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Water Quality Testing With Biological Indicators

Prepared to meet the task Course
Environmental pollution
Fostered by Dr. H. Sueb, Kes

Group 2 Environmental Biology 2015:

Anisa Meilia Ashoffi, Ayu Maulidya Agustiningrum, Filda Sherly Rahmani

The purpose of writing the article to know about the biological indicators of water pollution,
and the impact of water pollution. Malang State University. Faculty of Math and Science.
Department of Biology. Program S1 Biology. February 2017

Lecturer Email:

Student Email: (Anisa Meilia Ashoffi)


ABSTRACT. To determine the biological indicators of water pollution and determine the impact of
water pollution. Direct observation and sampling water at different temat namely in Kampung Tridi
Brantas river and on the river Wagir Kab. Poor. The water we use must be berstandart 3B is a colorless,
odorless and non-toxic. But we see a lot of water is cloudy and smells are often mixed with objects like
plastic garbage, organic waste, cans and sebagainnya. The equipment used is a stereo microscope, petri
dishes, buckets, dipper, a small fishing net, plastic trays, chart indicator observed biological and
materials are samples of river water. Makroorganisme observations and microorganisms were obtained
when the observation that the balloon tail damselfly, dwarf fly pupae, larvae of mosquitoes, spiders,
water and larval frogs. Based on these discussions can be concluded that the condition of the river in
Wagir Kab. Malang is cleaner than the river Brantas for diversity makroorganisme more than the
number of microorganisms in the Brantas river.
Keywords: pollution, water, indicators, biological

Presence of God we pray Almighty God for blessing abundance of grace and the
gift of his so I can prepare this paper on time. This paper discusses "WATER QUALITY
In preparing this paper, the authors got a lot of challenges and obstacles, but with
the help of various parties that challenge can be overcome. By him, the author would like to
thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this paper, may help get rewarded from
God Almighty.
The author realizes that this paper still far from perfection both of form and material
preparation. Criticisms and suggestions from readers so we expect to further refinement of
paper. Final words I hope this paper can provide benefits to us all.

Malang, February 13 2017



Earth consists of 1/3 parts of mainland where much of it is water. Water itself is
made up of rivers, seas, lakes, ponds, and so forth. Water plays an important role for hidupl
sentient life on this earth. Where all cells are living beings on this earth using water as a
medium for life. On the outside of the body of water of life also plays an important role.
Ketersediaa water is not only predictable enough for people who live in these places, but also
must be sufficient for the sake of diversity that exist in the area. Water pollution is a major
global problem that requires evaluation and revision of water resources policies at all levels
(from the international level to private water sources and wells). In everyday life we need
clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing and other purposes. The water we use
must be berstandart 3B is a colorless, odorless and non-toxic. But we see a lot of water is
cloudy and smells are often mixed with objects like plastic garbage, organic waste, cans and
sebagainnya. Sights like this often encountered in the flow of rivers, ditches and ponds. The
water is so-called dirty water or polluted water. Polluted water containing dangerous
substances that can cause adverse effects and harm us when consumption (Tyagaraju, 2016).
Each year the level of pollution in the environment are increasing with the rapid
growth of technology. Biological indicators can be used as an indicator of the level of water
pollution. Water pollution often we encounter every day. Water pollution will continue to
increase along with the development of industrial zones, everyday human, agricultural
activities, and transportation model. Liquid and solid waste that can not be processed
properly, the eventual disposal always discharged into a river or stream something. This is a
major cause of water pollution in addition to the growing public indifference to poor water
quality due to pollution of the water. With a growing number of individuals and the number
of water quality due to dwindling water pollution (Gibbons, 2013; Chakraborty, 2013).

1. To determine the biological indicators of water pollution
2. To determine the impact of water pollution

Direct observation and sampling water at different temat namely in Kampung Tridi
Brantas river and on the river Wagir Kab. Poor.

Tools and materials
Equipment: stereo microscope, petri dishes, buckets, dipper, a small fishing net, plastic trays,
biological indicator chart
Material: samples of river water
Water pollution is a change of circumstances in a shelter of water such as lakes,
rivers, oceans and groundwater due to human activities. Lakes, rivers, oceans and
groundwater is an important part of the human life cycle and is one part of the hydrologic
cycle. In addition to also drain the water drain sediment and pollutants. A wide variety of very
helpful functions of human life. The expediency of the lake, Sungi, oceans and ground water
is for agricultural irrigation, the raw materials of drinking water, as rain water drains and
sewage, even real potential as a tourist attraction (Currie, 2013).
Indonesian Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on Water Quality Management
and Control of Water Pollution President of the Republic of Indonesia Considering: 1. that
water is a natural resource that has a very important function for life and human life, as well
as to promote the general welfare, so the basic capital and main factor of development; 2. that
the water is an environmental component that is critical to the survival and life of humans and
other living creatures; 3. that in order to preserve the function of water necessary for water
quality management and water pollution control wisely by taking into account the interests of
present and future generations as well as the ecological balance; 4. Based on the
considerations referred to in paragraphs a, b, and c as well as to implement the provisions of
Article 14 paragraph (2) (Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001).

Biological indicators of water pollution

The amount of water biota that can live in these locations indicates the quality of the
water. The better the quality of the water, the water biota and ecosystems increasingly
numerous and diverse. Can be either of animals and plants that live around the river. This
indicates the high level of O2 contained in these waters. It was observed in 2 different
locations namely river in Kampung Tridi Brantas river and in the river Wagir Kab.
Unfortunate that there are significant differences in microscopic samples of water taken from
the river Brantas Kampung Tridi showed fewer microscopic animals such as damselfly tailed
dwarf balloon and fly pupae. It showed less diversity of plants in the area. It is inversely
proportional to the time of review macroscopically in the river Wagir Kab. Poor. Namely,

there are more diverse vegetation around rivers and streams macroscopic diverse animals
such as frogs larvae, mosquito larvae, and the water spider (Kelishadi, 2012).
Impact of Air Pollution Wide impact of water pollution, for example, can poison
drinking water sources, poisoned pet food, rivers and lakes ecosystem imbalance, destruction
of forests due to acid rain, and so on. In bodies of water, rivers and lakes, nitrogen and
phosphate (from farming) has led to the growth of aquatic plants that are out of control
(excessive eutrophication). This led to the explosive growth of oxygen, which should be
shared by all animals / plants water, is reduced. When the water plants die, their
decomposition suck up more oxygen. As a result, the fish will die, and bacterial activity
decreases. The impact of water pollution are generally divided into four groups, namely:

1. The impact on aquatic life

2. The impact on groundwater quality

3. The impact on health

4. Impact on environmental aesthetics

a. The impact on aquatic life

The number of substances in wastewater pollution will lead to decreased levels of
dissolved oxygen in the water. Thus resulting in a life of undisturbed water requires oxygen
and to reduce its development. As a result of the death of the bacteria, the water purification
process that should naturally occur in wastewater is also inhibited. By wastewater difficult to
decompose. Heat from the industry will also impact the death of the organism, if the waste
water is not cooled.
b. The impact on groundwater quality
Groundwater contamination by fecal commonly measured by faecal coliform has
occurred on a wide scale, as evidenced by a survey of shallow wells in Jakarta. Many studies
indicated the occurrence of such pollution.
c. The role of the health effects of water as the carrier of a contagious disease are various,
among others:
Water as a medium for microbial pathogen life,
Water as a nest of insects spreaders of disease,
The amount of water available is not sufficient, so that the man in question can not self-
Air sebaga media for disease vector life.

d. Impact on environmental aesthetics
With the increasing number of organic substances discharged into the aquatic
environment, it will increasingly polluted waters are usually characterized by a pungent odor
besides piles that can reduce environmental aesthetics. Problems of waste oils or fats may
also reduce the aesthetic environment.
Water pollution prevention To prevent contamination of water, in our activities to
meet the needs of life should not increase the occurrence of contaminants such as not
disposing of household trash, garbage hospitals, garbage / industrial waste indiscriminately,
do not throw into the water of the river, lake or to in the gutter. Do not use fertilizers and
pesticides unnecessarily, as residual pesticides and fertilizers will pollute the water in the
environment farmland. Not using phosphate detergents, since phosphates compound is food
for aquatic plants such as water hyacinth which can cause water pollution. Water pollution
has been occurring naturally for example the amount of heavy metals that enter and
accumulate in the human body, these heavy metals can poison the body through the digestive
organs because the body to eat plants that contain heavy metals although needed in small
quantities. Stacking these heavy metals occur in plants because of contamination by industrial
waste. To overcome in order to avoid accumulation of heavy metals, the industrial waste
processing should be performed before discharge into the environment. (Currie, 2013).

Pupa Flies Runt

Table 1 shows the classification of dwarf fly.

Flies dwarf usually short and slender, have adapted to the movement of air. TAGMA
first of flies, head, consisting of ocelli, antennae, compound eyes, and mouth parts (labrum,
labium, mandible and maxilla). TAGMA second, thoracic, hold the wings and have the flight

muscles in the second segment, the shape enlarged. The first and third sections is smaller. In
the third thoracic vertebra are halter, which helps balance the flies for fly. Further adaptations
to fly is a reduction in the number and concentration of nerve ganglion nerve tissue in the
thorax, a feature that is most different in infraordo Muscomorpha.
Flies have a head that can begergerak with eyes and most have large compound eyes
on the left and right side of his head, with three small ocelli on it. To control direction of
view, the coverage area of the optical analyzed by a group of neurons that are sensitive to
movement. one part of these neurons was used to estimate the parameters of its own motion,
such as yaw, roll, and turn. Neurons other material allegedly used to analyze the vision itself,
such as identifying the shape of a figure on the ground by using motion parallax. Shape
antennas vary, but often short to reduce the load when flying. No species of flies that have
teeth or or other organ that allows them to eat solid food. Flies only eat liquid food or small
granules, such as pollen, and parts of the mouth and digestive they show modifications that
varies according to the type of food. Tabanidae females using mandibular and maxillary like a
knife is used to make an incision across his skin and suck the blood of the host. Stomach
tabanidae including large diverticula, allowing the insect to deposit small amounts of liquid
after a meal (to Khairul, 2008).

Dragonflies needle Tails Balloon

Damselfly in shape long thin needle-like sleek wings damselfly fused always in an
upright position on its back while resting or perched on a branch plant. The life cycle from
egg begins damselfly. Generally after two days, the eggs will hatch and the larvae out
meninggalakn shell. Then the larvae will grow into nymphs and eventually become adult

dragonflies arum. Damselfly adult has a yellowish green color and black bodies. Habitat
widespread damselfly start along streams, ponds, wetlands, forests, fields, up to the yard.
Damselfly can be found on the beach or the area with an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea
level (Khairul, 2008).

Larva Frog

Once the frog eggs into larvae which then called the tadpoles, they will continue to rely
on the rest of the egg yolk first as a source of food until they are at least 7-10 days of age. At
the age of less than 7 days, the frog is still very weak and her organs have not been fully
formed. Until the age of 7-10 days, the tadpoles already has a perfect body organ and can
begin to feed itself in the form of aquatic algae. At this age Tadpoles breathe using gills until
at week 4 tadpole gills will begin to close by the skin and enter in the body so Lamba
gradually after becoming a young frog will begin to breathe using lungs and also begin to
form thin teeth. At week 6 tadpole is starting to show itself as the frog legs because began to
take shape. There are 4 foot two in front and two behind with a longer size. in this phase the
young frogs began to eat food in the form of insects, but insects are dead on and in the water
but still eat plants because not optimal in looking for insects. Until at week 9 is already a
tadpole frog has been transformed into young frogs (Khairul, 2008).

Mosquito larvae

Flick (or larva) is the larval stage of mosquitoes. Larva live in water and have a
closer behavior or "hang" on the surface of the water to breathe. The name "wiggler" comes
from the movement as it moves in the water. He is also known in local language as (en)
choke or uget-uget (Jw.). Flick were targeted in the control of mosquito populations that act
as vectors of disease transmitted by mosquitoes, such as malaria and dengue fever. In some
places, larvae were collected and used as feed the fish (Amri, 2008).

Spiders Water

Gerridae a group of predatory insects which are all included in the rate Gerridae. Its
members, about 340 species, many of which are difficult to distinguish. In the literature, also
known mistakenly as "water spider", although he was not a spider. The name "gerridae" itself
comes from the movement back and forth while afloat. These insects are very easily
recognizable because of his habit that is always running / jumping in the water. His
movements were quick, can reach 1.5 m / s. Most live in calm waters, but there are five types
(from clan Halobates) are known to live in the ocean's surface. Of surface water, gerridae
eyeing prey (usually other insects) near the surface. These animals became models in
biophysics research on the ability of the surface pressure in supporting the load.

There are two aspects of concern: the ability to float on the surface and the ability to
move forward quickly. Buoyancy comes from hairs are very small (microsetae) are arranged
in a certain direction with indentations in the nanometer size at the end of her leg and is
equipped with a layer of night (candles), but the hydrophobic effect is caused by the physical
structure of the leg than the layer of nights there. Note also, there is an effective contact angle
with water leg of 167.6 4.4 . Because of dense small hairs and indentations there, air
trapped in the structure and function as the "bearing" on the surface of the water. The ability
to move quickly also attracted the attention of scientists. To move, gerridae pressing the
surface of the water with a couple middle legs without penetrating the surface, forming
depressions in the surface. This basin deep enough to push the body of the insect forward. In
addition, some individuals may use the wings are sometimes possessed by these insects. In a
less favorable living conditions, gerridae tend not winged (Jiang, 2008)



Based on these discussions can be concluded that the condition of the river in Wagir Kab.
Malang is cleaner than the river Brantas for diversity makroorganisme more than the number
of microorganisms in the Brantas river.


To the readers of our paper please compare with books or other articles or other reliable


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