories

resulted in the discovery of the
stable water cluster. Stable water
clusters are made up entirely of
H20 molecules.

Note the double helix

arrangement of the crystallized
water molecules.

The stable water cluster is solid-

state at room temperature and
survives much higher
temperatures without
disintegrating. H2O Molecules clustering into a double
helix structure.
It is not a ice as we know it. Stable
water clusters do not return to
liquid state with a rise in

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Exclusion zone generates flow in tubes.

Another specialized Light acting on water

phenomenon is produced generates flow in tubes.
when light acts on water
inside a tube.

Exclusion zone building on

the inside of the tube
generates a flow of water
through the tube.

This flow is generated by the

release of hydrogen molecules
from the exclusion zone.

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Microspheres flowing through gel tube

The eclusion zone generates

a flow through tube

This basic finding affects

many biological processes.
Veins, arteries, and especially
capillary veins near skin
surfaces might make use of
this natural process.

Light acting on water generates flow in tubes.

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Direct light accelerates the flow of water through gel.

Shining a light on a gel tube

submerged in a dish of water
accelerates the flow of water
within the tube by five times.

This is additional evidence Gel
that light is the energy used EZ
to charge water.
This is probably a basic part of flow by 5X
the function of photosynthesis
in biological organisms.
Light accelerates the flow

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Why is all this information important?

It is fundamental to all
science and medicine involving
water, molecules, and light.
Biological implications
The exclusion zone grows around
organic matter.

- - -
- -- - -- -
Most cell water is exclusion zone

- -- - -
- -- - -
Cells are full of EZ water
(negative charge).

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
The cell has negative electrical potential.

-- - -
-- --- - - -
- - -
- -- - -

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
A sick cell has less negative potential.

- -
- -
- -
- -
Sick cell, less
EZ water?

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Other supporting information:

In all cases, the rate and extent of

ion transport across membranes is
influenced not only by the ion
concentrations on the two sides of
the membrane but also by the
voltage (i.e., the electric potential)
that exists across the membrane.

Molecular Cell Biology,

Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL, et al. Molecular Cell 4th edition
Biology. 4th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman;
2000. Section 15.4, Intracellular Ion Environment
and Membrane Electric Potential. Available from:
Relative energy potential of cell compared to its size

The magnitude of this electric potential is 70

mill-volts (mV) with the inside of the cell
always negative with respect to the outside.

This value does not seem like much until we

realize that the plasma membrane is only
about 3.5 nm thick.

Thus the voltage gradient across the plasma

membrane is 0.07 V per 3.5107 cm, or
200,000 volts per centimeter!

To appreciate what this means, consider that Molecular Cell Biology,

high-voltage transmission lines for electricity
4th edition
utilize gradients of about 200,000 volts per
Does biology use radiant energy?

The heart is responsible for Is radiant energy a factor in

pumping blood through proper circulation?
arteries and veins.

When we get to capillaries, we

have a dilemma.

Blood cells are bigger than

some capillary veins. Thus
there should be a large
resistance to their flow.

Blood pressure generated by

the heart is off by several
orders of magnitude to justify
regulation of flow through

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Blood flow influenced by exclusion zone

Blood flow is already commonly Blood cells squeezing through capillaries

known to be affected by infrared

It has been used for centuries to

either promote or inhibit the flow of
blood to body parts in the form of
heat or cold. Heat transfers in with
the infrared wavelength.

The common misconception is that

heat enlarges the capillaries. This
concept falls short when one looks
at the fact that a rise of a few
degrees in temperature does not
result in enough capillary expansion
to promote blood flow.

Generation of difference of
potential, however, does provide a
force capable of impelling blood
Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -
Professor of Bioengineering university of
Why are heat, sunlight and sauna therapeutic?

Heat, sunlight, and sauna provide

radiant energy.

Radiant energy builds exclusion

zone rapidly.

Exclusion zone water is good for cell

function. Properly functioning cells
are good for health.

As we have seen, exclusion zone

promotes flow in tube structures.
Thus it follows that radiant energy
promotes circulation in biological
organisms (including humans).

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Full research and additional information on the exclusion
zone and its principles can be found in these books:

The Fourth Phase ofWater by Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life
Gerald H. Pollack by Gerald H. Pollack
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Other advances in water and health

D&Y Laboratories specializes in

advanced research on water.

Over the past 15 years it has

made many advances.

One of these advances was the

discovery of the stable water

A stable water cluster is a highly

charged particle of several H2O
molecules, forming a solid unit
at room temperature.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Stable water clusters have the same dipole nature as
single water molecules.

The dipole of the stable

water cluster is however
much larger than the dipole
of a single water molecule.

Due to its larger charge

potential it is capable of
producing a much larger
effect than regular water, or
any other energized water.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Stable water clusters seem to have a rapid effects on
restoring correct electrical potential to blood cells

Here we see stacking of red blood cells in the image on the left. The stacking is
possibly caused by a weakening of electrical potential in the cells.
Twenty minutes after administering stable water clusters another blood sample is
drawn and examined (right hand image). We now see a noticeable change. Blood
cells have normalized.
Speed of recovery of course varies from patient to patient.
Over time similar results are generally observed.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Blood samples of a diabetic patient after 3 month time span

Continued daily administration of

stable water clusters over a three
month time span:
Top picture shows the condition of the
subjects blood cells before starting on
this program.
Bottom picture shows the condition of
subjects blood cells after 3 months on
the program.
A study done on a group of diabetic
patients in Mexico reported
improvements in every patient.
The greatest improvements where
evident in patients who followed
dietary advice as well. It was noted
that even those who violated their diet
improved, but not as much.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Thermal imaging also shows rapid changes in
Thermal imaging is used to detect
physiological changes.
Generally, diseased areas of the body
measure hotter than healthy areas. This
seems natural, as diseased areas are
usually inflamed.
Hundreds of thermal images have been
taken before and after the administration
of stable water clusters.
A rapid normalization of body temperature
is usually observed. And while
temperatures will return to elevated levels
until the person is wellness is achieved,
there appears to be an accelerated return
to health. In some cases the symptoms
entirely disappear through continued
intake of stable water clusters over time.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Arthritic conditions
Thermal imaging of a subject with
severely arthritic conditions:
Arthritic conditions appear to respond
particularly well to stable water
clusters. Thermal imaging before and
after their use shows drastic change in
the inflamed areas.
There is much anecdotal information
on the alleviation of this condition by
stable water clusters.
A logical explanation as to why this
might occur is presented in professor
Pollacks theory on joint friction (see
next slide).

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

Lubricating force created through charge separation

When two surfaces are separated from each

other by water the exclusion zone forms at each
Hydronium Ions (positive charge) are then
ejected into the center of the fluid. The two like
charges will reject each other.
Where the positive charge meet in the center of
the fluid, an opposing force is generated. This
keeps the surfaces from making contact with
one another.
This becomes more evident when you keep in
mind that cell walls create a million times more
charge potential (relative to their size) than is
used by high-voltage power transfer cables.
Thus friction can be reduced by
strengthening or increasing the exclusion

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -

Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Joint friction

Understanding this
principle allows us to
take a fresh approach to
the subjects of joint
friction, inflammation, Cartilage
and arthritic conditions.

Image Credit: Gerald H. Pollack, PhD -
Professor of Bioengineering, University of
Specific studies on autism.
Several studies have been done
with autistic children.
In general, the links between
immune and neurological
problems are acknowledged.
Thermal imaging of autistic
children shows these
pathological issues quite clearly.
Cytokines and other products of
immune activation have
widespread effects on neural Thermal image comparison before,
pathways. They can alter and 20 minutes after, the
behavior, mood and sleep. administration of stable water clusters.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

A set of autistic twins was put on a
program of stable water clusters for
six months. Changes in their
conditions were graphed.
By the fourth & fifth months there
was significant change:
Increase in speech, awareness and
cognition; better eye contact;
increased sleep. Anger and
aggression were remarkably
Thermal imaging done at regular Improvement of autistic
intervals of the twins showed condition.
increasingly normal temperatures.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

More studies.

Pasadena, California, USA - The first pilot study done in 2010 by D&Y
Laboratories with eleven autistic children over a three month period. All
of them made some improvement. 70% had significant improvement.

Panama City, Panama - Dr. Richard Velasquez tested thirteen autistic

children as well as their close family members. The first study ended at
the end of 2012, with improvement reported in every participant.
Details of the study were reported at the International Water and Health
Symposium held at the California Institute of Technology in 2013.

Nanjing, China A similar study done in Nanjing, China in 2012

reported a 70% improvement with the average autistic child.

Schenzhen, China Duplicate study that in Nanjing with similar results.

A study done on immune response and stable water
clusters by Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, produced the
following statement:

Stable water clusters may produce a

significant enhancement of immune
function in human beings. Larger studies
should be done with perhaps a broader
overview of immune function.

Dysfunctions of the immune system are

major factors in allergies, autoimmune
diseases, cancer and even atherosclerosis
and diabetes. The implications for
immune health are obvious.
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Founding President, American Holistic
Medical Association
Does water replace nutrients or vitamins?
Absolutely not.
Waters function is entirely different than that of vitamins, nutrients and
It is becoming abundantly clear that water functions in conjunction with
vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It is the catalyst, and energy provider
that allows cells to properly utilize supplements provided.
Over the last centuries we have heard many claims about the function
of miracle water. A lack of understanding of the underlying
biochemical process of the water molecule has been the barrier to
proper implementation and augmentation of the entirely natural energy
conversion process in biological systems.
The discovery of the exact functioning of the energy process inherent in
water provides a new avenue to better health.
Stable water clusters are available under the name
Double Helix Water

Why is it called Double Helix


It was named Double Helix

Water due the tendency of
stable water clusters to
aggregate into double helix
structures, as can be seen in the
image of it taken by D&Y
Laboratories with an atomic Stable water clusters in
force microscope. double helix structure.

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

More information
Much more can be said about
the properties of water and of
stable water clusters.

The information presented here

serves only as an introduction
to these new discoveries.

We welcome any questions

you may have.
Double Helix Water

Email: info@doublehelix-water.nl
Website: www.doublehelix-water.nl

Image Credit: D&Y Laboratories

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